WA WA - GARY RIDGWAY - Green River Serial Killer

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Aug 28, 2003
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doesn't the GreenRiver guy look a little like Christian Slater? He sure does on today's CNN photo.
I was reading about how many people he killed and how long it took to catch him. So sad that all those people had to die. Now he is doing a plea deal to save his butt. I guess it will save tax payers lots of money. Won't have to spend on lawyers and appeals.
If ever a case shows the abritary nature of the Death Penalty it's this one. Let me first state my position, emotionally I am for it, from a moral point of view howver I think it is wrong.

What is it imposed for, the number of murders, the brutality involved, the calculated planning, what, because the Green River Murder guy must surely be a candidate for DP. However because of his deal he has escaped, I reckon this deal will strengthen anti DP arguments no end
Let's look up all the profilers' predictions about the Green River Killer. How close were they?

Here's a summary of John Douglas' opinion, from Mindhunter. (His famous collapse came during his work on the Green River case.)

"...a physically powerful, inadequate,underemployed white male, comfortable with the river, who felt no removesr for what he was doing...a man on a mission who'd had humiliating experiences with women and was now out to punsih as many as he could...no mental giant...unsophisticated..."
He might still get the death penalty. I heard there's another state involved with at least two murders. I believe they want him next and there are no deals to be made! Hopefully, they'll fry him.
Hugh, I take it the absolute opposite than you do. I think this deal will support pro-death penalty activists' arguments. No deals! That's what I support. However, I believe Mr. GreenRiverKiller may still get the death penalty in another state, so he's not out of the woods yet. I think another state has him on at least two murders and they're not making any deals.
Originally posted by Maxi
Let's look up all the profilers' predictions about the Green River Killer. How close were they?

Here's a summary of John Douglas' opinion, from Mindhunter. (His famous collapse came during his work on the Green River case.)

"...a physically powerful, inadequate,underemployed white male, comfortable with the river, who felt no removesr for what he was doing...a man on a mission who'd had humiliating experiences with women and was now out to punsih as many as he could...no mental giant...unsophisticated..."
Not physically powerful, I don't think, but the rest looks pretty accurate. But most of that goes without saying. What happy, well employed, remorseful, intelligent, etc person goes around killing people? If you don't have any hang-ups, you have no reason to harm anyone else.
What I'd like to know is what's the deal with this guy's wife. A good portion of the murder's took place in the home, and some were buried right in their yard.

And she never noticed anything weird going on????????????
I guess the plea deal saves them a trial and all the appeals that go on for 10-20 years. They still have to feed and keep him plus all the appeals so maybe this is the cheap way out. I heard on TV someone saying he may end up like Dahmer. He will be in general population.

I do feel he deserves the Death Penalty.
The wife is new.... I don't think she was around back when the father of one of the victims went looking for her and found her truck at Gary's house.

On another note....Gary has been a suspect right along.
He was actually one of the first men to be investigated and the second for that matter. During that second investigation police took the swab of his mouth which 10 years later resulted in a DNA match.

So much fo saving taxpayer dollars...
The GreenRiver case was one of the most exspensive cases in US history.
My BIG question is where the hell and what the hell has Gary been up to for 14 years????
The GR killings stopped in 89. Are we to beleive that he just stopped?
Where was he and what was he doing?
IMO the police got a little bit to close with the mouth swab and he changed his MO.
I do not believe he stopped...
Stopping after 12 years does not fit the profile of a serial killer.
Gary was origianlly investigated BEFORE bodies were found.
He was suspected of trying to molest a girl he picked up but due to the fact she fought and the truck crashed into the trees, she lived.......
The police believed she was a prostitute and took his word for it.
She claimed he tried to choke her.
Later she disappeared and is considered one of the GR victims.
Kelly Mc.... something.

I lived in Seattle/ Tacoma in 89 an remember the terror.
But then all of a sudden the task force disbanned???
I think its like those South American countries where the cities are overrun by urchins begging in the streets, particularly in touristy areas,,, except in the places where the police death squads go out and "remove the problem".

I'm not saying it should be legal or that he should not be punished, but I really would like to see the financial calculations on how much disease he stopped from being spread, how many robberies he stopped from being committed, how much neighborhood blight he removed, etc.
Originally posted by Toth
I think its like those South American countries where the cities are overrun by urchins begging in the streets, particularly in touristy areas,,, except in the places where the police death squads go out and "remove the problem".

I'm not saying it should be legal or that he should not be punished, but I really would like to see the financial calculations on how much disease he stopped from being spread, how many robberies he stopped from being committed, how much neighborhood blight he removed, etc.

Unfortunately Toth, I can respect the financial concerns, but how does saving money equate with a life... no matter how it's lead?

I think the money should be towards THE REASON THESE WOMEN ENDED UP IN THE STREETS AT 11 YEARS OLD IN THE FIRST PLACE. I think that's the crime, not what they're doing. I see so many of them as victims of their past. That they had to escape something so bad to turn to prostitution as survival?

It's scares me at the thought of how you could be more concerned to finances more than what happened in the first place for these girls to do what they do. Why is their life less important? Even Jesus ate with prostitutes (in hopes of saving them).

I don't know toth, I don't know...:dontknow: :twocents:
Originally posted by jblfelines
I heard on TV someone saying he may end up like Dahmer. He will be in general population.

I heard that too

I watched him give alot of the guilty pleads, made me ill. I don't understand how someone could take another person's live. And if I ever do understand I'm going to check myself into a mental hospital.
Well, I think this guy will end up getting good ol' jailyard justice. Meaning I bet he doesn't live more than a year or two in prison. Someone who lost a loved one sometime somewhere will shank him.

Now, Durst, he is a different matter. How the HE77 can a jury find a man who cuts his victim into pieces NOT GUILTY???
Mama, the way the system is now, of course it costs millions to execute someone. However, if I had it my way and it was only used for the worst of the worst, that wouldn't be the case as the backlog wouldn't be the way it is now. Also, now that we have DNA testing, the likelihood of having the wrong people on death row is minimized. I agree that its way out of control (the cost) now.
Originally posted by Toth
Has anyone done any FINANCIAL calculations on this case? How many times would his victims have been arrested and jailed for prostitution if he had not killed them? How much money was saved there? How much disease would they have transmitted if he had not killed them? What were the financial savings there?
How much worse would property values have been if all those prostitutes had been out plying their trade? I think one reason he may have escaped the death penalty is that while he is a murderer many times over, no one really seems too upset by that fact. What is the cost of giving him free medical care as he ages versus the cost of killing him?

Toth, he escaped the death penalty because he cooperated with authorities by giving them the names and locations of his victims (that he could remember), which in turn brought some closure for the victims families.

As for considering the financial calculations of the case (disease, property values, and crime), only someone who lives in the area would even consider it fair for someone to murder the prostitutes to alleviate the problem. Personally, anyone who would consider it a favor to the community is a few bricks short of a load.
Originally posted by WhiteWolf
Toth, he escaped the death penalty because he cooperated with authorities by giving them the names and locations of his victims (that he could remember), which in turn brought some closure for the victims families.

Actually, they knew where most of the victim's were and who the were. He made the statement to the judge that he had killed so many women, he couldn't remember how many or who they were. Even I know their names and could recognize their faces. Tell me, how much of his "confession" was actually a help to the prosecution? Or was it just a way to shut the books on an awful case that has haunted Seattle for 20 years?
Ajt400, closure was definately a big part of the deal. Locking him up for the rest of his life is probably cheaper, too.

Do you know when the victims' families are going to address Ridgeway at his sentencing? I don't want to miss it.

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