FL FL - Lucely "Lilly" Aramburo, 24, Miami, 2 June 2007

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This is a name most have never heard and a story that is just now being told.

Lilly has been missing since June 2, 2007 and the circumstances are very unusual.

The saddest part about her story is that it has never been told. There has been absolutely no media coverage, even though her friends and family have begged for it.

LE has done virtually nothing and is not very cooperative with the family.

We need to change these facts, for Lilly and her little son, Palden, and for the many, many missing persons out there that we don't even know about.

In the next few days I will bring all of the information we have on this case, and I hope that the great folks here at Websleuths will help us make a difference.

I am trying to get her case information to as many forums as possible in the hopes that one of you out there has the resources or the connections to make the difference for Lilly.
I have never heard about this case Peki but please bring the information as soon as possible, I would be glad to help.
Miami Mom Leaves to Pick Flowers At 2 a.m.; Never Seen Again
Posted by Holliston at 4/13/2008 11:06 PM and is filed under Lilly Aramburo

Lucely "Lilly" Aramburo missing since June 2, 2007

Lucely "Lilly" Aramburo is probably not a name you recognize. While she's been missing since June last year, the Miami area media has yet to print or air a word about her disappearance. You would think that her story would interest somebody. At 24, she's the mother of a year old son. Friends say she'd never walk away from her baby. Yet at 2.am. on June 2, her boyfriend reported she changed into pajamas and left to pick flowers. No one has seen her since. The only place you can find information about Lilly is through some missing person websites and a MySpace page dedicated to her.

Lilly is not what many in the media consider a "sexy" story. She was a drug user but cleaned up when she became pregnant. She also suffers from psychological problems including schizophrenia. Both issues raise the question, did she leave on her own in an impaired state? Friends I spoke to don't believe that.

Lilly moved in with Christen Pacheco, a successful businessman in the Miami area. She told friends they had planned to marry. While things looked good for the couple on the outside, it was far from a perfect relationship. [Let me state right here, I am not using the friends names because they say they are fearful. They do not want their names used and I'll respect that.] According to friends, police were called to the couple's home several times by neighbors who heard fighting. No one was ever arrested.

But Lilly was afraid of something. She reportedly told her mother that if anything happened to her, Christen should be the suspect because he supposedly told her that if he wanted to make her disappear, he could.

The account Christen gave Lilly's mother seemed odd to her. There were people at the couple's home in the living room. Lilly went into the bedroom to get pajamas and then came into the living room to change in front of everyone. Friends found that strange saying she's not that kind of person. She's a shy person.

According to the account, Christen wasn't sure what the pajamas looked like. She wasn't wearing shoes, didn't have her purse and didn't have her cell phone. She said she was going to pick flowers. Friends also found it strange that Christen reported Lilly missing to the police 24 hours after he last saw her. He didn't try calling her mother, who lives near Miami, to see if she perhaps went there, he called the police.

Lilly's baby son was with her mother at the time spending the weekend. Another story that concerned friends was the fact Christen's Cadillac SUV disappeared shortly after Lilly's disappearance. Eventually, Christen said he was in an accident on a trip to New York and the vehicle was totaled. He was uninjured.

It gets stranger. One of the house guests on that June 2 night was a woman who had a previous relationship with Christen. This woman wrote a blog about Lilly about 2 weeks prior to her disappearance. A warning. The language is very strong.
lilie is a monster

disgusting little monster. she doesn't care for anyone but herself. now she has ruined someone else's entire fukking life and is marrying him for the fukking drugs that she got him hooked on (which by the way is supposed to happen tomorrow). and who cares what happens with her son? who cares that he's in *advertiser censored* foster care and that's an awful life? she cares more about a night of smoking crack than about getting him back and saving his entire future. i know she doesn't want to be a good mom but damn she won't even put him somewhere safe. like she has no love for him. she's just like "*advertiser censored* it palden, i want crack, your on your own, good luck, peace."
and what happened to friends? she only thinks about herself dude shes seriously a shell of a person. a *advertiser censored* crackhead. a manipulative, psychotic little monster. and she's so *advertiser censored* paranoid about losing her drug supply that she's turned on me for fear that i'll steal chris from her because he and i were such close friends before she even started really hanging out with him. she's so fukking paranoid she lost it because david was in the bathroom shaving when chris was taking a shower so she thought they were ****ING! oh!oh! and today, she decided that she believes in god, and their gunna be married by a priest tomorrow, and they're going to attend church every sunday, and she says they aren't going to talk to me anymore. she makes me sick. i fukking hate crack and crackheads.

The family is also disappointed in the police investigation. They say it took nearly 2 months before a flyer was put out to patrol officers and the initial flyer had her name misspelled. When friends later asked for information, Lilly's case couldn't be found because of that misspelling. Her mother is also frustrated because she says police don't return her phone calls. She must go to the police station to get information.

Is she the victim of foul play or did she leave on her own? There have been reported sightings of her in the Miami area. That happens a lot in missing person cases. Friends put up flyers and generate sighting reports. But it's been 10 months with no contact. "There's no way she'd leave her baby," a friend said.

All this and the story hasn't been told at all in the Miami area. Several calls were placed by family and friends to local news channels and newspapers. Nothing. Not a word.

There's always two sides to a story. Sometimes more. I've reached out to Christen so he can tell his side and provide his perspective. I've also reached out to the detective on this case for his thoughts. The media can really only do so much. Take a look at Lilly below as well as her physical description. Keep her in mind especially if you are in the Miami area.

Anyone with any information should immediately contact Miami Dade Police - Detective Mancha 305-418-7245 amancha@mdpd.com
Case PD070602291858

Lucely "Lilly" Aramburo
Missing From: Miami, Florida
Date Missing: June 2, 2007
Date of Birth: November 16, 1983
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Height: 4’11
Weight: 100 Pounds
Build: Medium
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long-Straight-Dark Brown
Race: Hispanic
Complexion: Olive
Clothing: pajamas?
Large violin curves tattoo on lower back
Scar on left hand

Justice for Lilly Aramburo

This blog is dedicated to raising awareness about Lucely "Lilly" Aramburo, an endangered at risk missing 24 year old woman who disappeared from Miami, FL June 2, 2007. As of yet, Lilly's story has not been reported. Her picture has not been shown on local news or newspapers. This case needs urgent media attention. Please lend a hand to help find Lilly today. May all who view my blog achieve peace and find what they are looking for.


Lilly's facebook account...

Finding Lilly website...

Lilly's MySpace...

Posts on Lilly Aramburo from HelpTheMissing.Org, including info. on her boyfriend, Christen Pacheco.
Lucely "Lilly" Aramburo Timeline

Lilly and Kelly meet each other in Middle School at Ponce de Leon in Coral Gables, FL.

(flash forward to 2004...)

May, 2004
David's Mom reaches out for support to help with David who was in jail because of drugs. After getting out of jail, they are able to get David into rehab at St. Lukes.

June, 2004
David gets out of rehab. He and Lilly are dating, they move in with a friend involved with trying to help him for 4 months...
(Lilly’s personality made her instantly likable, at this time Lilly also had a broken back, she had fallen off a balcony while hanging out with some friend at the U of M dorms.)

September, 2004
Lilly and David move into their own apartment together in Little Haiti.

Christen lives upstairs from them. He gave David a job and started that behavior of "buying" people. At that time, he was very attracted to Lilly but he gave her "the creeps".

Kelly starts going around Lilly & David & she meets Christen. She immediately starting using him and even most likely being the one to get Christen involved in drugs, which he had never done before that time, according to Lilly. Lilly was upset to see Kelly messing Christen up.

During this time...
Kelly and her baby Daddy, Sean, live with Lilly and David for a time.

January, 2006
Lilly is pregnant.
David was sent to rehab in Boston by his mom.
Lilly spends almost her entire pregnancy at a homeless shelter. Wanted space from "friends" that were using drugs. She did great during this time. The happiest time in her life!

David returns from rehab. He moves into the homeless shelter with Lilly. Afterwhich they live at a farm together.

David starts using again and thus causing many problems for Lilly. Eventually Lilly even has to get a restraining order against David because he hit and pushed her badly enough to send 8 month pregnant Lilly to the hospital.

Lilly's Mom moved Lilly to a trailer she had bought for her, near her trailer.

David moves in too.

September, 2006
Lilly gives birth to her and David’s baby boy, Palden.

Around this same time, David robs Lilly’s moms house.

David was just too problematic in his addiction and Lilly and David split up.

December, 2006
Lilly starts dating Christen. By new years, Lilly moved out of the trailor to move in with Christen.

David is in/out of jail for multiple charges.

February, 2007
Lilly's mom notices problems w/ Lilly & Christen.

Palden gets hospitalized Valentines day.

The following week, Christen & Lilly travel to Arizona. Christen was supposed to be setting up a new office over there. Lilly's mom gets a strange call from Lilly in Arizona.

March, 2007
Police get called out to Christens apt a few times for domestic violence. No arrest, he knew the cop. The cop was the husband of an employee of his. (as I understand it)

Around now, lots of problems with DCF & court.

In the time between now and and June 2nd, 2007 (the date Lilly vanishes) the following occurs...

Due to a violent episode at Christen’s apartment, her child custody was at stake. Lilly goes through many problems with DCF and Court.

To keep her custody, etc. Lilly enters rehab at St. Lukes.

May 30, 2007
Christen picks up Lilly from treatment at St. Lukes in order for her to attend a Court Date with Family Court, Dept. of Child Services.

At Court Lilly was required to take a drug test - it came out positive. She was adamant that she hadn't used.

The rehab counselor was upset and told the judge that she was manipulating and uncooperative because she wasn't admitting to having relapsed.

The judge was very angry and said she was going to lose her parental rights unless she completed treatment.

(Reminder, just that morning it was Christen who was the one who had picked Lilly up from rehab.)

Lilly’s mental state was not good at all.

After Court Christen does not return Lilly to rehab, he takes her to his apartment instead to do drugs.

*2 days later, Lilly vanishes...

June 2, 2007
Although Lilly was not a drinker, according to Christen, she drank an entire bottle of vodka that night.

Christen also states that Lilly was a nervous wreck that night, one moment happy and relaxed, the next moment arguing and fighting.

Christen states that this type of behavior from Lilly is also exactly what went on between Lilly and Kelly that day. In the morning (he said) they'd be hugging and they're best friends and the next moment they were fighting and going at each other.

Lilly vanishes at 2am, reportedly to go pick flowers in her pajamas and also taking along a bungee cord.

According to Kelly...
Kelly claimed she was sleeping in the bedroom. She said she didn't see Lilly when she "walked out" because she was in the bedroom with Christen sleeping. Someone named "DJ" was also there, he was the one who saw her leave. Family has no idea who this DJ is, has never seen him and can’t find him.

Christen claimed he went in the bedroom to tell Kelly to go sleep in the living room so Lilly could lay down in the bed.

He claims that's when Lilly "walked out" and that's why he couldn't describe her pajamas. He said she changed into them in the living room before leaving.

They both said another person DJ, was in the living room and was the only witness to see her leave. Christen said DJ, told him Lilly left with a bungee cord.
The last person to see her, "boyfriend", Christen Pacheco, claims she walked out at 2am in pajamas, never to be seen again. He was finally interviewed by police 6 months into her disappearance.

Lilly disappeared from the Kendall area of Miami June 2, 2007. Anyone with any information should immediately contact Miami Dade Police - Detective Mancha 305-418-7245 amancha@mdpd.com or 305-471-TIPS

Lucely "Lilly" Aramburo
Missing From: Miami, Florida
Date Missing: June 2, 2007
Date of Birth: November 16, 1983
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Height: 4'11
Weight: 100 Pounds
Build: Medium
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long-Straight-Dark Brown
Race: Hispanic
Complexion: Olive
Clothing: pajamas?
Large violin curves tattoo on lower back
Scar on left hand

December, 2008
Kelly reportedly moves to California

Dec 26 2007 10:45 PM
MySpace convo. from Courtney (GiggleS) to Derrick Sick (Kelly)
i love u too...i will. promise. i cant believe u are with chris!

February, 2008
Kelly’s last login on her MySpace

April, 2008
One of Christen’s “teen *advertiser censored* accounts” shows that he has logged in.

May, 2008
David is still in jail, he’s scheduled to be released the first week of May.

June 2, 2008
Mark One Entire Year since Lilly just Vanished
I was asked to post more detailed information about Lilly and her circumstances. I hope you don't mind me sending you to other websites where a lot of this information was collected. It is not well organized as yet, but I am sure you will get the picture. You may have to register to read, I hope there is no problem with that.

Here are the websites:


And just today I was in contact with Susan Milano Murphy and she has already written an article. Thank you, Susan!


I will bring as much information here as members would like. Please take this case into your heart. There is a two year old that needs to know that his Mommy didn't leave him behind! And a poor, grieving Mother that is waiting for her daughter to come home.
EVERYBODY....we need you so much RIGHT NOW!!.....Please read this article and make posts on the comment section! I have received emails from Susan Milano Murphy and she is taking this on in a big way.

Also-what has to happen is as many people as possible need to comment on the blog story about Lilly-The media watches the blog if they see an out pouring it will help. I am doing a couple of radio shows this week and will dicuss the case.


Do you see what she is willing to do for us!! We need all of our great posters to help right now! Pleeeaassee!
Hi Peki,

This whole thing is just unbelievable to me. My gut feeling is that Christian with possible help is responsible for this. Of course this is my opinion only. Who in the world goes out at 2 am to pick flowers and he cant remember what her pajamas looked like? Not buying it! I also can't believe that the police are not more actively involved in this, this is just crazy. Just to cover all our bases, I don't know if it has been mentioned yet, do we know where David was at this time? Also do you know what happened to her baby? I pray her mom has him that poor little guy.:mad:
Little Palden is with Lilly's mother. She has very little resources, but is doing all in her power to make a good home for him. She loves him very much. The police have all but ignored this case for almost a year now, and information from them is not forthcoming to the family and friends. There are big strides being made right now and it is a grass roots thing with people here on the internet involved. People just like you and me, the little folks, who are making a difference.

There is a lot of research done on all of the players at the websites I sited above. Please read it when you can, every set of eyes sees something different, and your could be providing a clue. A lot is obvious to us, but proving it and getting LE involved is another ball game. Our main focus at the moment is to get attention and make noise so Lilly's voice can be heard. We are doing all we can to make her 1 year vigil a success for her and other missing persons in the Miami area.
There is really sad that the police are taking this seriously. I would get a lawyer and go after the mayor/police etc etc.
There is really sad that the police are taking this seriously. I would get a lawyer and go after the mayor/police etc etc.

Welcome, Swanniee! Unfortunately there is no money for lawyers at this time. In fact we are trying to track an attorney to help her mother with the adoption of Palden. Apparently there may be a problem because of her low income, proving that she isn't just adopting him for the government money that he would receive. This is a mother whose income is derived mostly from selling flowers on the streets of Miami.
Can anyone here setup a tip line? At the moment a private cell phone is being used and that isn't good! The only other tip line is LE and we are afraid those tips may not be being worked just like everything else in this case.

If you could post information here on how to go about it, it would be so appreciated.
Thanks for posting this, Peki. I'm sure Lilly's family appreciates your concern and efforts!
Thanks, Absinthe....yes, they are grateful for any little bit that anyone will do at this point. One small thing that everyone can do at this point in time is go to this blog and leave a short comment. I have been told mainstream media is watching this and the more interest they see, the better the chance of someone picking up the story. The Miami Herald is dragging their feet at the moment. thanks.

This a picture of Lilly's son Palden. Look into those sweet eyes and let your heart be tugged to help find his Mother. He is being cared for by his grandmother who takes him with her every day while she sells flowers on the steets of Miami.

Peki thanks for posting the picture of that sweet little baby. He is so beautiful just like his mom. I haven't been home much the last 2 days but will try and help you out here today.:)


May 14 Dana Pretzer show featuring Susan Murphy Milano.

You can listen to the broadcast here, just hit the AudioMP3 button. Susan and Lilly's case is on first if you don't want to listen to everything.

The most IMPORTANT thing is to leave comments....I got an email from Susan that producers from Nancy Grace monitor this comment section and may have an interest in the case.


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