First customer recieves cloned dogs.


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Jul 19, 2007
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Pitbulls in fact. I am not sure how I feel about cloning but these are some dang cute pups. This is such a good story about her pitbull that she cloned, he saved her life, yes you heard that right he saved her life!,2933,397923,00.html

SEOUL, South Korea — Booger is back.
An American woman received five puppies Tuesday that were cloned from her beloved late pitbull, becoming the inaugural customer of a South Korean company that says it is the world's first successful commercial canine cloning service.
Seoul-based RNL Bio said the clones of Bernann McKinney's dog Booger were born last week after being cloned in cooperation with a team of Seoul National University scientists who created the world's first cloned dog in 2005.
I dont agree with this at all........its too Frankensteinish to me. You can't clone the heart, soul or spirit so its just not the same. Too weird:confused:
Pitbulls in fact. I am not sure how I feel about cloning but these are some dang cute pups. This is such a good story about her pitbull that she cloned, he saved her life, yes you heard that right he saved her life!,2933,397923,00.html

SEOUL, South Korea — Booger is back.
An American woman received five puppies Tuesday that were cloned from her beloved late pitbull, becoming the inaugural customer of a South Korean company that says it is the world's first successful commercial canine cloning service.
Seoul-based RNL Bio said the clones of Bernann McKinney's dog Booger were born last week after being cloned in cooperation with a team of Seoul National University scientists who created the world's first cloned dog in 2005.

There are so many unwanted pets killed every year in shelters. There is no reason to clone an animal when so many need homes. I am outraged!
There are so many unwanted pets killed every year in shelters. There is no reason to clone an animal when so many need homes. I am outraged!

To have it go commercial is all about the money. I know when two of my dogs were about to pass on, I'd have mortgaged my home to have them back.

However, the knowledge of how to do it can and will be applicable in the future to further development of... who knows what.

I recall back in the 80's, some animal rights activists were showing films of apes getting head injuries on purpose, and then life saving surgeries. The intent was to upset the students into activism on behalf of the apes and we all walked away feeling sorry for the apes and angry at the humans who hit them in the head.

Then... my fiance was involved in a motorcycle accident and had a life threatening head injury... and his life was saved from the knowledge gleened from many types of things scientific that I am sure would upset me if I knew the intimate details of how the knowledge was gained.

I totally agree with your point, though, about the commercialization of cloning "pets" if not just for the research knowledge gained. But then again, I put purebred dog breeders under the same microscope. They sell all they can for tons of money and then dump the rest on the shelters.
A clone may not look like it's "parent" and certainly won't have the same personality. What you lost is THAT PET, you CANNOT get THAT PET back. If they could exactly duplicate the deceased pet, it would be worth it, but you can't. While what she has is genetically related, it's really no different then getting a new puppy. AND if you are truly trying to have the lost pet back, you're putting a horrible burden on the new pets. It would be like having another child WANTING it to BE your deceased child. So unfair.
This all comes down to money , and a person who is willing to spend it to get their pet back .

I watched pet cemetary too many times:eek:

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