What the Heck Is Wrong With Huckaby?

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What Is Wrong with Huckaby?

  • Pedophile/Pedophilia

    Votes: 31 10.8%
  • Munchausen's Syndrome/Munchausen's by Proxy

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • Sociopathic, Psychopathic or Just Plain Evil

    Votes: 66 22.9%
  • Combination of All or Some of the Above

    Votes: 181 62.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 6.6%

  • Total voters


Verified Attorney
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Maybe this question is premature. Maybe it just does not matter. But I'm curious nonetheless what you all think. Me? Not totally sure but I'm thinking it is a combination of SOME of the factors listed.
***Caveat: This is not about whether MH is responsible for her actions, was in control of what she did, knew right from wrong and chose to do what she did regardless, and it's not about whether she should face the fullest punishment for what she is charged with doing. I think she was in total control, absolutely knew right from wrong, made a choice, should, and thankfully, will pay. But, something contributed to the choice she made. Thoughts? Thanks!

Edited to add that my belief in MH's guilt and responsibility is based on the news that has been released, the charges against her, my own use of logic and it is only my opinion.
One other thing:
If you pick other, I would love to know what that might be. I'm trying to get a feel for what is in people's minds and expert opinions are welcome.
I'm sorry gitana1, I couldn't pick just one or check all of the above or some of the above. MH looks to be of a very complex pathology psychologically.

I haven't seen enough to say outright what it is that she might be, I'll revisit this thread as her lies and misdeeds and crimes are slowly unfurled for us to examine.

I have a feeling that there will be much more to come.
I chose combination of some or all of the above. I think it's "some of the above" as I'm not sure whether to include Munchausen's until we hear more about her daughter's health--if we do.

Maybe it was a hasty choice, since I agree with Kat!
My guess has been that she is borderline sociopath (if not outright), psychotic, narcissitic, and perhaps there may be a dissociative disorder thrown in there for good measure.
I'm sorry gitana1, I couldn't pick just one or check all of the above or some of the above. MH looks to be of a very complex pathology psychologically.

I haven't seen enough to say outright what it is that she might be, I'll revisit this thread as her lies and misdeeds and crimes are slowly unfurled for us to examine.

I have a feeling that there will be much more to come.

Bolded by me - That might be "other"!
I agree it seems very complex. What causes a person like MH to develop into what she has is something I always feel the need to explore. Maybe it's that human desire to understand the unthinkable so we can find ways to protect ourselves from horror. Unfortunately, I don't think we can always fully understand and thus we can't always prevent such evil acts from occurring. But, I still have that compulsion to try to figure it all out, or at least a part of it. I can't wait to hear what you have to say once we have a lot more to work with.
I chose All of the Above and Other.

I think there are/have been a few people - very very few - who are just such an aberration, we simply don't know what they are. Joseph Edward Duncan is an example of what I mean. Melissa is another.

They just are so way outside any of the 'categories' we have for people. Yes, they are sociopathic, yes they are evil, but really I think people like these need some category of their own.
She is a pedophile, plain and simple. These people are mentally ill and do not care one bit about their victims, it is all about their own, sick pleasure.
I chose other...but maybe should have chosen the more than one of the above. I think she was homicidal. I would like to know what meds she was on for her depression. Some of them can provoke homicidal thoughts.

Did anyone else read Kat's post on the fires that she may have started in a house where she rented a room? She also has been investigated for theft two different times (and those were just the times she was caught.....so many other times do we want to guess that she got away with it?). And now we come to find out that she was investigated for a missing child who was drugged with benzos just weeks ago!

Roll just what we know into a ball and I am seeing a person with complete lack of impulse control and wonder if she was ever treated for ADHD as well or if she was diagnosed with any mania such as cleptomania, etc.

I think that her lying chunks her nicely in with your garden variety sociopath, but haven't seen enough of her to figure that one out. She sure lied with verve and was so smooth... they just rolled right off of her tongue.

Her "suicide attempt" of eating xacto blades was, in my opinion, not driven from a desire to kill herself but a way to get attention/shift the focus off of her Grandfather. To this day I bet she is twisting the facts to her atty and family because she cannot stand to look bad to her "perfect" family. I think her grimaces in the courtroom were just in response to hearing the ugly part of her crimes read aloud. As long as she can keep the details to herself she is fine with it but to hear them read aloud she cringes back... as she does not want others to see her that way.

Dang... I am just taking a stab at this... I am not sure what I think.. sorry for thinking outloud.. LOL I have psyche background as an RN but am an open heart nurse LOL
Sorry gitana1 I did vote and it was other. :) I should have said that in my first post :doh:
Is there a name for someone who knows they are having mental issues and refuses to get help or discuss with anyone that can help them?

I chose other...but maybe should have chosen the more than one of the above. I think she was homicidal. I would like to know what meds she was on for her depression. Some of them can provoke homicidal thoughts.

Did anyone else read Kat's post on the fires that she may have started in a house where she rented a room? She also has been investigated for theft two different times (and those were just the times she was caught.....so many other times do we want to guess that she got away with it?). And now we come to find out that she was investigated for a missing child who was drugged with benzos just weeks ago!

Roll just what we know into a ball and I am seeing a person with complete lack of impulse control and wonder if she was ever treated for ADHD as well or if she was diagnosed with any mania such as cleptomania, etc.

I think that her lying chunks her nicely in with your garden variety sociopath, but haven't seen enough of her to figure that one out. She sure lied with verve and was so smooth... they just rolled right off of her tongue.

Her "suicide attempt" of eating xacto blades was, in my opinion, not driven from a desire to kill herself but a way to get attention/shift the focus off of her Grandfather. To this day I bet she is twisting the facts to her atty and family because she cannot stand to look bad to her "perfect" family. I think her grimaces in the courtroom were just in response to hearing the ugly part of her crimes read aloud. As long as she can keep the details to herself she is fine with it but to hear them read aloud she cringes back... as she does not want others to see her that way.

Dang... I am just taking a stab at this... I am not sure what I think.. sorry for thinking outloud.. LOL I have psyche background as an RN but am an open heart nurse LOL

I bolded the part about meds. Nurse, you bring up some really good points. I also wonder if she was on a medication that made her homicidal. Or made her commit criminal acts. I've heard that a great percentage of persons who are in prison these days were once given medications for ADHD when they were children. I'm not making excuses for her, though. It's a sad reality.
Is there a name for someone who knows they are having mental issues and refuses to get help or discuss with anyone that can help them?


I understand what you are asking Salem. I'll have to think about that and look and see if I can find an answer.

Off the top of my head, I would think that if someone knows they are having mental issues and refuses to get help that would fall under denial. (a powerful thing).

Not discussing those issues with someone that could help them might fall under a type of paranoia, where the fear of admitting to someone that there is a problem causes undue anxiety.

I will look it up though, now I'm curious!
I say full blown psychopath budding serial killer since she has so many of the traits, such as lying, fires, stealing, plots, plans, etc. , but with maybe some mental illness thrown in since she practically ratted herself out. Her good religious upbringing may have something to do with that though, but she had no regard for the property, reputations, actual life, health, or safety of others though. That is if this is all true as reported and charged.

Glibly lying
Setting self up as victim
Revenge against alledged date, ex husband, at least on ex boyfriend with attempts to ruin their lives
Alledged by former housemate to set her up as setting fires
POI in these two separate fires where she and her child are at home in one
Possibly setting up child's illness in order to live with family and not work
Several charges for stealing, the recent one from Target
Accusations of drugging a child
Alledged child killer with rape
Suicide attempt, as psychopaths are said to do
I chose other...but maybe should have chosen the more than one of the above. I think she was homicidal. I would like to know what meds she was on for her depression. Some of them can provoke homicidal thoughts.

Did anyone else read Kat's post on the fires that she may have started in a house where she rented a room? She also has been investigated for theft two different times (and those were just the times she was caught.....so many other times do we want to guess that she got away with it?). And now we come to find out that she was investigated for a missing child who was drugged with benzos just weeks ago!

Roll just what we know into a ball and I am seeing a person with complete lack of impulse control and wonder if she was ever treated for ADHD as well or if she was diagnosed with any mania such as cleptomania, etc.

I think that her lying chunks her nicely in with your garden variety sociopath, but haven't seen enough of her to figure that one out. She sure lied with verve and was so smooth... they just rolled right off of her tongue.

Her "suicide attempt" of eating xacto blades was, in my opinion, not driven from a desire to kill herself but a way to get attention/shift the focus off of her Grandfather. To this day I bet she is twisting the facts to her atty and family because she cannot stand to look bad to her "perfect" family. I think her grimaces in the courtroom were just in response to hearing the ugly part of her crimes read aloud. As long as she can keep the details to herself she is fine with it but to hear them read aloud she cringes back... as she does not want others to see her that way.

Dang... I am just taking a stab at this... I am not sure what I think.. sorry for thinking outloud.. LOL I have psyche background as an RN but am an open heart nurse LOL

Yes! And from what I have read, people with Munchuasen's type disorders, which I feel are merely seriously pathological attention seekers, often create false stories in which they are the victim of a crime such as rape or in which they are the hero saving someone else. Significantly, some have also been known to commit, or are suspected of commiting, arsons, usually of their own property. The suicide attempt with razor blades as well as the fact that she has a thin "sickly" daughter would correspond with this.
ETA: But, I don't know. After reading the other posts, there are so many reasoned theories out there. It does seem that her pathology is complex because I actually see her as having traits of many different disorders. Sociopath seems to fit but they usually don't set themselves up to get caught. A Munchausen's type disorder also fits but that doesn't explain the pedophilic aspect. Pedophilia also fits except that doesn't go hand in hand with things like lying about or causing crimes to get attention, i.e. the suspected arsons, the rape alleagtion, the domestic violence allegations which I bet are false. Just plain evil also sounds good except for the possible past depression, suicide attempts and order for psych treatment. Perhaps we'll never know. Again, perhaps it does not matter as long as justice is served but I must admit that criminal psychology fascinates me. I want to know what causes this abhorrence. I want to know how evil begins.
The American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria for Pedophilia (302.2) are:

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger);
B. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty;
C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.

Based on the above, I think that she at least is a pedophile. I think that there other issues going on I just can't tell at this point and I don't think that I have a complete enough understanding of the ones that I do suspect. :)

I feel pretty confident in ruling out Münchausen syndrome by proxy because it is my understanding that parents with this induce signs of illness in their children to seek attention specifically from those in the medical community, to be involved with the community at hospital etc. I think that MH is too absorbed by her own psychological issues to be engaging in that kind of activity. I think it is possible she neglects her little girl.

I don't think that she a sociopath or psychopath.

I think that it is a great question because she is such an unusual monster. I bet all the psychologists are scratching their heads and asking each other the same thing.
My layman's diagnosis:

Borderline personality disorder (She has truly classic symptoms)
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Traits of antisocial personality disorder
(my bolding)

Somewhat OT but In an article I read it stated that Huckaby's daughter M was a happy but sickly child. It didn't elaborate. I am trying to track down the exact article or report I saw this in.


Huckaby, who grew up in Orange County, California, moved in with her grandparents about eight months ago, according to the Contra Costa Times. She did so in part so that she'd have more time "to take better care of her daughter, who ... gets sick a lot," Browning told the Chronicle.

California resident Cynthia Browning, Huckaby's great-aunt

I think she is a pedophile with psychopathic tendencies

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