Female pedophile charged with 28 counts-

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Dec 20, 2008
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Woman Accused Of Sex Abuse


UPDATED: 11:06 am EDT June 3, 2009

...According to the Harford County state's attorney's office, 40-year-old Valerie Lianne Carlton sexually abused the two girls from January 2008 through April 2009...

...Carlton was indicted by the grand jury for Harford County Tuesday morning and now faces 28 counts ranging from sexual child abuse of the two girls to attempted kidnapping and extortion.

One of the victim's parents said their daughter was sexually abused a number of ways by Carlton...

...One problem for the prosecution is that in order to have a solid case, they will need the young victims to testify...

Here is an interesting blog on female sexual predators, I haven't read it fully yet, but I'm glad someone is attempting to track these crimes because after the Cantu case I think we will find that it's far more prevalent than first thought, and given our general culteral views on females it has been overlooked.
Woman Accused Of Sex Abuse


UPDATED: 11:06 am EDT June 3, 2009

Here is an interesting blog on female sexual predators, I haven't read it fully yet, but I'm glad someone is attempting to track these crimes because after the Cantu case I think we will find that it's far more prevalent than first thought, and given our general cultural views on females it has been overlooked.

I certainly hope because of the Cantu case and this one that the blinders will come off and truly reveal the female sexual predators.

I have read countless articles since the Cantu case and in one of them it stated that 80% of the time if an allegation of sexual abuse is made against a female the victim is not believed.

That is a travesty of justice. Due to most of the stagnant views on women we have unknowingly gave them the tools to become unnoticed sexual predators of vulnerable children.

I have read countless articles since the Cantu case and in one of them it stated that 80% of the time if an allegation of sexual abuse is made against a female the victim is not believed.
I've never been able to figure out why people think the idea of a female sexual predator would be so farfetched -- or rare.
She's a mother and one of the victims was a relative of hers!


In that article the a neighbor states she heard about it and kept her daughter away from the woman. Why didn't she call cps, or LE if she knew this woman had a child and was possibly dong this? How could you sit back and know this child could possibly be abused and not say anything? it she would've been abusing an animal somebody would've called in!!:furious:
Thank God her own child is with her father now. My heart goes out to both of the girls who were abused. Something tells me that these were not the only two, I hope if there are more victims that they are found and charges can be brought.
I've never been able to figure out why people think the idea of a female sexual predator would be so farfetched -- or rare.

I think it is because of societal views that have brainwashed many to think a female cannot possibly be a sexual predator. When the Cantu case came to the forefront some though MH incapable of such a thing simply because she was a mother herself. Yet we know mothers do horrible despicable acts to children. I could never understand why it was so hard for some to accept a female capable of horrid sexual acts. Look what some females do to their own children and that also includes sexually abusing them.

And of course we have the skewed statistics that also helps to keep the true female predator hidden. The problem with the stats is they are grossly wrong. These are only the female predators that are caught and convicted and if 80% of the victims who do come forth and report it yet are not believed how many does that leave that do not report at all due to intimidation, fear, shame or out of loyalty if it is their own parent???? It is mind boggling how long this charade has been allowed to go on and imo the female predator has taken full advantage of how society views a female.

Who have we trusted more to be in an intimate or in a close relationship with children than a female? Someone posing as an endearing mother, grandmother, family member, close friend, acquaintance or school teacher?

It reminds me so much of a pickpocket's MO. What do they do? They divert the attention away like "LOOK OVER THERE!" and while the attention is all on someone or something else, they are standing right beside them stealing their wallet without them knowing a thing. That is what society has let happen when it comes to the female predator. The female predators are standing right there cussing up a storm about that big bad MALE predator knowing all along they are the ones that also deceives and are as dangerous to vulnerable children.

Thank you lovejac, the wording in that article reflects my concerns about women not being seen as possible perpetrators of sex crimes against children.

I see the words, "unusual case", "it's a shock", "it's normally a dad thing" (that one made me really cringe)...even the media hasn't caught on that yes women do commit these crimes and so many children have gone unheard and justice not sought because of the gender of the offender. (Sorry on a rant here, not the intention of the thread).

This one sentence in the article you posted gave me pause:

...Prosecutors believe there could be other victims...

I saw some statistics on the difference in the number of victims before a pedophile is caught broken down by gender. I wish I could find it again. Female offender's victims are significantly higher than male offenders.

I think it's time for new studies.
It's stories like these that make me second guess every choice I make about my child's welfare. Hubby and I both work full time. Our child is in the care of an older woman who worked in daycare for many many years and who now watches ours and another child in her home. I trust this woman so much yet at the same time I want to take my daughter and put her in a bubble with me and never let her out.
Thank you lovejac, the wording in that article reflects my concerns about women not being seen as possible perpetrators of sex crimes against children.

I see the words, "unusual case", "it's a shock", "it's normally a dad thing" (that one made me really cringe)...even the media hasn't caught on that yes women do commit these crimes and so many children have gone unheard and justice not sought because of the gender of the offender. (Sorry on a rant here, not the intention of the thread).

This one sentence in the article you posted gave me pause:

I saw some statistics on the difference in the number of victims before a pedophile is caught broken down by gender. I wish I could find it again. Female offender's victims are significantly higher than male offenders.

I think it's time for new studies.

I agree 100%. Times are changing and they need to be kept up with.
I really do not know the answer to this question I am about to pose and not even sure if I think it is the case as we all know that women are capable of astoundingly horrible acts upon children. But does anyone wonder if the availability of *advertiser censored* on the internet has anything at all to do with what seems like an increase (maybe not an increase but more of a spotlight on) in these types of perps?
In that article the a neighbor states she heard about it and kept her daughter away from the woman. Why didn't she call cps, or LE if she knew this woman had a child and was possibly dong this? How could you sit back and know this child could possibly be abused and not say anything? it she would've been abusing an animal somebody would've called in!!:furious:

OMG, I just went back and read the article all the way through. I had copied and pasted here the second I read about one of the victims being a family member and just now finished it. WTF!!! Wonder if she was the only one who "heard about it" and didn't notify the authorities!

Come on people!! You cannot turn a blind eye to things like this!! I choose to be a 'mother to all' when it comes to the abuse of children. If you don't want to become involved, make an anonomous call for Christ sakes!

I would rather call and be wrong, then not call and be right.

ETA: I'm looking everywhere for a picture of this , please post if anyone comes across it.
In that article the a neighbor states she heard about it and kept her daughter away from the woman. Why didn't she call cps, or LE if she knew this woman had a child and was possibly dong this? How could you sit back and know this child could possibly be abused and not say anything? it she would've been abusing an animal somebody would've called in!!:furious:
That is just plain evil. :furious:
I really do not know the answer to this question I am about to pose and not even sure if I think it is the case as we all know that women are capable of astoundingly horrible acts upon children. But does anyone wonder if the availability of *advertiser censored* on the internet has anything at all to do with what seems like an increase (maybe not an increase but more of a spotlight on) in these types of perps?

That's an interesting thought SM. I'm not sure I would discount the availability and pervasive impact that not only *advertiser censored* but of the overt sexuality that is in our media and our entertainment outlets (TV, Movies, internet).

Perhaps the availablity stimulates the perp's that have a predisposition to offend. I don't know, but it is an interesting thought.

I don't see sex crimes as about sex or lust or being sexually over-stimulated. IMHO~It's about control, power over the victim, and the subjugation and the degrading of the victim.
Kat, I do agree with you that sex crimes are very much about rage, power, control and not necessarily about sex at all. Sex is just the means to achieve the power/control/degradation of the victim.

However, what do you make of situations where we see a male and a female perp committing sex crimes together? I know that isn't the topic of this thread and I don't mean to hijack it but you got me thinking about that type of relationship where a man and woman are perpetrating those crimes together.
In that article the a neighbor states she heard about it and kept her daughter away from the woman. Why didn't she call cps, or LE if she knew this woman had a child and was possibly dong this? How could you sit back and know this child could possibly be abused and not say anything? it she would've been abusing an animal somebody would've called in!!:furious:

The way I read this, the woman knew there had been allegations and there was an on-going investigation which took 6 months. While this was going on she kept her kids away from her. It sounds like there was a woman who caught wind of something wrong and made a call which got the whole thing started so it seems people did the right thing as soon as they found out.
It's strange that it took 6 months tho before they made the arrest!

I really do not know the answer to this question I am about to pose and not even sure if I think it is the case as we all know that women are capable of astoundingly horrible acts upon children. But does anyone wonder if the availability of *advertiser censored* on the internet has anything at all to do with what seems like an increase (maybe not an increase but more of a spotlight on) in these types of perps?

I think this has been going on for many decades. They have hidden in the shadows cloaked in false trustworthiness. They are just as vile, despicable, cunning and know how to appear in order to get the children into their snare. They are no different to me than the MO of the male sexual predator. They have just had a better mask to hide behind.

I hope now for the children's' sake the masks will continue to come off and will peel away the pungent onion smell underneath.

Kat, I do agree with you that sex crimes are very much about rage, power, control and not necessarily about sex at all. Sex is just the means to achieve the power/control/degradation of the victim.

However, what do you make of situations where we see a male and a female perp committing sex crimes together? I know that isn't the topic of this thread and I don't mean to hijack it but you got me thinking about that type of relationship where a man and woman are perpetrating those crimes together.

It's okay SM. IMHO when a man and a woman conspire and commit a sex crime together I don't think that it's about the sex, in fact not at all about sex. The sex crime is used as an expression for their deviance and psychological pathologies(individual and combined).

I think that both are equally responsible for the crime(s). One or the other shouldn't bear the brunt of the burden for the crime. That in my eyes is a defense tactic. A defense tactic that usually is used for the female partner of sex crimes. If she has a history of abuse in her past, that will be brought up. It usually is. Or the defense will try to assert that she was under the control of the man (he's portrayed at a monster, she is portrayed as a previous victim, she's been abused, she was manipulated and controlled by him...etc).

I don't pay a lot attention to defense tactics because IMHO they don't reflect anything other than the defense trying to get their client off or a reduced sentence.

To put it simply, oversimplified~ when you were a kid--did you ever have a friend or buddy and no matter what you did with that friend you always ended up in trouble? I did. And even though it was just mischief and not criminal trouble, whenever I was with this friend...trouble for both of us was sure to follow. Which one of us caused it? Neither and both.

Together we were hellions. So while I haven't read up on the psychology and reasonings behind why a man and woman would commit these crimes together IMHO it's because both of them have a predisposition to commit these crimes.

Only my opinon.
I admit, that when the abductor/rapist/murderer of little Sandra Cantu was first discovered to be a woman, I was certain that there was no way Huckabee had acted alone. I was sure that Huckabee had teamed up with a male pedophile.

Now, I realize how foolish and naive I was in that belief.

My eyes have been opened, and now I know that cruelty and depravity come in both genders.
I admit, that when the abductor/rapist/murderer of little Sandra Cantu was first discovered to be a woman, I was certain that there was no way Huckabee had acted alone. I was sure that Huckabee had teamed up with a male pedophile.

Now, I realize how foolish and naive I was in that belief.

My eyes have been opened, and now I know that cruelty and depravity come in both genders.

That's a lesson we learn on a daily here, isn't it. :mad:

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