DC - Blackwater Contractors must head to DC.

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Sep 26, 2007
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I am sure that this case has been mentioned elsewhere on WS, but I could not dig up a thread and I thought it was thread worthy-
The guards threw grenades and sent out a wild hail of bullets in an Iraqi square in 2007, killing 14 and wounding dozens. The event was precipitated by the approach of a white Kia driven by an unarmed med student and his mother. The student was shot to death and then chaos erupted as the guards started spraying near by cars and people with bullets...then they started with the grenades.

This case is an interesting one because the guards were given limited immunity immediately following the incident when they were questioned by members of the state department; the guards had defied a direct order not to leave the Green Zone, but had headed off in search of insurgents. It is worth noting that not a single insurgent appears to have been present. What drew my attention was the decision by the group to turn themselves in to the Utah court system-there was a hope that they would find a more sympathetic jury there. The judge is ordering them all to return to DC where the indictments occurred. One of the guards has agreed to testify against the others and has pled guilty to manslaughter...

If the government wants to do dirty work they should do it themselves. These people disgust me. All these contractors running around Iraq, flying planes full of "terrorists", etc. Bunch of war profiteers.

And for the record, I am 100 percent against terrorism, just believe the US should not pay people to become terrorists to solve this problem.
We will never find out the whole truth behind this story that I know. Our government will cover their butts in this one.

I actually know one of the young men involved and his dad. Things are not always what they seem. I doubt that any of it will come out.
We will never find out the whole truth behind this story that I know. Our government will cover their butts in this one.

I actually know one of the young men involved and his dad. Things are not always what they seem. I doubt that any of it will come out.

I'm sure there is more to it. The problem is these guys leave the military in search of BIG bucks as contractors. IMO if they want to be "patriotic" they could stay in the military. I've only met a couple but they said their only motivation was $$$$. Pure and simple.
We will never find out the whole truth behind this story that I know. Our government will cover their butts in this one.

I actually know one of the young men involved and his dad. Things are not always what they seem. I doubt that any of it will come out.

Welcome to WS Littleone! I am curious regarding what goes into recruiting these young men who are responsible for the worst of the duties overseas...my laymen's understanding is that this is a means of getting around the Geneva convention-the contractors have much more latitude, but they are also responsible for very dangerous missions which is why they are so highly paid. I remember being shocked at the sheer number of contractors overseas and that their casualty counts are so significant.

In any case, if you feel comfortable, do you know how the young man involved feels regarding the soldier who is testifying against the rest of them for a plea deal? I was very surprised to read this, since I do not believe that much would have happened if this had not occurred....
Thank you for the welcome.

I have known about this case since it happened but not details. I know that these young men were questioned soon after it happened and they were back in the States. The young man that I know of does not talk about what he does to anyone including his parents.

I am sure that they are all disappointed in the young man that turned on them only because of what I stated above. I am sure they tried to make the others do the same but as you can see they must have refused.

Since I am new I am not how much of my opinion I can state without getting into trouble but I will be careful in stating the following:

I know that this young man was hand picked when he was in the service for this job. He did this before he got out of the service. I also know that he is highly trained in what he does. I know that he fights for his Country and only his Country. He is not some crazy punk that is trigger happy. What isn't being said is that this group of young men were the elite of Blackwater. They guarded the President when he went over there along with many other high ranking officials.

IMO this is just a mission that went wrong. They had been doing this long enough to know where they were suppose to be or not be. They were trained to do as asked and not do something they were not suppose to do.

My question to everyone is this: If they were highly decorated servicemen that usually means that they fight to the end for our Country why would they leave that job no matter what the dollar amount is. It just usually isn't in their blood to do that. I know he didn't leave the service because of that. He was offered this job, they came to him.

Believe what you want, I do not agree with the War in Iraq, I do not beleive in the killing of innocent people however I think the Governments role in this and in Blackwater goes much deeper than any of us will ever know and now these young men will take the fall for that.:mad:

All that I ask is that everyone wait until the hearings to make your judgements. Wait until you hear the other side.
Thank you for the welcome.

I have known about this case since it happened but not details. I know that these young men were questioned soon after it happened and they were back in the States. The young man that I know of does not talk about what he does to anyone including his parents.

I am sure that they are all disappointed in the young man that turned on them only because of what I stated above. I am sure they tried to make the others do the same but as you can see they must have refused.

Since I am new I am not how much of my opinion I can state without getting into trouble but I will be careful in stating the following:

I know that this young man was hand picked when he was in the service for this job. He did this before he got out of the service. I also know that he is highly trained in what he does. I know that he fights for his Country and only his Country. He is not some crazy punk that is trigger happy. What isn't being said is that this group of young men were the elite of Blackwater. They guarded the President when he went over there along with many other high ranking officials.

IMO this is just a mission that went wrong. They had been doing this long enough to know where they were suppose to be or not be. They were trained to do as asked and not do something they were not suppose to do.

My question to everyone is this: If they were highly decorated servicemen that usually means that they fight to the end for our Country why would they leave that job no matter what the dollar amount is. It just usually isn't in their blood to do that. I know he didn't leave the service because of that. He was offered this job, they came to him.

Believe what you want, I do not agree with the War in Iraq, I do not beleive in the killing of innocent people however I think the Governments role in this and in Blackwater goes much deeper than any of us will ever know and now these young men will take the fall for that.:mad:

All that I ask is that everyone wait until the hearings to make your judgements. Wait until you hear the other side.

I appreciate your perspective-then we can sit back and wait to see what unfolds and we can assume that these young men are being scapegoated for a particular reason and most likely would not have been convicted had one of them not flipped. Or perhaps that was part design to appease the Iraqi's since there has been a lack of success prosecuting other "war crimes?"

If you have a chance to have contact with the young man's parents, you can assure them FWIW that there are many here who support the soldiers, even if they do not support the conflict itself!!!
I hope they all walk. They are decorated veterans. So they had a little scare and reacted; most likely they may have some repressed PTSD from being in other warfare situations.
I should be clear here, I support the militarty, not the war. I did in the beginning, but it has become a travesty. I believe the "suits" are usually responsible for the decisions made, not the men. However, if they come to you with a job, and it is worth a lot of money, it has to be tempting. The other choice is to stay in the military and make nothing. The men that run these companies are war profiteers, nothing else. They aren't patriots or good guys. Without them the government would have to take care of their own business. These men keeps the gov's hands clean.

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