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Drew Peterson's attorney goes On The Record

Transcript from Thurs, Nov 29th:,2933,314129,00.html

Subjects discussed

Stacy confiding in her pastor regarding Drew's involvement in the death of Kathleen Savio

Thomas Morphey's meeting with Drew on 10/28 and the blue container
Dan Abrams, Dec. 6, 2007 (scroll down)

ABRAMS: Shocker, Drew Peterson is talking again tonight, this time, about the state of his life. Yesterday, the former cop said he was worried about not getting a date. Today, he‘s whining his retirement, quote, “sucks.” One thing he isn‘t talking about the latest search warrant. New details emerging tonight, about the wide net police are casting as they search Peterson‘s two cars for physical evidence connected to his wife‘s disappearance.

Here is just part of the list and the search warrant. Blue plastic shavings, possibly coming from a container like the one Peterson‘s brother-in-law reportedly says he helped him move from the house the night Stacy went missing. Police are also looking for blood, hair, fingernails, DNA evidence, chemicals, specifically ones that could alter the decomposition of a body.

More at Link

About the Sonar coming for the Canal Search:

ABRAMS: Yes. Well, or they‘re waiting until maybe they find the body to build a stronger case. All right. So what found - We know that they‘re searching a canal near the Peterson home. We know that there was debris pulled up yesterday. There was an underwater sonar unit coming this weekend. What can the sonar unit help them with?

NOVAK: The sonar unit is going to obviously help them to locate objects underwater. It‘s going to give them a pattern. It‘s going to give them something to go down and look at.

ABRAMS: That could be big. I mean -

NOVAK: Well, they‘re apparently looking for a barrel, something of significant size. It‘s going to stand out on the floor of a canal such as that. So it‘s going to just aid in the underwater search. Generally you‘re talking about low visibility and divers going by hand feeling their way around. So it‘s just kind of giving them some areas to look at.
Transcripts of Greta Cast Eavesdropping Audio Files (Stacy Peterson Case)

11-12-2007 Transcript of eavesdropping call between Greta Van Susteren of Fox News and Ric Mims


- Why was Ric Mims in hiding?
- Did Ric hear Drew Peterson tell Greta that Stacy left, took money, bikini?
- What did Drew Peterson tell Ric about Stacy?
- Did Ric know Kathleen Savio (Peterson's 3rd wife) ?
- What does Ric know about Stacy's mother Christie Cales ?
- How come Drew's oldest son, Eric won't talk to him since Kathleen died?
- Why doesn't Ric believe Drew Peterson's version of the missing Stacy story ?

11-13-2007 Transcript of eavesdropping call between Greta Van Susteren of Fox News and Ric Mims


- Who is Mike Robinson?
- What did Mike Robinson give Drew Peterson after Stacy disappeared?
- Does Drew Peterson have other friends?
- Who is Ric talking to and why doesn't he trust Bolingbrook police?
- Who is Roger Claar and why does Ric trust him?
- Did Drew Peterson's children say anything to Ric Mims?
- Story about Drew's girlfriend Monica's brother Steve killed himself
- Are there other suspicious missing person cases being looked at?
- Suspicions regarding one member of the Kathleen Savio Coroner's Jury panel

These are word for word transcript I did. I hope to get more transcript done soon on the other calls Greta did with that Steve C guy.

a heads-up for Greta's show tonight...ugh, i wish we had one thread to discuss "On The Record" nightly....

I Don’t Want To “Steal His Thunder”
by Greta Van Susteren

As you know, we have had former LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman on the ground in Bollingbrook, Illinois….working on the Stacy Peterson - Drew Peterson - Kathleen Savio investigation…..well, Mark just got some chilling new information about Kathleen Savio’s death…he will report it at 10pm tonight (I don’t want to “steal his thunder” by telling you hear…Mark has worked hard to get this information and he should be the one to report it.)
a heads-up for Greta's show tonight...ugh, i wish we had one thread to discuss "On The Record" nightly....

I Don’t Want To “Steal His Thunder”
by Greta Van Susteren

As you know, we have had former LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman on the ground in Bollingbrook, Illinois….working on the Stacy Peterson - Drew Peterson - Kathleen Savio investigation…..well, Mark just got some chilling new information about Kathleen Savio’s death…he will report it at 10pm tonight (I don’t want to “steal his thunder” by telling you hear…Mark has worked hard to get this information and he should be the one to report it.)

--->>>CAN'T wait!!!!!!!!!!

Link for Dan Abrams, Dec. 6, 2007 (see above - sorry about that!)

Dan Abrams, Monday, Dec. 17, 2007
Interview with Brodsky about hiding money after Stacy's death and implicating minister in possible affair

Nancy Grace, Monday, Dec. 17, 2007
Discussion of judge refusing to return items and guns, and cell phone pings.
Interview with Steve Carcerano, friend of Drew's about Kathleen Savio and allegations of abuse.
Also, discussion with Robi Ludwig, about the psychology of Drew and his kids.


...Dr. Robi, thanks for being with us. We are getting towards the holiday season now. You`ve heard what Steve just had to say. He does, I still love her, I want her back, there might be some explaining to do. But now you know, we are hearing that the kids don`t even mention her. What do you take away from that?

ROBI LUDWIG, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Oh, I mean, the kids are very young, and so they might sense from their father that it`s not a topic that is OK to talk about. They might be afraid of their father. They could be grieving and not have the right words in order to express their grief, which is very typical of younger kids.

...Dr. Robi, you heard what Steve Carcerano said, that Drew Peterson, he kind of laughs when he`s nervous. I have heard that before. Do people really laugh when they`re nervous?

LUDWIG: Sure, I mean, there are all different kinds of nervous ticks, but the problem with Drew Peterson is it`s not just the nervous laugh that casts him in a bad light. He seems to be a legend in his own mind. He appears to like the cameras, he almost seems to have patterned himself after Scott Peterson, remember him? The other spousal killer. He even named his daughter Laci Peterson, after the whole Laci Peterson debacle and situation. So there`s something about this man that appears to like being in the limelight. He likes the attention and he has a long history of having negative relationships with women. He has a dead wife that was presumed a murder, so it doesn`t look good. It`s not just the laughter.

...CARCERANO: Yes. There was two different altercations that I witnessed that the police showed up for. But other than those two, I did not know anything about any abusive relationship or him hitting her or anything like that. I believe 9 out of the 18 were also visitation-type calls, where he would drop off the kids five minutes late, and she would call the police and then they would come over and file a report. So, you know, that was, I believe, half of those.

BROOKS: Interesting. Now -- now, the two that you were witness -- that you say you witnessed, tell us about those.

CARCERANO: We were trying to -- it was myself and a neighbor. We were moving Drew`s stuff out of the house because he was moving into the house down the street, in which he lives now. And at that point, Kathy was kind of chasing him around the garage. It sounds funny, but it`s true. And she was hitting him with an electrical cord, an extension cord. And then, you know, she slapped him in the face right in front of me and the other neighbor. And when I said, Kathy, why are you doing that? And Drew said, Did you see that? Did you see that? And then she spit in his face. And you know, he was very calm and just said, Did you see that? And that was it, and we kept going about the business and getting the stuff out. That was the one altercation. The other one...

BROOKS: Now, when was that? What timeframe was that we`re talking about now?

CARCERANO: That`s -- it`s documented on the police report. I don`t know the exact month or anything. But that was the day that we were moving his stuff out of the house.


CARCERANO: And then the police were called and there was a report filed.


...CARCERANO: The other incident, I was in my driveway in our family car. I was waiting for my wife and kids to come out. We were going to a family function. And I noticed Drew and Stacy pulled up in the driveway, and they were dropping off the kids. And I saw Kathy come running out of the front door of the house, and she lunged through the passenger window with her right fist. And that`s where Stacy was sitting. And at that (INAUDIBLE) I jumped out of my truck, went towards them. Kathy ran back in the house, and Drew said, Did you see that? I said, yes, what`s going on? And he called the police. And at that time, the garage door opened up. Kathy came running out of the garage again. Drew`s back was towards the house. And she got in the truck and she tried to back down the driveway with Stacy and the kids in the car. And...


BROOKS: So Kathleen jumped into the truck and backed down the driveway?

CARCERANO: Yes. Yes. And at that point, Drew took her out of the vehicle, placed her down into the grass and then put her -- put his knee on her and then lifted her arm up behind her back and cocked her wrist back. And it was subduing her. And she was yelling and screaming, Steve, get him off me. Steve, get him off me. And again, he was not, you know, using excessive force. He was keeping her subdued...

BROOKS: Right.

CARCERANO: ... like a police officer would. (INAUDIBLE) maybe I would have jumped in, but I want everybody to know that, you know, he was not beating her up or anything, which are some of the stories out there that`s ludicrous. And then my wife came over there. And Kathy was yelling (INAUDIBLE) to go inside (INAUDIBLE) her friend, which was in the house.

BROOKS: Right.


...BROOKS: I want to go back out to Steve Carcerano. Steve, do the children ever talk about her? And has Drew, has he put up any Christmas decorations? How is he handling the whole Christmas thing with the kids?

CARCERANO: Well, I`ve been in his house, like I said, and the 2- and 4-year-old, they don`t really say much about Stacy, they`re just running around playing. The two older ones, 13 and 14, Chris and Tommy, they were -- about two weeks ago I was at his house and we were watching the -- I can`t remember what program it was, but it had Stacy`s two sisters on there and they were talking about two different times, one that he supposedly pushed her down the stairs and another one he pushed her against the wall.

Both kids jumped off the couch and said, dad, that`s not true, we`ve never seen that happen. And he said, kids I just can`t win. So that type of stuff gets him mad because they are false accusations as far as he is concerned. And the kids were right there, I have seen the 13- and 14-year- old say that right in front of me, so.

Drew's 'P.I.'
Transcript from "The Big Story With John Gibson and Heather Nauert," December 19, 2007.



GIBSON: A number of things to cover with you if you don't mind but let's start with hiring the private eye. Drew hires a private eye. Where does he think Stacy is?

BRODSKY: Well, that's what the private eye is hired to find out. We're starting by following up electronic leads, text messages, cell phone calls, things of that nature, and seeing where they lead us. They just started, and that's how they are going to start proceeding.

GIBSON: Joel, the — there are now reports that Drew's kids may be called before the grand jury. What can you tell us about that?

BRODSKY: Well, I know that his older boy is — they were called before the grand jury but they weren't interviewed by the grand jury. There is a child advocacy center where they were questioned by the state's attorneys because they are rather young, they're teenagers, I think 13 and 14, and they were fully interviewed once. I haven't heard that they were going to be called again, but if they are called, they are subject to grand jury jurisdiction and will have to come.

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