Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 26

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Jun 13, 2007
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Thanks, Colomom!

Okay, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to get cracking on getting that book from Tony ordered.

Anyone else?
Thanks, Colomom!

Okay, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to get cracking on getting that book from Tony ordered.

Anyone else?

I got my copy on Christmas Eve...a wonderful present. I think it is professional and very well done. After reading it I am simply amazed that the case is where it is today.....

Great job Tony B., you are a true champion for Maddie!! :blowkiss:

....and you too Tex....:heart:
Madeleine McCann: Police follow new leads

By Rod Chaytor 30/12/2008

Callers claiming to have fresh information on missing Madeleine McCann have come forward after a new appeal by her parents.

Potential sightings and other leads are being followed up by a British team of former detectives who specialise in cold cases.

Parents Kate and Gerry, both 40, were delighted with the public response to their Christmas appeal, when they released a previously unseen video of their daughter.


Delighted?? I'd be pi$$ed....
What took so long to bring forward new information and seriously, could this information really be helpful? After all this time?
Thanks to James1 at 3As!

El Repuertero (Chile)

30 Diciembre 2008


Madeleine McCann would have been seen in Chile

In the town of Vicuna, in the north of our country a woman claims to have seen a couple of foreigners together with a minor of about five years that would correspond to the characteristics of the missing child in Portugal since May.

Written by Correspondent The Repuertero

Though it may seem illogical, a woman appeared before the investigative police in the town of Vicuna sure to have seen the smallest in the company of a man and a woman with similar characteristics to charge retraro talked to the International Police.

The woman claimed to have seen a minor next to the couple with a strong resemblance to the best of just four years that disappeared on May 3 last in Portugal.

This data is being analyzed by police who pointed out that if this information will be complete all formalities for the international order that the alleged hijacker had throughout the world.

It may be recalled that the cardiologist Gerry McCann, Madeleine's father, British child in Portugal, said to be convinced that there was a kidnapper who was hiding in the small room where she slept next to her two twin brothers, when he went to check that everything was in order.

Original text:
Madeleine McCann: Police follow new leads

By Rod Chaytor 30/12/2008

Callers claiming to have fresh information on missing Madeleine McCann have come forward after a new appeal by her parents.

Potential sightings and other leads are being followed up by a British team of former detectives who specialise in cold cases.

Parents Kate and Gerry, both 40, were delighted with the public response to their Christmas appeal, when they released a previously unseen video of their daughter.


Delighted?? I'd be pi$$ed....
What took so long to bring forward new information and seriously, could this information really be helpful? After all this time?

Of course they're "delighted." They're thrilled that the myth of Madeleine's abduction can be extended longer.

And who would use the word "delighted?" Only the McCanns and their ilk. Encouraged, maybe, hopeful, but "delighted?"

Excuse me while I bang my head on some concrete.
I wonder if, when it is found out what really happened, the McCanns will be required to pay back every police force that expends time and energy on these "sightings"?

I wonder if they toss and turn at night while the public continues to see little Maddie in the faces of small girls with blonde hair, desparately wanting to bring this beautiful little girl home?

And yes, after the first of the year, I will be getting the book of Maddie also :)

Happy New Year all, may 2009 be the year that Maddie comes home,

I wonder if, when it is found out what really happened, the McCanns will be required to pay back every police force that expends time and energy on these "sightings"?

What about EVERY SINGLE PENNY that was donated to them? Why do you all think they are so obsessed in keeping this story up? So that they can continue making money out of their daughter's murder. :furious::furious::furious:
I have to agree Sleuthmom! Who ever managed to set up a "fund" within 9 days of their child going missing? And made sure that the terms for using the money included support of the parents as needed? AND who in the heck calls the search for a missing child a "campaign"? Is this common in England? I have never heard of such a thing - a lot like saying they are "delighted"!!!!

I wonder if, when it is found out what really happened, the McCanns will be required to pay back every police force that expends time and energy on these "sightings"?

I wonder if they toss and turn at night while the public continues to see little Maddie in the faces of small girls with blonde hair, desparately wanting to bring this beautiful little girl home?

And yes, after the first of the year, I will be getting the book of Maddie also :)

Happy New Year all, may 2009 be the year that Maddie comes home,


Thanks Salem and ITA with you. I also am anxious to get a copy of Tony's book.

Dear Colomom, Your Weeping Angel is just so perfect as a TO. Looking at it I could feel the torture in the angel's heart for every child who is lost along the way of life before their time. Including Madeleine.

Hiya Scandi Grrrrlllll....

Look closer, that is not only a weeping angel but she is also the Angel of Justice. She has dropped her sword and scales to grieve for those who cannot find her.

That's my wish for 2009. Justice will lift up her scales and sword for Madeleine, and Caylee, and Rowan and for anyone who is searching for her.....

I would start a new thread but I have a feeling it would die a slow death. There are people that have a really hard time speculating about "certain" things. So, here for you to check out....


In the analysed samples from other locations:

- The Haplotype identified by the letter K, present in 16 samples, (1 in the Residencia Liliana, 13 in vehicle Volkswagen, 1 in the Renault and l in the Passat) and identical to that of Michaela Walczuch (MW) and to that of Luis Filipe Monteiro Ferro (LFMF), meaning those samples were from those persons or individuals of the same maternal bloodlines.

- The Haplotype identified by the letters M e M*, present in 49 samples, (35 in the Residencia Liliana, 13 in the vehicle Volkswagen and 1 in the bathroom of the apartament in Burgau), and identical to that of Robert James Queriol Eveleight Murat (RQMU), meaning those samples were from that person or individuals of the same maternal bloodline.

- The Haplotype identified by the letter R*, present in one sample from the vehicle Volkswagen, and identical in HVI, to that of Nelson Filipe Pacheco da Costa (NFPC) - letter R, meaning that sample was from that person or an individual of the same amternal bloodline.

- The Haplotype identified by the letter S, present in 2 samples, (apartment in Burgau), and identical to that of Jane Michelle Tanner (JT), meaning those samples were from that person or individuals of the same maternal bloodline.

Look what Ironside found: *page 6, third post from the top*
This entire thread is interesting
Colomom - I am starting a new thread! This is too good to lose among are general discussion. Even if it is just a few posts, it will be well worth it to have it in one place where we can find it easily.

The way I am reading this - JT and RM were in the same apartment at some point in time? I will go read your links.


Okay EVERYBODY - go here to discuss this very very interesting report:

AND answer all my questions :)

Reference sample of blood

JRB/1 Madeleine McCann
From this sample was obtained a DNA reference sample that was different from those of her immediate family, described above. This DNA profile was the same as that obtained from possible spots of saliva existing on the pillowcase (SJM/1).

Could this possibly mean that Madeleine was neither Kate's nor Gerry's daughter? IVF with donor egg & sperm? I have posted this question in new thread also but just in case it does die a death!

Happy New Year everyone & may 2009 bring resolution in this case & rest for a precious little girl!
Happy New Year everyone!


Barnaby - I don't know the answer :(
Happy New Year everyone!


Barnaby - I don't know the answer :(

Back at 'cha Salem, Happy New Year ;}

I just listened to Spudgun's wonderful tribute to Madeleine, The REAL Madeleine McCann Story. It always brings me right back to base level in fighting for Madeleine.

Sitting here, I know Madeleine was her own very special person, full of vim and vigor and love abounding for everyone she knew.

Through Katie Malua, Spudgun gave us a piece of incredible insight: Beauty only need be a whisper

To me as a poster looking in to what happened, the magnitude of tragedy that befell her is equal to the beauty she held in her person, as could be fully appreciated by a simple whisper.

God love her and give her peace. And as with every child who is taken way before the natural time they might have had on earth, I implore God to give those in charge of the investigation great wisdom and fortitude. In this new year of 2009, let us have Justice for Madeleine and every other child whose demise needs to be avenged.

Colomom has posted the most incredible piece of art of a weeping angel who has thrown her sword and shield to the ground in the great turmoil of seeking Justice for those who can not find her. I will always remember that piece of art. xox

A special drop of LOVE to those posters who who have stayed the course for Madeleine.


PS: I posted this on my home Madeleine forum, Missing, but wanted to share it with you as well. Krams
Firstly Happy New Year to you all. Let's hope it's the year we may see answers and justice for Maddie.

I am looking forward to reading Tony's booklet like many of you are. I only ordered it yesterday, I am always like a donkeys tail! Lol.

I read in a post (can't find it atm) that the McCanns were told not to show emotion whilst making a plea on tv for Maddies return. Just a couple of weeks ago I watched a documentary about Jamie Bulger. Jamies mother Denise was also told to try to hold back emotions whilst making her plea for Jamies return. Denise tried to keep in control, but underneath she was crumbling and her eyes told the truth about the pain she was suffering. To me neither of the McCanns showed anything at all. To me they didn't care or are actually made of stone.
I read in a post (can't find it atm) that the McCanns were told not to show emotion whilst making a plea on tv for Maddies return. Just a couple of weeks ago I watched a documentary about Jamie Bulger. Jamies mother Denise was also told to try to hold back emotions whilst making her plea for Jamies return. Denise tried to keep in control, but underneath she was crumbling and her eyes told the truth about the pain she was suffering. To me neither of the McCanns showed anything at all. To me they didn't care or are actually made of stone.

Yes, Happy New Year to all.

Actually, I don't accept that the McCanns were told not to show emotion, I think they made that up, like so much else.

Bewick Lady, I think a whole book could be written on the subject of both the body language of the two McCanns and also the strange words they have often used; there's so much material out there viewable on the Net - so many interviews. We touch on body language in the booklet, but only about a third of a page I'm afraid

An interesting theory mentioned by Stevo on 3As....

"Matt Seymour's email to Interpol describing a resting place at Alentejo and being visited on the weekend of June 8-12th.

For those that don't know the history, Mr Seymour started a website inviting payments to finance a search operation in Portugal. He was rapidly shot down in flames in this forum and other places for being a crank.

Maybe his modus operandi was initially a bit hamfisted but it's interesting because there's a connection between Mr Seymour's suggestion of a final resting place and Duarte Levy's info after we found out Justine McGuiness had left some paperwork behind in the villa. Alentejo was mentioned in that article.

Maybe there was something in Mr Seymour's theories..."

A second thread was opened with the theory laid out:

21/22 of May

Gerry McCann is in the United Kingdom. Will Gerry McCann use this opportunity, in the privacy of his house, to investigate places appropriate for the grave? I think it very probable due to the attitudes of the McCanns after the return of Gerry to Portugal.

23 of May (One day after Gerry's return to Portugal)

Gerry and Kate McCann travel for Fátima passing through many zones of Portugal. I believe that this travel was done so that the McCann could see more zones where there were some of the religious buildings. Though the chapel in the Alentejo/Portel is at the top of a hill, I do not know if they managed to see it during this travel to Fátima, but they can have seen the zone on the return.

With the decided location, the McCanns passed the next days planning how to transport Madeleine for the grave in the Alentejo.

28 of May

The McCann rented the Renault Scenic himself knowing that they were going to leave for Rome the next day and that they would not be going to use it. Did they rent the Renault BEFORE leaving for Rome deliberately so that someone could use it to transport Madeleine's body while they were gone? Is this why they rented it precisely at this time?

While going to Rome the McCanns had the eyes of the whole world with them, leaving it free for someone to take Madeleine to the Alentejo.

29/30 of May

The McCanns are in Rome with the Pope. What better place to be while their daughter is buried? Without being able to make a worthy funeral for Madeleine, the best thing to do is to get a blessing of the Pope. I believe firmly that Madeleine McCann was buried while the McCanns had been in Rome.

I believe what is said that the Renault Scenic had excessive mileage. Alentejo/Portel lies more than 160km from the Beach at Luz and it explains that.

10 of June

Gerry and Kate McCann leave the Beach of Luz at the end of the afternoon to go by car up to Lisbon and to catch an aeroplane for Morocco. For what reason did the McCanns go by car to Lisbon to fly to Morocco by aeroplane when they could catch the aeroplane in Faro? Did they use this opportunity to visit Madeleine's gravestone? It is about 20 minutes by car out of Lisbon.

I noticed that with the whole detail. The chapel in the Alentejo/Portel is not a place represented by one of the black symbols, but it is great near to one of them.

I checked all the chapels, churches and religious buildings of the North of Portugal and the chapel what I retire the most obvious thing is. There is no another religious building without use that could suit more to the McCann. If I was the McCann, it would have chosen the chapel of Portel in the Alentejo. It is a sufficiently pleasant and remote place to make easy the grave of a body without being visited by anybody. It is perfect.

They do not go only for me. Glance and see if they find a better place.

Given which Madeleine is probably buried inside a bag (it is what the examinations suggest laboratoriais done to the car) they will be able to think it perhaps with a metal detector.

I wait what inform of this message the appropriate persons. I sent elements on this building to the P.J. of Portimão, but perhaps the officials of Lisbon are more well placed to proceed to investigations.

It fits in with the "paperwork" that may have been left behind by Justine McGuiness on her departure.
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