IL - Katrina Kelley, 26, killed by brick tossed from overpass, Peoria, 14 July 2007

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Mother says 15-year-old boy deserved punishment for throwing brick killed Peoria woman on I-74

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
of the Journal Star
PEORIA - While many in Peoria view Rakiem Campbell as a boy out of control and who caused the death of an innocent woman, his mother said after he was sentenced Monday to 22 years in prison that her son didn't mean to harm anyone.

A Peoria County Coroner's jury says the death of a Bradley soccer player two months ago was an accident. Members of a coroner's jury heard details today about the fatal fire that killed Danny Dahlquist August 12. A Peoria County coroners' jury deliberated less than 15 minutes before reaching their decision.

These are two cases in my area right now that people are in an uproar about. The boy who was 15 was charged and pled guilty to other charges. He was black and was given 22 years. The other boys were white Bradley soccer players and thier friends death was ruled an accident. I recently watched the movie American History X and it really got me thinking. We have a local hate group run by Matt Hale who is now in prison for trying to have a Jewish judge killed. This is really dividing the community here. I feel that the soccer players should have some kind of punishment. I am sure they didn't mean to kill him but they did by doing something stupid. The black boy is only 15, I doubt he even thought he would kill someone. He was probably just being stupid and now will spend much of his life behind bars. He definitely should be punished but is it fair the others weren't? Is it because they were white and rich?
Mother says 15-year-old boy deserved punishment for throwing brick killed Peoria woman on I-74

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
of the Journal Star
PEORIA - While many in Peoria view Rakiem Campbell as a boy out of control and who caused the death of an innocent woman, his mother said after he was sentenced Monday to 22 years in prison that her son didn't mean to harm anyone.

A Peoria County Coroner's jury says the death of a Bradley soccer player two months ago was an accident. Members of a coroner's jury heard details today about the fatal fire that killed Danny Dahlquist August 12. A Peoria County coroners' jury deliberated less than 15 minutes before reaching their decision.

These are two cases in my area right now that people are in an uproar about. The boy who was 15 was charged and pled guilty to other charges. He was black and was given 22 years. The other boys were white Bradley soccer players and thier friends death was ruled an accident. I recently watched the movie American History X and it really got me thinking. We have a local hate group run by Matt Hale who is now in prison for trying to have a Jewish judge killed. This is really dividing the community here. I feel that the soccer players should have some kind of punishment. I am sure they didn't mean to kill him but they did by doing something stupid. The black boy is only 15, I doubt he even thought he would kill someone. He was probably just being stupid and now will spend much of his life behind bars. He definitely should be punished but is it fair the others weren't? Is it because they were white and rich?

Maybe it's because the 15 yr old plead guilty?
Should the others have been charged with something? Yes, defintely...but no one twisted the 15 yr olds arm and MADE him plead, regardless of color...
Are you are so quick to believe that the "white" kids MEANT to kill whith their stupid trick whereas the black kid didn't? 'Cause thats surely what you make it sound like!
Maybe it's because the 15 yr old plead guilty?
Should the others have been charged with something? Yes, defintely...but no one twisted the 15 yr olds arm and MADE him plead, regardless of color...
Are you are so quick to believe that the "white" kids MEANT to kill whith their stupid trick whereas the black kid didn't? 'Cause thats surely what you make it sound like!

No I don't think they meant to kill him, in fact, I stated that. I really haven't formed an oppinion on this yet. I am just asking others views because it is a major thing here at the moment. I don't think either intended to kill either. No he didn't have to plead but he probably would have got more time. People are angered that the other boys were not even charged. Please don't be so defensive and please read my post again because I defintely didn't sound like I thought the white kids meant to kill their friend.
Both the cases are on the extreme. To me, I think the 15 year old boy was very excessively punished - he's 15, threw a brick, didn't intend what happened. Adult murderers with far more culpable acts, don't get 22 years! Reckless endangerment, and some adjustment for being so young. I'd be OK with about 6 years.

The other kids - they didn't intend it, but again it's reckless endangerment. I'd go a little lighter - it's their friend, and I don't think they even intended to hurt anyone (whereas the brick thrower did intend IMHO to hurt someone).

No one twisted the 15 year old's arm and made him plead - but then, he's not an adult. He can't drink, nor even sign a contract because we know he is not an adult, does not have full reasoning capacity yet. And it is true that going up in front of a jury, your skin color will matter. He may have plead because he was afraid he'd get worse from a jury - and he could have been right. Or he could have been a stupid, scared kids, who did what the adults told him he should.
No I don't think they meant to kill him, in fact, I stated that. I really haven't formed an oppinion on this yet. I am just asking others views because it is a major thing here at the moment. I don't think either intended to kill either. No he didn't have to plead but he probably would have got more time. People are angered that the other boys were not even charged. Please don't be so defensive and please read my post again because I defintely didn't sound like I thought the white kids meant to kill their friend.

Your question "is it because they are white and rich" sounded very much to me like that is what you thought was happening here.
Both the cases are on the extreme. To me, I think the 15 year old boy was very excessively punished - he's 15, threw a brick, didn't intend what happened. Adult murderers with far more culpable acts, don't get 22 years! Reckless endangerment, and some adjustment for being so young. I'd be OK with about 6 years.

The other kids - they didn't intend it, but again it's reckless endangerment. I'd go a little lighter - it's their friend, and I don't think they even intended to hurt anyone (whereas the brick thrower did intend IMHO to hurt someone).

No one twisted the 15 year old's arm and made him plead - but then, he's not an adult. He can't drink, nor even sign a contract because we know he is not an adult, does not have full reasoning capacity yet. And it is true that going up in front of a jury, your skin color will matter. He may have plead because he was afraid he'd get worse from a jury - and he could have been right. Or he could have been a stupid, scared kids, who did what the adults told him he should.

Give me a break! Who's to say the 15 yr old wouldn't be given a jury with more black members than white? Thats a chance you take I guess.
If he did plead because some adults told him he should then where do we get off blaming "it's because he's black that he got SO much more time."
That being said yea he got a bit much more time than I think was necessary...but that happens EVERY SINGLE DAY to people commititng crimes, be they black or white.
I constantly read/see sentences like this and think "God, even child molesters don't get this much time."
There were 2 white guys charged recently with making moonshine and facing 35 yrs..all over moonshine?....but how many child molesters go free on less time than that everyday?
And before anyone throws me under the bus, just remember I said they white guys SHOULD have been charged too.
Does anyone know the LEAST amt. of time the 15 yr old black child COULD have been charged with?
Give me a break! Who's to say the 15 yr old wouldn't be given a jury with more black members than white? Thats a chance you take I guess.
If he did plead because some adults told him he should then where do we get off blaming "it's because he's black that he got SO much more time."
That being said yea he got a bit much more time than I think was necessary...but that happens EVERY SINGLE DAY to people commititng crimes, be they black or white.
I constantly read/see sentences like this and think "God, even child molesters don't get this much time."
There were 2 white guys charged recently with making moonshine and facing 35 yrs..all over moonshine?....but how many child molesters go free on less time than that everyday?
And before anyone throws me under the bus, just remember I said they white guys SHOULD have been charged too.

No I don't think all things should be a racial issue but this one might be. You have to admit, minorities tend to get more time than white people do. They usually are poor and cannot afford attorneys. My great aunt is an attorney and she says she sees it all the time. She is Caucasian and she wrote a book called in defense of affirmitive action. She defended Terry Nichols and got him out of the death penalty because he did not have adequate representation during his first trial. It happens many times not just to blacks and Hispanics just mostly to the poor. We have seen it time and time again, if you are rich you can get away with most anything. Poor, you get a court appointed attorney who really probably just wants what is going to be easiest for them.
Everything doesn't have to be a race issue - but just because it is sometimes used falsely doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye, and not look to see if there is real racial injustice going on.

In this case - his sentence is not right. The other kids - on purpose or not, they killed someone. To not even be charged, while a 15 year old is offered the 'deal' of 22 years in prison - sure sounds like the DA's treated them very differently, and why is a question that needs to be asked. Might not be race, but - let's face it - it's not that uncommon that it is.
No I don't think all things should be a racial issue but this one might be. You have to admit, minorities tend to get more time than white people do. They usually are poor and cannot afford attorneys. My great aunt is an attorney and she says she sees it all the time. She is Caucasian and she wrote a book called in defense of affirmitive action. She defended Terry Nichols and got him out of the death penalty because he did not have adequate representation during his first trial. It happens many times not just to blacks and Hispanics just mostly to the poor. We have seen it time and time again, if you are rich you can get away with most anything. Poor, you get a court appointed attorney who really probably just wants what is going to be easiest for them.

Ok, not arguing with you here...but being rich and being white are two TOTALLY different things these days.
ALOT of whites can't afford attorneys, just as other races.
IMO you can get a better defense, whether you are BLACK or WHITE IF you have OJ and The Ramsey's...thats just one example IMO. Let me state again, IMO.
If your lawyer is getting a load of money he's gonna do a better job for you. He has more resources to work with, again, imoo.
Everything doesn't have to be a race issue - but just because it is sometimes used falsely doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye, and not look to see if there is real racial injustice going on.

In this case - his sentence is not right. The other kids - on purpose or not, they killed someone. To not even be charged, while a 15 year old is offered the 'deal' of 22 years in prison - sure sounds like the DA's treated them very differently, and why is a question that needs to be asked. Might not be race, but - let's face it - it's not that uncommon that it is.

Was the same DA handling both cases? Or even the same authorities for that matter? That are just SO many other things that could factor in, imo, that would result in a difference of charges and/or sentencing.
Class differences definitely play a part - but I don't think we should accept them any more than we accept racial differences. I think they both exist, but when one is piled atop the other, then you get huge disparities - such as when it's rich white kids versus poor black kids.
Was the same DA handling both cases? Or even the same authorities for that matter? That are just SO many other things that could factor in, imo, that would result in a difference of charges and/or sentencing.

Yes they were both handled by Peoria county. They actually released a statement on the news and said the reason was because the 15 year old had been in trouble before. The soccer players had no records. Also the soccer players lawyered up right away. The 15 year old had court appointed attorney.
Class differences definitely play a part - but I don't think we should accept them any more than we accept racial differences. I think they both exist, but when one is piled atop the other, then you get huge disparities - such as when it's rich white kids versus poor black kids.

I've read a bit more - and we're getting more reasonable. The black kid's sentence was actually more like 10 years - it was other acts, including direct physical violence against another person. That assault, and one act of arson add up to the 22 years. There is a possible medical link here - he was off of some meds, and some meds, you can't just quit. A better lawyer might have taken a look at that. Although - he got 7 years for the arson - I just don't know about that in a 15 year old kid. Depends if he has priors - and from the sound of it, he probably does. Still - this kid is sentenced to more years than he's been alive! What he did was huge, but there is a reason we don't let 15 year olds drive, drink, nor sign contracts. They aren't fully responsible yet, their brain is still developing, especially judgement centers. That's not to excuse what he did, but I do think it calls for a lesser punishment than we'd give to an adult.

The white kids - they were drinking (underage I believe), thought it'd be funny to fire a roman candle firework under the door of a sleeping friend. That started a fire. While dumb, it's plausible that drunk, they didn't realize it'd start a fire. I don't see any malice. I do think they should have been charged, I'd be OK with probation on it, but I think they should have been charged.
I've read a bit more - and we're getting more reasonable. The black kid's sentence was actually more like 10 years - it was other acts, including direct physical violence against another person. That assault, and one act of arson add up to the 22 years. There is a possible medical link here - he was off of some meds, and some meds, you can't just quit. A better lawyer might have taken a look at that. Although - he got 7 years for the arson - I just don't know about that in a 15 year old kid. Depends if he has priors - and from the sound of it, he probably does. Still - this kid is sentenced to more years than he's been alive! What he did was huge, but there is a reason we don't let 15 year olds drive, drink, nor sign contracts. They aren't fully responsible yet, their brain is still developing, especially judgement centers. That's not to excuse what he did, but I do think it calls for a lesser punishment than we'd give to an adult.

The white kids - they were drinking (underage I believe), thought it'd be funny to fire a roman candle firework under the door of a sleeping friend. That started a fire. While dumb, it's plausible that drunk, they didn't realize it'd start a fire. I don't see any malice. I do think they should have been charged, I'd be OK with probation on it, but I think they should have been charged.

off the meds...see there is another factor that would factor in with me if I had of been his judge/jury...I take meds for depression, etc...and while I don't feel like hurting anyone when I am not on my meds I have it in me to feel for anyone who is NOT quite "normal" when they are off of them.
I don't know what meds this kid was taking, but I do understand the side effects you may feel when not on ANY meds you are taking.
So, being a white person, had he of had a jury and I had been on it, it his feelings off the meds would have probably factored heavily into the way I made my judgement, even more so than race or creed.
I think there is more to this 15 year old than the article goes into. I am thinking he was o n a rampage. "" Campbell also pleaded guilty to arson for setting a pickup truck afire just a few weeks before the block-throwing incident. He was sentenced to seven years for that crime.

He also pleaded to aggravated battery for attacking a jogger on July 10 in the West Bluff and received a concurrent five-year sentence. He will serve the arson and the vehicular endangerment charges consecutively.

Also a 15-pound concrete patio block is not just a brick, over a eight-foot-high fence atop the Broadway Avenue overpass on July 14.
I also find it interesting that you get more time for hurting a truck than a human beign?
I think there is more to this 15 year old than the article goes into. I am thinking he was o n a rampage. "" Campbell also pleaded guilty to arson for setting a pickup truck afire just a few weeks before the block-throwing incident. He was sentenced to seven years for that crime.

He also pleaded to aggravated battery for attacking a jogger on July 10 in the West Bluff and received a concurrent five-year sentence. He will serve the arson and the vehicular endangerment charges consecutively.

Also a 15-pound concrete patio block is not just a brick, over a eight-foot-high fence atop the Broadway Avenue overpass on July 14.
I also find it interesting that you get more time for hurting a truck than a human beign?

WHOA, in my rush to get thru to the current crimes and such I totally missed the 15 yr old's OTHER charges...ok this sheds a totally different light on everything...thats 3 different charges on his record that I yeah, he was due for MORE time...obviously the 1st two charges taught him NOTHING, whether he is black or white!
Jeez this kid is headed for a LIFE of crime if someone doesn't do something now!
When you throw a rock or brick or anything else from an overpass "a person can foresee the possibility of that said item "hitting" a car and either injuring a person, causing an accident or killing a person.

It is not a prank, it is deliberate and with intent.

It does not "matter" what your intention is or was, what you thought could happen or not, the circumstances are clear that you are endangering another innocent person. If you kill a person, you cannot claim that was your intent, your intent and what happened has nothing to do with each other.

The boy was on probation, when he committed the crime is one factor. If anyone thinks that this boy is only headed for a life of crime, guess what, he is already there.

There is a big difference in the crimes.

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