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Aug 22, 2008
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This case has had an impact on me stronger than any other case has. I feel emotionally spent from it. I think it's time for me to step away. I am too passionate / sensitive of a person to be able to handle the hate and bitterness that I keep seeing.

It's definitely made me look at the world a bit differently than I used to and I am not happy with what I see:

I've seen people line and rally in protest with their innocent children and babies, banging on doors, calling out hateful names, all over this little angel who is missing.

I've seen a band pull along side the house of the grandparents and play hateful music just to be hurtful.

I've seen a live webcam camped outside a home waiting for a news story. To make it worse, I'm seeing people constantly oohing and ahhing over the webcam.

I've seen people ridicule a grieving family. Calling their grief tantrums. I've seen people say they outright hate the grieving family. For what reason? Why hold hate in your heart for someone you don't know?

I've seen more people placing blame and judgment onto other innocent people than I have anywhere else.

I'm seeing hardly any compassion. I'm seeing people think it's okay to name call, hurt feelings, harass a family, camp out on a webcam, etc.

This case has turned into a circus of hatred for the Grandparents and Casey. The little girl has become the poster child in the whole mess of it all.

I have spent countless nights reading and speculating of my own, trying to figure out exactly what happened and where little Caylee could be. I have participated on these forums, viewed the webcam, done many of the things that are making me sad. So, I am not judging the people who are holding hatred, I am asking them to step back and look at themselves. Is it worth it? God is the one who should be judging, not us.

I am, however, done. I am sad that I so easily fell into this trap and became a judger of people I did not know and held hatred in my heart. I have asked God to forgive me. I hope he forgives you too.

I'm sorry that you are so upset, bunniecakes. I, too, have felt that drain from certain cases. I hope you can find peace.

Please know that there are many people that agree with you and that most of the world IS compassionate, even if it's hard to see it sometimes.

Best wishes to you. Please come back when you feel rested; your good heart can help in cases that so desperately need it.
I have seen
a mother not report her child missing for a month
then proceed to lie to the police over and over and over
then go partying
and refuse to help find her

Thats what I have seen.....

The webcam has always bothered me. Yes, I think Casey did something to Caylee, but the GP do not deserve to have their every move watched by thousands.
bunnycakes that was a lovely post and I understand how you feel. However, keep in mind that people aren't so bad, really. Did the public harrass Jeffrey Dahmer's poor family? Or Ted Bundy's? Or any number of other really dispicable killers' families?

Unfortunately (and I'm just going by my gut, of course) people are outraged because they're being told stories that are antithetical to anyone's reality. Anyone's reality who has ever loved a child. So people can't handle that kind of spin and their hearts and brains start to explode from the sheer madness of it. Some people protest. Some just get really sad and confused. Some express their anger on message boards.

Peace to you. Jennyb
This case has had an impact on me stronger than any other case has. I feel emotionally spent from it. I think it's time for me to step away. I am too passionate / sensitive of a person to be able to handle the hate and bitterness that I keep seeing.

It's definitely made me look at the world a bit differently than I used to and I am not happy with what I see:


Respectfully snipped.

I'm not ready to leave yet. Right now I have to see it through to the end, but I could not have put my thoughts into words any better than you just did.
This case has had an impact on me stronger than any other case has. I feel emotionally spent from it. I think it's time for me to step away. I am too passionate / sensitive of a person to be able to handle the hate and bitterness that I keep seeing.

It's definitely made me look at the world a bit differently than I used to and I am not happy with what I see:

I've seen people line and rally in protest with their innocent children and babies, banging on doors, calling out hateful names, all over this little angel who is missing.

I've seen a band pull along side the house of the grandparents and play hateful music just to be hurtful.

I've seen a live webcam camped outside a home waiting for a news story. To make it worse, I'm seeing people constantly oohing and ahhing over the webcam.

I've seen people ridicule a grieving family. Calling their grief tantrums. I've seen people say they outright hate the grieving family. For what reason? Why hold hate in your heart for someone you don't know?

I've seen more people placing blame and judgment onto other innocent people than I have anywhere else.

I'm seeing hardly any compassion. I'm seeing people think it's okay to name call, hurt feelings, harass a family, camp out on a webcam, etc.

This case has turned into a circus of hatred for the Grandparents and Casey. The little girl has become the poster child in the whole mess of it all.

I have spent countless nights reading and speculating of my own, trying to figure out exactly what happened and where little Caylee could be. I have participated on these forums, viewed the webcam, done many of the things that are making me sad. So, I am not judging the people who are holding hatred, I am asking them to step back and look at themselves. Is it worth it? God is the one who should be judging, not us.

I am, however, done. I am sad that I so easily fell into this trap and became a judger of people I did not know and held hatred in my heart. I have asked God to forgive me. I hope he forgives you too.

This describes a lot of what I am feeling too. I have watched the really bad side coming out of some people and it is disheartening.
I am, however, done. I am sad that I so easily fell into this trap and became a judger of people I did not know and held hatred in my heart. I have asked God to forgive me. I hope he forgives you too.(snip).

How about if God forgives Casey Anthony who committed this act????

I don't need to be forgiven for my opinions, I've done nothing to harm any of these people.
My Friends,

I am going to close this thread because it goes against TOS. We do not allow "GOODBYE" threads. If we did our forum would be a big drama drain.

However, Bunny's list has some valid points so I will not remove it. Just close it.

Remember, it is against TOS to start a, "Goodbye, I'm Leaving" thread. Believe me, we have had our share of this type of drama and it only takes away from the issues at hand.

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