Woman calls 9-11 and reports herself for drunk driving!

Me too! People and family can be amazingly supportive if someone finally admits they need some help. But alcohol is very addicting, and a popular social activity, so obviously people get dependent on it, for relaxation or temporary relief from stress and depression, and it's really hard to give up for some people. Recovery is a tough road, certainly nothing easy about it.

Maybe all that's been in the news lately and even People magazine about women under more stress and hiding their drinking problems, and the terrrible accident in the news last month, has made more women aware!! I hope so.

Sadly, I think men have a tougher time admitting when they're too loaded to drive, but that's just my observation and opinion from personal experience - family, friends, associates - sadly alcoholism or drug use seems to affect most every family in some way.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3Wj943tNlA&feature=related"]YouTube - Woman calls cops on herself[/ame]

At least she knew she was doing wrong, but DOH!
I read this in the local paper, and it made me smile a little bit.

Here in Wisconsin, first offense drunk driving is a civil offense, not criminal--but she will be ordered to do a mandatory alcohol assessment, and to follow through on any recommended treatment. I wish her well!
What a great woman, I hope she doesn't get any/ or harsh sentence.
More of these, please!
I drove drunk once when I was really young, about half a block, because it was my car and I thought I should drive it. There was no traffic and I drove real slow, but I got really scared and knew I couldn't, so I stopped and let "some guy" drive it. (Loads of us in the car, he was my best friends friend, sober and probably more scared than I was) I was just lucky there was no police out there and then! It's one of the scariest things you can do, no control whatsoever.

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