Darlie's 16 versions

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Pocono Sleuther

Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2004
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I read all the 16 versions posted in the sticky. But none of them have verifiable proof. They are hearsay. Are they not? Where is the documentation of each of the 16 versions other than what was heard or said for family/friends?
Is there any at all?
the stories were derived from statements she made to other people or to the police. If anything is/was incorrect, you may be able to verify what you're looking for by reading the transcripts to see if it was discussed in open court and what each side had to say about it at that time. Aside from that, yes, statements given in any instance can be considered "hearsay," but you're reading the exact transcript of the statement of the person telling the story. Its not like you're reading a paperback that just purports to tell what was said. Sorry I can't be more help on this topic.
No, Jeana that was helpful. I am re-reading the transcripts now. I was just wondering if these different stories were more of "she said this to my friend and I heard this from another friend" or if it was Darlie herself speaking. Thanks!
There is direct evidence and hearsay.

Direct evidence - what I told you personally. You can relate this event to the court through testimony and give direct evidence. You have first hand knowledge. These people are called witnesses.

For example: I told you story A, that I felt pressure on my legs that caused me to wake up. You testify directly to this story as told to you by me.

I tell story B to another person. That I woke up when I heard one of the boys calling "mommy". This is in my Police statement

Then I tell story C to yet another person, that I woke up when I felt pressure on my neck. I told this to a co-worker.

So none of these stories that I told you is correct because there was no intruder. I am fabricating a story that best suits me and is self serving. It is very telling that I am lying about the different versions of the stories.

Hearsay - what another person told you. You have no direct knowledge, you do not know if the information relayed to you is correct. Now there are exceptions to hearsay, but a Judge rules on the evidence.

One exception is a dying declaration: As person is stabbed, he thinks he will die. He will die. While the police are there he tells them: John Smith stabbed me, he took a knife and stabbed me over money that I owed him because of a debt.

Then the officer can testify what the dead victim told him at the trial of John Smith. The reason, people have no motive to lie when they are dying to whom caused their death. It is the last uttered statement.

A person has the right to "confront" the person giving testimony. That is why exceptions must be allowed by a Judge.

So the people in court are not saying: Well this person told me this. They are saying: Darlie directly told me this, she spoke to me and told me what happened.
Darlie's stories:

From No. 1:

Q. And that what woke her up was her 5 year old crying?

A. Yes.

Q. Okay. Then what did she say happened?

A. She said that her -- she felt a struggle like at her neck.

Q. Okay.

A. And the man started wrestling with her.

Q. Pokay. Did she say where she was w this struggle at her neck and the wrestling occurred?

A. She was on the couch.

Q. Okay. What's the next thing that she told you?

A. She said that she started yelling and that he ran off and he had dropped the knife and she picked it up.

Q. Okay. Did she say which way that he ran?

A. No, sir.

From No. 2:

Q. What is the first version of the attack that the defendant gave to you? What did she first tell you happened out there on that evening?
A. Just that she had felt that Damon waking her up saying,"Mommie, Mommie, Mommie. And then she looks up over her and she sees a glimpse of this man going towards -- I don't know how, probably, maybe at the island, I don't know -- going from the kitchen, probably two to three seconds of a glimpse of this man going into the utility room and then gone.
Q. I want to make sure that -- I want to be clear about what you said. You said that she said that she felt Damon touch her?
A. Touch her on shoulder and he woke her up.
Q. Okay. And he was saying something to her?
A."Mommie, Mommie, Mommie.
Q. Okay. And, she then woke up and saw a man walking away through the kitchen?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And he then walked into the utility room?
A. Yes, sir.
From No. 3:
Q. Okay. Do you remember saying to her that you told Jamie Johnson that Darlie told you that she woke up because there was weight on her legs and the intruder supposedly was sitting on her legs? Do you remember telling Jamie Johnson that that is the version that your wife gave to you about this attack?
A. We didn't know if that was really true or not. We didn't know if that was a dream.
Q. Well, Jamie Johnson, when you discussed this incident with her, this was the version that you gave to Jamie Johnson, wasn't it?
A. Yes, sir.
Sounds like story #2 grew some legs and #3 started running...
Is anyone besides me seeing some sort of pattern here? We're not even to Story No. 4, not even 10 lines into the text and we've already got three different versions of just how it was that Darlie became aware that something wasn't right in Darlieville.
From Story 4:

Q. Mr. Routier, again going back to Coreen Wells, again, do you recall Coreen Wells is the individual, the lady that lives there at the house that you used to live at on Bond Street? Do you remember that?
A. Yes, sir, I didn't know her name.
Q. Right. Okay. Do you remember when you went over to talk with her on December the 3rd, in fact, you went into your wife's version of attack with Coreen Wells also, didn't you?
A. Well, I had a good talk with her.
Q. And it included what your wife had told you about the attack, correct?
A. I don't think she remembers any of the attack.
Q. Well, my question to you is: Did you tell Coreen Wells what your wife had related to you about the attack?
A. No.
Q. So, you did not tell Coreen Wells that the man was on top of her, and was intending to rape her when she woke up? You didn't tell Coreen Wells that?
A. That would be my assumption.
From Story 5:

Q. What did she tell you?
A. She told us, at that time, that an intruder, and --- well -- she had awoken to find an intruder over her. She struggled with the intruder. She saw him with the knife. I asked her to describe this person, at which time she started to describe the person, and I asked her to stop for a minute and let's start from the very top of what he was wearing.
Q. Okay. What did she tell you?
A. She said that he was wearing a black cap.
Q. And I said,"Was the bill to the front of the face or was it turned around backwards?"
A. And, she said the bill was to the front.
Q. Okay.,
From Story No. 6:

Q. You come back into this area again. Now what do you do?
A. I asked her again for a description of the suspect. And, she told me she didn't know if it was a white or a black guy, but that he was wearing a black shirt, dark pants and a ball cap.
Q. Again, a black ball cap and a dark shirt?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Didn't know whether he was white or black?
A. Right.
Q. Okay. Did she give you any other information at that time about this person, or what may have happened?
A. She told me what had happened.
Q. Okay. Just tell the members of the jury what the defendant told you had happened right there.
A. She told me that she had got into a fight with somebody that broke into her house. See fought with the suspect. She told me she fought with him at the end of the bar here, and that he ran across the kitchen.
Q. All right. Did she describe what kind of fight had occurred here in this area?
A. She had just said that she fought with him.
Q. All right. Are you sure it was this area that she was indicating too?
A. Yes, sir.
Liars can never get their stories straight. Darlie is right where she deserves to be.
Okay, check this out. Does anyone else remember her turning on lights THREE different times?

From Story No. 8:

A. I got into the kitchen, and I got to where the island is, there is an island in the middle of the kitchen. I got to where the island was, and it was at that moment that realized that I had blood on me. And I kept going, walking a little bit, and I saw a knife laying in the utility room. The knife wasn't completely the whole way in the utility room, it was just like, a little bit into the doorway of the utility room. It was an instinct -- I picked up the knife it was an instinct to pick up the knife. I didn't think about it. It was just and instinct. I picked up the knife, I brought the knife back to the kitchen counter, and set it up on the kitchen counter. At that time, I started to walk into the living room and it was at that time that I saw Devon, and he was laying on the floor, and he wasn't moving and his eyes were open and he had, cuts on him that were so 4867 I big.
Q. Did you say say anything at that time?
A. I screamed "Devon." I screamed out and that I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was at that time that I turned back around and I went to Damon, and Damon was standing up still.
Q. Could you see that he had been hurt or cut or anything at that point?.
A. Not at that time, I couldn't see that he had been hurt. I just started checking all over him and when I turned him around I could see big huge wounds, through his shirt. I started screaming, and I ran into the entrance way, and I flipped on the lights real quick, and I was screaming Darin, Devon, Darin and Devon, and, we ran back into hallway, Darin went over to Devon, I went into the kitchen and flipped the lights on, and I grabbed the phone, and I went to the drawer where there's towels in the drawer, and I went to the drawer, and I went over to the sink and I got the towels wet.
Q. Did you have all the lights on now?
A. Yes, sir.
"A struggle at her neck" gee that's some euphemism for being strangled or someone putting hands around my neck. It's also a real stretch from that to the various changing descriptions of what happened ie.."feeling a weight on my legs", "wrestling with him"; "fighting with him" and "he was on top going to rape."

And the big bad attacker just jerked his hands away and ran...er walked away.. like a scaredy cat when she "for only 2 or 3 seconds caught a glimpse of him... as he's going into utility room AFTER she is woken by her son crying...er ... touching her and er.. fighting with him on the couch.. er.. at the end of the bar!

Pardon my sarcasm ya'll. But her stories are ludicrious.

The one part that quite possibly could be a particle of truth is her statement of "Damon was standing up still" and that she screamed at him.

From what I've read or heard from women or men who've been attacked, there is always a feature of the attacker's face that they remember very well. The only way they don't focus on whether the attacker was black, white, hispanic or asian is if there is a mask of some sort involved or if the attacker speaks at all and they don't recognize an accent.
But they do focus on something, a smell, a feature, size etc..

All Darlie came up with is the ball cap and color of clothing. If she were to wake up on the couch with someone attacking her one would think she'd remember something more or other than that.

I agree with Rino, the story got legs as Darlie realized she was going to have to give up or invent more details.
Its so long since I read all Darlie's different stories that I had forgotten just how much she contradicted herself. The truth is always absolute and if you are telling the truth then you will always say basically the same thing.
In Darlie's case the only reason for so many different stories is because she is lying through her teeth, and the only reason for that is because she is a cold blooded child killing murderess.
Most of these are heresay stories, not interviews with Darlie. No wonder she was so screwed around. And that one interview where the very last question is "did she ever waiver from this story", the persons response is cut off. Were these just edited at random?
I usually find a lot of so called "inconsistencies" are not necessarily evidence of lying. People do tell things differently, they leave out a detail here or there or they start their story in a different place. The only thing that I consider a relevant inconsistencies is if there are material differences between the statements where they contradict themselves to the point that both cannot be true OR when the statement evolves in tandem with new evidence...new details are added that weren't there before as new questions and new evidence are located.

I also cannot really imagine why Darlie's "instinct" would have been to pick up the knife. Her two kids are dead or dying and she is bleeding from the neck. For what POSSILBE REASON would she pick up the knife before calling 911??????????????

She doesn't say she grabs it out of the perps hand, but la di da, she picks it up after he's gone and has dropped it and she moves it around. This doesn't make much sense. Its hard to imagine in the level of shock a person would be in that an intruder has just attacked their family and they have a serious wound that they would even think to pick up the knife the intruder left before calling for help....

I don't see as many inconsistencies here as most do who think Darlie is guilty, but there are some.
I usually find a lot of so called "inconsistencies" are not necessarily evidence of lying. People do tell things differently, they leave out a detail here or there or they start their story in a different place. The only thing that I consider a relevant inconsistencies is if there are material differences between the statements where they contradict themselves to the point that both cannot be true OR when the statement evolves in tandem with new evidence...new details are added that weren't there before as new questions and new evidence are located.

I also cannot really imagine why Darlie's "instinct" would have been to pick up the knife. Her two kids are dead or dying and she is bleeding from the neck. For what POSSILBE REASON would she pick up the knife before calling 911??????????????

She doesn't say she grabs it out of the perps hand, but la di da, she picks it up after he's gone and has dropped it and she moves it around. This doesn't make much sense. Its hard to imagine in the level of shock a person would be in that an intruder has just attacked their family and they have a serious wound that they would even think to pick up the knife the intruder left before calling for help....

I don't see as many inconsistencies here as most do who think Darlie is guilty, but there are some.

What about the struggle? You either do struggle with someone, or you don't. You can't have anything in between.

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