Wis. Couple Have Baby at Nearly 100 Mph


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Nov 3, 2005
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ASHLAND, Wis. (AP) - Jereme Tauer Jr. was born at almost 100 mph as his parents hurtled down U.S. Highway 2 in northernmost Wisconsin in a Dodge Neon. His parents, Jereme and Lisa Tauer of Hurley, managed the birth without a doctor, pain medication or even stopping the car.

"We were just shocked," said the baby's grandmother, Billi Tauer of Hurley. "When (her son) called, he was so excited, and we thought it was just over the birth. He's like, 'Ma, ma, ma, we have a boy! We have a boy, we have a boy - and, and, and, you're not going to believe - he was born in this car!"
That almost happened to me with my second baby. I was only in labor for about 45 min when we left for the hospital. My husband got pulled over for going 85 in a 30. The police officer escorted us to the hospital. He was nice and didn't give him a ticket:)
It will be a good story to tell the grandkids.:)
They ought to make Dodge the kids middle name.
I'd be angry at my husband for risking my life and our babies life by driving that fast.
I'd be angry at my husband for risking my life and our babies life by driving that fast.

If I was in labor, I'm not so sure I'd know what was happening! lol

Yeah, I think that's a little fast too. I went 75 today to get around a slow-poke semi and that was fast enough for me! Can't imagine 100 mph, in a shaky Dodge Neon, no less!

With my first baby, our car broke down and my brother came in the middle of the night to take us to the hospital. He stopped at every friggin light there was, except for the flashing ones, and yes he slowed down for those! :rolleyes:
I agree with Maybe So..

The only thing about this story that makes me smile is that the baby lived.
This story could have been very very tragic.

I just don't understand why he could not slow down and pull over.
When his wife said she had to push he should have pulled over.
And these people are going to be responsible parents???
I guess it depends on where you live. In Atlanta you will make people mad if you are only going 75, and you'd better not be doing that in the left lane.
I had to laugh reading that........
My daughter called me to take her to the hospital with baby #2.
We barely made it to the hospital...we got in the door & 3 minutes later the baby was born. I was scared to death. :doh:

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