Dr. Doogie's Prescription for a Better World

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Dr. Doogie

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2005
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True inspiration comes to me rather rarely, but I had an epiphany moment that I would like to share with you. I was musing on the imminent release of 17,000 RSO's in California and came up with what may be a brilliant idea (IMHO). Budget woes in California at all jurisdictional levels are limiting the amount of resources that authorities can afford to spend on monitoring this oncoming plague.

What is the one resource that we all have that costs no money but is invaluble all the same? TIME! We here at WS spend a lot of time researching cases and try to move cases forward the best we can, but much of our time here is spent bemoaning the status quo or by fantasizing new and satisfying ways to torture pedos. What if we spent that time actually doing something to remedy the problem?

RSOs are at their most dangerous when they are in violation of their registration - they are "out of sight" from law enforcement and have already crossed a line that makes them much more likely to reoffend. Bringing them back into compliance will reduce the likelihood that they will hurt another child or adult.

California's Megan's List identifies those who are in violation with a red check mark nest to their name. El Dorado County, where I live, has about a dozen RSO's who have dropped off of the radar. And, again, it is unrealistic to think that LE will be able to locate these offenders when budget cuts are reducing the number of those who would normally be looking for the RSOs.

How about us? Why don't we spend some of our time researching each violator and report their current location to the proper authorities? Some of us have developed a talent for locating people who don't necessarily want to be found - why not use our superpowers to assist LE in finding these scumbags?

In a few hours of work today, I located one person listed as in violation who had moved from California to Nevada and was in registration there, but evidently had not notified CA that he had moved. By locating him and informing the DOJ of this fact, it eliminated the possibility that CA would expend its limited resources on hunting him down. I also have found a current address for another RSO in violation, but I need to confirm that this is the most recent address before notifying the DOJ. And I have located another RSO's new town, but have not narrowed down a street address... yet.

If you care to join my quest, all you need to do is access the CA Megan's List and search by county. Pull up the list of RSOs and see who has a red check mark next to their name. Use any "skip tracing" skills that you have and locate these violators. If you find a current address, the webpage for each offendor has a button for providing tips to the DOJ - click it and enter the new address. Also, if the offendor is still in the same jurisdiction as where they were last in compliance, you may also want to notify them with the info.

And, please remember, YOU ARE NOT LE! Please ONLY provide info to LE - do not attempt to apprehend or harrass the RSO. This will only result in you getting arrested and will make LE reluctant to work with civilians.

If enough of us rise to this challenge, we can make a true difference in this world.
Excellent idea Dr. Doogie! :clap: Not only for California, but for those of us in other states too!

You rock! Thanks for such a fantastic idea!
I rarely have a good idea, but I believe the beauty of this is its simplicity and practicality. Anybody can search the web to try to locate a missing RSO. And I suspect that we all can make a real difference instead of merely sitting and fretting about the status quo.
Lol Doogie, you're so humble. :)

You are absolutely right. very practical idea and I know LE appreciates the publics assistance with these things.
I have a RSO that moved in quite close to me, in a very little condo community.
Of course he rents from a woman that tried to sell her condo.
We are prepared at any moment to do exactly what you said.
We can not do a thing but watch him as close as possible.
My neighbors is LE and if he breaks 1 rule, he is off to jail.
How can a person pay high rent, own a fairly new truck and a Harley Davidson
and not work?
This guy is a total creep!!!
True inspiration comes to me rather rarely, but I had an epiphany moment that I would like to share with you. I was musing on the imminent release of 17,000 RSO's in California and came up with what may be a brilliant idea (IMHO). Budget woes in California at all jurisdictional levels are limiting the amount of resources that authorities can afford to spend on monitoring this oncoming plague.

What is the one resource that we all have that costs no money but is invaluble all the same? TIME! We here at WS spend a lot of time researching cases and try to move cases forward the best we can, but much of our time here is spent bemoaning the status quo or by fantasizing new and satisfying ways to torture pedos. What if we spent that time actually doing something to remedy the problem?

RSOs are at their most dangerous when they are in violation of their registration - they are "out of sight" from law enforcement and have already crossed a line that makes them much more likely to reoffend. Bringing them back into compliance will reduce the likelihood that they will hurt another child or adult.

California's Megan's List identifies those who are in violation with a red check mark nest to their name. El Dorado County, where I live, has about a dozen RSO's who have dropped off of the radar. And, again, it is unrealistic to think that LE will be able to locate these offenders when budget cuts are reducing the number of those who would normally be looking for the RSOs.

How about us? Why don't we spend some of our time researching each violator and report their current location to the proper authorities? Some of us have developed a talent for locating people who don't necessarily want to be found - why not use our superpowers to assist LE in finding these scumbags?

In a few hours of work today, I located one person listed as in violation who had moved from California to Nevada and was in registration there, but evidently had not notified CA that he had moved. By locating him and informing the DOJ of this fact, it eliminated the possibility that CA would expend its limited resources on hunting him down. I also have found a current address for another RSO in violation, but I need to confirm that this is the most recent address before notifying the DOJ. And I have located another RSO's new town, but have not narrowed down a street address... yet.

If you care to join my quest, all you need to do is access the CA Megan's List and search by county. Pull up the list of RSOs and see who has a red check mark next to their name. Use any "skip tracing" skills that you have and locate these violators. If you find a current address, the webpage for each offendor has a button for providing tips to the DOJ - click it and enter the new address. Also, if the offendor is still in the same jurisdiction as where they were last in compliance, you may also want to notify them with the info.

And, please remember, YOU ARE NOT LE! Please ONLY provide info to LE - do not attempt to apprehend or harrass the RSO. This will only result in you getting arrested and will make LE reluctant to work with civilians.

If enough of us rise to this challenge, we can make a true difference in this world.

Dr. Doogie I think this is a great idea! Something I'd like to see is a central database where ALL (from every state) obsconded SO's are entered. When a SO is "missing", not only are they no longer at the LKA (last known address), in far too many cases they have left the state entirely, moved on to another state and are passing themselves off as somebody else, using an alias. The only way to possibly know if the "new" neighbor, boyfriend, friend's boyfriend..., is really an obsconded SO is by identifying them based upon their picture because you can't go by name or location - obviously. If someone checks somebody out and feels that the person they're concerned about matches the identity of a listed obsconded SO, they could call a number (provided) to the U.S Marshalls, who would then confirm (or not) the person's identity, whether they are in fact an obsconded SO, and apprehand them. I believe this is our only hope of locating and getting these slimeballs off the streets!
The following link has alot of information to help familiarize yourself with the laws/requirements that not only pertain to the SO's requirement to register, but the requirements & duty of each state in providing & updating access and information to the public on SO's.
I wanted to update the progress for my project. Using "skip tracing" techniques, I have been able to assist LE in locating several RSOs and bring them back into compliance.

ESW is a woman who had been charged with 13 counts of felony child molestation and had plea bargained down to one misdemeanor count. She had in violation since 1994. I located her living in Montana under an alias. She has since been arrested.

GHW was a molestor who had been in violation since 1996. I discovered that he had been living in Idaho and died in 2000. His obituary says that he had been in Idaho for twelve years before his death - this means that he must have travelled to El Dorado County each year on his birthday between 1988 and 1995 to register, then returned to Idaho to live undetected. Evidently, something occured in 1996 to prevent his registration. This means that for twelve years, he was residing in Idaho without the local authorities being aware that he was in the area.

FB is a molestor who is not in violation of his registration, but I noticed that his address had his street address transposed. This meant that he appears on the Megan's List map in an incorrect location. I was able to notify both the CA DOJ and the local autorities of this mistake so that his info will be corrected in the database.

I am trying to work out the bugs in my system so that I can start to recruit others in different jurisdictions to replicate what I am doing. I believe that a network of dedicated volunteers can make a major impact towards keeping our children safe. I will let you know when I am seeking volunteers.
KJS has been in violation of his registration since 1996. I located him incarcerated in Nevada for an additional child molestation charge.

El Dorado County, CA currently has 15 violators listed on the State's Megan's List. So far, I have been able to locate six violators plus two others that have been removed from the list because they now reside in a different state. That means eight violators have been brought back into compliance with the system or are incarcerated.
PLS is a molestor in violation since 2003. I located him in a different state which has different rules concerning who is and is not listed on their public Megan's List. The local LE their is going to check him for compliance. This one is more than a little spooky because I also found that his wife is running a dance school for children!

MJS is a molestor in violation since 1996. (1996 shows up quite often as the date of violation because that is the year that California revamped their system and many who had been in violation prior to 1996 are listed with that year since that is when the new system took effect.) I am trying to contact the local LE who has responsibility for this guy because I have discovered that someone with the same name and birth date died in 1982! This means either this guy has been listed in the system for 28 years since his death, or it means that the perp stole this man's identity and is "free-and-clear" now that he has dumped that fake identity.

Out of the fifteen RSO's in violation in El Dorado County, three appear to be dead, three are in custody and two have been located and LE notified of their whereabouts. Only seven more to go...
I wanted to update the progress for my project. Using "skip tracing" techniques, I have been able to assist LE in locating several RSOs and bring them back into compliance. ...

I am trying to work out the bugs in my system so that I can start to recruit others in different jurisdictions to replicate what I am doing. I believe that a network of dedicated volunteers can make a major impact towards keeping our children safe. I will let you know when I am seeking volunteers.

This is an interesting thread and a good idea. I started thinking about a thread which was once in the Cold Case section of Websleuths, but has since been buried in the new Unidentified Area.

The case was about the murder of a woman in an Oakland, California hotel room back in 1969. Although she remains unidentified, her killer was known to be one Taylor Morris Teaford. He has never been caught or tried for the murder.

A few years back he was found to have been listed in another state's Sex Offender Registry, but was listed as being Not in Compliance since 1996.
Perhaps someone can locate him or learn what became of him. Teaford would be 75 if he is still alive today.

See more information at the link to the earlier Websleuths thread on him below.

Taylor Morris Teaford may also go by the name of "Melvin Teaford".
His date of birth is June 18, 1935,
height 6'0"
weight 185 lbs.
black hair and brown eyes.

See the websleuths thread titled:

1969 California Murder: Victim Unknown, Killer known but still at large - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community


[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23953"]1969 California Murder: Victim Unknown, Killer known but still at large - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
The 1996 violation date does not mean that he disappeared in 1996, just that he is listed in the new computerized system since 1996. He probably disappeared years prior to that year.
I cannot find any information about this guy after the murder charge in Oakland. The North Dakota Megan's List appearance seems to me to be a duplicate of the California information.

One factor that makes this hunt more difficult is his Native American heritage. It is easier to disappear into a "soveriegn nation" such as tribal land than it is to do so in the U.S. proper. I am not sure if members of registered tribes are required to participate in the Social Security system, so he may have died without ever making it onto the SS Death Index.

This guy is certainly scum, but I seem to be at a loss to find him. Unfortunately, I am not alone since he was on the FBI's most wanted list for a couple of years and they could not find him either. (That actually brings up a point: Since the FBI was looking for him in connection with the murder of his grandmother, unless he fled over state lines, it would indicate that this crime occured under federal jurisdiction such as on tribal land where treaties allowed for the FBI to investigate.)
I cannot find any information about this guy after the murder charge in Oakland. The North Dakota Megan's List appearance seems to me to be a duplicate of the California information.

One factor that makes this hunt more difficult is his Native American heritage. It is easier to disappear into a "soveriegn nation" such as tribal land than it is to do so in the U.S. proper. I am not sure if members of registered tribes are required to participate in the Social Security system, so he may have died without ever making it onto the SS Death Index.

This guy is certainly scum, but I seem to be at a loss to find him. Unfortunately, I am not alone since he was on the FBI's most wanted list for a couple of years and they could not find him either. (That actually brings up a point: Since the FBI was looking for him in connection with the murder of his grandmother, unless he fled over state lines, it would indicate that this crime occured under federal jurisdiction such as on tribal land where treaties allowed for the FBI to investigate.)

Thanks for checking on this guy. It does seem strange that he could have simply vanished, but maybe he paid the price like some of his buddies did.

Here is an updated link to the case. It includes an artist's sketch of the unidentified girl and a photo of Teaford:

I found two more incarcerated from El Dorado County, so that leaves only five left to find.

Meanwhile, I briefly shifted to Placer County (just to the north) for a couple of hours and located three RSO's in violation. One is dead and one fled to a different country. The third one has not been located, but I found a financial institution that should have contact info for him. All-in-all, not a bad evenings bit of work!
I located one RSO from Placer County in custody in Louisiana. He is charged with not registering there. If convicted, he faces a mandatory five year sentence. (LA tried to see if the jurisdiction in Placer County wanted to extradite him, but they said "no way - he's yours now." LOL!)
Doc, you are a breath of fresh air. I think we ought to collaborate. I've been on a project for three months unrelated to RSO hunting, but now that it's over and I have some $$$ breathing room, I can go back to my own efforts.

IN addition, the mod may consider posting this in its own thread. I don't have enough posts to start a thread myself.

The state of Georgia is FANTASTIC for providing their registry on a database that is easily accessible. I was able to pull almost 360 addresses of absconders in the state. Using normal non-commercial skip tracing tools, I was able to easily find almost 30 pervs in little over three days. I was constantly on the phone with sheriffs from 12 counties giving them the information, and hopefully they will follow up on the pervs. I pulled those 29 offenders from the list, but there are over 300 of them. The list that I am providing are ALL ABSCONDERS FROM THE LAW!!

Link to MS Excel 2003 sheet: http://www.easy-share.com/1912352737/GA_ABSCONDERS.xls

Let's have a fun week saving kids' lives and getting these monsters put in jail on a registration felony! In Georgia they WILL see a minimum of at least one year, and if it's a subsequent violation, FIVE years. Hopefully, my recent efforts have ended up putting an extra 50 years of incarceration for Georgia's most dangerous domestic terrorists.

Here are some basic rules to follow:

1. Rule one: NEVER contact the offender in a confrontational manner! If in the course of your investigation you have to contact him surreptitiously, or anyone who may know him surreptitiously, use a common or existing telemarketing alias. I actually have audio background noise that simulates a call center, for instance.

2. When you make your call to anyone not associated with law enforcement, make sure your own number is blocked. When you DO contact LE, it's always best to unblock the number. There is no need to ever make an anonymous call to law enforcement; in fact, you may be eligible for a significant reward. When I got my first $500 it was like manna from heaven, but for the most part, no rewards are available unless they are publicly posted.

3. Similarly with Email, I always use a Gmail account if you ever exchange electronic information with offenders or their friends. Gmail is difficult to trace to the IP source, though LE can obtain that information easily through subpoena. In addition, I would obtain about 5 or 6 separate accounts, and never use the emails except for skiptracing purposes.

4. But in all cases, KEEP METICULOUS NOTES ON EACH CONTACT. These MAY be important to future prosecution purposes. In my case, I have an automated database program that records dates and times of all my email and phone contacts, automatically. I use my VOIP which timestamps the calls, and I have the option of recording the calls. Since I live in a state that does not allow recording of calls without both parties' consent, I generally don't record, but I take significant notes. I can even enter an address, and it will create a GoogleMap Image of the address, complete with distance to the nearest school or park! This is great for suspected locations, as it gives the cop a great tool to prepare surveillance or a field interview. In general, it's made my life 90% easier. Finally, if I need to create a log to send to the formal investigation or prosecution authorities, it's a simple matter of pushing a button and entering an email address.

(PLEASE NOTE: I don't just use Googlemaps to justify the address. I use StreetView to locate address numbers on mailboxes, curbs, or on buildings themselves; otherwise I post "IMAGE NOT VERIFIED TO ADDRESS". If the number is verified on the image, I circle the number on the image itself so that it is conspicuous. LE appreciates this thoroughness when providing pertinent information.)

5. Once you have obtained enough information that you've been able to verify for the authorities, prepare your case file. Prepare your file with an introduction to your efforts, a summary of contacts with pertinent witnesses, any involvement with contacting the offender, and verified witness names (neighbors, friends, etc). Be systematic, so it doesn't overwhelm you.


1. Do not ever.... EVER!!!... become hostile or argumentative in ANY of your contacts with anyone. It is not necessary; in fact, it may even be counterproductive. I have NEVER talked to an suspect myself unless I was surreptitiously obtaining information; for that one must be polite. If you feel anger, channel it into playing a part; know that the ultimate goal will be getting this pervert in the slammer where he belongs.

2. NEVER lie to the police about any of your activities. Be 100% transparent with all your activities. Remember, your activities may potentially be part of a prosecution case, including evidence in a court of law, and defense attorneys can make your life miserable if they find any footholds. In general, I make the assumption that with EACH part of the investigation, a defense lawyer is looking over my shoulder for ANY mistakes I may make. You should feel the same as well.

(NOTE: While lawyers should be entitled to rigorously defend their clients' rights, the bottom line is that if you do your job correctly, they will have NO case that can stand up in court. To that end, most lawyers will definitely NOT recommend cases go to trial. If their client insists on going to trial, which is very rare, then the lawyer will do whatever he can to find the loopholes in your case, but won't have his heart in it for the most part. In general, THOSE defense lawyers are not "scumbags". The ones I have a problem with are the ACLU wannabes or the attorneys stirring up whatever crap they want because they believe at winning before justice. THOSE are the scumbags I speak of!!).

3. Keep in mind offenders share their names with innocent civilians or even other offenders. It is VITAL that you AWAYS, ALWAYS verify your quarry! It is extremely TRAUMATIC for someone to be mistaken for a sex offender, and if a cop did it, they would be sued bigtime. An even greater troubling concern is when you are surreptitiously communicating with friends or neighbors of your target who later turns out to be innocent. If you ever make a mistake, always bite the bullet and admit that you made a mistake to the person you called. But if you are thorough in preparation and execution of your investigative technique, you will never alarm a friend of a person who is truly innocent.

When you confirm a kill, call the sheriff of the county that the offender absconded from. Have a SUMMARIZED list of factual evidence that you can communicate to the LE rep over the phone. Have all information easily obtainable. You did keep up a detailed case file, haven't you? If you have, then it will be a snap. Remember, LE's time is VALUABLE, and you need to ensure their job is as easy is possible. Finally, make sure that you have at least TWO email addresses to which you can send the information, preferable to different LE members or departments to ensure that information doesn't become lost in the transition.

Once you confirm a kill, put that station on your tickler file. Call them in 7 or 14 days to confirm activity on their part. This is important, because action may not always be forthcoming, or their LE efforts are currently on other things that may be important for their community (though I would have to say that absconded sex offenders should be a community's FIRST priority after active violence prevention).

Anyway, once you make your first LE contact following a successful kill, report to this thread. Make sure you have listed the name of your kill, along with the name of the contact at the sheriff or LE representative. In extension, if you see someone post a kill, make sure you mark it on your OWN downloaded excel sheet so you won't be duplicating efforts. No biggie if you do, but it does take away from valuable time.

Anyway, I'm finally able to really do this. I was going to start in July but now can get going. Good hunting, everyone!!

Link to MS Excel 2003 sheet: http://www.easy-share.com/1912352737/GA_ABSCONDERS.xls

One more note: I haven't finished my master list for Georgia sheriffs yet. The best way to get the number is to copy the county in the excel sheet for the offender, paste it into a google search box, then type " County GA Sheriff telephone" behind it (or copy/paste it). The top listing should be the link to the contact page sheriff, and you can find the contact number on that site. You can sometimes even find it in a listing, though it's always good to find a person to talk to.
Great ideas, Todd! I also have been starting my projects by entering the names into an Excel spreadsheet, but I have been tackling only one county at a time simply so as to not overwhelm myself with data. Your organization suggestions will be incorporated into my system.

One suggestion that I would add is, before expending too much time searching for violators, to check the Social Security Death Index and the jails and prisons in your area to make sure that the violators are not actually dead or imprisoned. I am finding a high precentage of violators who are not actually "on-the-run" and should not be listed as in violation. Save yourself some work and always start there first.

My hope is that this will be the start of a grass roots effort by volunteers across the country to bring these violators/absconders back into the system or have them incarcerated for their violations.

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