IL - Michael Caldwell arrested for child molestation, Pekin, 2008


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Jul 19, 2007
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A Pekin man who reportedly told police he planned to molest his unborn child and thought about abducting children near the library is in jail for allegedly attempting to molest two young boys.

Caldwell said he wanted to "molest" the boys and said his wife is currently pregnant and said when the child is born he would "touch and molest" that child, records said.

His wife told police she knew about his intentions with the unborn child, records said.:banghead:

A Pekin man who reportedly told police he planned to molest his unborn child and thought about abducting children near the library is in jail for allegedly attempting to molest two young boys.

Caldwell said he wanted to "molest" the boys and said his wife is currently pregnant and said when the child is born he would "touch and molest" that child, records said.

His wife told police she knew about his intentions with the unborn child, records said.:banghead:

Why am I not surprised???:banghead::banghead::banghead: Why did Michael Jackson have children?????:furious::furious::furious:
All I have to say is they better take that baby away as soon as it is born. He will probably get a slap on the wrist and be out shortly if he does any time at all. HE definitely is a danger to children and I hope he gets a tough judge who realizes that.
And his wife knew of his intentions toward her unborn child. She needs to have that baby taken away from her!
For the love of God. What is next with these freaks? Seriously, how much more perverse can they get? A fetus? A blastocyst?

That is disgusting, The poor child wasn't even born yet and was already doomed! I hope that baby gets taken away and adopted by a family who will love him like he deserves.
What wife in her right mind would stay with her husband knowing his plans for their little baby? There has to be something wrong with her too. I too hope the baby is taken from them before something awful happens to it after it is born. Hard to tell who this wife might get mixed up with if her husband is gone for any length of time. Probably another pervert or someone violent.
It's just to bad some people are furtile.
Why am I not surprised???:banghead::banghead::banghead: Why did Michael Jackson have children?????:furious::furious::furious:

I heard the other day on the news (do I need a link?) that Pamela Anderson had a few "dates" with Michael Jackson. I knew she wasn't too bright but I thought she was brighter than that. What's his interest in her? Her great body? No, it's probably her two boys. JMO

They should just go ahead and euthanize this guy. :furious:How can a mother know something like this and do nothing. Maybe she didn't have any money, nowhere to go. I wouldn't care. I'd be homeless before I would let someone harm my child.
I work in Pekin and it is a small town. A girl at work told me that the wife babysat the two boys and that the one boy told his mom him and this man had a secret and she asked him to tell her and he did. She also found blood in his underwear. I think this mother to be probably knew what he was doing to these boys she was babysitting also.
What wife in her right mind would stay with her husband knowing his plans for their little baby? There has to be something wrong with her too. I too hope the baby is taken from them before something awful happens to it after it is born. Hard to tell who this wife might get mixed up with if her husband is gone for any length of time. Probably another pervert or someone violent.
It's just to bad some people are furtile.
ITA, Bobbiesangel! That poor child. Doomed before it is even born!
I work in Pekin and it is a small town. A girl at work told me that the wife babysat the two boys and that the one boy told his mom him and this man had a secret and she asked him to tell her and he did. She also found blood in his underwear. I think this mother to be probably knew what he was doing to these boys she was babysitting also.

That poor mom and those little boys. Maybe the wife with the unborn child should face charges too and the baby taken away once it's born.
I work in Pekin and it is a small town. A girl at work told me that the wife babysat the two boys and that the one boy told his mom him and this man had a secret and she asked him to tell her and he did. She also found blood in his underwear. I think this mother to be probably knew what he was doing to these boys she was babysitting also.

That is heart wrenching. These poor little guys.

Prayers for the victims of this sick creep.
...and God bless that one little boy for having the courage to tell his mom. There's no telling how many other children he saved.
Now I remember why I always end up ticked off, sad and depressed when I read the threads in "Crimes in the News"!


What kind of world are we living in? :(
THis guy flew under the radar.

I can't find hardly anything on him. No relatives or anything. Trust me I was looking him up.

What kind of human being does these things? What in God's name is wrong with people like this? Never mind! I don't want to even know.
Michael William Caldwell

Guilty Plea
Location: Released
Sentence Date: 02/25/2009
Release Date: 06/18/2010

Original Charge: Class 1 Felony - Attempted Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault
Plea Charge: Class 3 Felony - Attempted Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse - Vic <13

Sentence: 3 years 6 months


I was not able to find any information regarding the outcome for the baby.
So, this is a plea deal? He sure got off light. Blood appears and he is convicted of "attempting?" Crappola! I surely hope that his baby was placed elsewhere. Or maybe his dodo wife got a divorce while he was away, and has the baby in a safe place. ha!

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