Please read Caylee Forum Rules

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Sep 13, 2003
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If you are a new member or an old timer it is a good idea to review this thread, even if you have read it before. There is a new post with important information. Post # 11
Dear Websleuths Members,

The Caylee Anthony case is a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Websleuths takes extreme pride in making sure our discussions are polite yet lively in nature.

Websleuths moderator Christina had to go through this whole forum today and delete 14 inappropriate posts.

Two things wrong with this situation.

First and foremost no one should be posting anything inappropriate. This includes personal attacks and posting about things that have nothing to do with the case.

Second, Christina should never have to search the whole forum for problems. This is why we have the "ALERT" button.

Please, if you see an inappropriate post just hit the alert button and follow the instructions.

If you are not sure if the post is in appropriate then hit the alert button anyway. I would rather we look at it and decide than leaving the post for everyone to read.

Here is the short version of our Terms Of Service

I am overwhelmed and thrilled with the participation on this forum. We have people from all walks of life posting and reading. Lots of law enforcement and media. You are all doing such a great job. Don't stop. :blowkiss:

On behalf of the Websleuths staff thank you for participation.

Tricia Griffith
Hi Everyone,

The Caylee forum is the most rockin' forum on Websleuths now. Congratulations, your sleuthing and ability to find information and to bring it here is incredible.

As Websleuths owner I must tell you that if any of the members here plan to physically search for Caylee you are doing it on your own and not on behalf of Websleuths.

There are two reasons I am telling you this. First, in our litigious society I have to post this disclaimer, second, if anyone goes out on their own to do something and law enforcement asks why you are doing this you cannot say, "I'm with Websleuths" or anything along that line.

Now, if you are with an organized search one put together by an actual search organization with the blessing of law enforcement then I would encourage you to get involved.

I can't encourage you or suggest to you to go out on your own and do anything related to his case in any way.

Now, I know posters on other cases have met up with each other, taken pictures of crime scene locations and such. That's great. It can be fun and you are allowed to post pictures and such but just remember, it's on your own.

Of course you can do what ever you want but please remember it is on your own and by your own choice.

Hi Everyone,

The Caylee forum is the most rockin' forum on Websleuths now. Congratulations, your sleuthing and ability to find information and to bring it here is incredible.

As Websleuths owner I must tell you that if any of the members here plan to physically search for Caylee you are doing it on your own and not on behalf of Websleuths.

There are two reasons I am telling you this. First, in our litigious society I have to post this disclaimer, second, if anyone goes out on their own to do something and law enforcement asks why you are doing this you cannot say, "I'm with Websleuths" or anything along that line.

Now, if you are with an organized search one put together by an actual search organization with the blessing of law enforcement then I would encourage you to get involved.

I can't encourage you or suggest to you to go out on your own and do anything related to his case in any way.

Now, I know posters on other cases have met up with each other, taken pictures of crime scene locations and such. That's great. It can be fun and you are allowed to post pictures and such but just remember, it's on your own.

Of course you can do what ever you want but please remember it is on your own and by your own choice.

1.until there is evidence that caylee is missing because of gang activity ws will not permit this discussion. I'm warning our members if anyone should start another thread regarding this matter they will be removed from ws. Subject closed.
2. There is to be NO personal information posted on innocent people involved in Caylee's case this also includes their last name.
3. There is to be no letters to the family posted here unless its nothing but support and links to agencies that may be of help.
4. There is to be NO name calling of anyone involved in this case.
5. Brians predictions nor his website is permitted to be posted on Websleuths.
6. Copyright rules are very important and the rule of thumb is to copy/paste a paragraph or two ONLY (about ten lines from a hundred line article) and always include the link so others can read the article in full.

Dear Websleuths Members,

First, let me congratulate each and everyone of you. All of you have made Websleuths the forum to come to for the latest information and theories about the Caylee Anthony case.

Now, down to business :)

Please remember, you are not allowed to post links below your signature.

I am not talking about linking to other places such as media links, I am referring to the links added to your signature so they show up every time you post.

This rule has to be strictly enforced I am sorry to say. In the past posters have posted links to their own blogs which contain solicitation for money or solicitation for a number of other things.

I don't like having this rule but I also will not allow people to use Websleuths as a trolling ground for their own purposes.

The exception to this rule are the links that have been pre-approved by Websleuths. These particular links are usually associated with legitimate charities.

Thank you for your time an post away.

PS. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or post those questions in this thread.
This case is getting to everyone. It is so frustrating. I understand this more than you know.

But please, stop with the plans or talking about the plans to annoy Casey or the Anthony. It makes Websleuths look like a mean gossip board.

If anyone wants to organize a protest because they HATE CASEY then I can't stop you but I will not allow you to use Websleuths as a gathering place to organize this. You can do what you want but you can't use Websleuths or its name in any way shape or form with anything without permission.

I read a post here about another forum sending blank Target cards to the family as a joke. I think that is childish, mean, and does nothing but make people look like jerks.

Please discuss the case, not how much you HATE CASEY and how many people are going to show up to protest. Honestly, if this protest happens it will accomplish nothing but make you look, well, hateful. And Websleuths wants NO PART OF IT.

Thank you,
Hi Everyone,

It seems there is a lot of confusion about the General Discussion threads.

The best way to handle it is like this.

Please, no more General Discussion Threads so here is what you do:

Pick a topic, find a thread that discusses the topic and go there...OR...start a thread with the topic you want.

We did this during the Lacy case and it worked beautifully.

We will keep the general discussion threads in their sub forum but from now on please pick a topic or start a topic on a new thread.

One more thing, please don't start a bunch of different threads on the same topic.

Thank you for understanding.

It's help a mod month. (ok, I made it up)

If you see someone being rude, attacking, doing anything against TOS, please hit that little triangle that is on the top right of every post.


DO NOT QUOTE a post you think 'should not be here' or that you are alerting just takes us more time to delete all the deleted quoted posts.

:blowkiss: TIA
It's help a mod month. (ok, I made it up)

If you see someone being rude, attacking, doing anything against TOS, please hit that little triangle that is on the top right of every post.


DO NOT QUOTE a post you think 'should not be here' or that you are alerting just takes us more time to delete all the deleted quoted posts.

:blowkiss: TIA

Yes, it is "Help A Mod Month." It's true. I checked:crazy:

May I add a few comments? Why, thank you!

At any moment, if we don't keep on this forum 24/7, the forum could go up in a flames war. Without us trying to keep a lid on things (while allowing people to express their opinions) Caylee's forum would turn into one of the ugliest places on the Internet.

We understand how frustrating this all is. We all want to call other names and say angry things. It's a release valuve.

If you have visted the other forums on Websleuths there is a good chance you may have seen posting in those forums that may not be allowed in the Caylee forum. If this is the case it's an oversight on our part and we do watch this forum closer because of the amount of traffic.

Please express your opinions. Many people involved in the case read here and appreciate the depth of the discussion of the issues. You are not only doing something for yourself but you are helping. You are. When certain people deal with this case day in and day out it helps to read what others are thinking.

Help us keep Caylee's forum the best on the Internet. We have to keep the level of discussion mature. Doesn't mean we can't express what we think. I know you can all state your views without reverting to childish behavior.

Thanks everyone.

Websleuths will not tolerate ANYONE accusing other posters of being someone involved in the case.

We want all opinions on WS.

All opinions are welcome.

Violators will be relieved of their posting privileges without further notice!

It is a very good idea to re-read this whole thread. Especially if you are new to the forum. This thread contains the best information on how we work things on Websleuths.

When The Caylee Anthony Case Slows Down

And it will slow down. Perhaps for a few days, maybe weeks, even months.

As old pros to the forum world and all its issues the Moderators and myself would like to remind you of a few things. I will also explain why we will nip anything that even looks like a problem in the bud.

When large cases slow down we posters become bored. And then we become more bored. We check the forum, NOTHING, so we post and go on and become even more bored.

When this type of boredom happens on a discussion board it is the general tendency for us to turn on each other and act like we have decided to eat our young.

We have seen this happen on the most incredibly close boards. Friends turn on friends. It is an amazing yet troublesome phenomenon.

In the past years we have let certain situations get out of hand because they involved long time posters. Not this time. No matter who you are if anyone even hints at being snippy we will nip it in the bud. You will either get a time out or a life time ban.

We have to be this strict for two reasons;

1- If we are not then Websleuths ceases to be an incredibly mature and interesting discussion board. You may think we are being too strict but we know what we are doing.

2-Last summer there was an organized effort, by a group of long time posters, to try and disrupt Websleuths. It was startling how much effort they put into trying to fool us into thinking they were good posters while at the same time they were causing trouble for the sake of causing trouble. We are now hyper alert to these signs of people starting trouble where we never were before.

I won't go into the details of what happened because it doesn't matter. Those posters are gone thank God (even though they hate us they still try and sneak in. It's so childish) but we learned a very valuable lesson.

No matter what, no matter who, no matter why, if a posters becomes a problem, if a posters keeps stepping up right to the line and we have to spend time watching his poster, if a poster causes us too much time away from our job of monitoring the forum, then the poster will be banned.

We cut slack for years and all the while we thought certain posters were friends of Websleuths when they were not.

What does this have to do with true crime discussion? NOTHING. That is why it makes me CRAZY to have to even post this.

There are people out there who come to WS to post and to stir up trouble. We know the signs. We will stop it so the rest of us can post in peace.

As the Caylee case starts to have lulls in the action please be on the alert for these types of problems.

And please, from the hearts and souls of the moderators and myself, please try to keep your frustrations from spilling over into your posts directed at other posters.

Websleuths is like no other true crime forum on the net. We try to keep Websleuths personal and personable. You can always contact a mod or myself with a question, with an idea, with a suggestion. We will never be too big to ignore our great posters.

We are a large but close knit group. As we continue to grow you will see Websleuths more and more involved in helping victims and involving our posters in helping with cold cases. It is going to be exciting and fun.

To keep Websleuths like a home and not just another board, we have to be strict.

If a guest misbehaves in you home you would ask them to leave right? Same here.

We want you to feel like Websleuths is your home. A place to come to for information, a place to offer your thoughts and ideas, and a place to become involved as we continue to grow.

Understand we have to be very strict. When we were not...when we did cut people came back and bit us in the backside.

As long as you post about the case and follow TOS you will have ZERO worries. It is really very simple.

Finally, THANK YOU all so much for your amazing contributions to this case and others on Websleuths. I wish I could express to you just how much we appreciate you and your dedication.

Thanks for your time.

Take care,
P.S. It is an interesting side note that as soon as we banned this group of trouble makers our forum exploded with new members coming to the Caylee forum and we haven't stop growing
To all the members and readers of

Please take a moment to read and involve yourself in a new area on Websleuths called, "Lighting the way Home."

This is an amazing group of volunteers that helps familes with missing loved ones. It is made up of the most amazing people.

Caylee Anthony needs our voice but so do many others. Please, look, read, and help out if you can.
I have to say the group in there is so impressive. I was trying to help with a case not too long ago and I barely put a search into google when they had pages of clues and information already posted and sorted.
They are AMAZING and the work is so awesome.
The forum looks terrific!
I want Caylee found as much as the next guy. We all know who is responsible. There are many cases that need our attention and there are many cases that can benefit from our help. I haven't been as attentive as I normally am due to some personal issues but I want attention drawn to many solvable cases as there are many families that hurt, many families that need help. There are many victims who scream for answers.

Remember we are here for all victims even if the voices are quiet.
To all the members and readers of

Please take a moment to read and involve yourself in a new area on Websleuths called, "Lighting the way Home."

This is an amazing group of volunteers that helps familes with missing loved ones. It is made up of the most amazing people.

Caylee Anthony needs our voice but so do many others. Please, look, read, and help out if you can.
I am on it, Tricia! Thanks for the heads up on it!

On the first Friday of May, a sunny spring day that tempted grown-ups to leave work early and kids to skip school, Kara didn't come home from classes at Belton High School. She hasn't been seen or heard from since. No one knows what happened to her. Not her parents, not the police, not friends who have posted messages on Kara's MySpace page:
Thnaks for letting us know, Tricia. i have been pretty curious about that and will do whatever i can to help out.
It sounds like a wonderful project and resource. I'm very new to WS and am starting to find my way around, but if you have a specific project with materials you need organized please let me know. (iow, I don't know much about specific resources myself but am happy to learn!)
I agree Chicana, Kara needs to be found, I wish I didn't live half way across the US from there. I can't understand why there has been so little done to find her. Anyone interested in helping with finding Kara may want some pics I have collected. IM me if you want them.

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