GUILTY OH - Milton Baker, 7, beaten to death, Cincinnati, 10 Aug 2006

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Seven-year-old Milton Baker III's screams echoed outside his West End home the night of Oct. 10, 2006.
"You want pain? I'll give you pain," neighbors heard Fred Johnson, the boyfriend of the child's mother, yell.
The neighbors turned to each other and said if that man doesn't stop beating him like that, he'll kill him.

The neighbors should be charged as well!
Those neighbors are absolutely pathetic-which is clearly a step up from the perp and the boy's mother. Oh, Milton...glad you are in a place where you don't hurt anymore.
This is so sad, that poor child.

Where was his mother and WHY didn't the neighbors call the police???
The mother and the boyfriend were seen taking him out to the car an hour later so that makes me think she was right there with them while the beating was going on. They said he had bruises all over his body, numerous broken ribs, a broken wrist etc, many bruises several weeks old. The mother knew what was happening to her son but like many others she chose the man over her child :furious:

I'm so sick of these disgusting pieces of human skin killing precious babies! I'm so sick and tired of these woman who think a penis is worth more than their children!

Get a job, get a life, get a clue! Do something to give your child a chance in life. Stop letting your 'love' decide how your child lives.

My children all know how to treat others....why isn't everyone teaching their kids that you can't grow up and hurt others, esp ones who can't fight back?

Shame on those neighbors if they knew and never told. They'd find me broken and bleeding from stepping in before I'd let a grown man beat a child!
I doubt that was the first time the neighbors had heard that monster screaming and beating on that little boy. Shame on them for not doing something. I can't imagine not helping least calling 911. What is wrong with people!

It took the mom and that monster both to carry that little boy out to the car? What..did one have his arms and the other his legs!

That mother should get the same sentence that the monster is getting. That little guy was so broken up that there is no way she wasn't aware. She may not have dealt the blows but she allowed it to happen. Of course she would testify against him because she is trying to save her own butt. Makes me sick. That was her flesh and blood...her responsibility to keep safe and secure.
I agree Bobbisangel - the mother should receive exactly the same sentence as the monster! So were charges even brought against her?

I pray, and I mean pray, that woman gets the same sentence as the man she allowed to murder her son. She stood right there while this man was beating her little boy to death, which makes me believe she was probably there when the other abuse took place. I feel nothing but disgust for her. And as far as the neighbors, I do not know how they can live with themselves! Their just as guilty, had one person called 911 there might have been a chance to save this poor child.
Injuries that are two months tells me a whole lot of people should be investigated in this babies death. Where are the grandparents, families, school teachers, friends, did everyone around this child have their heads up their butts.
I hope somebody beats this to death in jail. What a freaking loser. That pathic mother needs the crap beat out of her fat azz too. This story is just disgusting.:behindbar
This breaks my heart. I have a 7-year-old son and that always makes things like this feel so close.

I have black friends who believe that there is still a large portion of their community who believe in (and received as children) heavy corporal punishment as a parenting tool. This may help to explain the attitude of the neighbors who did not call cops and just figured the boy was being disciplined as well as the attitude of the boyfriend and the mother.

I am not trying to excuse what happened - many adults failed this child. I am also not trying to be racist. As we all know, there are plenty of parents of other races who beat their children badly. I'm only thinking out loud and apologize in advance if anyone is offended. It's just a discussion I've had before with some AA friends - I've also seen AA comedians use it in their material.
The neighbors should have done something, that is what is going on here nobody wants to say anything until it is too late. If we would stand up and start reporting and get involved in our childrens lives more we could put a dent in this $#!&!!!! The mother needs beat for letting that happen she will cry that she was affraid to leave him or something like that. I hope they get theirs in jail!!!
Oh God..reading that just about killed me. You want pain? I'll give you pain? What the h*ll is that? Little 7 year old boy i'm so sorry.. :furious: :mad:
Oh God..reading that just about killed me. You want pain? I'll give you pain? What the h*ll is that? Little 7 year old boy i'm so sorry.. :furious: :mad:

This poor baby, I can't imagine how much pain he was already in with all these broken bones and this huge man still pounding on him. He was probably so afraid he couldn't think about learning to read. He was just thinking about getting the next beating. No more pain for you little man, rest in peace.
I cannot get over the callousness of the neighbors...the responsibility for the death lies at the hands of the mother and boyfriend, but who can listen to a scream like that from a child and do nothing? A call might have saved do you live with yourself knowing that?

I had a coworker who was violently assaulted by a stranger in her townhome at gunpoint....the assault went on for hours (she fought back) and the guy beat her while assaulting her. Her headboard was against the bedroom wall shared by the next townhome, and when the assault ended and the perp left, her neighbor actually came over to see if she was alive and needed help. He and his wife heard the whole thing but "didn't want to get involved." She lived, clearly, but perhaps the worst of what happened to her would not have if these folks had made a simple call...
Who not make a phone call to the police? You don't have to give your name? Are people just too lazy? So what? Maybe you're wrong or just maybe you're right about someone's life being in danger. I would rather be wrong than to know I could've saved someone's life and chose not to get involved.
This quote seems to fit this case perfectly.

“The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it.”

Albert Einstein
I don't know why I read this stuff. I must be a masochist because it hurts so bad. Poor little boy. It just seems that someone should care about him, and I believe we all do. One of the saddest things for me, is what that article said about the "why" of the beating:

"....he brutally beat Milton because the boy could not read all the words in a children's book."

Children should be able to snuggle up on a couch and read with an adult who helps them - not beaten to death. Please God, let your justice come sooner rather than latter to people like this. Sometimes, it is hard to be patient, and to keep your faith that good will triumph over evil. :(

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