Casey's Friends List of all relevant info

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Mar 6, 2005
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I believe it would be very helpful to have a thread for Caseys friends and what has been reported about each that we have read. Please post info here that will enlighten us on the timeline, and info about whatever friend or acquaintance of Casey that is thought relevant. If there is any friend withholding info, perhaps this thread will help rule them out or in. Thanks. If you have links, please add. If you can at least tell where you found the info reported, that will help also. I will start a list of a few needing inclusion here:
Tony, Clint aka RH, JG, Amy,Ricardo,JP,Sean

During the first 3 days of Caylee missing, from 16th, these friends were called repeatedly: Tony, JG, Amy

Anthony L aka Tony bf of Casey
Tony is a college student, attending sch at Full Sail from 9-1 and sometimes later in the day up until 5pm as it varies. He promoted for Fusion and DJ there at times. He met Casey by facebook and she agreed to come out to a party and meet him on May 24. This party is possibly Sean's party that Casey refers to in her mysp post to Sean aka Lake Vaj, when she comments great party on May 27 but not known for sure. Tony states that Casey brought 2 friends to that party and one of these is said to be Amy. He began dating Casey following that time.

He states he went to a side room inside of Voyage with Casey on June 6 for a new type thing that was being started there (?) This may be the same party that Amy and Casey were referring to as T-roys celebration as it seemed to be around the same time that Casey posted on June 7 that Amy scared her to death last night. There are photos at the Voyage building that have Amy, Casey, and Tony in them although the pics do not show them as together. (there are pics of Casey hugging up with at least 2 other guys there at that event but I do not recognize these guys) Tony's car was repaired earlier on June 10. He saw Caylee last June 2 and that does not agree with his roomies statement of last seeing her on June 13.

Tony states that Casey and her mom argued a lot over the phone, that Casey was upset because mom discovered dad's cheating and because of that, they were not going to move out and let her take over payments of home. Casey told Tony that she hated dad. It should be noted that Tony's roomie spoke of a loving and good friendly relationship between Casey and her mom in his statement. Tony states he only saw Caylee a few times which was around 3, with June 2 being the last. He speaks of her in past tense and corrects himself at least once but also speaks of her in present tense in same interview. He is reported to have picked Casey up in wee early hrs (from LP) of June 27, from the Amscot where her car was left, and states that she had groceries with her. He states she told him dad would have the car repaired and that it was broken down. He is later to have reported that Casey also told him that her father had taken it in for repair and even named 2 mechanics involved. He stated Casey moved in with Amy on June 9 although that was during the time that Casey was also staying at his apt off and on too. Ricardo's statement included that Casey had spent the night on June 9 and was there on June 10 around 10am.

Tony reports that around June 16, Casey starting bringing lots of her clothes and things to his apt, that she would go away from him,either outside or inside the apt when she was on the phone. Caseys phone records show that she tried to call Tony between 3-4pm on June 16, that it is not known if answered but looked to be unanswered. Casey stated that on June 16, she went to Tony's around 7pm and stayed there the rest of the night. Her phone logs show her calling home around 644pm this date. It has been reported that Tony worked as a DJ and promoter at Fusion and that he and Casey went there June 13 and June 20 and it is possibly reported that they went there together on June 27. Tony states that Casey helped him with the shot girls management at Fusion and it is known that she also helped to promote the Fri events online by her posts on myspace and facebook.

Tony states that he has been to Anthony's home 2 times and it has been since May 24 and before July 16 and the parents were not home. We do not know these dates or why he was there or when. Tony went to NY for vacation but he had to ask his friend Sean what day Sean went to NY (June 29) before Tony could remember that he himself went the next day Mon June 30. Tony returned from NY July 5 and while he was away, his roomie Clint moved out on July 1 to a new apt according to Clint's statement. Casey posted to markymark who is possibly Mark H about Tony returning home on July 5, Sean seen Casey and Tony at buffalo wild wings alafaya trail on that date, and other anonymous friends reported Casey cooking Tony dinner and that her and Tony was partying with the two over the 4th weekend so Tony prob did return that date. Tony found Amy's checkbook at his apt and returned it to her after July 16. Tony and Casey visited Cranes Landing Apts about an apt according to Mark C,owner on June 19 but when Mark C called Casey on June 20, all she wanted to discuss was Fusion and invited him!

Casey called Tony around midnight on July 15 acc to phone records. Tonys apt was searched by LE on July 16 and neighborhood has been door to door canvased by LE. LE also asked Tony for a camera that he had taken photos of Caylee on June 2, Caseys cell phone at that time. LE has stated that Tony has cooperated completely. Tonys apts on Sutton Place Blvd have a pool and serious looking stairwells and balconies with wide spacings between them. There is also a gate at some stairwells that lead to the pool. The info on the apt is what I have gleaned from pics in diff places online. Ratings on apts online indicate Tony's apt complex is not very safe outdoors but that is opinions only.

Any other info about Tony that others have can be added to this thread also. A lot of info came from the statement from LE and other info has been gleaned from online sites.
KC refers to Ryan as her "best friend" & has known Casey since he was five. He has stated he spoke with Casey on the weekend of June 13, 14, 15 & she was supposed to meet up with him at his Aunts house, but it "didn't pan out".

Ryan lives & attends school in Jacksonville, but his parents live in Orlando.

He first heard about Caylee missing when Cindy called him at 8:30am & then at 10am the morning KC was arrested.

He has never heard about any Zenaida Gonzalez. He stated KC told him another name for the nanny. ("Jenny, Krista, Kristan, maybe Christina") "Definately NOT a Hispanic name", he stated.

KC never mentioned who Caylee's father was.

KC told him she was an Event Planner at Universal for the past 2-3 yrs.
He was confronted by Cindy about KC telling her she was working at the Sports Authority with him. This story from KC was NOT true.
KC would use the excuse for coming home late, as she was doing inventory at the sports Authority with Ryan. She then later claimed to have gotten transferred to another store in Waterford.

Cindy called him & told him not to talk to KC because of her lying & stealing money from Cindy & her grandmother. Cindy referred to KC as a Sociopath.

KC borrowed $400. from Ryan, for "rent to her parents".

KC mentioned using drugs to Ryan.

Jose Baez, KC's attorney, called Ryan a few days after she was arrested to inquire about him being a character reference. Ryan declined saying, "I'm going to be a big detriment to your case."

Ryan refers to KC as being "kinda a hard *advertiser censored*" who has to be scared because "She's not going to do anything for anybody unless she has, un...unless theres something in it for her."

Transcript of conversation with LE:
The 400 pages
Ricardo M, from Univ of Tampa, now lives at Glenwood apt with JP and Amy. Former bf of Casey. When Casey pointed out the seniors building to LE and stated that ZG and her roomies stayed there at one time, it turned out later that the building direct across from it was the building of her ex bf Ricardo as stated in docs. Ricardo met Casey at Amys house at a party in June 07. He is not sure who she knew there, whether it was Amys roomie Lauren or a friend of Amys that worked with Lauren. He moved to Orlando in aug. Hung out with her some with mutual friends, started dating her in Feb 08,he had a birthday party at Glenwood where him,jp,and amy live now, on Feb 23. 08. Note that Ricardo stated his birthday is Jan 23 1984 although he states this about his birthday party on Feb 23 also, seems confused.

Since the breakup, Casey didnt stay over as much although they still hung out some and Caylee didnt come with her as often. He remembers this because he went to Tampa to a party at Hannah York, his friends on June 12 so he just tried to rem from there back. Ricardo said Amy had been staying there about 2 mths and that the last time he seen Casey was about 3 weeks after that last time, said he came downstairs,she was there with Amy and he saw her around 5 minutes and he left although he stated that she stayed longer. The next time he saw her was July 2 when he left the airport to go on vacation.. Casey brought Caylee with her when they started dating, and she would stay there about 4 nights a week. Caylee slept in same bed with them. Later, they agreed to quit with the dating and Casey got a new boyfriend so Ricardo saw her less often. His relationship ended middle of April and Casey went home he stated. He states Casey agreed with the breakup.

Casey kept coming over thru the month of May and then June 9 is last time he seen Caylee as it was when Casey and her spent the night there and they were still there on June 10 morning when he left at 10am. Casey didnWhen Ricardo would come home, it was late and Caylee would be put to sleep by then.Describes Caylee as an avg kid,tantrums now and then, she kissed him one or two times, just a kid kiss, on cheek, and hugs when he came home when Casey told her to. He liked Caylee. He saw good relationship between her and Casey with Casey giving her all of her bears at night,giving her juice, changing her, ect. Ricardo thinks there may have only been once that Casey left Caylee there and that was prob to run out to get something and right back while Caylee was sleeping. He is not sure that time happened but thinks he remembers it.

He thinks Casey seemed to be a good mother and that she had a loving affectionate relationship with Caylee. He noticed Casey would tell little lies about things she had done, like, if you say you had done something, then she had also, ect. She came and took care of him when he was sick once, made chicken soup. He really liked her. Casey had mentioned Zani and her mom to him as sitters a lot. Ricardo has been to Anthonys once and the parents were at work. Caylee had a bear Teddy and a doll Mama that Casey brought with her when she stayed over. There were 2 more stuffed animals also he stated. Ricardo said he came home July 15, that Casey picked up Amy, then Amy picked up the others. They came back to Glenwood and JP and Amy went to a mall. Later on, they all sit and talked about all what went down with Caseys arrest and Amys money being gone. Ricardo uses same text line as Casey when he states "from what I feel right now...." as he answers LE in one statement. Casey used same text line when she answered Lee in a jail phone call "from what I feel right now....".

Ricardo remembers Casey talking about her job at Univ., her boss Tom and her friend Juliette. He never met ZG or any of these people. He never seen Casey doing any "work" from home. Ricardo said Casey came to Tampa at a place where he was attending a wedding once and that she left same day to come back to Orlando. Ricardo met Tony one time and shook his hand wo talking to him. It was before Tony and Casey were a couple which means it wouldve been around May 24-June 9 as a guess. I might guess it was at the same party where Amy and Casey and an unknown friend went to meet Tony May 24. Ricardo's friend Lauren G is Caseys first babysitter and long time 4 yr friend that also knows JP and Amy. I believe it is possible that Lauren invited Casey to the party Ricardo met her at in Ovieda.

(Ricardo's Facebook includes some interesting friend names: Kyle N, Dave LCasey,troy b,jp,annie d, kyle g,e gonzalez from pr. The names are included here with my speculation of how they relate to the circle of friends: Annie was interviewed by LE. A Kyle called Casey on July 15, Troy knows Casey according to Facebook and LE also asked Amy about a Troy, Dave posts to Casey and goes to school at Full Sail where Tony and Clint go, JP is Ricardo's roommate and owns the apt, and the E Gonzalez from PR just sounded interesting in regard to ZG.)

The Globe Interview has Ricardo's story and some pictures of him, Casey, and Caylee playing drums.

Rumor: Link to photo with Chloroform reported to be from Ricardo's facebook and posted by someone online is.
This pic is reported as a rumor because the person who stored it has not yet verified the place they copied it from with any evidence like a screen capture which would make it less of a rumor. is link to Ricardo's exclusive sell to The Globe.
Kristina C.

"Casey Anthony, the mother of missing 2-year-old Caylee, talks with her friend, Kristina C., in this excerpt from a phone call recorded after Casey was taken to the Orange County Jail. In it, C. repeatedly tried to get information from Casey, who insists "they are blaming me for stuff I didn't do." She also keeps trying to get the number of her boyfriend Tony.",0,237054.audiogallery

Jailhouse Phone Call Between KC & Kristina C.

VIDEO: Calls Home From Jail

Written Police Statement:
Page 44
Ricardo M, from Univ of Tampa, now lives at Glenwood apt with JP and Amy. Former bf of Casey.

Rumor: Link to photo with Chloroform reported to be from Ricardo's facebook and posted by someone online is.
This pic is reported as a rumor because the person who stored it has not yet verified the place they copied it from with any evidence like a screen capture which would make it less of a rumor. is link to Ricardo's exclusive sell to The Globe.

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere on any of the threads but I think it's kind of odd. When RM tells the story to LE of him and KC's breakup, he described it as very casual and mutual. But in the 400 pages of documents, AH described it completely different. She said they had a big fight and IIRC it happened at a party they were all at.

I just think it's odd that RM never mentioned this fight at all. This probably has nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance, I just thought I would mention it to see if anyone else caught that.
[Going to go link searching here for the phone call thingy but this is sooooooooo odd.... I mean, the Kristina C part..... ~ The one thing here, I keep thinking abt the ph call from KC in jail [mom's *cameo* conversation in which she speaks to LA, KC, & mom [CA].... Ok... so, several folks have posted varied thoughts on yeah, how Kristina C. was so upset, crying [almost] & this is actually what leads into KC's *calling u guys / what a waste* commentary was how UPSET Kristine C. was during the call, she was saying, you know, basically, 'omg! if something happened to her I'll just die - you hear me - I'll just die'.... Kristine C. had no idea at that point the calls are being recorded so no reason to act or extra drama [even Lee admitted a few days later or whatever he'd had no idea abt calls being recorded] - so here during this initial call this girl is so freaked out - seemed SO sincere!! I'm like, I actually thought from hearing her voice she was convinced it was possible KC coulda done something to her?!!!! Did anyone else sorta get that impression too or is it just me? So that leads me to my next Q.... she went on national tv & stuff talking about how she babysat for Caylee, how KC babysat for her kids [2 kids IIRC?] so, ummmm... how many of us mom's on here are gonna have someone babysit for our kids & be around our kids if there is ANY indication something may be *hinky* with them? Like - even how many of us are gonna have someone babysit our children & be in our homes around our family that if it came down to it & perhaps something happened we wouldn't be thinking in our heads AT THE TIME right at first that of course we trust them 100% & would go to bat for them...!? NOT that we'd like try to get them to give us secret info & think to ourselves that they are capable of doing something horrible or even hiding an accident?
I'm nearly positive I'm not explaining this correctly / the way I'd like to, but I'm sorta afraid of overstepping bounds & stuff so hopefully somebody gets my drift...
Basically, I guess what I'm saying is:
"Is it logical to anyone else that at the VERY START of all this happening when the chi* was FIRST hitting the fan, someone who trusted KC to babysit their kids frequently & did so in return frequently [who I'm assuming means they'd have known KC *well*?] that this person would have such an overly-emotional [imo] response to the scenario & like just automatically at first have just assume something horrible happened to this lil' angel & that KC had had something to do w/ it or knew something about it she was hiding....."
Ok. So.... does that make any sense?

Personally, [& yes, I have 3 children] you'd think if you have someone watch your kids you'd trust them with your life.... ya know? you're already entrusting them w/ the most important thing in the world!!? - so you better make sure this person is is someone you'd trust - right?

So, is it basically safe to assume, based on this jail-house phone call that Kristine C. didn't buy the nanny story from the get-go or knew there was no zanny the nanny......?
I'm just sayin'......

somebody.....? anybody....?
In the GLOBE photo of RM and Caylee playing the drums, what is on the floor? Is it a telephone cord or some kind of tubing attached to something, i can't tell. Can anyone blow up this pic to check it out?
Ricardo M, from Univ of Tampa
Rumor: Link to photo with Chloroform reported to be from Ricardo's facebook and posted by someone online is.
This pic is reported as a rumor because the person who stored it has not yet verified the place they copied it from with any evidence like a screen capture which would make it less of a rumor.

This is true. I found it and captured it here:
He also made interesting changes to his default profile picture July 16 and 17: and
"Is it logical to anyone else that at the VERY START of all this happening when the chi* was FIRST hitting the fan, someone who trusted KC to babysit their kids frequently & did so in return frequently [who I'm assuming means they'd have known KC *well*?] that this person would have such an overly-emotional [imo] response to the scenario & like just automatically at first have just assume something horrible happened to this lil' angel & that KC had had something to do w/ it or knew something about it she was hiding....."
Ok. So.... does that make any sense?

Personally, [& yes, I have 3 children] you'd think if you have someone watch your kids you'd trust them with your life.... ya know? you're already entrusting them w/ the most important thing in the world!!? - so you better make sure this person is is someone you'd trust - right?

o, is it basically safe to assume, based on this jail-house phone call that Kristine C. didn't buy the nanny story from the get-go or knew there was no zanny the nanny......?
I'm just sayin'......

somebody.....? anybody....?

I think I know what you mean, my impression was that she was really freaked out over Caylee being missing for a month, and that Casey seemed so calm and was only concerned about getting the boyfriend's phone seemed like she got more panicky after she heard the tone in Casey's voice...realizing that Casey didn't seem freaked out considering the situation.
I definately CoMplEtEly agree w/ you, rangdang [cute name btw ;) that Kristine C. was freaked out over the child being missing, etc. & yes could have partly been due to any or all that u mention there.... But what I got out of it was her [insinuating by her line of Q during the call]? that KC should basically 'fess up / or did TL have anything to do with what *happened* to her? [she asked this DIRECTLY maybe a couple times!!]....
So, my Q in my head that I can't resolve is why on earth would u have someone babysitting for u - for your KIDS - if straight outta the gate if something questionable happened YOU'd be able to think they were capable of doing something wrong....?
Like for example- say I have 3 friends - I love them all - ALL great folks - Friend *advertiser censored* is super sweet, lives with her parents, has had same job for 3yrs & only parties very rarely; Friend B* is super nice, goes from job to job, parties frequently but has kids of her own, maybe has a few diff boyfriends / single, but I've known her since high school so we go back way further, maybe don't approve of everything she does but still my friend & still like her; Friend C* is great, very nice, we hang out a lot but her hubby or boyfriend is sorta 'odd' or she complains abt domestic issues, etc.....
Well, as a parent, I have no issues being around ANY of these 3 ppl WITH my kids present, they are my friends; but also as a parent, there's only ONE of them that I might consider babysitting for me... that be Friend *advertiser censored* - ya know?!
If Friend C* has a questionable bf or hubby or male figure in the house or whatever, I don't want my kids around that, same goes for a friend who frequently has diff guys around & is single...
So, I mean, I dunno... guess it just bothers me that maybe there was something there in HER hinky meter that maybe she wasn't too keen on KC's bf TL? or possibly another bf or guy in KC's life...? Cos' IMO, if you are such great friends then you'd definately have their back & not expect them to 'fess up within the first 3 seconds of the first phone call you have with them after the chi* hits the fan....
just me though..... lol
I think that one thing that needs to be mentioned in regards to Christina and all the family & friends at the point that Casey was arrested is, that within a 24hr period not only did they find out Caylee was missing but also that it had been 31 days since anyone had seen her, and then I am sure that at this point everyone in her circle of family & friends started comparing notes & stories only to realize that she was in no way the person that any of them thought she was. So I think that is when it really kicked in to everyone that yea maybe she had done something bad to her daughter..And I also can imagine that LE has nicely asked them not to make statements to the media until they have finished there investigation..I bet they are all talking amongst themselves but they are not realeasing any info that has not already been released in the documents. I would imagine that once LE has this case locked down and they start making arrests, or if Caylee's remains are located that they will start leaking info right & left.
Just found something really weird check out page 51. It says RECENT PHOTOGRAPH OF CHILD 5/31/08

This photo was handed over to the police on 7/16 and the family was still claiming that the last time they saw Caylee was on 6/9. That is a lie in itself. The photograph was taken at the Mount Dora nursing him on 6/15 which is father's day. So why did the Anthony family tell the cops that the picture was taken back on 5/31/08? Something is really strange with that......
Hi Monoxide - cool!
Just found something really weird check out page 51. It says RECENT PHOTOGRAPH OF CHILD 5/31/08

This photo was handed over to the police on 7/16 and the family was still claiming that the last time they saw Caylee was on 6/9. That is a lie in itself. The photograph was taken at the Mount Dora nursing him on 6/15 which is father's day. So why did the Anthony family tell the cops that the picture was taken back on 5/31/08? Something is really strange with that......
[respectfully snipped]

yes - I actually emailed that to LE a while back.... same day the 400pgs of docs was released. :) I thought it was odd cos' same hair/clothes/table/sippy cup/background/coloring book/envelope on table, etc. which btw - the envelope reads Happy Birthday Dad Not Happy Father's Day.... ?!!!!!
Hi Monoxide - cool!
Just found something really weird check out page 51. It says RECENT PHOTOGRAPH OF CHILD 5/31/08

This photo was handed over to the police on 7/16 and the family was still claiming that the last time they saw Caylee was on 6/9. That is a lie in itself. The photograph was taken at the Mount Dora nursing him on 6/15 which is father's day. So why did the Anthony family tell the cops that the picture was taken back on 5/31/08? Something is really strange with that......
[respectfully snipped]

yes - I actually emailed that to LE a while back.... same day the 400pgs of docs was released. :) I thought it was odd cos' same hair/clothes/table/sippy cup/background/coloring book/envelope on table, etc. which btw - the envelope reads Happy Birthday Dad Not Happy Father's Day.... ?!!!!!

Hmmm....very weird

the envelope [u can barely see it in that photo / it's half hidden under her coloring book but u can see it in the color photo that is the same] is the same envelope from the video of Caylee reading her book - at a couple points u can read the envelope & it says "Happy Birthday Dad" seriously! [not happy father's day] which I also thought was ODD...?!
[Going to go link searching here for the phone call thingy but this is sooooooooo odd.... I mean, the Kristina C part..... ~ The one thing here, I keep thinking abt the ph call from KC in jail [mom's *cameo* conversation in which she speaks to LA, KC, & mom [CA].... Ok... so, several folks have posted varied thoughts on yeah, how Kristina C. was so upset, crying [almost] & this is actually what leads into KC's *calling u guys / what a waste* commentary was how UPSET Kristine C. was during the call, she was saying, you know, basically, 'omg! if something happened to her I'll just die - you hear me - I'll just die'.... Kristine C. had no idea at that point the calls are being recorded so no reason to act or extra drama [even Lee admitted a few days later or whatever he'd had no idea abt calls being recorded] - so here during this initial call this girl is so freaked out - seemed SO sincere!! I'm like, I actually thought from hearing her voice she was convinced it was possible KC coulda done something to her?!!!! Did anyone else sorta get that impression too or is it just me? So that leads me to my next Q.... she went on national tv & stuff talking about how she babysat for Caylee, how KC babysat for her kids [2 kids IIRC?] so, ummmm... how many of us mom's on here are gonna have someone babysit for our kids & be around our kids if there is ANY indication something may be *hinky* with them? Like - even how many of us are gonna have someone babysit our children & be in our homes around our family that if it came down to it & perhaps something happened we wouldn't be thinking in our heads AT THE TIME right at first that of course we trust them 100% & would go to bat for them...!? NOT that we'd like try to get them to give us secret info & think to ourselves that they are capable of doing something horrible or even hiding an accident?
I'm nearly positive I'm not explaining this correctly / the way I'd like to, but I'm sorta afraid of overstepping bounds & stuff so hopefully somebody gets my drift...
Basically, I guess what I'm saying is:
"Is it logical to anyone else that at the VERY START of all this happening when the chi* was FIRST hitting the fan, someone who trusted KC to babysit their kids frequently & did so in return frequently [who I'm assuming means they'd have known KC *well*?] that this person would have such an overly-emotional [imo] response to the scenario & like just automatically at first have just assume something horrible happened to this lil' angel & that KC had had something to do w/ it or knew something about it she was hiding....."
Ok. So.... does that make any sense?

Personally, [& yes, I have 3 children] you'd think if you have someone watch your kids you'd trust them with your life.... ya know? you're already entrusting them w/ the most important thing in the world!!? - so you better make sure this person is is someone you'd trust - right?

So, is it basically safe to assume, based on this jail-house phone call that Kristine C. didn't buy the nanny story from the get-go or knew there was no zanny the nanny......?
I'm just sayin'......

somebody.....? anybody....?

Did Kristine C. do interviews on TV ???........if so I must of missed them...

I do remember the friend Holly, that made ALL the shows early on, her interviews talked of them babysitting for each other back in 2007 & before.
Holly's story was basically the same on every show.......she was the GREAT mother, while she discribed Casey as the GOOD mother.

Most here thought Holly only was looking for her 15 min........guess she hasn't had any NEWS to report lately, as it's been awhile since her last interview.

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