Study "Disproving" Mercury-Autism Link Published in Journal with Financial Ties to Va

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Kim Ii

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Aug 14, 2003
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Here is a link to an article re: the recent findings, which proclaim mercury does not cause autism.

Here is the link:

"Here is a snip:

(NewsTarget) "While the mainstream press is widely reporting a new study "disproving" any link between autism and mercury-containing thimerosal in vaccines, no one has bothered to point out that the study was published in a medical journal stacked full of ads from the very same drug companies that manufacture and market vaccines. The Journal, the Archives of General Psychiatry, is the pro-drug psychiatric arm of the American Medical Association, a pill-pushing organization tarnished by a history of conspiracy against alternative medicine and the promotion of toxic substances like cigarettes with full-page ads in its flagship publication, JAMA."

"From the outset, the fact that this study appears in a pro-drug, pro-psychiatry journal should bring pause to any scientific-minded person. There is obviously a serious conflict of interest here, especially if this study is to be taken as "fact" and applied to public health policy. There also need to be a close look at any financial links between the researchers involved in this study and various vaccine manufacturers, as virtually all pro-drug "science" (if you can call it that) being published these days is influenced by Big Pharma money."

"The only truly honest, independent, peer-reviewed medical journal operating today is PLoS Medicine, an open-source journal that takes no money from drug companies. Notice that the autism/mercury link study did not appear in PLoS Medicine? No, it had to be published with a home field advantage in a pro-drug publication that maintains a strong bias in favor of pharmaceuticals and chemicals."

Junk science and faulty conclusions:

"Aside from these obvious and worrisome conflicts of interest, the conclusions being made about autism and vaccines in the mainstream media are simply not supported by the study. The (distorted) logic we're hearing goes like this:

"Yes, vaccines used to contain mercury. And yes, all those little kids were injected with mercury. And yes, autism rates skyrocketed. But then when the mercury was taken out of the vaccines, the autism rates didn't come back down. Therefore, the logic goes, vaccines are safe!"

"This is such sloppy cause/effect logic that it makes the idiot CNN Health editors who published a story about "junk foods being good for your waist" look like sheer geniuses!"

"What's wrong with the logic? Consider the use of mercury in the vaccines: It was used as a preservative chemical to prevent vaccine spoilage. When the mercury was removed, it was replaced with other preservative chemicals that are also toxic to the human nervous system. Thus, the continuing increase in autism rates following vaccination may be due to the toxic chemicals that replaced thimerosal. While mercury injections probably initiated the increase in autism, the toxic substance has been replaced with other dangerous chemicals that are continuing to increase the risk of autism."

"Here's an example to explain this a bit more:

"We all know that sodium nitrite in processed meat causes cancer, right? Well, let's say that for ten years, somebody feeds all the kids sodium nitrite and cancer rates skyrocket. Then, they take all the sodium nitrite out of the food and replace it with a different cancer-causing chemical that they keep feeding the kids. Guess what? The cancer rates don't come down. Therefore, the logic goes, sodium nitrite didn't cause cancer in the first place!"

"Notice that when mercury was removed from vaccines (which is not entirely true, by the way, bringing into question yet more details about this study), the rates of autism did not drop? This means the vaccines remain dangerous to children. Autism continued to climb right alongside vaccination rates, indicating the possibility that something in the vaccines (or a combination of various chemicals) may very well be responsible for the increase. Based on the fact that thimerosal was replaced with other toxic chemicals in the vaccines, there is absolutely no scientific way to clear thimerosal of any harmful effects. There are too many variables operating now, and no study can isolate one variable (thimerosal) out of many and prove it to be harmless."

"The truth is that scientists have no idea what's causing autism. (Kim - This is not true...just ask Dr. Boyd Haley.) They acknowledge the alarming increase in the rates of autism now being observed in the population, but with this new study, they claim, "Mercury is safe!"

"Let me add this study to the enormous stack of other B.S. studies from modern medical researchers. Let's see, I have a study here that declares aspartame to be safe. A second study in my database says that Vioxx is safe. Another study says Teflon is safe. And yet another study claims that cigarette smoke doesn't cause lung cancer or heart disease! In fact, for virtually every toxic chemical created by industry, there's a B.S. study proclaiming its safety! The history of science is full of such nonsense, all funded or influenced by the corporations that manufacture and sell these toxic chemicals or drugs."

"The fact that industry has managed to create yet another study declaring a toxic substance (thimerosal) to be safe when injected into children is certainly not surprising. This is an industry that is not bound by the rules of logic, ethics or common scientific sense. It simply finds ways to influence researchers, cherry pick studies and distort science to get whatever results it wants. That's how we're now hearing things like, "Mercury is safe to inject into children!" -- an idea that's utterly absurd at any dose."
Also, the above article vaguely mentions the fact that not all vaccines have actually had mercury taken out of them. Case in point -- the flu vaccines they are now hyping. Please note the concerted efforts by the medical community to now immunize not just the elderly with the flu shots, but now they are pushing for young children/infants to receive the flu shots as well. FLU SHOTS STILL CONTAIN MERCURY. I wonder how many folks know this.

If one studies the whole mercury/autism link to vaccine issue, you can easily discern the fact that mercury is perhaps not the sole culprit, but it is a HUGE culprit, nonetheless. There IS a genetic factor involved in all of this, but that genetic factor seems to be the individual's inability to excrete toxic metals from his/her system. There does seem to be a predisposition to certain reactivity issues vis-a-vis vaccination. Then, if you are to study Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's research into vaccine safety issues (she worked closely with the CDC in her studies), and the studies of neurosurgeon Dr. Blaylock and Dr. Boyd Haley, you can easily understand why this vaccine link to autism is being so closely held to the vest by many of our Big Pharma proponents.

This whole cover-up truly disgusts me. I hope those of you interested enough in just reading the above, will definitely take the time to do some of this research, especially if you are contemplating starting a family. It breaks my heart to see so many damaged children -- children like these kids just didn't exist when I was in school.
Here we go again. I wish we could keep these linked to the other threads rather than starting new ones.
Still... no one has ever been able to answer the question for me, no matter how many times I've asked it.
We keep hearing that "It's a different KIND of mercury in the flu shots.. it's not the BAD mercury." HUH.....???? Since when is there ever any GOOD kind of mercury, to inject into your body.....??? What is the 'OK' kind...???? anyone.....???

But this is what everyone is told by their doctors, and they just go along with it.

to reb:
you can get mercury free flu for your kids but it has to be specified when the doctors office orders it from the supplier / state. i don't know about the adult flu.
the clinic i was rotating through at last time, they said that 3 and under flu was all mercury free, and then 3 and over flu - you had to specify on your order - mercury free or not.
i might be misunderstanding that, but that was my understanding at the time. and that might be at that particular clinic in my home state.
I'm 53 and attended 12 different schools over a ten year period and there were very few troubled kids. Only a few in special ed. There has to be some reason that there is such an increase in autism, add, and other problems.
Still... no one has ever been able to answer the question for me, no matter how many times I've asked it.
We keep hearing that "It's a different KIND of mercury in the flu shots.. it's not the BAD mercury." HUH.....???? Since when is there ever any GOOD kind of mercury, to inject into your body.....??? What is the 'OK' kind...???? anyone.....???

But this is what everyone is told by their doctors, and they just go along with it.


Reb, there is ethyl mercury and there is methyl mercury. Methyl mercury is what builds up in our food supply and water, and is slower to go out of our system. It is poisonous in large amounts.

Ethylmercury was in the shots, in a small amount, and it quickly is metabolized by the body.

EVen women in Iraq, who were severely mercury poisoned from a grain shipment, when pregnant did not have damaged babies. The only substances proven to have caused autism, passed from the pregnant mother, was Thalidomide and Measles virus.

Now that the Thimerisol has been taken out, since 2001, the latest study points to some other cause, since autism numbers went up since then, not down.
The preponderance of studies have found no relationship between autism and mercury.

Mercury is still in the flu shots, but they are offered without it; there is a choice. Women who breastfeed pass more mercury than a child gets from shots.
Here we go again. I wish we could keep these linked to the other threads rather than starting new ones.

Here we go again?? People are free to post new topics rather then tag them onto threads that are 18 pages long and often not specific to the new topic.

For example the vaccine thread really started about parents for whatever reason not wanting to vaccinate and among the reason the discussion of autism came up (as well as many others)
Why not have a thread specific to discuss this issue?
Here we go again?? People are free to post new topics rather then tag them onto threads that are 18 pages long and often not specific to the new topic.

For example the vaccine thread really started about parents for whatever reason not wanting to vaccinate and among the reason the discussion of autism came up (as well as many others)
Why not have a thread specific to discuss this issue?
One reason it is nice to tag them on the other threads is because so much of the information is already posted. Kim always has tons of great links as do other posters. The argument always comes down to many of the same basic issues. It is a great ongoing debate, it just seems like we have to start over every time. The pros and cons are really well documented on those threads by so many contributors.
With that said, I agree that we are all free to start new threads on it if we choose.
<Reb, there is ethyl mercury and there is methyl mercury. Methyl mercury is what builds up in our food supply and water, and is slower to go out of our system. It is poisonous in large amounts.

Ethylmercury was in the shots, in a small amount, and it quickly is metabolized by the body.>

OK thank you marthatex for clarifying that (if you explained before and I forgot, then I apologize). So when you say it is 'metabolized by the body'... you mean that no traces of it remain in the body? (how do they know?)

I saw recently in the news that autism cases in CA are increasing at an alarming rate. Makes me think it's toxins we have poisoned the environment with, that are coming back to haunt us. It's going to be a HUGE problem down the road, if more and more kids are being born autistic... Can you imagine?? That would not be good.
This is a new thread, which I started, based on the new PR blitz re: the so-called research which yet again, states that mercury is not the culprit vis-a-vis autism. This PR blitz is the result, in part, from the Jenny McCarthy interviews. Those of us who have advocated for vaccine safety and have been deeply entrenched into this area of research, knew this was coming.

ANY time someone of Ms. McCarthy's stature dares to speak out on this subject, the big wig PR guns connected to Big Pharma come out swinging.

Marthatex, please do your research into the whole mercury vs. ethyl mercury issue. Again, Dr. Boyd Hayley discusses this in all of his GOOGLE videos.

I really wish someone would WATCH these interviews. Perhaps, then, those on this thread who are still scratching their heads on this subject, would be better informed and then we could really have a viable discussion on this topic.

Further, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GOOD MERCURY :rolleyes: . Seriously, if your medical caregivers are telling you this, they are either extremely misinformed, or blatantly lying to you. My God, there is just so much research out there and good research at that, which discusses the toxicity of mercury. Dr. Boyd Haley is considered one of the world's leading experts on mercury toxicity. Study up on his his interviews...research Generation Rescue's website, or Autism One's website, for starters.

I get so obviously irritated when I see this pack of lies come out into our mainstream press re: this issue. I was involved for a short while with legislation re: this issue and vis-a-vis the absolute pack of lies being spread to the American public re: this issue. Our group had the FOIA information regarding the cover-up re: the mercury toxicity issues. Pediatricians, certaiin other physicians and Big Pharma reps all attended this particular meeting wherein they KNEW about the mercury safety issues and they COVERED IT UP.

READ David Kirby's book...he has his own website. You can take it out at the library or buy it through It's a truly eye-opening book. Also, Barbara Loe Fisher's book, "DPT: A SHOT IN THE DARK" is an excellent read on this subject (and my first book ever on this issue after our son's horrific reaction to his whole cell DPT shot).

Educate the above link I've posted. I've noticed no one who has yet posted on this thread has remarked on the CONTENT of that article! Stay objective when it comes to this issue. We totally believed in vaccines and vaccinated our baby on time, according to the mandated schedule. He suffered horribly and after his last reaction, at four months, we were warned by our pediatrician that Ryan would suffer with academic issues as a result of his reactions to the vaccines. We were horrified! We trusted our medical care providers.

It was only when we dug into the research that we realized how much was being suppressed from the public.

I'm done on this issue, but whenever I see this nonsensical PR crud come out, and I KNOW why it's out there, I do everything I can to point out the obvious flaws and downright stupidity contained within the articles I find. Good grief, it's as if they think the American public is so darn stupid, that they can't think their way out of a paper bag on this one.

Educate before you vaccinate. You have choices -- you can either choose to vaccinate according to the mandated schedule, or selectively vaccinate. You CAN USE YOUR STATE'S MEDICAL EXEMPTIONS. We do. We saved our son's life and/or at the minimum, kept him off the autism spectrum, once we realized what was making Ryan so incredibly sick.

1 out of 150. Think about that...that's how many kids these days suffer with some form of autism/learning disabilities. Back in the 1960's, through to the 1970's and a portion of the 80's, you just didn't see this.

Genetics do NOT cause epidemics. There IS a genetic pre-disposition to reactivity to vaccines, but the MERCURY and other adjuvants/chemicals laced within these vacciines, TRIGGER the reactions.
I'll be honest Kim. The problem I have with the article is that it is written from a completely emotional pov and is not written professionally. I am not saying it isn't true or that I am not giving it merit. But I am saying it doesn't help the cause when the articles are not documenting fact but rather just ranting. It is a lot of editorializing and that is fine, but not when I am trying to discern fact from fiction.
I find this to be particularly true when it is concerning such an emotionally charged topic. When I examine an issue as important as this, I peel away all the emotion and look at the facts. Of course I can still do that with this article, but it is a more work and ultimately is a turn off.

Here is an example:
>>This is such sloppy cause/effect logic that it makes the idiot CNN Health editors who published a story about "junk foods being good for your waist" look like sheer geniuses!<<

JMHO of course. No offense intended just my thoughts on one aspect of the article.
Jbean - uh huh. Agreed.
Here's my thing.
The number one cause of death for a pediatric patient according to PALS at least is respiratory failure. So... for instance, influenza vaccines were brought up.
You can get mercury free flu. There is no reason not to do it. Especially when the virus is so rampant and easily spread. We especially want the elderly and children under 2 vaccinated because those are the children who are most likely to be the sickest... we push for children under five but under two (kids under six months can't get it) are the ones who are going to be VERY very ill if they get the flu. We're talking having trouble breathing, very sick, dehydrated, maybe having a pneumonia, or worse... going into respiratory failure and getting intubated and having to go on a ventilator.

In the end they are your kids, and the medical decisions you make for them are always your choice. Modern medicine has made it so that we can do things to help children... and some people have come to the beliefs that some of those things that we have tried to formulate to help children have "hurt" them. You can delay vaccines, hold them, whatever.
I, for one, hope and pray that no one would knowingly put something on the market that would hurt a child.
The increase in the autism and autism spectrum rate cannot be disputed over current years. But is it related to an increase in education and an increase in SCREENING METHODS? Are people not sweeping this issue under the rug like they used to?
Honestly, the increase could be a multitude of factors. An increase in better healthcare, so that it is actually being caught earlier and treated more agressively now. Heck, for all some scientists know, it could be the fact that more kids are eating at McDonalds. Or breastfeeding Nazi's might say it is the type of plastics in the bottle's moms who DON'T breast feed moms are using. There are millions of theories out there.
The fact is we don't know! We just do not know for sure!! It is very very debatable!! That is why it is such a hot topic.
And right now, we do know that we have saved the lives of many, many children with these vaccines.
And I'm not ready to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" on this one. I think that vaccines have a time and a place. I think that vaccines are a God send... before vaccines, how many kids died before the age of 5 due to vaccine preventable diseases? Before the age of 1? While I don't have a number in front of me, I think it was more than 1 in 150.
you know, i can say that one thing NEVER, ever changes.
In the end it is always your baby, your child, and you have the right to make the decisions for that child.
it doesn't matter if anyone else agrees with them or not.
if you go to a provider, and they don't agree with you on your stance, change providers. they provide a service, if they don't do a good job, go to another one.

I just think it is nice that people in the rest of the world are trying to do things to improve quality of life... cure cancer, vaccinate against the certain death causing diseases, stop poverty... I mean, isn't that what life is about? Doing things for the greater good? making the world a better place?

I really don't think that the drug companies are out to get people. or to hurt our babies. or to give them autism.
you know, i can say that one thing NEVER, ever changes.
In the end it is always your baby, your child, and you have the right to make the decisions for that child.
it doesn't matter if anyone else agrees with them or not.
if you go to a provider, and they don't agree with you on your stance, change providers. they provide a service, if they don't do a good job, go to another one.

I just think it is nice that people in the rest of the world are trying to do things to improve quality of life... cure cancer, vaccinate against the certain death causing diseases, stop poverty... I mean, isn't that what life is about? Doing things for the greater good? making the world a better place?

I really don't think that the drug companies are out to get people. or to hurt our babies. or to give them autism.
As I have mentioned many times, one of my boys is epileptic. He was diagnosed at just under 2 years old. Started having seizures out of the blue. Like everyone here, I did a lot of research. I didn't have the internet back then so that meant hours at the medical library with my father eating up every bit of info we could find. My pediatrician made his recomendation of what med to use. I went a pediatric neurologist and he made his recommendations as to what meds I should treat him with. but when my father and I researched the meds, we came to the conclusion that they were worse than the epilepsy!
So, my search was for a pedaitric neurologist that would supoprt my decision to not medicate my epileptic son. I had to go to a few, but finally found one and he was awesome. Our thinking was aligned and it made my decision easier. My pediatrician was mad at me for awhile because he thought I was taking a huge risk.We did not see eye to eye on this issue at all. He eventually came around though :)
I did my homework and went to several doctors until I found one that had my same point of view and that would listen to me and helped me make the right decision for my child.
jbean, sounds like you had a good experience... i hope your son is doing great now! what is most important is that it isn't the provider coming in and telling every one what they are going to do that day, but that they are coming and working with the family to formulate a plan of care that works for everyone. otherwise, it is not going to fly!
jbean, sounds like you had a good experience... i hope your son is doing great now! what is most important is that it isn't the provider coming in and telling every one what they are going to do that day, but that they are coming and working with the family to formulate a plan of care that works for everyone. otherwise, it is not going to fly!
Thank you, he is.
It was the right decision. My son had sporadic seizures for awhile and then stayed free of tonic-clonic seizures for over 16 years! fast forward to 18 years old and the seizures came back. but this time, the advancement in medication over the past decade has been tremendous and the meds are far superior to what was available 18 years ago. Coupled with the fact that he is not supervised like a 2 year old anymore :) and drives a car etc., it makes sense to medicate him now. he is and the lamictal protects him very well.
I can only put it like this before my mercury rises.....

My life is broke down to two time periods.

My Life Before Mercury


My Life After Mercury.

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