Detectives track Casey's sleep pattern

I'm really not sure how they'll figure out anything with her cell phone.

Even if she was in the midst of dumping the body, I'm sure she'd stop and return a text to whomever calls.
I think the documents are a little weak, myself.
Hum... I see long periods of inactivity - lots of sleep? maybe? depression?
I am not a cell phone ping expert, but just going by the spreadsheet linked above it looks like they can pinpoint to .5 miles her locations with the cell phone pings ? Or is it possible to be more specific than that ?
Hum... I see long periods of inactivity - lots of sleep? maybe? depression?

Battery that doesn't hold a charge well or a phone that takes ages to charge? Being someplace where cell phone use is just plain wrong (hospital? library? waiting room? driving-hah!!)

Not saying your ideas are wrong, but that not everyone is on the phone all the time.
Battery that doesn't hold a charge well or a phone that takes ages to charge? Being someplace where cell phone use is just plain wrong (hospital? library? waiting room? driving-hah!!)

Not saying your ideas are wrong, but that not everyone is on the phone all the time.

I agree... just tossing ideas out there.

From all other accounts it seems like she lived and breathed through her phone(s). Like an external organ or something. :) All in all it's just interesting that they'd take this much interest in the gaps of time the phone was NOT used.
I agree... just tossing ideas out there.

From all other accounts it seems like she lived and breathed through her phone(s). Like an external organ or something. :) All in all it's just interesting that they'd take this much interest in the gaps of time the phone was NOT used.

What is also interesting is to track her days and compare them to the interviews and texts.

I think this girl for the past 2 years.. just hung out during the day and "said she was at work" I think Caylee was with her most of the time. She spent most of her time.. looking for a hubby and a daddy for her baby so she could play house. When Caylee was not with her.. I think she was with her Grandma or that Holly chick.
I couldn't begin to tell you where the original thread is, but this was released many month's ago.
I think the documents are a little weak, myself. I read the actual xls spreadsheet and it is a little more in depth, however, harder to read.

I do wonder about the 17th because the xls spreadsheet shows her ping back at her parents around 2:30 but this document has her phone shut off or inactive for 12 hours.

do you have to have excel installed in order to open this?:bang:

I think maybe OpenOffice can open an excel spreadsheet. Go to This is a free office suite. Much like MSOffice. It should open all MS documents. It will also let you save in MS office format if IIRC.
I think the documents are a little weak, myself. I read the actual xls spreadsheet and it is a little more in depth, however, harder to read.

I do wonder about the 17th because the xls spreadsheet shows her ping back at her parents around 2:30 but this document has her phone shut off or inactive for 12 hours.

Here is the spreadsheet I have been working off of...

FWIW, on NG the other night, the expert from North Carolina that she was interviewing said he analyzed the cell records to determine a sleep pattern or something, and he utilized the texts only, because the defense could say that incoming calls went to voice mail, so it couldn't be certain that KC was actually using the phone, however, if she was texting, they couldn't fall back on such an excuse. This may or may not be helpful, but I thought I'd throw that out here.
FWIW, on NG the other night, the expert from North Carolina that she was interviewing said he analyzed the cell records to determine a sleep pattern or something, and he utilized the texts only, because the defense could say that incoming calls went to voice mail, so it couldn't be certain that KC was actually using the phone, however, if she was texting, they couldn't fall back on such an excuse. This may or may not be helpful, but I thought I'd throw that out here.

That makes sense and thanks for sharing that info. But it even when an incoming phone call comes in it does show the location the
phone whether she is on it or not. As much as she is on the phone one would have to assume she was USUALLY with the phone. I mean we all have times the phone has to charge or the battery is dead.
my 23 yr old always has his phone by his side.... and always on... at nite he keeps it on, but the charger plugged in.. it is never shut never dies... if he is called or texted during the nite..he will answer or respond, and can roll over and right back to sleep...this could also be true in caseys case.. u think?
FWIW, on NG the other night, the expert from North Carolina that she was interviewing said he analyzed the cell records to determine a sleep pattern or something, and he utilized the texts only, because the defense could say that incoming calls went to voice mail, so it couldn't be certain that KC was actually using the phone, however, if she was texting, they couldn't fall back on such an excuse. This may or may not be helpful, but I thought I'd throw that out here.

I saw that guy too and he said that they could also pinpoint almost her exact locations as she traveled. Interesting.
The cell tower analysis is what peeps like GeorgiaPI, Bond, JWG and others, have been doing here on the individual date threads. They use the ping map to analyze if what was said in interviews could be true. For instance, if TL said he took KC to the mall on a specific date but her phone showed that she was nowhere near there, then maybe the time/date stated is not true. Slowly they piece together stories for accuracy and timeline to include tracking KC's whereabouts. I think there is a larger than a one-half mile radius error margin on cell towers though. It can't be narrowed down to a specific place I don't believe. But when KC said she was in Jacksonville, and she had been pinging only in Orlando . . . well, you get it.
I saw that guy too and he said that they could also pinpoint almost her exact locations as she traveled. Interesting.

It would be fun to see what this guy said. Anyone have the date of the NG?

IMHO, "almost her exact location" is a pretty hilarious oxymoron, eh? :rolleyes:

Basically, when Casey's cell sent/received a transmission (except for calls that roll directly to vmail, for which the receiver location data is not retained) we get (a) the identity of the cell tower that carried the transmission, hence, the location of that tower, and (b) the identity of the directional antenna on that tower that carried the transmission. The directional antenna cover ~1/3 of a circle. The position of each directional antenna is known, hence, we can pin Casey's location down to being in a particular area as described by an arc of ~120degrees in the direction of the antenna.

There are plenty of variables we can't account for, such as cell towers shifting which one carries the call based on how much traffic they are carrying (e.g. during peak periods). In an urban area like Orlando the density of the towers is so high that Casey's transmissions from a single location (e.g. Tony's apt., G&C's house) can and are carried by up to 3 different towers triangulated around that location. Also, all cell towers aren't created, there are some rules-of-thumb one can use regarding the range from an individual tower a receiver may operate...however it isn't an exact science, and one only can speak of the range...not the exact location of the receiver within that range.

Sooo....the pings give us a huge amount of info from which we can increase/decrease the probability of different speculation being valid. But, it certainly isn't as precise as having the GPS coordinates on the phone itself. If having GPS coordinates is a laser point..what we have is a decent artist's brush.

FWIW, there are some indicators one can look for in the cell records that may suggest when Casey powered down her phone and powered it up again. One such indicator is when a system message (e.g. vmail waiting) appears when there was no record of an incoming transmission. One such instance of extremely high interest IMHO occurs on 6/19 @ 5:45PM after a 50minute period of inactivity is ended by and incoming system message and Casey pinged @ a different location than the prior ping @ 4:54PM. This period exactly encompasses the time calculated by the ADD forensics for the body having been bagged or tossed based on a 6:30-7PM 6/16 t.o.d. It is then followed by a 3hr period of cell inactivity during which Casey spontaneously appeared @ Chris S. house to hang for a few hours.

Based largely on the above, and, as posted in the 6/23 ping thread Casey's non-chalant returns to G&C's 6/20 & 6/23 w/o coast-is-clear calls, IMHO Casey bagged Caylee's body ~5PM 6/19. There are still some options for whether or not Casey stowed the body elsewhere or immediately disposed of it on Suburban Dr. that evening...that Casey drove Tony's Jeep to Chris' house throws a monkey wrench into things a bit.

FWIW...when the cell records first became available OCR'd and scrutinized, thanks to many WSs (TexasLil, Georgia PI, JWG, ElizaAvalon, Shadow of My Mind, Muzikman, Liltigress, etc., etc. leaving out plenty I'm sure) and some antenna validation work done on the ground there in Orlando (JWG & Breathelife21) - establishing Casey's sleep patterns and filtering down the records to look @ only the periods Casey was required to be using her phone were the first things done. This was all done prior to the body being discovered on Suburban which fueled the cause.
I couldn't begin to tell you where the original thread is, but this was released many month's ago.

I remember when the pings were release that a poster did a spread of cell phone activey . When i heard this I thought LE was slow. WSers had already figure it out.
I remember when the pings were release that a poster did a spread of cell phone activey . When i heard this I thought LE was slow. WSers had already figure it out.

The police were stated to be working on the cell phones pings July 24th, at 4 AM. The police subpeonaed the reports that the WS'rs worked off of.. or did someone here get the reports first from the police? :waitasec:

Thank you X10 to BJB,QuietStorm,JWG and all the ones who worked on pings. I think this will be a large piece of Forensic evidence that will not be able to be disputed by the defense.

I think the defense is a little slow getting cell records if you ask me.
I remember when the pings were release that a poster did a spread of cell phone activey . When i heard this I thought LE was slow. WSers had already figure it out.

I recall early on someone saying that LE didn't have digital copies of the AT&T reports...only the paper versions - to which JWG remarked..[paraphrasing for G-rating] "Where do they think the paper versions came from!!"

:rotfl: I think I still have the mark that one left :)

In more recent releases we learned LE had the spreadsheet records very early on as we suspected.

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