Small Foreign Faction...

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[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Awhile back, a read a number of posts from different posters, regarding the lack of knowledge of terrorists or terrorism, before 9/11. They were wondering, since terrorism was unheard of before 9/11, how then could the Ramsey ransom note made reference to a Small Foreign Faction. Apparently, some of us (and I am ashamed to admit...myself included) had apparently forgotten about the Oklahoma City Bombing. Although it was carried out by an American, Timothy McVeigh, it was thought at first, to be the work of terrorists. This happened in April 1995, only 1 and 1/2 years before JB's murder. Could this be the reason that the Ramsey's (imo) used the words Small Foreign Faction? Were they REALLY trying to pin this on terrorists, at first...only to realize how ridiculous it sounded, and then pointed their finger at every single person they knew, or came into contact with? Did they get the idea for the words "Small Foreign Faction" from the OK City Bombings? [/FONT]​


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+3]Bill of Right in Action[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Fall 1995 (11:4)[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Updated July 2000[/FONT][/SIZE]

This special edition of Bill of Rights in Action focuses
on issues raised by the Oklahoma City bombing.
U.S. Government: The Aftermath of Terror
World History: Terrorism: How Have Other Countries Handled It? How Should We?
U.S. History: Conspiracy Theories: Attacks on Jefferson Set the Pattern
U.S. Government: Talk Radio: Playground for Free Speech or a Forum for Hate?
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Aftermath of Terror[/FONT]
On April 19, 1995, a large bomb exploded in front of the nine-story Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City. The explosion claimed the lives of 168 people, 19 of them children. News of the tragedy spread quickly. Based on early media reports, rumors flew speculating that foreign terrorists had set off the bomb. Representatives of Arab and Muslim Americans reported threats and feared retaliation. Rescue workers performed heroically until all hope for trapped survivors was lost. On television vast numbers of Americans watched as the people of Oklahoma City grieved and buried the victims of the most deadly example of terrorism in U.S. history. As the grim business of recovering bodies continued, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies launched a massive investigation to bring the killers to justice. Domestic terror had scarred the heart of America.

Behavioral Scientist Robert Ressler believes that she used the foreign faction to make it look like there were more people involved in this "kidnapping/murder" than there really were.
Behavioral Scientist Robert Ressler believes that she used the foreign faction to make it look like there were more people involved in this "kidnapping/murder" than there really were.

Why make them "foreign"? That's why I was thinking she got the idea from the OK. City Bombings, a year and a half before JB was killed, when the word Foreign Terrorists became popular.
Why make them "foreign"? That's why I was thinking she got the idea from the OK. City Bombings, a year and a half before JB was killed, when the word Foreign Terrorists became popular.

it's been around somewhat back in '85 when Doc in the movie 'Back to the Future',said he got the plutonium from libyan terrorists.
but yes,it seems the bombing probably could have gotten those words into our vocab. more.I was going to say the 1st world trade center attack too,was that in '93?
Small Foreign Faction sounds more like advice received, than imagination?

Anyway which Small Foreign Faction kidnaps a 6-year old girl, then decides to sexually assault her, then redress her so to hide it, and leaves her at the location from which she was allegedly kidnapped, duh?

it's been around somewhat back in '85 when Doc in the movie 'Back to the Future',said he got the plutonium from libyan terrorists.
but yes,it seems the bombing probably could have gotten those words into our vocab. more.I was going to say the 1st world trade center attack too,was that in '93?

I remember that, but don't remember when it happened. I believe that Ok City Bombings caused the word terrorist and terrorism to be in our vocabulary, because of all the death and destruction that it caused...not to mention the daycare center that was inside of the Alfred P. Murrah Building. I don't believe that the first World Trade Center attack, caused as much destruction as the bombing in OK. I believe that the OK City Bombing brought terriorism and terrorists to the forefront...and to the attention of the American people. AND THEN there was 9/11.......
Small Foreign Faction sounds more like advice received, than imagination?

Anyway which Small Foreign Faction kidnaps a 6-year old girl, then decides to sexually assault her, then redress her so to hide it, and leaves her at the location from which she was allegedly kidnapped, duh?


I think that actually John helped with that letter by dictating some parts of it to Patsy, just like he always helped with their Christmas letter that they sent out every year.

EXACTLY!! "Duh"...I couldn't have put it better myself.

I think that actually John helped with that letter by dictating some parts of it to Patsy, just like he always helped with their Christmas letter that they sent out every year.

and the liturgy she said they composed together.I suspect that's why there were so many pages missing from the tablet..I bet if they'd been found,JR's version would be on some of them.
and the liturgy she said they composed together.I suspect that's why there were so many pages missing from the tablet..I bet if they'd been found,JR's version would be on some of them.

I think so too. I believe that those pages were flushed down the toilet. I wonder if the practice page that was found, was dusted for fingerprints?
Awhile back, a read a number of posts from different posters, regarding the lack of knowledge of terrorists or terrorism, before 9/11. They were wondering, since terrorism was unheard of before 9/11, how then could the Ramsey ransom note made reference to a Small Foreign Faction. Apparently, some of us (and I am ashamed to admit...myself included) had apparently forgotten about the Oklahoma City Bombing. Although it was carried out by an American, Timothy McVeigh, it was thought at first, to be the work of terrorists. This happened in April 1995, only 1 and 1/2 years before JB's murder. Could this be the reason that the Ramsey's (imo) used the words Small Foreign Faction? Were they REALLY trying to pin this on terrorists, at first...only to realize how ridiculous it sounded, and then pointed their finger at every single person they knew, or came into contact with? Did they get the idea for the words "Small Foreign Faction" from the OK City Bombings?

It might be simpler than that, Ames. I was cleaning the pool one day in the week immediately after Patsy's death, thinking about this very thing, when it hit me like a bolt from the sky. Yes, I am among many who have pointed out that we as Americans didn't know much about terrorism before 9/11. But, apparently, neither did the RN author! The name "Osama bin Laden" had just started to become well-known in the US that summer (of '96).

Here's an excerpt from a comedy site on this:

A very well appointed kitchen. BURKE, a young boy, is sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal. PATSY, a plumb woman with dark hair and pasty skin, wearing an outfit too dressy for breakfast, enters the room. She is furiously scribbling on a yellow legal pad.

What are you doing Mommy?
I'm trying to decide what happened to JonBenet.
Last time I saw her she was playing doctor with Daddy.
Eat your cereal!
PATSY continues to muse while writing on a pad.
Maybe she ran away. No, that makes me look like a bad mother. Maybe..she has been kidnapped by a molester!
I'm not talking to you!
PATSY scratches out words on her pad.
Maybe...she has been kidnapped by a colored man!
You mean like Susan Smith's kids?
I said eat your cereal. No, that didn't work. Besides, I keep forgetting we're not in Atlanta. Like we have colored men in Boulder! I mean, HELLO? Never around when you need 'em . . .
PATSY scratches out more words.
Oh, I know! She was kidnapped by Osama Bin Laden. Burke, do you know, is it Ben or Bin Laden?
I don't know.
I don't either. I hate foreign people and the silly names they call themselves. JonBenet was - -

PATSY strikes through the words she has just written.
JonBenet was taken by....I'm just going to go with Foreign Faction.
PATSY writes these words on the pad.
Foreign Faction. I like that. Maybe they'll bomb Libya again.
PATSY laughs. BURKE winces.

Here's the whole thing:

But I warn you: take the kids out of the room before reading it, and I am deadly serious about that!
It might be simpler than that, Ames. I was cleaning the pool one day in the week immediately after Patsy's death, thinking about this very thing, when it hit me like a bolt from the sky. Yes, I am among many who have pointed out that we as Americans didn't know much about terrorism before 9/11. But, apparently, neither did the RN author! The name "Osama bin Laden" had just started to become well-known in the US that summer (of '96).

Here's an excerpt from a comedy site on this:

Here's the whole thing:

But I warn you: take the kids out of the room before reading it, and I am deadly serious about that!

Not exactly a "Very BRADY Christmas" it? Personally, I can imagine this scene actually happening:

PATSY looks down at the little girl and reads from index cards.

    • Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Ask him to raise our daughter. Pray for JonBenet. How's that?
    • I like that religious stuff. In fact, let's do it by the Christmas tree so more people will hear you.
    • Oh, they'll hear me all the way to Denver!
I think so too. I believe that those pages were flushed down the toilet. I wonder if the practice page that was found, was dusted for fingerprints?

good thought,I don't know.PR admitted writing it tho,saying it was for something else..the Mr and Mrs I page.(was thought to have said mr and mrs ramsey,had it continued).for some reason,they chose to address it to only JR.I guess to call less attn to PR,since she was the one writing it.
Not exactly a "Very BRADY Christmas" it? Personally, I can imagine this scene actually happening:

PATSY looks down at the little girl and reads from index cards.

    • Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Ask him to raise our daughter. Pray for JonBenet. How's that?
    • I like that religious stuff. In fact, let's do it by the Christmas tree so more people will hear you.
    • Oh, they'll hear me all the way to Denver!

LOL.I've always thought it sounds very rehearsed.I think that's why she didn't get up immediately after JB was brought up from the sick as it sounds,I think she was waiting for her to be laid down so she could start her drama scene.
Nine pages missing....unbelievable! I am 99.9% certain Patsy wrote the note.

This is what Steve Thomas writes...

Chet Ubowski at the CBI had pulled startling information from the tablet belonging to Patsy Ramsey. By comparing tear patterns, Ubowski had determined that the first twelve pages were missing and the next four - pages 13 through 16 - contained doodles and lists and some miscellaneous writing.

But the next group of pages, 17 through 25, were also missing from the tablet. The following page, 26, was the practice ransom note (Mr. and Mrs. I) and that page showed evidence of ink bleedthrough from the missing page 25.

Comparisons of the ragged tops of the ransom note pages with the remnants left in the tablet proved that it had come from pages 27, 28, and 29.

To me, being able to prove that the ransom note came from her tablet was an incredible piece of evidence.

Furthermore, the ink bleedthrough discovered on page 26 indicated that perhaps still another practice note could have been written on page 25 and been discarded. Two possible practice notes and one real one covering three pages led me to believe that the killer had spent more time in the house composing the ransom note than we originally thought.

But even more significant, it seemed clear that whoever wrote it was unafraid of being caught in the house. We never found the missing pages.

Steve Thomas IRMI, hardback pages 73-74...
good thought,I don't know.PR admitted writing it tho,saying it was for something else..the Mr and Mrs I page.(was thought to have said mr and mrs ramsey,had it continued).for some reason,they chose to address it to only JR.I guess to call less attn to PR,since she was the one writing it.

Does anyone know if the page that was found...(I do remember her saying that it was a practice sheet for an invitation that they were going to send out, or that they HAD sent out...maybe, for their Christmas party, or something), was compared to the ransom note? I wonder if the letters were the same. She admitted to writing the start of the invitation...Mr. and Mrs....but, she wrote that ransom note too. And I feel sorry for the people that believe her, when she says that it was the beginning of an invitation. In reality, it was the beginning of the ransom note, and she decided to just put MR. Ramsey, instead of Mr. AND Mrs. Ramsey. imo
Does anyone know if the page that was found...(I do remember her saying that it was a practice sheet for an invitation that they were going to send out, or that they HAD sent out...maybe, for their Christmas party, or something), was compared to the ransom note? I wonder if the letters were the same. She admitted to writing the start of the invitation...Mr. and Mrs....but, she wrote that ransom note too. And I feel sorry for the people that believe her, when she says that it was the beginning of an invitation. In reality, it was the beginning of the ransom note, and she decided to just put MR. Ramsey, instead of Mr. AND Mrs. Ramsey. imo
ITA, Ames. It was the beginning of the ransom note. No question about it imo.
I think so, too.I wonder if she even wrote it with her left hand,as it was implied she did.
It might be simpler than that, Ames. I was cleaning the pool one day in the week immediately after Patsy's death, thinking about this very thing, when it hit me like a bolt from the sky. Yes, I am among many who have pointed out that we as Americans didn't know much about terrorism before 9/11. But, apparently, neither did the RN author! The name "Osama bin Laden" had just started to become well-known in the US that summer (of '96).

Here's an excerpt from a comedy site on this:

Here's the whole thing:

But I warn you: take the kids out of the room before reading it, and I am deadly serious about that!
That was hilarious!

Agreed, but let's not let it take us off track. My original point remains.

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