Another Victim Has Come Forward


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Per HLN. A woman has come forward and said that Garrido raped her back in 1972. She was 14 years old at the time. She & her friend were at the libarary when Garrido and an unknown male approached them. She got into a car with him and was giving a drug they then went to a hotel where she was raped repeatedly by Garrido. I am not sure what happend to the friend other than she knew this meeting was going take place.
A few more shocking similarities to other known cases associated with Garrido:
1) drugs were given to the girl
2) alcohol was given to the girl
3) she was assaulted "multiple times" (like a frenzy similar to that of K)
4) part of the assault (the drugs and alcohol part) took place in a SHED
Not saying that this is the case, But BEWARE of people who want there 15 minutes of fame. Until we have solid evidience that there are more victims then just be cautious!
UGHHH. Multiple thread syndrome. I just posted this in the new "presser" thread. Copied and re-posted here.

Looks like a presser is going on
Antioch police hold briefing on Jaycee Dugard case
Watch Now: Live on »

Antioch police are holding it? Primary LE agencies involved are the Sheriff's Office (house in unincorporated area of Antioch), Pittsburg PD (adult murders, where Lisa was found), and the FBI, as I understand it.

Edited to add: HLN news said that Antioch Lieutenant Leonard Orman advised Garrido was involved in the 1972 rape of an Antioch woman, thus filling in another piece of this monster's life. The then 21 year old picked up two 14-year old girls, took them on a joy ride around Antioch, then brought him to his house, where they partied in a shed in the backyard and he gave them drugs. Then he took one of them to a nearby motel, where she says he sexually assaulted her multiple times, Orman said.

Note from me: The Antioch Public Library is at 501 West 18th Street, across from what was then Antioch Junior High School (now Antioch Middle School) and down the street from Antioch Senior High School.

The two motels are also on 18th Street, across the street from each other, and nearer to his (future??) house on Walnut Avenue.


Edited to add: according to public records a WS'er posted here, Garrido's mother and step-father purchased the home at 1554 Walnut Avenue, Antioch in 1979. So where was Garrido living in 1972 that also had a shed?
Not saying that this is the case, But BEWARE of people who want there 15 minutes of fame. Until we have solid evidience that there are more victims then just be cautious!

look up ^^^ watch the msnbc interview with the officer on the 14 year old girl from the library
Antioch police say kidnapping suspect Phillip Garrido was arrested in 1972 on suspicion of raping a 14-year-old girl.

Orman says Garrido gave the girl barbiturates and took her to a motel, where she was given more drugs. He says the girl awoke there and was repeatedly raped and sexually assaulted.
Authorities say Garrido was set to be prosecuted in the case but the charges were later dropped when the victim refused to testify.
I agree, there should be a law but there isn't. Rape victims have the right (regardless of age) to testify or to choose not to. When our children's rape case came to trial, our children testified (with our support) and two other unrelated child victims testified. However, two children did NOT testify as their parents thought it would be too traumatic for them. The children ranged from 4-12 at the time of the rapes and almost all have special needs.

You know, I just could not understand the parents' position at the time but I have to say I'm more understanding now. Our family has gone through total he!! with the investigation, the trial, the appeal, the supreme court case, the post conviction relief trial, the plea for clemency, and the constant media attention--eleven years and counting. My children suffered greatly beyond the original abuse. Our whole family has suffered but the system worked for us. Our rapist was imprisoned for ten years!! I wouldn't want anyone to give me that choice to make again knowing what I know now. It's been horrific.

We just can't judge the child or her parents for the choice they made. JMO
Remember - this happened in 1972. Back then - when women were raped and they testified - they were "ripped apart" on the stand! It was horrific. Defense attorneys would criticize what they were wearing, they were "asking for it", they were asked how manay other boyfriends they had - how times they had "sex". It was a terrible terrible thing to go through. With this girl only being 14 I'm sure her parents didn't want to traumatize her any more. And believe me - she left with him (willingly) - drugs were involved --- it would have been devistating for her to testify BACK THEN - things have changed since then.
ITA.. not to mention the fact that the girl and her friend (there were two girls) went to meet Garrido and his friend at the library (they planned to meet there)... back in the day for a rape case...well... let's just say that we have come a long way since then! Back then if you had on suggestive clothing it could have been considered "your fault" and not the perps.
Unfortunately even in this day and age rape is not a crime which gets prosecuted very often. It is often plead down to lesser charges. Which is very wrong.

The rape kits alone take months to process and if they get them back the cases are costly and often take such a hard toll on the victim they'll back out. Without the victim's testimony the DA's often won't prosecute.

I wonder if he could still be prosecuted on any of the old charges? Or maybe a civil suit. I don't know the laws in CA but in IL there's no statute of limitations on rape.

I've heard from Robin Sax the sex crimes laws are better in CA.
You know what. I am not balaming the victim in this case at all. Like many have said back then the victims got ripped. With that said I wish she would have.Maybe Jaycee and others would not have to go through the ordeals they are going through everyday
Lt. Leonard Orman said from limited records remaining of the 37-year-old case and a new interview with the victim, police know she was at the Antioch public library in April, 1972 with a friend when they met Garrido and another man whose identity she did not recall.

The victim told police investigators she got in a car with Garrido and was given barbiturates. Orman said the victim said she ended up at a motel on East 18th Street with Garrido and was given more drugs.

"(She) basically awoke, found herself there and was repeatedly raped and sexually assaulted at that time," Orman said.

The girl's parents found her at the motel and called Antioch police. Officers arrested Garrido then or shortly thereafter, Orman said.
Phillip Garrido was married for the first time on March 11, 1973.

I wonder, if at the time of the 1972 kidnap and rape, if he had the girlfriend he married in 1973. I remember bride number one stating somewhere, that he had been accused of a rape, but not prosecuted, and she knew it at the time they married, (if not before).
I rarely talk about this, actually I rarely think about it because it seems like it happened to a different person or a hundred years ago...

but, when I was 15 years old, living in Southern California, I was brutally attacked by a man/ stranger who followed me in his car while I was walking home. He kept driving past me, in a brown Pinto, and 'finally' drove up ahead of me and parked his car. I saw him get out of his car, cross the road, and lost sight of him. It turns out he had
parked up ahead, then back-tracked behind a line of trees- he grabbed me from behind a big oak tree as I was walking past. He pulled me in.

He tore me up pretty badly, as a matter o fact, I had to have 3 reconstructive surgeries on my chest area, and still bare the scares today, at 44 years of age.

He was caught a few months later, because I was just one of a number of females he did this to. The article in the local paper didn't name me by name, but it was a relatively small town (at the time), and it was speculated that a classmates dad was a cop, another a doctor at the hospital I was taken to by ambulance.

My parents put me in counseling, which I am sure helped. I don't know that I really 'got over it', as much as stopped thinking about it, if that makes sense.

I remember all the times the police/detectives pulled me out of class to talk to me after that. It was horrible. I had aways been pretty popular, or well-liked, in school until that, and then I seemed to carry a stigma. I remember the whispering and looks my fellow school-mates gave me. Everything changed.

About the time he went to trial, there was alot of pressure for me to testify, but my parents decided that I wouldn't. I was okay with that. Also about the time he went to trial, my parents and I moved to another state, which helped me move on. It made it easier without the constant reminder. I will always carry the physical scars on my breasts, but I rarely notice them, they are just a part of my body and have been there so long, I guess.

So I didn't testify, but he WAS convicted (with minimal help from me). I admire women who have the courage to face their tormenter in court. I'm just not one who did. It wasn't a decision I made, but a decision I was happy to not have to have made.
I'd beware of branding this newest woman a liar of being raped at age 14. A friend of mine was raped by the father of a neighborhood boy when we were about 14-15. The man was a monster and I refused to "go riding around the lake" with them but she refused to leave with me. When she told me the dad raped her I urged her to report it but she would not. In the meantime, over the years this man's son was charged with a rape and murder and has since been executed on death row. There's no telling what he saw going on over the years. Teens do not alway report rape and especially not years ago.
I didn't mean to write such a long post above, I guess I just want it on record I can understand why the 14 year old might not have taken him to trial.
Please don't apologize. I am truly sorry for what happened to you. A lot of us here on WS have "pasts" and some find it soothing to talk about it. Never, ever apologize for telling your story. I am so happy that you moved on and are happy. We are a compassionate bunch here. Thank you for sharing.

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