Why This case Is So Popular ??

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When I'm Silent, I make the most sense
Aug 2, 2004
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Why is the case so popular? What draws us to certain cases over another? There are lots of missing children in this world. There are children who die by the hands of their own parents and yet this case seems to stir up our emotions. Why? Why this one and not another? I look and see that Caylee has sooooo many supporters and prayers going out for her and yet there are others who are missing that don't have the support she is getting. Why is that?
Why is the case so popular? What draws us to certain cases over another? There are lots of missing children in this world. There are children who die by the hands of their own parents and yet this case seems to stir up our emotions. Why? Why this one and not another? I look and see that Caylee has sooooo many supporters and prayers going out for her and yet there are others who are missing that don't have the support she is getting. Why is that?

Funny you started this thread PD - I was just thinking the exact same thing a few minutes ago. Oh, and BTW, I have no idea.
I hope this thread doesn't offend anyone for that is not my intent. I'm just curious as to why some things get soooooo much attention when others don't. I'm not taking anything away from Caylee what so ever for she deserves our prayers and support, too.. :blowkiss:
Why is the case so popular? What draws us to certain cases over another? There are lots of missing children in this world. There are children who die by the hands of their own parents and yet this case seems to stir up our emotions. Why? Why this one and not another? I look and see that Caylee has sooooo many supporters and prayers going out for her and yet there are others who are missing that don't have the support she is getting. Why is that?

Maybe that is a message that Caylee wants us to receive-to put more energy and love into situations that desperately need to be healed; especially involving innocent children. Maybe that is why the case has drawn out the way it has, to try to wake people up and make people of FEEL again-
I have been drawn to this case because as far as I know this is the only case in which a little 2 year old girl has been missing for 30+ days and the mother never reported it. This was the very first thing to intrigue me.
I think my main draw to this case is the way Casey is being strung up when there is so little to go on that points in her direction.
Seriously, so she steals...anyone checking these forums from work PC's when they are supposed to be doing what they get paid for is "stealing" in a sense. So, that doesn't make her guilty of murder in my book, at least not without incriminating a whole bunch of forum readers/posters as well.
She lies...who doesn't? Maybe tiny lies, maybe big lies, we all do it. I lied this morning when I told my friend I had to get off the phone so I could go out and get my mail. I really just wanted off the phone...period.
To watch this young woman being raked over the coals without sufficient cause is making me feel a great deal of sympathy towards her. And honestly, I am so thankful that there are people like Jose Baez, Leonard and Tony Padilla and all the others that are willing to help Casey.
We don't know why she has kept her silence. Plain and simple. I prefer to give her the benefit of the doubt until I see reason not to.
I think because it's such a strange case with all the twists it has taken. The family, the lies, everything about it is just plain strange.
I think it's a combination of a few things. One being that there is so much to speculate on in this case...the bizarre behavior, lies, etc. Whereas in many cases there is not a whole lot to follow. Another reason I believe is that to look at Casey she looks like any other typical young mother and like many typical young mothers has not grown up and makes mistakes. I mean I have known a lot of bad moms through the years that look the part of loving and caring on the surface, but their actions with their kids suck. But to see someone as a bad mother and to see someone as a murderer are two completely different things. I think it's shocking because we ALL know bad moms...and that shock of OMG, this could be that person is just too much. Just my opinion.
This case is interesting because:
The mother did not report the girl missing [ which is normal to do?]
The mother has a history of stealing & using other people's money & accounts.
The mother has been said to be a known lier.
Many adverse reasons for my interest.
As we all know though, there are two sides to every story.
We do not know why we chose the side we chose,for me I did not think about it much.
I just read what was going on,listened and watched the news and Nancy Grace plus Greta also Geraldo.
Call me negative.....
until I really see something positive.
So far only negatives have been what I have seen.
Cindy well, funny how we all know this family by their first names???
Why is the case so popular? What draws us to certain cases over another? There are lots of missing children in this world. There are children who die by the hands of their own parents and yet this case seems to stir up our emotions. Why? Why this one and not another? I look and see that Caylee has sooooo many supporters and prayers going out for her and yet there are others who are missing that don't have the support she is getting. Why is that?

PD - good morning to you :blowkiss:

I have wondered that too....I think as gypsie said, 30 days missing and no one reported? The trail of lies....and lies that are larger than I gotta hang up the phone....

There has to be a "gotcha" for there to be a media frenzy. This "gotcha" has to be the darling girl of course but also the crazy situation that Casey has created. If you love doing puzzles, this one is for you! The "gotcha" for
Laci Peterson was expectant mom missing at Christmas.

In both of these cases the bazaar behavior of the people that should have been loving and protecting the victims the most feeds the frenzy IMO

Hi PD! :)

IMO, I think that this case has touched so many because it doesn't seem that anyone in Caylee's life has put her first! So many people seem more worried about Casey and IMO, this takes the focus off of Caylee. Now she has over 600 people on her thread, focusing on finding her and praying for her! She is FIRST with all of us...

On a personal note, I'm the mother of a Caylee (Kaileigh) and I guess in a way, I feel like I'm a voice for her! :)

Just my opinions of course....and I do feel that other cases deserve this attention as well so I'm not taking that away from them by any means. But I think when you look at all of the aspects of this case, you can really see why this has touched so many of us and made us focus on Caylee.

I think she just really needs us....
I can't answer for others but I know why it has my attention and I do follow other news stories. I'm a parent, I've spent the last 26 years watching out for my kids. As much as I like to think that I can protect them from all the evil and rotten things that can happen, I know bad things happen to even the most watchful parent.

Caylee's age; three year olds are about my most favorite little people in the whole world. It is magic age of learning and growth. It is hard for me to imagine that someone would not want to spend all day with a child that age.
(I know they keep calling Caylee a toddler, she passed toddler age 18 month ago, she is technically a preschooler.)

I was a board member of a Child Abuse Emergency Shelter. I went to family court and visited the units where child victims were treated. It opened my eyes to ways children are exploited, injured, and neglected. For this reason, I do follow many child cases.

The last reason is more, I don't know, hard to define. We've all known a Casey in our lives; the pretty, snotty, party girl who loves being the center of attention. She could get straight Ds and still make the A students feel stupid.
She's probably peaked in the first three years of high school and then couldn't make the transition to planning for her future. Casey didn't get there by accident either, her parents helped and I guess by judging their parenting, it makes the rest of us feel better about our own parenting.
So there go, this case has it all; two layers of questionable parenting, a missing vulnerable child and the *itchy girl who might finally be getting brought down. Toss in the vortex of news reporters, web-boards, dandies and carpetbaggers, it's a Lifetime Movie.
It caught my attention, first because I don't live far from Orlando, so it was on the local news, second because of the length of time before she was reported missing. Then, when the case just snowballed in the news and on WS, it kept my attention from there.
This case is so popular because it reads like a good mystery novel, it was easy to find an "internet" presence, the media continues to hype it and the family has been inconsistent from day one.

What's not to keep the brain engaged.

I really think the media and the internet presence play a major role here. This is a case we can actually find stuff on even if we are clear across the country. In many cases, the media dies down quickly and it is difficult to track what is happening unless you live in the area or you work directly with LE or the family. Not the case here.

I think that the answer to your question has many different aspects.

1) Caylee is a gorgeous little girl, she looks so sweet and innocent in all of her pictures.
2) This case keeps spitting out twists and turns, it is keeping people interested. They check each day to see what new info has come out.
3) Casey has lied, and been uncooperative from the beginning. I think that there are many people out there (myself included) who can't get past that, can't understand why. And human nature is to "try to figure it out".
4) The media is keeping the story in the news which keeps interest in the case. The media is able to keep the story in the news because there is always new info being reported.

Those are some of the main reasons that people are drawn to this case, IMO. I know that it makes some people sad/upset that other cases don't get the same interest or attention. And I agree, but I also know from watching the Laci Peterson case in it's entirety, that many people will continue to follow missing persons cases if/when Caylee's disappearance is solved. I'm grateful for that. Anything that will get people to pay more attention, is a good thing.

And finally, I wanted to say that personally, I felt that the MANY people praying for Laci Peterson and unborn Conner, played a role in the fate of the case. I feel those prayers were heard, and I am hoping the same will happen for Caylee.

This post is all IMO.
My interest in one word: Deception.

I hate it and want it to be unraveled every time. Hoping it happens in this case.
The only thing that comes to my mind is the episode of Dora I watched with my children this morning.

Throughout the whole show Dora asks the kids "do you see swiper" and they reply "he's right there, he's right there" (no doubt in their heads they are adding the word dummy at the end of that phrase). Then they need to chant with her "Swiper no Swipping" three times and he goes away. In the end of the show they call for him to share their cookies.

So what is the point of even having a Swiper in this learning show? Has he really ever swiped anything and why don't they just put him in jail instead of telling him to quit swiping?

Even in a children's show they are conditioning us to be the watchers of criminal activities and help to call the guilty out.

We as adults are doing the same thing in this case, saying "the evidence is right there dummies, the murderer is right there dummies, can't you see".

Therefore I think the proper phrase in this case should be "Casey stop lying".
Maybe if we all chant this together three times she will stop and then we can give her a cookie!
The only thing that comes to my mind is the episode of Dora I watched with my children this morning.

Throughout the whole show Dora asks the kids "do you see swiper" and they reply "he's right there, he's right there" (no doubt in their heads they are adding the word dummy at the end of that phrase). Then they need to chant with her "Swiper no Swipping" three times and he goes away. In the end of the show they call for him to share their cookies.

So what is the point of even having a Swiper in this learning show? Has he really ever swiped anything and why don't they just put him in jail instead of telling him to quit swiping?

Even in a children's show they are conditioning us to be the watchers of criminal activities and help to call the guilty out.

We as adults are doing the same thing in this case, saying "the evidence is right there dummies, the murderer is right there dummies, can't you see".

Therefore I think the proper phrase in this case should be "Casey stop lying".
Maybe if we all chant this together three times she will stop and then we can give her a cookie!

I always wonder why swiper was in that show. Sometimes he does get it.. if they are not fast enough.. Then they hunt for the item.. again kinda goes along with what you are sayiing.

But this afternoon I asked my husband this same question.. that the op had. I am sadden by Caylee missing but also I think about the many missing children and adults, hoping they return home one day, soon.. I wish there was one channel on tv dedicated to missing children/adults...
I caught a news clip today of a 5yo Mexican boy who has been missing since Friday(?). He was with the father and when the mother came to pick him up from the vistitation he was not there. Dad has been charged with negligence. Hmmmmm (wow, dejavu?)...wonder where dear old dad got the idea? Wonder if the world will stop and watch for this little boy. meh...I doubt it. Unless of course dad turns out to be a handsome party scene junkie with some juicy photos for people to salivate over. It really is a sick sick world we live in...
I caught a news clip today of a 5yo Mexican boy who has been missing since Friday(?). He was with the father and when the mother came to pick him up from the vistitation he was not there. Dad has been charged with negligence. Hmmmmm (wow, dejavu?)...wonder where dear old dad got the idea? Wonder if the world will stop and watch for this little boy. meh...I doubt it. Unless of course dad turns out to be a handsome party scene junkie with some juicy photos for people to salivate over. It really is a sick sick world we live in...

Mountainmama :blowkiss: I agree with your post.. It's sad that this little boy isn't going to get the attention he so deserves. I have no room to talk though, I'm guilty as the next person and I'm trying to figure out why?

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