WA - Ronald Young for sex abuse, child *advertiser censored*, Pierce County, 2004

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PIERCE COUNTY - Prosecutors say Ronald Young, 41, used the email moniker "fosterdad" to post hundreds of pornographic pictures of his foster children on the internet.

Police say Young took the photos inside his remote Pierce County home - victimizing every one of his six foster boys between the ages of 5 and 7.

Court documents say "some images included the children having intercourse with an adult male."

As prosecutor's charged Young with 44 counts of child rape, molestation and exploitation, detectives revealed Young admits he took pictures of his sexual acts with the boys using a digital camera and tripod.

"To find six kids in foster care under these circumstances, it's pretty tough," said Detective Greg Dawson with the Pierce County Sheriff's Department.

Young's sister claims she tipped authorities several months ago.

"Ask DSHS why when I investigated them they left them damn kids there since September, and let him take on two more during the course of that investigation," she said.

DSHS can find no record of her tip.

Can we put these two posts together? I had posted this the other day under "foster father accused..." look down below.
blueclouds said:
Can we put these two posts together? I had posted this the other day under "foster father accused..." look down below.

Hi blueclouds - it wont let me delete it :(

Doyle will combine them or get rid of mine.. :blowkiss:

Ronald Harold Young

Guilty Plea
Location: Airway Heights Correctional Center
Sentence Date: 01/14/2005

2 counts 1st Degree Rape - Child
4 counts Sexual Exploitation of a Child
1 count 2nd Degree Rape - Child
1 count Possession of Child *advertiser censored*

Sentence: 26 years

Projected Release Date: Unknown
Ronald Harold Young

Guilty Plea
Location: Airway Heights Correctional Center
Sentence Date: 01/14/2005

2 counts 1st Degree Rape - Child
4 counts Sexual Exploitation of a Child
1 count 2nd Degree Rape - Child
1 count Possession of Child *advertiser censored*

Sentence: 26 years

Projected Release Date: Unknown

:eek: :confused: :mad: I can't believe that's all they gave him!!! What happened to the 44 counts of rape? Unbelievable he probably will only serve half of that. Those poor kid's will probably need that much time to come to grips with what he did to them! :banghead:

Young faces 20 to 26 years in prison. Deputy Pierce County Prosecutor Rosie Martinelli said she will ask Judge Katherine Stolz for the maximum 26-year term when Young is sentenced Jan. 14.

Regardless of the length of his sentence, Young faces the possibility of indefinite civil commitment at the state's Special Commitment Center at McNeil Island after his prison term is up.


I'm trying to find where I read that there was some technical problem with the original search warrant, which is one of the reasons prosecutors offered the plea deal.
Friday, April 23, 2004


When he applied to become a foster father to young boys, Ronald Harold Young -- now accused of raping the youths entrusted to his care -- neglected to mention his own father's criminal history of child sexual abuse. He also requested character references from friends who would have no knowledge of his family's troubled past.

These facts were hidden from caseworkers at the Department of Social and Health Services, who have pored over the Young file in recent weeks. Nevertheless, agency officials said yesterday the information would not change their screening practices for foster parents.

The application is explicit: "Have you or anyone in your immediate or extended family been a victim of physical, emotional or sexual abuse?" it asks.

"No," wrote Young, whose father pleaded guilty in 1989 to raping two granddaughters.

BBM - More at link:
Friday, April 23, 2004


When he applied to become a foster father to young boys, Ronald Harold Young -- now accused of raping the youths entrusted to his care -- neglected to mention his own father's criminal history of child sexual abuse. He also requested character references from friends who would have no knowledge of his family's troubled past.

These facts were hidden from caseworkers at the Department of Social and Health Services, who have pored over the Young file in recent weeks. Nevertheless, agency officials said yesterday the information would not change their screening practices for foster parents.

The application is explicit: "Have you or anyone in your immediate or extended family been a victim of physical, emotional or sexual abuse?" it asks.

"No," wrote Young, whose father pleaded guilty in 1989 to raping two granddaughters.

BBM - More at link:

Wow. Yeah. Who would think a pedophile trying to procure young boys is going to tell the truth on an application?:doh:

Thank you Belinda for the update.
Why is DSS never held accountable? Why are so many foster kids that age placed in one home. 6 children aged 5-7 . Was he asking for a certain age group? Those poor babies.
OK--Need to weigh in on here. We've had ten homestudies for adoption and one for specialized foster care. I know the system backwards and forwards. A person is asked to write a narrative about their life--childhood, education, experiences, relationships, approach to parenting, etc. References and criminal background checks are required as are fingerprints. Obviously one is going to provide the "best" references. That's no different than employment refs.

We were never asked, EVER, about our parent's criminal history. That's odd because we spoke freely about my husband's father sexually abusing his daughters and physically abusing his sons. We were open about that but I don't remember ever giving the man's name. And when we became specialized foster parents, it was a well known fact that eight of our children had suffered from rape and that one had gone on to be a SO. Everything was disclosed. We hide nothing. But it surely wouldn't be too hard.

Lastly, I wanted to point out that while it isn't the best practice, adoptive families and foster families often end up with children in the same age group. You must prove that you have appropriate respite and support but it's done all the time. Families very frequently will only accept a certain age group or children with a specific challenge. I know numerous families who have 10-20 children with autism, Down Syndrome or DD who all came quite close together. The reality is that if you prove yourself, your phone will ring off the hook, and exceptions and waivers made for you. The caseworkers are desperate for homes as foster and adoptive families are sorely underfunded and undersupported. There's a very high turnover and burn out rate.

We had seven children placed with us in a two year span who are all within an 20 month span of each other. Yep. I had my own little Head Start class. It about brought us to our knees as all of the children were extremely traumatized and damaged when they walked in the door. Many have major medical and mental health issues. That means we also had ten teens at one time (and you wonder why I lost my brain). And right now I have young adult kids who are 19, 20, 21, 22, 22, 22, and 22 years old. And then there's the 24, 24, 26, 29, 33, and 35 yr. olds. And we are the proud parents of a very special teen foster daughter who will live with us forever. Our family has many many counterparts across the US. We might be unique but there are hundreds out there just like us.

Slimeballs slip through the cracks in foster care just as they do into med school, the classroom, and the church. Shame shame on this man. He brings dishonor to such an honorable avocation.
The reality is that if you prove yourself, your phone will ring off the hook, and exceptions and waivers made for you. The caseworkers are desperate for homes as foster and adoptive families are sorely underfunded and undersupported. There's a very high turnover and burn out rat

It seems this guy proved hisself. Did he get a waiver? I am glad you are a good foster mom but there should be limits on how many children are placed in a home. The only waiver for that should be if there are siblings all related.

So if DSS has to remove the foster child from an abusive home at least the amount of children subjected to that abuse is limited. If DSS is calling and asking everyone to take in more and more kids it is no wonder the burn out rate is high.

I wouldnt want DSS calling me after I had two foster kids asking me if I could take in more.. It is hard to turn away a child and there would be guilt everytime I said no to them. So I can imagine I would not want to continue to play that game with myself I would burn out too.
Not that I dont respect the people who do take in multiple children I just dont believe it should be an option in todays world.
Soulmagent--You bring up a valid point. The sad reality is that caseworkers are human and overworked. If a family is willing and looks good, they get the child. We so easily could have been pushed over the edge. A very wise worker advised us early on to know our limits and to not cave to pressure, but we still pushed the envelope. Most families do. Caseworkers will even offer more funding and services and try to sneak the child in "for just a short respite stay"--just long enough to fall in love. The most dangerous pitfall is something called crowding. We had to have unlimited energy to give each child what they needed and to individualize each child as a unique person--not one of a big group. We reveled in every body's differences and gifts.

To be very clear, we never did foster care until 2 years ago, after our children were grown. We've always adopted. And the choice to adopt often is made on a pressured whim--you might have only a few minutes to decide. It's not for the faint of heart. You are accepting children whom you have very little info on (often huge holes exist in the documents and you don't learn pertinent info for years) with whom you might have had two or three short visits. These children are going to assume the exact same status merely by walking in the door that your birth children have received after years of careful parenting. Children who have been in the system (and there are currently 400,000 waiting with a plan of adoption) carry a lot of baggage with them.

We were fortunate to have good advocacy skills, a great school system and a welcoming community. We also had a 5000 sq. ft house with a boys' wing and a girls' wing, two laundry rooms, three living rooms, a dining room which seated 24, two kitchens, two play rooms, seven bedrooms and five bathrooms. We also had full intercom systems, alarms and surveillance as many of our children were wonderers and a 15 passenger van. We own an 89 acre secluded ranch where the children played on the weekends as there were no recreational facilities for special needs children in our town. They played basketball and rode bikes out there and we held barbeques each weekend. We never used outside respite nor did we have housekeepers. We did it all ourselves. It was a heck of a hard job but we've had some amazing successes.

It would have been far easier if a teacher's son had not raped the children and drug us through 12 years of court trials but such is life. I wouldn't change a thing I did. The minute all were grown and it was clear that my health had deteriorated to such a point that I was not going to get better, we decided to attempt special needs permanent foster care. Once you are in this life, there is a tremendous drive to parent just once more. It was also brutal and a daily fight for almost two years as we battled for our daughter's health and safety. Now, we have a gloriously settled and gracious 15 year old special needs daughter who will live with us forever. Many of our children, in fact, will never leave home. It's not for everyone but it certainly is not boring. The keys are humor, transparency, physical space, a great support system, financial funding, plentiful food, flexibility, and a whole lot of mellow pets.

It was a hell of a 30 year ride.
At least it will likely be 7 to 10 years before he is released to re-offend, thats good!
Why is DSS never held accountable? Why are so many foster kids that age placed in one home. 6 children aged 5-7 . Was he asking for a certain age group? Those poor babies.

They place so many in a home because there is a shortage of even decent foster homes.

Some people CAN actually foster 6 and more children and do an excellent job of it too. They are far and few between though. I would also bet he asked for a specific age group, because 99% of foster parents do...no red flags about that.

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