FL - Girl arrested for hitting teacher...

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Jan 17, 2004
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I think the mother should be in jail and the girl placed in a loving home. Her statement has me dumbfounded.!

From the Orlando Sentinel:

Sheriff's spokesman Gary Davidson said deputies had no choice but to arrest the girl Thursday. Her mother told deputies she had an appointment and "I don't have time for her . . . I don't care what you do with her," when they asked her to pick up the girl, he said.

"We couldn't leave her at the school. We didn't have a parent willing to pick her up," Davidson said. "We had no choice."

After the teacher, Jennifer Junk, told deputies she wanted to press charges, the girl was taken to the Volusia Regional Juvenile Detention Center.

According to a sheriff's report, the girl told deputies she got mad when Junk , an exceptional-student-education teacher, tried to discipline her for running around the classroom and drinking a behavioral specialist's drink without permission. The girl "got in her face," punched her and began kicking her in the shin.

This girl is only 9 !!!

I don't understand what is wrong with her mother....she doesn't have time!!! :banghead: Oh this just makes me sooo mad. And this is repetitive behavior from this child, attacking teachers. I think it's in this child's best interest to be removed from her home. Her mother apparently doesn't care what happens to her and has no interest in parenting or correcting her child's behavior.
As some here are only too well aware, a "special needs" child is a handful, to say the least. That having been said, it seems the mother in this case has given up completely. It is her JOB to help her child by whatever means necessary, counseling, discipline, community resources, whatever. I have a special needs grandchild and my daughter is constantly working with/for him in an effort to help him become a productive adult at some point, able to live on his own if possible. This woman may be overwhelmed, though I do not know that. At any rate, something needs to be done differently for/with this child.
If the mother does not have time for this child, what makes one think that she had time to do the work to raise this child. She just let the child do what ever she wanted, when she wanted, and never taught her boundaries.

It is much easier not to be a parent, then to do the work as a parent.

I have seen kids as young as 7 years old, who "run the house" because to give a child everything, never say no, never "raise" the child is much easier then to "put in the time and effort" and actually be an adult and raise a child and be a parent.

The mother knows the kid is a problem she created this problem, and now because she is being held accountable and responsible for the consequences, she says: I just don't have the time, and advocates her responsibility for the little monster she created. Now she is someone else's problem.......

This is not unusual, either the child is from a "family" of wealth, or a family that "does not parent" the child and "takes" the easy way out and does nothing and does not raise the child........

These are the kids that grow up, break the law, and then say: I was framed......it is all the fault of the victim. They made me do it, it all the fault of someone else.
I'd like to know what kind of person, a teacher would press criminal charges against a 9 year old child. This is really disgraceful to me, because I have dealt with some horrible teachers who work at the school where my grandsons who have problems attend. It sounds like the girl was in a special ed class with a bunch of fancy names. The special ed teachers at my school act like they are on drugs and have treated us all just horribly in trying to get out of giving the help that the law requires of them. They harassed me, insulted me, called CPS about ADHD med. changes, etc. etc. It took over 3 years to get the child the help that he needs and I was very involved, and all I got was the run around and outright lies. It is still lie after lie and ignoring federal laws by the school system. Last year, they compiled a bunch of "marks" against my grandson all year for every little thing, and then when there was a certain amount of marks tried to send him to an alternative school right at TAKS test time. They didn't fool me though and I refused because I knew that my grandson is in a small racial group and each racial group must pass the TAKS test in order to get their raises and extra money. They were trying to get rid of him for awhile. I think school systems teach the teachers how to do mean evil things to special needs kids and their care givers. (No offense to nice teachers). In this article, Richard Wexler said that "when this girls problems first began, she should have been offered intensive help". I say good luck with trying to get that help. I imagine this girl's mother was totally exasperated with the school and with the girl. They just want to get rid of her, get her taken away from her mother, or put into juvenile detention with criminals. I'd bet money that they did not get this child or offer any special needs help when she was much younger and the problems first began at school.
If this girl is allowed to "get away" with this, tell me what is next.......and then everyone always gives her a break, never hold her accountable and responsible.

So the Special Ed teacher was attempting to "consequence" the girl for her actions, running around the class, out of control. This would affect other kids, lead to lack of respect for the teacher, show the other kids that they can get away with it also and "set up the teacher" to have no control over her class or the kids.

I am sure that this is not the first time, this has happened and now the assault, oh what is next, taking something and hitting the teacher over the head, fracture skull, the child needs to know that "her behavior" is not acceptable to society, let alone the teacher.

If you allow a child like this to get away with things, once, twice, three times, then it becomes a pattern. I am more then sure that this girl does not listen, follow the rules, and the mother who has probably received "many" calls is now "indifferent" because she is "tired" of the school calling her all of the time.

If you do not "consequence" the seriousness of this, it will esculate. This child is out of control and the teacher should not be victimized by a "violent" child, no matter is she is special ed or not.

Too many parents allow kids to "slide" then they go to school and the school does not allow their behavior to "slide" and then the kids "feels" angry and frustrated because they cannot act in school as they do at home.

Please........she did this when she was angry, she will get bigger, and stronger and who knows who else will be on the "receiving" end of her anger if she does not learn that this is not appropriate "method" to display her anger.

You cannot "force" a parents to get help for their child, you cannot "make the parent" understand, you forcethis girl into counselling, or what ever.

But the court can mandate it..........hint, hint.

A problem ignored is a crisis invited.

My son came home in Grade 6 and made "off hand references" to a boy named Max. Max is mean, Max is not nice. Then one day: Max made me cry in class. Well red flags went up. My son was sitting in the front row of music class and Max was in the third row. Well Max "harassed" my son and reduced him to tears and my son relented and sat in the third row and Max now moved into the first row. The teacher was "briefly" out of the class.

Well to make a long story short. I brought this to the "attention" of the School, I had school policy in hand, told them "they are legally" required to do something about it. Zero tolerance for bullying. After the VP interviewed our son, it lead to 12 other kids who "experienced" Max and his two friends "bullying".

It started with one, then two and so on, until half the class was being bullied by Max and his two "coherts" and the school had no idea.

The school brought in cops, social workers, psychologists, and had an assembly to "address" the issue of bullying. They could have ignored it and done nothing and the problem could and would have continued to the detriment of the school, teachers, kids and parents. But they know that I "would not accept anything less" then proactive addressing of the issue.

If any other kids "even "think of assaulting a teacher in front of the class, they know that it will not be tolerated. Because it is not like it is the "last" time it will happen if "measures" are not taken to prevent it again. next time it could be a lot more serious. The Teacher has a right not to be assaulted at work by anyone including children.
CyberLaw said:
If this girl is allowed to "get away" with this, tell me what is next.......and then everyone always gives her a break, never hold her accountable and responsible.

So the Special Ed teacher was attempting to "consequence" the girl for her actions, running around the class, out of control. This would affect other kids, lead to lack of respect for the teacher, show the other kids that they can get away with it also and "set up the teacher" to have no control over her class or the kids.

I am sure that this is not the first time, this has happened and now the assault, oh what is next, taking something and hitting the teacher over the head, fracture skull, the child needs to know that "her behavior" is not acceptable to society, let alone the teacher.

If you allow a child like this to get away with things, once, twice, three times, then it becomes a pattern. I am more then sure that this girl does not listen, follow the rules, and the mother who has probably received "many" calls is now "indifferent" because she is "tired" of the school calling her all of the time.

If you do not "consequence" the seriousness of this, it will esculate. This child is out of control and the teacher should not be victimized by a "violent" child, no matter is she is special ed or not.

Too many parents allow kids to "slide" then they go to school and the school does not allow their behavior to "slide" and then the kids "feels" angry and frustrated because they cannot act in school as they do at home.

Please........she did this when she was angry, she will get bigger, and stronger and who knows who else will be on the "receiving" end of her anger if she does not learn that this is not appropriate "method" to display her anger.

You cannot "force" a parents to get help for their child, you cannot "make the parent" understand, you forcethis girl into counselling, or what ever.

But the court can mandate it..........hint, hint.

A problem ignored is a crisis invited.

My son came home in Grade 6 and made "off hand references" to a boy named Max. Max is mean, Max is not nice. Then one day: Max made me cry in class. Well red flags went up. My son was sitting in the front row of music class and Max was in the third row. Well Max "harassed" my son and reduced him to tears and my son relented and sat in the third row and Max now moved into the first row. The teacher was "briefly" out of the class.

Well to make a long story short. I brought this to the "attention" of the School, I had school policy in hand, told them "they are legally" required to do something about it. Zero tolerance for bullying. After the VP interviewed our son, it lead to 12 other kids who "experienced" Max and his two friends "bullying".

It started with one, then two and so on, until half the class was being bullied by Max and his two "coherts" and the school had no idea.

The school brought in cops, social workers, psychologists, and had an assembly to "address" the issue of bullying. They could have ignored it and done nothing and the problem could and would have continued to the detriment of the school, teachers, kids and parents. But they know that I "would not accept anything less" then proactive addressing of the issue.

If any other kids "even "think of assaulting a teacher in front of the class, they know that it will not be tolerated. Because it is not like it is the "last" time it will happen if "measures" are not taken to prevent it again. next time it could be a lot more serious. The Teacher has a right not to be assaulted at work by anyone including children.
Well said!

As a teacher, if I was assaulted in my classroom I would press charges. Everybody has the right to work in a safe environment, even teachers!
Mr. E said:
Well said!

As a teacher, if I was assaulted in my classroom I would press charges. Everybody has the right to work in a safe environment, even teachers!
My daughter is in an alternative school run by the county school system. It's for kids who want a career in computers and is a pilot program with Microsoft. I had assumed the kids would be well behaved Geeks - but my daughter is appalled at the language and disrespect these kids give the teachers - but MORE appalled that the teachers do nothing about it.

I don't know if they are scared to lose the program, afraid the law won't be on their side or what.
Maybe she pressed charges to get a judge involved so the child could get further help. She could be hoping that a judge will require the mom to either step up and address the problem or relinquish custody.

This was the 4th time in 10 days this child assaulted this teacher! I'd press charges too. And this child was accused of battery 15 times last year. This child desperately needs help and it seems clear her mom isn't a parent.
ljwf22 - OMG, thank you for the numbers, I am shocked, this "child is only" 9 and was "accused of battery 15 times last year alone. Now 4 times in 10 days I would assume 10 days is two weeks(5 school days a week) so she has battered the teacher twice in one week.

Yeah, she really needs help and I hope, I really do, that the courts "order" her into counselling, anger control or what ever it takes to protect society and to help this child become a "productive" adult instead of living behind bars when she really, harms someone seriously. I hope that maybe this could be "family" counselling, her Mom seems to need it also.

A kid in Grade 5 was suspended for a day for swearing at a teacher. If a child hurts another child or teacher, they are suspended and/or expelled depending on the "decision" of a School Board Committee.

I don't know, but my feeling is that this may "be learning" by example, as in learned behavior and she has "seen" or experienced" this method of "expressing" anger from an adult, oh let me take a guess, Mom.
When I was 8 months pregnant, a 1st grade boy threatened (unprovoked) to punch me in the stomach and kill my baby. I was student-teaching at the time.

I did not know what I was allowed to do, or what would keep him from threatening others in the future. I *did* haul his butt to the side of the room and say some pretty threatening things back to him - which was probably inappropriate, but - I was shocked - didn't know what to do.

I wonder, sometimes, if he went on to threaten or carry out threats on other teachers as he got older or if I stopped him in his tracks with my words.
CyberLaw said:
If the mother does not have time for this child, what makes one think that she had time to do the work to raise this child. She just let the child do what ever she wanted, when she wanted, and never taught her boundaries.

It is much easier not to be a parent, then to do the work as a parent.

I have seen kids as young as 7 years old, who "run the house" because to give a child everything, never say no, never "raise" the child is much easier then to "put in the time and effort" and actually be an adult and raise a child and be a parent.

The mother knows the kid is a problem she created this problem, and now because she is being held accountable and responsible for the consequences, she says: I just don't have the time, and advocates her responsibility for the little monster she created. Now she is someone else's problem.......

This is not unusual, either the child is from a "family" of wealth, or a family that "does not parent" the child and "takes" the easy way out and does nothing and does not raise the child........

These are the kids that grow up, break the law, and then say: I was framed......it is all the fault of the victim. They made me do it, it all the fault of someone else.

Good post. I don't think we're dealing with a wealthy family in this particular case. The median income in that county is about $35,000 or so. Just so I would have something to compare it with, I searched the median income for my county and it was $65,000+, and we're not one a "rich" county by any stretch of the imagination. My feeling in this case is that mom probably works and doesn't have much help and/or assistance from a father or other close relatives. This little girl seems to be falling through the cracks. Shame.
How sad that a 9 Y/O did this, I thought it would be a teen. I have to wonder if the mother has been abusive or she has witnessed her mother being abused and learned that it was acceptable.
2sisters said:
How sad that a 9 Y/O did this, I thought it would be a teen. I have to wonder if the mother has been abusive or she has witnessed her mother being abused and learned that it was acceptable.

I think you're right. They tend to emulate what they see at home. For instance, in my home striking another person isn't allowed EVER. That includes parents striking children. If its a routine part of their lives, they think nothing of doing it to others.
Jeana (DP) said:
I think you're right. They tend to emulate what they see at home. For instance, in my home striking another person isn't allowed EVER. That includes parents striking children. If its a routine part of their lives, they think nothing of doing it to others.
Yeah, for example when I was little I thought everyones dad drank a 12 pack a night.
Jeana (DP) said:
I think you're right. They tend to emulate what they see at home. For instance, in my home striking another person isn't allowed EVER. That includes parents striking children. If its a routine part of their lives, they think nothing of doing it to others.
THis isn't always the case. I have a 5 yr old that has uncontrolable violent outburst, and he did NOT learn it from home. I have tried everything to rectify his behavior and so far with no luck. I can see how a mother could be at whits end and just say " I give up, I have tried, do what you must with this child"
I guess also it comes down to the "self control" and a person's reaction to a particular circumstance. We always tell our kids: it is your reaction that you are in control of......no one makes you react in a particular way. You choose to behave that way, and it shows your character.

But in the end, it does not matter as much why this child did what she did. Just that she has "concrete" consequences and gets the help, even if it is help and meds so that she can control her anger.

Because kids seem to be getting younger and younger who commit serious, often fatal crimes against another person.

But 15 Battery allegations, and 4 times in two weeks tells me that at this point it "appears" serious, at this age, can you imagine in 2-4 years if this child is not mandated into treatment by the courts what her "conduct" may be like.

I sort of feel sorry for her as a child is a product(usually) of their environment and some one, may have done this child wrong, but then again the Teacher, any teacher cannot work in a "hostile" and "violent" environment and does not deserve to "be frightened" by children or harmed by kids.
teonspaleprincess said:
THis isn't always the case. I have a 5 yr old that has uncontrolable violent outburst, and he did NOT learn it from home. I have tried everything to rectify his behavior and so far with no luck. I can see how a mother could be at whits end and just say " I give up, I have tried, do what you must with this child"

That's too bad. If the child is that disruptive, then she needs to be removed from the class. Its not fair to the teacher or the other children to have the constant drama that can be created during these situations.

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