The "Lost Boys" Of The FLDS

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Peace And Love
Jan 18, 2007
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The FLDS Has Kicked Out Over 2000 Boys

“Many of these boys come from good families. But their fathers know that if they don’t put their child out on the street, his entire family will be put out on the street,” said Shannon Price, director of the Diversity Foundation in Salt Lake City that helps victims abused by the polygamy faith.

The boys are ill-equipped to deal with their new world.
“You might as well put them on another planet. No training. No food. No idea on how to get help or what to do,” Jensen said. “Some are so heartsick they can’t do anything.”
There may be as many as 2,000 of the young castaways, known as the “Lost Boys” by the people who try to help integrate them into a world they have been taught to distrust.
Sam Brower, a private investigator in Cedar City, Utah, who has tracked the plight of Lost Boys, said many “have just been discarded on the side of the highway. … Many have turned to drugs and alcohol and end up on the streets of Vegas.
“They know absolutely nothing about the outside world. They have little education. … It’s very rough for them.”
Jensen said the boys in the FLDS, after graduating from home school, win favors from “the priesthood” by going on two-year “work missions” away from their families. They work for free for the church but are still vulnerable to expulsion if they slip up.

According to one article in a National "Gay" publication MANY of these boys end up in the Gay *advertiser censored* or sex trade in Las Vegas - not by choice, but by necessity. These are NOT gay boys, they are desperate boys with no self esteem. The gay community is raising money to get these boys off the streets and get them some help because they are so disgusted at what has been done to these BOYS by the FLDS. The counselors say they are children really - so naive and very vulnerable to hustlers and pimps. These boys show up at age 16, 17, 18 with NO knowledge of AIDS, Safe Sex or Condoms - they end up drugged, raped and abused - they get STD's - sometimes AIDS and they also often end up addicted to drugs or alcohol. They are frequently "taken in" by older men who take them all over the country and then dump them somewhere (like the FLDS did) when they get tired of them. It's a horrible cycle of abuse.

I'd really like for Warren Jeffs' HELL to be one that these boys design.

My Opinion
According to one article in a National "Gay" publication MANY of these boys end up in the Gay *advertiser censored* or sex trade in Las Vegas - not by choice, but by necessity. These are NOT gay boys, they are desperate boys with no self esteem. The gay community is raising money to get these boys off the streets and get them some help because they are so disgusted at what has been done to these BOYS by the FLDS. The counselors say they are children really - so naive and very vulnerable to hustlers and pimps. These boys show up at age 16, 17, 18 with NO knowledge of AIDS, Safe Sex or Condoms - they end up drugged, raped and abused - they get STD's - sometimes AIDS and they also often end up addicted to drugs or alcohol. They are frequently "taken in" by older men who take them all over the country and then dump them somewhere (like the FLDS did) when they get tired of them. It's a horrible cycle of abuse.

I'd really like for Warren Jeffs' HELL to be one that these boys design.

My Opinion
Personally, I hope the one he thinks he's in keeps him for the rest of his life, in open population. Perhaps that will suffice.

Edited to add: It's fitting, imo, for a person who controlled so many others lives he is now having his own life and movements controlled while being deprived of things he used to have. The best thing is, he's no longer able to physically touch another child while he's in there.
According to one article in a National "Gay" publication MANY of these boys end up in the Gay *advertiser censored* or sex trade in Las Vegas - not by choice, but by necessity. These are NOT gay boys, they are desperate boys with no self esteem. The gay community is raising money to get these boys off the streets and get them some help because they are so disgusted at what has been done to these BOYS by the FLDS. The counselors say they are children really - so naive and very vulnerable to hustlers and pimps. These boys show up at age 16, 17, 18 with NO knowledge of AIDS, Safe Sex or Condoms - they end up drugged, raped and abused - they get STD's - sometimes AIDS and they also often end up addicted to drugs or alcohol. They are frequently "taken in" by older men who take them all over the country and then dump them somewhere (like the FLDS did) when they get tired of them. It's a horrible cycle of abuse.

I'd really like for Warren Jeffs' HELL to be one that these boys design.

My Opinion

Do you think that Warren is really a prophet, or that he just is aware of what happens to them?

His words to the FLDS community.... if they leave they will end up on drugs, with many men. And eternally damned. To the women he adds that they will be forced to wear makeup and cut their hair.

I think he has been using these boys to put fear into the rest of the population.
I think the group has been using that "threat" to scare people for years before Warren came along. He just enjoys twisting the psychological knife in them with its use.
As boys approach 18, they are continually assessed for their “faithfulness.” Those who are subservient are kept, but most are driven out of the community and banished forever; the so-called “Lost Boys.” No one knows how many there are, but a single program in Salt Lake City has attracted 400 of them by word of mouth. Conservative estimates are 1400 – 1500, but the true total is IMHO much higher.
They are put out with no money, no education, little in the way of marketable skills and the message that they are forever condemned; there is nothing they can do to redeem themselves with either their family or their God, and it is all their fault because they are evil and unworthy. With no social skills, the maturity level of small children and wracked by fear and guilt, most turn to drugs, alcohol, prostitution and crime; suicides are common, and many simply disappear.
Those boys deemed most faithful, like Warren Jeffs, are groomed as replacement followers to carry on the cult’s traditions. Brutalized into sociopathy and twisted by their internalized rage and fears, all they know how to do is what was done to them – passing on the cruelty from one generation to the next.
Along with the usual Mormon doctrine of male domination, FLDS children are taught that if they leave the faith or are expelled they will forever lose their soul and dwell in eternal darkness. Once outside the faith, all contact is forbidden; the most ever allowed is an occasional phone call to their mothers, but most families shun the boys totally for fear of contaminating their own souls.
This is a pretty good article:

The Lost Boys.

The mothers say the boys are "dead" to them, because the "prophet" has decided they are no longer a member of the family. Most of the Lost Boys are between the ages of 13 and 21 when banished from or pressured to leave compounds such as the Yearning for Zion (YFZ) Ranch. They were raised to fear the outside world, fear authorities and have a very limited education, but because men in the FLDS sect must have at least three wives, the women to men ratio wouldn't allow for that if the boy children were all allowed to stay and with some of the FLDS men having up to 10 wives, that makes it even more necessary to send these children packing, out into a world they have been taught to fear, to sleep on the street.
One of these boys, named Franky, says, "How a father or a mother can suddenly take a child and kick them out and never speak with them again, that's just unbelievable." Another of those boys is Gideon Barlow, who says he arrived in this strange world as an orphan from another world, at the age of 16. At 17, he begged to visit his mother on Mother's Day, to just give her a gift, yet the mother told him that he was "dead" to her.
Gideon is one of the ''Lost Boys," a group of more than 400 teenagers -- some as young as 13 -- who authorities in Utah and Arizona say have fled or been driven out of the polygamous enclaves of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City over the last four years. His stated offenses: wearing short-sleeved shirts, listening to compact discs, and having a girlfriend. Other boys say they were booted out for going to movies, watching television, and staying out past curfew. Another "Lost Boy" was John Jessop who was kicked out of the family at the age of 13 years old because he ran away for three day and another is Sam Icke who was kicked out of his home for kissing a girl.
At the time the plight of the children came to light, in 2005, it was not the mothers that these boys blamed for refusing to acknowledge their existence, it was Warren Jeff, who was the "prophet" of the FLDS and it was him they wanted punished. These boys still loved their mothers, even after having their mothers shun them and refuse to consider them alive, throwing them away as if they were garbage, out into the world that they had first taught these children to fear. More of these former FLDS children have come forward recently, since the Child Protective Services took 416 children from the FLDS compound and they too find very little pity for the mothers that are crying for the cameras.
One of which is Richard Holm and he says, "They (FLDS leaders) are guilty of what they're accusing the authorities of doing." "I think it's an act of desperation to a degree. They don't know what else to do," Holm said. "They howl and cry that they're being ripped away from this wonderful family condition they're in when they've got blood on their hands. They did it to me and several hundred other men."

By the way, someone asked on another thread something about why the Lost Boys issue has been somewhat silent, I think, about what they have suffered and the FLDS, until now. They did file a lawsuit a few years back, against the cult and have been seeking a lot of press, over the years. I think that they sought and/or obtained some sort of monies from the UEP, custody and control of which has been assumed by either AZ or UT. Here's some more info on that:

It's a great, long article on the Lost Boys and the grounds for their lawsuit.
Thanks for your post, gitana. impossible for me to get my head round the mindset of abandoning the boys as they do. :shaking my head:

cruel and unusual behaviour. :(
I believe someone else posted this link and quoted part of this story. Brian isn't exactly a lost boy from being kicked out, since he and his mother excaped when he was 13. His story spotlights what years of conditioning and brainwashing can do, and what it took to overcome the desire to kill his father. A very enlightening story!
Thank you for the info, Gitana. It was me who was asking about them.

Some of the children from YFZ are now in a wonderful christian home for children here in Abilene. I've been concerned for the welfare of those who might try to escape the YFZ ranch since an El Dorado rancher started doing fly-overs several years ago.

Abilene is on I-20; the main east-west interstate across Texas. El Dorado is only a couple hours southwest of here. I have long thought that we should have been better prepared to assist anyone who might try to escape from that evil cult, since they would probably feel the need to get as far away as possible, and quickly. I brought the subject to the attention of my LE hubby and others at my church, but no one I spoke with saw a need to be concerned.

I hope that the present situation will lead to more former FLDS in this area stepping up to testify to the truth of their lives at the ranch so that no child or unwilling adult will ever have to return to the horror in which they have been raised.

I pray that the damage FLDS has inflicted upon these poor souls can be healed by the true Word of God, and that they may soon realize that what they have been taught all of their lives about the character and will of God has been an evil, blasphemous lie:furious: . God is loving, gracious, kind and forgiving. He desires for His children to live in peace, not fear, and He is waiting with open arms, to welcome and protect those who have been deceived. :blowkiss:

Perhaps once evidence is released others will be more concerned about those who try to leave and assist.

However, if you've noticed, all the other compounds are being built with high walls, sentries, guard towers etc.. in all likelihood, there will be no women or children being able to escape from within those walls.
Since they're not allowed to drive and only to venture outside the walls accompanied by other trusted women or by a man, it's going to be even more difficult for them to escape that way.
I'm glad you liked the articles FLOH and TGI Recovered. FLOH, I read on one of these threads that you have been following the FLDS for years. So have I! Isn't it great, after all this time, to see some real action taking place to protect the kids from this sect? I was always amazed that so little had been done in AZ and UT despite the rampant welfare fraud, the misuse of education funds and the tons of abandoned boys being left for the state to try to deal with, as well as all the stories of girls being abused. I wondered what TX was going to do with the compound the FLDS created. Now we know!
I must have missed something...what is Texas going to do with the compound?

Until the state and federal investigations are finished I don't think the compound can be legally seized. I suspect there's going to be some Rico charges laid at the feet of the FLDS and its leadership and members. At least I hope so! Then they can seize all of the properties and liquidate them.
I'm glad you liked the articles FLOH and TGI Recovered. FLOH, I read on one of these threads that you have been following the FLDS for years. So have I! Isn't it great, after all this time, to see some real action taking place to protect the kids from this sect? I was always amazed that so little had been done in AZ and UT despite the rampant welfare fraud, the misuse of education funds and the tons of abandoned boys being left for the state to try to deal with, as well as all the stories of girls being abused. I wondered what TX was going to do with the compound the FLDS created. Now we know!

You cannot be a mother of any child, boy or girl and not read what has happened to all these children without tears. I so applaud TX for taking such a strong stand. I absolutely am disgusted with Utah and AZ for not doing anything for so long. I just hope this will change that and the powers that be will realize we will not tolerate their turning their heads and not helping these victims.

I also hope that those sent to jail or prison will learn firsthand what they have done to so many. Bubba is the name I am thinking of.
One of the lost boys, Gideon Barlow found out his father Dan Barlow was collecting social security in the boy's name for years, committing fraud.

I wonder how many other lost boys have discovered the same thing about their parents or "assigned" parents.
One of the lost boys, Gideon Barlow found out his father Dan Barlow was collecting social security in the boy's name for years, committing fraud.

I wonder how many other lost boys have discovered the same thing about their parents or "assigned" parents.

I'm glad you are finding all these articles Molly.:clap: Let's keep the heat on the FLDS by exposing their true nature to the public, and hopefully legitimate LE (not FLDS LE) will read here and go after them for all these other frauds and crimes as well!
I must have missed something...what is Texas going to do with the compound?

Until the state and federal investigations are finished I don't think the compound can be legally seized. I suspect there's going to be some Rico charges laid at the feet of the FLDS and its leadership and members. At least I hope so! Then they can seize all of the properties and liquidate them.

Sorry, extremely bad writing on my part. What I should have said is I wondered how Texas would react to FLDS setting up a compound in their state (Texas), with the likeliehood of of welfare fraud, child abuse, etc., occurring there. I wondered if they would tend to ignore it, keep thier eyes on it, or try to make sure that the same things that happened in AZ and UT did not happen in TX. I hope that makes sense! Now, I believe that TX was well aware of the FLDS from the start and perhaps viewed them with concern. I think TX had done their research and may have been ready to deal with any problems that could occur. I was always surprised that AZ put up with the FLDS for so long - that the citizens of that state were not hopping mad about their tax dollars going for private helicopters, towards increase of the UEP trust and the subsidization of the tons of children these men were creating, without supporting them. I would have been very angry to live in AZ and have my government turn a blind eye, especially when the group I would have been subsidizing is then kicking out young boys with no support whatsoever, for the state to take care of. And there were regular articles about the FLDS' shenanigans in the papers there before this latest scandal. So, people there knew what was going on!
P.S. After all this time, I still don't know how to quote properly, so hopefully I have done it right!
Sorry, extremely bad writing on my part. What I should have said is I wondered how Texas would react to FLDS setting up a compound in their state (Texas), with the likeliehood of of welfare fraud, child abuse, etc., occurring there. I wondered if they would tend to ignore it, keep thier eyes on it, or try to make sure that the same things that happened in AZ and UT did not happen in TX. I hope that makes sense! Now, I believe that TX was well aware of the FLDS from the start and perhaps viewed them with concern. I think TX had done their research and may have been ready to deal with any problems that could occur. I was always surprised that AZ put up with the FLDS for so long - that the citizens of that state were not hopping mad about their tax dollars going for private helicopters, towards increase of the UEP trust and the subsidization of the tons of children these men were creating, without supporting them. I would have been very angry to live in AZ and have my government turn a blind eye, especially when the group I would have been subsidizing is then kicking out young boys with no support whatsoever, for the state to take care of. And there were regular articles about the FLDS' shenanigans in the papers there before this latest scandal. So, people there knew what was going on!
P.S. After all this time, I still don't know how to quote properly, so hopefully I have done it right!

Gitana1.................I agree that Texas had done their homework and knew what was going on at the YFZ ranch. Early in this current situation, the local sheriff was interviewed and he stated that he had been aware of the activities at the YFZ ranch and had an informant. He didn't elaborate on who the informant was, or whether or not the informant was inside the ranch or just acting in the role of an adviser as to FLDS activities in the past. The sheriff explained that although they knew of the activities, they couldn't act on them until there was a complaint.
Sorry, extremely bad writing on my part. What I should have said is I wondered how Texas would react to FLDS setting up a compound in their state (Texas), with the likeliehood of of welfare fraud, child abuse, etc., occurring there. I wondered if they would tend to ignore it, keep thier eyes on it, or try to make sure that the same things that happened in AZ and UT did not happen in TX. I hope that makes sense! Now, I believe that TX was well aware of the FLDS from the start and perhaps viewed them with concern. I think TX had done their research and may have been ready to deal with any problems that could occur. I was always surprised that AZ put up with the FLDS for so long - that the citizens of that state were not hopping mad about their tax dollars going for private helicopters, towards increase of the UEP trust and the subsidization of the tons of children these men were creating, without supporting them. I would have been very angry to live in AZ and have my government turn a blind eye, especially when the group I would have been subsidizing is then kicking out young boys with no support whatsoever, for the state to take care of. And there were regular articles about the FLDS' shenanigans in the papers there before this latest scandal. So, people there knew what was going on!
P.S. After all this time, I still don't know how to quote properly, so hopefully I have done it right!
You did it properly :) and yes, that makes sense. I believe there were certain Texas lawmakers who were made aware of the situation and decided to fix shortcomings in the law while the local sheriff kept an eye on things. I'm not sure most Arizonans realized the extent to which they were being bled by the flds. It's more an more apparent that there were numerous officials who knew exactly what was going on but turned their blind eye to it in order to protect their own fannys.
I'm glad you are finding all these articles Molly.:clap: Let's keep the heat on the FLDS by exposing their true nature to the public, and hopefully legitimate LE (not FLDS LE) will read here and go after them for all these other frauds and crimes as well!
You know, with all the other fraud that was going on, I figured there had to be some SSI diddling. I figure LE already is well aware of the extent that these people have been defrauding the rest of us.

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