VT - Man eats hamburger parked in the middle of the interstate with no lights

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Jan 11, 2006
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A Vermont man was parked in the middle of the interstate at night with his lights off. He claimed that he did not know that he was on the interstate.

This young man had somene watching over him!! He could have been killed or been the cause of death to others.

dark_shadows said:
A Vermont man was parked in the middle of the interstate at night with his lights off. He claimed that he did not know that he was on the interstate.


HAHAHA, I have a funny one that happened to me. This was back in the 70's - we were driving all around South Texas - doing elicit drugs, etc., bahahaha - anyway, it got really late at night and was dark and we were tired and we just pulled off to the side of this road - there was no traffic - so we got out our sleeping bags (there were four of us) and just plopped them down on the side of the road and fell asleep (aka passed out).

ANYWAY, the next morning we are awoken by TRAFFIC - tons and tons of TRAFFIC whizzing by, and there we are, not more than 10 feet off the main road in our sleeping bags. Turned out that at night it was a 2 a.m. in the morning it is a dead highway, but during the day - whizz whizz whizz. We were WIDE AWAY AT 6 A.M., LOL.
Sorry, I do realize the gravity of the situation, but my immediate thought upon reading this title was sort of Groucho Marx-like: What was a hamburger doing parked in the middle of the interstate with no lights on? Don't be angry with me, it was just my initial reaction. Can't you just see Groucho waggling his cigar while saying that?
Opie said:
Sorry, I do realize the gravity of the situation, but my immediate thought upon reading this title was sort of Groucho Marx-like: What was a hamburger doing parked in the middle of the interstate with no lights on? Don't be angry with me, it was just my initial reaction. Can't you just see Groucho waggling his cigar while saying that?
I thought that too, I never had a hamburger with lights.:eek:
I am delighted that this idiot was not the cause of some other person's demise or injury. Him I don't give a fig about.
You guys are too funny! I, too, am glad no one was hurt, but this is just a riot. Had an acquaintance pulled over on the NJ Turnpike in the 70s for going 7 MPH, smae story I'm sure.
lisafremont said:
I am delighted that this idiot was not the cause of some other person's demise or injury. Him I don't give a fig about.
When I was 16, I was a passenger in a car my friend was driving. We were driving down a dark, fairly desolate road. What we didn't know was that there was a drunk, parked in the road, with his lights off. Of course, my friend didn't see him in time to stop. We hit him doing full on, and we were doing 65 mph. I know how fast we were going because the speedometer was stuck at 65 mph afterwards. Being dumb and 16, neither one of us was wearing our seat belts. The steering wheel actually saved my friend from very serious injuries, but I wasn't as lucky, and I went through the windshield. At the time of the accident, my foot was perched on the dashboard in front of me, and my entire leg was forced through the glovebox and dashboard, which broke every single bone in my foot and fractured the leg bones. By the time I regained conciousness, I could feel the shards of glass in my eyeballs each time I blinked, and each time I breathed in I could feel the shards of glass being sucked down my nose into my throat and lungs. I remember I was wearing white pants, and as I looked down on my lap, all I could see was a huge stream of blood pouring from my face and head onto my white pants. I also remember wondering WTF just happened, and looking through the busted windshield to see the drunk get out of his car (he was fine), reach through his back door window, and grab another beer, opened it up, and sat there and drank it---didn't even bother to see if we were allright. Luckily, other passersby stopped & held him there long enough for the police to get there. After many facial plastic surgeries (reconstructive) and surgeries to my leg, and a month in ICU, I still have the scars, both physical and emotional. We were listening to a particular song on the radio full blast when the accident happened, and still to this day I cannot be in a vehicle and listen to that song. It was "Living on Prayer" by BonJovi, and the lyrics almost echo the accident, because the song starts out with breaking glass noises, and we were halfway home. Creepy.

Sorry for the novel. This thread title brought back some icky memories----
Oh, julianne. That is terrible. I am so glad you survived. Drunk drivers may not be the worst, but high on the list, in my book.They have absolutely no regard for anyone else at all. It's all about what they decide to do.
Thank God you survived, Juliane. Your story makes me sad and angry at the same time. These selfish people need to be OFF THE ROAD!! Every time I hear of these DUI creeps who have multiple license-suspensions I have to wonder why they aren't kept from behind the wheel. The solution would seem to be that their cars must be confiscated. That might get through to them. Something has to.
We have had a couple of really bad drunk driver accidents in my state, including one where 2 college students were killed and the third student in the car injured seriously. The idiot had multiple DUI's, etc. His girlfriend had let him use her car. There were people posting on a message board that they couldn't understand why everyone was picking on this guy, as there are a lot of other drunk drivers out there. Then there were the usual remarks about how he was really a nice guy. Suuuuurrre he is. He finally was sentenced to prison and I believe the gf received a penalty of some sort for furnishing the vehicle.
julianne said:
When I was 16, I was a passenger in a car my friend was driving. We were driving down a dark, fairly desolate road. What we didn't know was that there was a drunk, parked in the road, with his lights off. Of course, my friend didn't see him in time to stop. We hit him doing full on, and we were doing 65 mph. I know how fast we were going because the speedometer was stuck at 65 mph afterwards. Being dumb and 16, neither one of us was wearing our seat belts. The steering wheel actually saved my friend from very serious injuries, but I wasn't as lucky, and I went through the windshield. At the time of the accident, my foot was perched on the dashboard in front of me, and my entire leg was forced through the glovebox and dashboard, which broke every single bone in my foot and fractured the leg bones. By the time I regained conciousness, I could feel the shards of glass in my eyeballs each time I blinked, and each time I breathed in I could feel the shards of glass being sucked down my nose into my throat and lungs. I remember I was wearing white pants, and as I looked down on my lap, all I could see was a huge stream of blood pouring from my face and head onto my white pants. I also remember wondering WTF just happened, and looking through the busted windshield to see the drunk get out of his car (he was fine), reach through his back door window, and grab another beer, opened it up, and sat there and drank it---didn't even bother to see if we were allright. Luckily, other passersby stopped & held him there long enough for the police to get there. After many facial plastic surgeries (reconstructive) and surgeries to my leg, and a month in ICU, I still have the scars, both physical and emotional. We were listening to a particular song on the radio full blast when the accident happened, and still to this day I cannot be in a vehicle and listen to that song. It was "Living on Prayer" by BonJovi, and the lyrics almost echo the accident, because the song starts out with breaking glass noises, and we were halfway home. Creepy.

Sorry for the novel. This thread title brought back some icky memories----
Hi Julianne,:)
I am very sorry that you went through so much. I am sorry that the thread brought up bad memories for you. i want to thank-you for posting.
Thanks dark_shadows, lisafremont, and opie.....Thanks for the kind words. It really was a miracle, or something, that I survived. When my friend went to the junkyard a week after the accident to get her personal belongings from the car, the guy told her that he was sorry her friend died----that was ME he was talking about!!!! I guess from the condition of the car, he assumed it was fatal to the passenger, me, but he was really surprised when she told him I lived and was in the hospital.

What's really strange is that I was CONVINCED that I was going to die, because after I regained conciousness, I looked out the window at some point and saw MY MOM standing about 10 feet away, holding her hand over her mouth, crying with a horrified look on her face. I felt as if I was looking down and watching it all, because she wasn't with us. Turns out, one of the people who stopped was a nice lady, and while I was still knocked out, she recognized we were young girls & she asked my friend where we lived. My friends mom was out of town for the weekend, so my friend told the lady where I lived. The lady left the accident scene, raced to find my house, and knocked on my door---she told my mom that her daughter was in a very serious car accident & she needed to come now. At first my mom thought she was crazy, but realized the woman was not joking. The lady drove my mom to the accident scene because my mom was too hysterical to drive herself. So, when I saw my mom there, it just convinced me that I was going to die, I thought she was like a mirage or something....you know how they say your life flashes before you......I just figured it was my time---I had no idea that she was actually there in reality!!!

Oh boy, again, a novel.....OK, I'm done. Well, I guess I don't have to tell anyone that I have no sympathy for drunk drivers and the havoc and wrecked lives they cause....
julianne said:
Thanks dark_shadows, lisafremont, and opie.....Thanks for the kind words. It really was a miracle, or something, that I survived. When my friend went to the junkyard a week after the accident to get her personal belongings from the car, the guy told her that he was sorry her friend died----that was ME he was talking about!!!! I guess from the condition of the car, he assumed it was fatal to the passenger, me, but he was really surprised when she told him I lived and was in the hospital.

What's really strange is that I was CONVINCED that I was going to die, because after I regained conciousness, I looked out the window at some point and saw MY MOM standing about 10 feet away, holding her hand over her mouth, crying with a horrified look on her face. I felt as if I was looking down and watching it all, because she wasn't with us. Turns out, one of the people who stopped was a nice lady, and while I was still knocked out, she recognized we were young girls & she asked my friend where we lived. My friends mom was out of town for the weekend, so my friend told the lady where I lived. The lady left the accident scene, raced to find my house, and knocked on my door---she told my mom that her daughter was in a very serious car accident & she needed to come now. At first my mom thought she was crazy, but realized the woman was not joking. The lady drove my mom to the accident scene because my mom was too hysterical to drive herself. So, when I saw my mom there, it just convinced me that I was going to die, I thought she was like a mirage or something....you know how they say your life flashes before you......I just figured it was my time---I had no idea that she was actually there in reality!!!

Oh boy, again, a novel.....OK, I'm done. Well, I guess I don't have to tell anyone that I have no sympathy for drunk drivers and the havoc and wrecked lives they cause....
Dear julianne.....:blowkiss:

All of my Respect to you,
And what about wearing seat belts, juliane? And what other wisdom might you have acquired as a good thing to come out of something horrific? What can you tell us? TIA!

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