Aruba - Natalee Holloway, 18, Oranjestad, 30 May 2005 #1

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Re: Dr. Phil /K2 Suit

Dr. Phil's team used a post as 'evidence' of proof in their defense of the Kalpoe suit and their request to get the complaint dismissed.

Re:SM blog & blogging standards

• Do readers consider the blog a credible source of information and depend on it for up-to-date information (a matter of opinion that can be judged based on analytics and comments)?
• Is information in the blog accurate or is the blog rife with mistakes and misstatements?
• Have facts been checked (as required by [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]due [COLOR=blue! important]diligence[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] standards) or have they simply been accepted as heard or read elsewhere without further verification?
• Have facts been attributed to the original sources?
• Are information sources reliable?
• Are rumors and gossip printed as fact?
• Are opinions labeled as such?
• Are comments in news and opinion pieces fair and based in fact or could they be considered malicious, libelous or defamatory? via Insurance Journal

The liability of [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]blogging[/COLOR][/COLOR] is something I have thought about, often! One one of my other sites that I no longer run, we would have people threatening us with lawsuits quite regularly and even had a small island country threaten us with lawsuits. (The site Scared Monkeys was instrumental in covering the disappearance of Natalee Holloway on the island of Aruba. We set new ground on citizen journalism and interaction with blogs, but that is another story for another day.)
Re: Toxic Gossip

JonBenet toxic gossip was in itself a true crime,0,3480656.column

Maybe the communal rush to judgment, every time there's a high-profile homicide and a likely suspect, is significant. Maybe the constant onslaught of cable TV news hosts with their smug, sniggering, eyebrow-waggling indictment of anybody who "seems" guilty is a different sort of gossip than we have had before, a difference in kind as well as degree.
from SM blog: Aruba: New Casino Permits Required to Combat Money Laundering and Terrorism


Source, Amigoe, July 31, 2008:

Permits for casino’s turned upside down
31 Jul, 2008, 16:34 (GMT -04:00)

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Aruban casinos have to comply with the international regulations within one month
ORANJESTAD – All casinos are at risk of losing their permits if they do not conform to the new policy regulations within one month. This is one of the new measures taken by the Ministry of Justice. The gambling lots are obliged to apply for a permit as the old agreements will be void as of the 1st of September.
The Minister of Justice, Rudy Croes, announced that the new regulations are based on recommendations of the inter-governmental organization Financial Action Task Force (FATF). This international organization is responsible for the development and promotion of the policy to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The regulations are ahead of a new law, which is currently being laid down, and were created through the collaboration between government experts and the Casino world (DAC).
As of now the casinos have to give insight into the administration and their internal control. The Minister furthermore states that only the casinos which have complied with all the stipulated conditions will be eligible for a new gambling permit. These conditions stipulate amongst others, that a casino business should have the legal form ‘NV’, that the casino should have sufficient funds to guarantee payment of winners and that the casino should possess a local bank guarantee of 500.000 dollars. In future casino employees should also be in the possession of a special permit issued out by the Minister. DAC will provide the employee with a pass when this permit has been issued out. Without the pass, the employees are not allowed to work in the casino. The new casino permits will only be valid for two years, while awaiting the new law.
Other previously announced measures are amongst others that permits for the popular bingo game will no longer be issued out to casinos. The running bingo permit will be revoked as per the 1st of January 2009. The casinos must furthermore equip their money boxes with double locks whereby one of the keys will be in the possession of the casino and the other key in the possession of DAC. An employee of the control organ DAC will then always have to be present when the content of the money boxes is counted. The date of implementation of the latter measurement is yet to be announced.
Boycott Aruba:

SL: You have another blog about boycotting

Just saw at that the security company run by Geoffry van Cromvoirt's dad is missing million$! The manager who ran it is blaming the owner. Word has it he may be in Holland.

Corruption in Aruba?:confused:

Say it ain't so!:eek:

Just commentin'

PS......oh, fwiw, the source of the story for scaredmonkey was the Amigo, from Aruba.
I'm not quite sure I understand this last sentence. Is Anita saying Joran is on his own because he's 21? :confused:

Trying to distance themselves from the lies?:eek:

Poor Joran, everyone is turning on him!:behindbar


Interview with mother of Joran vd Sloot in Red

11 augustus 2008 17:09 August 11, 2008 17:09

For example, she says: "It can no longer function as an ordinary family, the lies that are told about us. That has caused the most grief, together with the behaviour of Joran.” I was angry at him because he has lied. "


"Sure, you as parents help, but at a given moment you say: Joran is almost 21, he should go. Wíj moeten verder. We must continue. Je neemt er een soort afstand van” It takes a kind of distance "'s a link to who has the full article translated.


PPS......hmm........guess Anita thinks people should let the case go. It was three years ago, after all. Yeah, I'm sure Beth and Dave would like to let it go too. What about Natalee? :( it should be that easy for her................

PPPS.......still trying to blame the Mountain Brook teens rather than her lying son and his former friends, 'pimps.' The last know people with Natalee.

PPPPS.......Guess her son's confession doesn't mean much. He sat there and watched her seizure and stop moving at all then called someone to help him and let them take her out to sea and dump her body, alive or not?
Re: Translation of 'Red' interview, AvdS

Maar ik heb wel eventjes gedacht: zou er een ongeluk gebeurd zijn, dat hij dat niet durft te vertellen?​
Ik weet dat hij gelogen heeft omdat hij bang was dat zijn afstudeerfeestje anders niet zou plaatsvinden.​
Dat hij niet wilde dat zijn vriendinnetje wist dat hij die nacht op pad was geweest.”​

AVS: "I have no time thought that Joran a rapist or a murderer would be. But I do have just thought: would there be an accident happened, that they do not dare to tell? I know that he lied because he was afraid that his afstudeerfeestje otherwise would not take place.That he did not want that his girlfriend knew that night that he had been on the road. "

I guess PvdE undercover footage of JVS's 'confession' prompted AvdS's new 'revelation'?
Distance would be good, salvage her family from JVS's "lifestyle".
from SM Blog:'Natalee Holloway Disappearance: Dutch Journalist Peter R. De Vries Nominated for 2 Emmy Awards':


'Peter R. de Vries dingt twee mee naar Emmy':
Holloway crime show nominated for Emmy

Friday 15 August 2008
Crime reporter Peter R de Vries has been nominated for an prestigious Emmy award for his covert tv interview with Joran van der Sloot in January this year.
In the tv show, Van der Sloot appeared to admit involvement with the disappearance of US teenager Natalee Holloway on the island of Aruba in 2005.
‘Naturally I realised that the impact of the report would be big, but that it would result in an Emmy nomination is a really nice surprise and a sign of recognition,’ De Vries told news agency ANP.
The winner will be announced in New York on September 22.


Aug. 14, 2008

......In the past few years, Aruba, an independent entity of the Netherlands, has experienced changes, both positive and damaging.
The May 2005 disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway and the resulting publicity temporarily shook the island from its pedestal as an idyllic vacation land. Gina Lopez-Gnecco, public relations director for Aruba Tourism Authority, said the island sincerely shared the family's pain over the young woman's disappearance. "Although it wasn't often portrayed that way by the media, the whole island went out of their way to help," she said.
Despite the adverse publicity and the call for a boycott by Holloway's relatives, tourism was not noticeably affected, Lopez-Gnecco said.

.....A $350 million joint public and private effort is under way to refurbish Aruba's hotels, improve its waterfront and make Arikok National Park more user friendly, the last an effort sponsored by the European Union.

The boa constrictor, a nonnative snake, is wiping out populations of iguanas and rabbits on the island, and U.S. scientists are being recruited to study the situation.

Dutch Film to dramatize case of of missing teen

Aug. 18, 2008

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands (Hollywood Reporter) - A Dutch filmmaker has announced plans for a feature film loosely based on the 2005 disappearance and possible murder of American high school student Natalee Holloway on Aruba, one of the islands in the Dutch Antilles.
The case attracted a lot of publicity in the Netherlands and the U.S. The main suspect was filmed with a hidden camera by crime reporter Peter R. de Vries for a program on SBS Broadcasting of the Netherlands. The report was nominated for an Emmy.
Producer Hans of the Shooting Star Film Co. will base the film, which he also will direct, on the crime novel "Vuurkoraal," by Dutch journalist Annet de Jong. Screenwriter Simon de Waal is working on the adaptation. plans to release the film in 2009.
I found this when looking over the Caylee Anthony forum. I knew Tim was going but I didn't realize Beth was going to be there too.


Holloway's Mother To Help

Also, help for the Anthony family is coming from the mother of Natalie Holloway.

Beth Holloway and Tim Miller, who is an investigator, will be in Orlando later this week.

The pair plans to meet with the family before starting their own search for Caylee.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

This is NOT in Aruba, it was conducted in the USA!!!

Will they be able to sweep this under the rug? Let's hope not!

Wow! I honestly think I'm going to cry. Is there still hope?

Like they say, never, never give up!



We just recieved a call from Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch. Tim is presently in Aruba and planning to meet with the Aruban prosecutor and the ALE. It appears that there is a new witness that has come forward that has placed Joran Van der Sloot in wet and muddy clothing out at 4:00am on 5/30/05. The 48 year old Aruban witness also places Paulus Van der Sloot at the scene picking up Joran in a red jeep.

Why is this witness potentially credible? The Aruban passed two polygraph tests in Houston, TX on August 5, 2008. The tests were performed by John Swartz of John Swartz & Associates, International Polygraph Examiners. The 48 year old Aruba, name withheld for obvious reasons, went to police early on in the investigation; however, was not taken seriously. He is also claimed to have spoke with Hans Mos. Whether an actual police report exists of the witness is unknown.
Ok, according to this witness, one of the suspects (joran) was limping. The contention is because he 'LOST' a shoe in the mud!


Makes sense,
OK, this is from the Diario, but it's in Pap, which doesn't translate very well, so I'm bringing part of the translation from SM. Hope that's ok. I'll try not to copy too much.

Oh, gosh! Is this the break we've been waiting for? We can only pray. Oh, and that Aruba FINALLY does the RIGHT thing for Natalee Holloway!




Due to his fear of reprisals, he only gave to the local authorities a
partial statement, in other words that he saw Joran walk past his
house at 4:05 a.m. , walking strangely because he only had one tennis
shoe on.

The local authorities, principally Prosecutor Mr. Mos, was acting
very hostile towards this witness, and that made the witness hold back
the totality of his story to him as to what happened.

Nevertheless, with the American investigators and to his lawyer he
gave the complete story, not just the part regarding Joran alone.
Parts of the complete story will appear later in the DIARIO.

But, the first aspect of the story of this witness, immediately
created suspicion by the Americans. Even though he lives at about 1.9
kilometers from the Fishermen Huts, his declaration can have important
implications to complete this big puzzle.

The Americans wanted more assurances and asked the witness to
travel to the United States, where one of the most trusted experts in
Polygraph Examinations, the famous John S. Swastz, made the test with
him, to determine whether this Aruban witness was lying.

He passed all the examinations perfectly, and John Swartz is
convinced that this witness is telling the truth about what he saw at
4 a.m. in front of his house.

Even though Prosecutor Mr. Mos and also the Van Der Sloot family,
want to or not, this gives a complete turnaround in the whole

...........follow link, lengthy article..............
Hi everyone!

I'm a sort-of Newbie and have posted mainly in the Caylee Anthony forum, but that case is getting very frustrating, so for my own sanity I thought I'd get myself involved in another case and see if there is anything new about Miss Natalee.

I have to admit I wasn't sure Joran was guilty of killing Natalee until I listened/watched the de Vries (sp)tapes, and have been firmly in the "Joran is Guilty" camp since then.

I have a very strong feeling that if we could somehow get this case back up and going, get the public interested again, rally the troops so to speak, that we would soon find Natalee and finally see an arrest.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself, and now I'm off to read pages and pages of posts to try an catch up on this case. :book:

omg, I followed this case so closely also. It would be so great if this were finally resolved. I have always felt the father was implicated somehow also. It seems to me like another spoiled kid whose family will cover for whatever he does...

This has been an exciting day... body found in IL too, within 200 miles of where Stacy Peterson lived... I am hoping and praying.
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