Brad Cooper

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While Mr. Cooper has not been named a Person Of Interest (POI) or a Suspect in the disappearance and murder of his wife, Nancy, we are gaining a better understanding of him, his past, and his personality. Any insights to the person who last saw Nancy alive are expected and should be investigated.

Please post any links and discussion directly related to Brad Cooper here.

.......Brad is also an athlete, having competed in triathlons and even Ironman competitions. All of that information is according to his personal blog.....

.......His Web page is titled Adventures of Brad. It features a countdown clock until the next Ironman competition and a schedule of upcoming races. Links highlight a workout plan and goals.

Pictures show Brad competing in different races and traveling to Europe..........

His next goal is an Ironman competition in Lake Placid, New York. It takes place this Tuesday, the day before his wife's funeral.

Brad is originally from the small town of Medicine Hat in the province of Alberta, Canada -- about 160 miles outside of Calgary.

His father is the vice president of Medicine Hat College.

For the past 8 years Brad has worked for Cisco Systems in RTP, which is why he and Nancy moved to the U.S. According to his blog, Brad earned his MBA degree from N.C. State last December.,2933,385742,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know if her husband is a Canadian or an American? Do you know where they met?

STEWART: Well, her husband is a Canadian. He's originally from Medicine Hat, Alberta. It's a city of about 60,000 in southern Alberta. Now, they both met in Calgary a number of years ago. After she graduated from high school, they were both working at IBM. And it was around that time, shortly after that, that he was offered a job in Cary, in North Carolina. And so he did transfer there and she moved there, and they started their family there.
As soon as I find the exact posts (cannot even remember the user names and if anyone else can help out with that please let me know), I will edit them into this..

1) ex girlfriend poster stated that Brad was given ever oportunity by his family and she also is not surprised this happened and believes that he did this. She asked him if he was reading here on his laptop and she asked him why. She described him as very intelligent and very private. She was surprised that Nancy didn't see his controling side before she had kids with him. she also went to high school with brad thank you jilly...she has located this it is:
I find this extremely difficult. I feel so much grief for those two little girls whose world has been absolutely ripped apart. This is not something that will pass. This is something that will be with them their entire life. I feel for NC's family..what a horrible thing to have to endure. At the same time, I feel for BC's family. No one raises a child to become a murderer (if indeed he did this). BC's family has lost a daughter-in-law, are watching what's happening to their son and who knows how much access they are getting with their grandchildren. These people are grieving too. They are trying to hope beyond hope and believe in their son that he was not responsible for this. They, however, must realize that this does not look good for him.

I think the parents can not be blamed for his mental instability, I truly believe he has a chemical imbalance which in absolutely NO WAY does it excuse what's happened. I don't believe it to even be any sort of defense. There are tons of ways to work through chemical imbalances and personality issues. It is never a defense for murder, IMO.

Now before someone jumps on me for defending him or his family, I have a right to be so torn. I am one of those "ex's" from Canada. BC is from a good family. They gave him so many opportunities that others never had. The Calgary poster is right though. As a person, Brad can be materialistic, self-centered, narcisistic (sp?), moody, mean, emotionally controlling and the like. He can also be a good person, we all have good in us. Nancy must have seen more of his good side at the beginning to have wanted to have children with him and probably tried so hard (as all of his previous relationships did) to work through the bad.

I feel horrible for what NC had to endure and the outcome (at whoever's hands). This is such an awful situation. My head KNOWS how this is going to turn out, my heart wishes it would be different. I wish it was going to be a different outcome because I have shared part of my life, my family....with BC and can't believe that someone that I had put my trust in could ever be involved in such a horrible act. I don't feel sorry for BC because he put himself in this situation. I feel sorry for NC, those poor children and both families.

He is an intensely private person. He is also an extremely smart person which surprises me all the more that he would do something so stupid. I don't think that it was pre-meditated. I think there was an argument that got out of control, one thing led to another and she was gone and he panicked. Which is why everything is unravelling for him. If this was premeditated, he is smart...he would have covered everything to the last meticulous detail.

I think he's guilty. I'll say it clear. But I do feel for his family as well.

And Brad, if you're reading this, because lord knows if you're not in jail, you'll have that laptop all wired up, how could you?

2)we had a friend of BC (?) post from canada...he worked with him. He said it was strange that brad had no friends from highschool and that he did not keep relationships with people. The way he was Brad was a loner and very private, serious person who did not make friends easily or keep them thanks again jilly!!!!!: Yesterday, 04:22 PM

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Brad does not have any "close" friends of which I'm aware. He doesn't tend to make lasting friendships.

He went to high school in Medicine Hat, then moved to Calgary. When in Calgary, he had no friends from his high school days. That by itself is odd, and I thought it odd even back then... you would think a few years out of high school you'd still have some friends from your youth. He did not.

Then from Calgary he moved to NC. He did not keep in touch with any of his friends from Calgary once he moved to NC. There just wasn't that kind of bond.

Of all his "friends" I know in Calgary (including myself) not one person has said they don't think he did it. In fact, we all think he likely did.

One of his ex-girlfriends commented to me the other day that she felt odd saying it, but she could actually see him doing something like this.
brought forward from another thread...also on Brad from his friend in calgary


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Let me add one thing before I stop posting for the night:

If he did it, I would expect the motive to be based on money. I would not expect that he was afraid of losing his wife to another man as much as he would not want to face the economic consequences.
brought forward..........

07-16-2008, 03:09 AM

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Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching

Speaking of the former girlfriends or women he dated, do you recall any of them saying he was controlling or jealous? Did he cheat on them? This would strike me to be par for the course with him.

Was he a perfectionist?

I think it is very interesting what you said about this:

I can't recall anything about jealousy. In terms of controlling, that may fit but more in a passive-aggressive way. His style was not direct confrontation. He would never tell someone he didn't approve of something, but instead would have a tendency to withdraw, pout, or get back indirectly, but do it such that you'd know he was doing it with a purpose.

Perfectionist? Sure, that would describe him very well. He was into fitness at the time, but not marathons or ironmen competitions... I think it speaks for itself that he progressed to that level.

I'm going to get the goods that will bring old memories back over the next few days when I talk to people who were more heavily involved with him than me, and if there's something very telling and which isn't private, I'll share it. I don't want to expose people who don't want their stories told. Sometimes you can tell a story and those close to the group will know exactly who you are talking about... and its not my place to share secrets. I have nothing to hide from Brad, and I'll tell my stories, but I won't tell someone else's unless its appropriate to do so. You can all judge that hearsay for yourselves.

And lets remember, he might be a victim here. Time will tell.

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07-16-2008, 03:22 AM​

brought forward on bc

07-16-2008, 02:14 AM

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I'm a long-time lurker here, ever since the Scott Peterson days. I was fascinated with that case, because I couldn't understand how someone could do something so horrific to their own pregnant wife. I actually thought he didn't do it, and didn't change my mind until during or after the trial.

If I say anything I'm not supposed to here, my apologies. Let me also add that I'm no expert, am only giving my personal opinion, and that I could be flat wrong in every opinion I'm about to give.

Now this is a little crazy and too close to home, because I used to share a place with Brad Cooper. So I thought I'd log in and share my knowledge with a board that has given me a lot of knowledge over the years.

Its pretty amazing how well some of the posters have pegged his personality based on his online websites. In my opinion, he is the most narcissistic person I have ever known. He is also very driven, and has a high level of self confidence.

It is hard to explain, but he can be very social but also very withdrawn. He avoids outward conflict and will let his thoughts stew for a long time before you even would know he had an issue with something-- something I learned being his roommate. He would often be very quiet but in his early 20's had a hard-partying edge that would come out once and a while, where suddenly he was the life of the party.

He's always liked cars... I laughed when I heard he had 2 BMW's on the driveway, that sounds just like him. He wouldn't buy something unless it had a certain appeal factor. He wants to be the picture of success, to his peers and to women.

He's often a very nice guy, but I always had a deep mistrust of him. He was not someone who I would say would "do anything for a friend", whereas most people I know and hang out with are like that.

If one assumes that he did it (and I won't profess to know because the media also aren't to be trusted in my experience) it would be very much like him to want to seem cooperative etc., and do things like agreeing to attend a press conference, and then withdrawing at the last minute. He would be too afraid to have the confrontation of telling someone up front he wasn't going to attend-- he would rather lie about attending, and then just not show up, thereby avoiding the 'confrontation', at least in the short term.

I know two of his ex-girlfriends fairly well... they had much more of an insight into his dark side and each of them had shared some of that with some of his friends post-breakup. Its been so long now that I can't really remember what they had told me, and since he's not someone who has any impact or influence on my life, I had forgotten about him entirely.

Anyway, I think its quite possible he did it. This is not a situation where its someone who you think could never do such a thing. I've spoken to people who knew him better than I did this evening (everyone was phoning everyone, this is huge news), and his closest/oldest friends seem to be surprised, but also won't say "he would never do that". Others think he is absolutely capable of it.

If he didn't do it, I really feel sorry for him. Regardless, its her family who we should be concerned about. Those two girls have been deprived of their mother, and her parents and siblings deprived of a daughter and sister.
I may be too much of a stickler for semantics, but technically and as I pointed out earlier today, the killer was most likely the last person to see Nancy alive. Brad is the last known person and there's a slight chance that someone could've seen her after the attack, but by definition, whomever killed her would've been the last person to see her alive.
Hi Mag,
I am just cutting and pasting related posts to help organize... I hear what you are saying tho and completely agree
I fully understand. My point was actually directed toward SS' intro, but like I say, I'm really just being a stickler for semantics.
#28 07-15-2008, 06:00 PM
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I find this tid bit to be interesting. He just finished his MBA:

MBA Completed!!!!
Written by Brad
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
After 2 1/2 years without a semester break I finally completed my MBA from NCSU. On Dec 19 I crossed the podium and accepted my MBA in Innovation Managment. Some classes took as little as 5 hours a week addtional time outside the classroom - others took as much as 15-20 additional hours. Now that the holidays are over I am finally able to spend some more time with the family and tackle some of the projects that were sidelined due to lack of time.

I kicked around the idea of a doctorate but quickly came ot my senses and figured I needed some downtime before even considering a significant undertaking.

Also: Finally Back Training Again......
Written by Brad
Thursday, 10 January 2008
After almost 5 months of not training... I'm Back!!! Between work, MBA and holidays my training was put on hold until now. Now that my MBA is complete and the holidays are over, its definitely time to start training for Ironman Lake Placid in July 2008.
#36 07-15-2008, 06:08 PM
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He went to France in March of last year and doesn't mention her going with him:

MBA: BUS 590 Trip to France
Written by Brad
Monday, 12 March 2007
I had a chance to attend a study abroad class in France over spring break. I had no idea how much I was going to enjoy France. I have been over much of Europe in the past but I completely loved the French culture, food and architecture.

March 1 - 4: Paris, France A few students arrived early and spent a weekend in Paris. We hit the typical tourist sites:

Eiffel Tower
I climbed the tower during the day to the 2nd level which took about 13 minutes. However it was definately a better site to see the tower in the evening lite up. A few us enjoyed the last night in Paris eating crepes and enjoying the view.
Notre Dame
Arc de Triomphe
Musée du Louvre (Louvre Museum)
Musée d'Orsay
bumped from thread one...interesting he tries to get the msm focused on lakes and water searches...even tho that is where she usually ran......

07-15-2008, 04:59 PM

A new beginning
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oh shoot... they have been with him and with other family...

from the same link above:

The couple's two daughters, ages 2 and 4, have been staying with their father and family – Cooper's parents and identical sister, according to Boone.

When approached by an ABC News affiliate WTVDat his home Monday, Brad Cooper said that he had been searching "by the lake" for his wife. He declined to be interviewed on camera and was unable to contact him.
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Oh, it is him alright:

CCIE Voice Update - August 2, 2005
Written by Brad
Monday, 12 March 2007
On August 2, 2004 I completed my Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) Voice certification becoming the 65th person globally to obtain this level of expertise. CCIE #13747.

As of March 2007, almost 3 years later the number of Voice CCIEs globally was still only 411.

World Wide CCIE Stats:
bumped from thread one...interesting he tries to get the msm focused on lakes and water searches...even tho that is where she usually ran......

07-15-2008, 04:59 PM

A new beginning
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Location: St. Louis MO
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oh shoot... they have been with him and with other family...

from the same link above:

The couple's two daughters, ages 2 and 4, have been staying with their father and family – Cooper's parents and identical sister, according to Boone.

When approached by an ABC News affiliate WTVDat his home Monday, Brad Cooper said that he had been searching "by the lake" for his wife. He declined to be interviewed on camera and was unable to contact him.

That bolded part doesn't make sense to me. The "identical" sister is Nancy's twin Krista. And I don't believe BC's family was in Cary. I'm sure they mean Nancy's family.
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Seems we've exceded his bandwidth. If his web hosting is anything like most it's gotta be costing him a fortune to have all this traffic hitting his homepage.


I looked at his whois registration (I won't post that here) and he's being hosted with Netprohosting. Their marketing speall says they don't charge for going over your bandwidth limit. I guess that's good news for him.
and this is respectively snipped from our IT guy, cyberpro:

I do have a couple of observations from my POV, being an IT professional.

1. There has been some mention of possible financial issues as being a cause of the marital stress. IMO, I doubt it! While no one outside the family is likely to know for sure, Brad is a CCIE and an MBA. For those who do not know what a CCIE is, it is a Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert. This is a VERY difficult to get certification, and requires a great deal of understanding and demonstrated expertise at how to configure Cisco products. This has to be proven in a hands on lab, you have to build the network to the specifications provided, and then you leave overnight. When you return, they have made changes to the network and broken it, and you have to find out what is wrong and correct it. While you are doing this, you are under observation by the proctor, and you are graded not only on your successful correction of the problems, but how well you used the tools and resources that you had available. This is subjective, but suffice it to say that I know some serious network folks, and they have taken the test a couple of times, but have yet to pass it. If you have a CCIE, you can EASILY make over 100k/year, even if you are dumb. I have heard of some contractor CCIE's who can make over 500k/year for taking an overseas assignment. If they were having financial issues, they were probably burning through some serious cash, and that is without even adding the MBA on top of it all.

2. You can never know for sure, but there was some mention of finding out what he researched on his computer. - This is always a possibility, and it is possible that he is using a computer similar to a Windows Vista system that was mentioned in one of his Blogs, but he could also be using a Linux system, and know how to cover his tracks pretty well, if he was thinking ahead that much. This is not to say that no data will be recovered, but it might not be as easy as it is in some cases. It is possible, but not likely, that he might know a lot about networks without understanding computers all that well, but again, not likely. FWIW, Cary PD recently started a Computer Crimes division, and have dedicated resources to delve into this issue.
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