The Murder of Janet Abaroa #1

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misterallgood said:
I smell a bigger plan here;

  • The alleged embezzling; setting the money aside. There is nothing in the news to indicate the money supposedly embezzled has been recovered.
Didn't Raven only embezzle $9,000? Your theory seems possible but if the figure was only $9,000, I can't imagine him getting far with that money. I could be remembering incorrectly as I'm beginning to go cross-eyed from reading here most of the day!
JerseyGirl said:
[/list]Didn't Raven only embezzle $9,000? Your theory seems possible but if the figure was only $9,000, I can't imagine him getting far with that money. I could be remembering incorrectly as I'm beginning to go cross-eyed from reading here most of the day!
You'd be right about that... but who is to say Raven was done, if he is guilty of the embezzling? He might have gotten snagged only mid-way through his plan. And Scott Peterson had only a thousand dollars more in cash on him when he was caught near the Mexican border.
JerseyGirl, it might not have been his plan to stop when he did.

Chances are, he took as much per month ( except for August 2004) during the 5 month stealing spree as he thought he could get away with without being caught but planned to keep on stealing until he had the amount he wanted.

Another thing: I'm not sure if you have had time to read Raven's long and winding road of thoughts about his early life.. He says he came from what sounds like abject poverty. If $10,000 was his goal heist amount, it might mean a lot more than it does to a person with a different set of internal values. I liken it to a small child who will choose a nickel over a dime because a nickel LOOKS larger.. I think that sums up Raven's concept of the world around him.

Whatever LOOKS larger and better is what he goes after.
Thinkoflaura said:
It's also US law when a baby is born to a married couple for the baby to have the father's last name, as I understand it, and he was born in the US.
Do you mean in reference to Raven & Janet's situation? I ask because my children have my last name in use and on their birth certificates.
PrayersForMaura said:
Name is Longo I believe:
"On Dec. 27, the bodies of MaryJane, 34, and 2-year-old Madison were found stuffed in suitcases in Yaquina Bay. Their bodies were recovered just yards from a second-floor balcony in an upscale condominium where Longo stood in a biting coastal drizzle and admired the "perfect setting" late on the night of Dec. 16.
Very odd. Parts of this sound familiar and parts sound very unfamiliar. I remember that during the trial he said that he had returned home to find that his wife had murdered two of their children, and that their youngest was still alive but barely. He said that he "finished the job" on the baby to put her out of her misery, and killed his wife out of anger for what she did to their children, (but I don't remember what order the murders to which he confessed occurred). Even after what he did, he blamed his wife for the murders.

Even though parts seem unfamiliar, I'm sure it's the same guy ... how many cases could there possibly be with such similarities to this one? Thanks for refreshing my memory.
misterallgood said:
Yes, this is definitely him. I forgot about this part:

There, in a trash bin near the marina, photo albums and clothing were left behind.

Around the time that he murdered his entire family, even his "daddy's little girl", he threw all of their possessions and even photographs into a dumpster. It was just that easy for him. The creeps of this case had long ago worn off but they are back in full force after reading this article. And there do seem to be some striking similarities in circumstances at least.
golfmom said:
IF the computer disappeared between Janet's murder and the search warrant that could cause some pretty serious problems.

We know that the computer was in the house on the 25th;
Janet was murdered the 26th;
the search was conducted the 27th.

So in his deep grief, Raven did what with his computer ? ? ?
WOW! That's a good point!

(Sorry, been out all day--getting caught up!)
I would ask that all our posters please be respectful when posting about LDS. We have a number of outstanding members who also are Mormons. Thanks!
misterallgood said:
You'd be right about that... but who is to say Raven was done, if he is guilty of the embezzling? He might have gotten snagged only mid-way through his plan.
True but if he got snagged mid-way through, wouldn't he realize that he'd have to put the rest of the plan on the back burner until he had more than $9,000?
Raven was a salesman, so what opportunity would he have to embezzle?

My thought is that he was padding his expense reports to the tune of $1,500 a month with fake receipts.

What do ya'll think?
golfmom said:
Raven was a salesman, so what opportunity would he have to embezzle?

My thought is that he was padding his expense reports to the tune of $1,500 a month with fake receipts.

What do ya'll think?
I mentioned that thought too in an earlier post. He mentions in his ramblings that the company tightened the expense budget, and miraculously, he was the only one to keep it in line. This is probably because he knew the game was up and he'd probably be under close scrutiny. As I mentioned earlier, padding the expense reports is definitely a form of embezzlement. If you notice the dates on the indictment, he's charged with embezzling on the 1st of the month for 4-5 months in a row, on the same date. In many companies, expense reports are due at the end of the month, i.e. the 1st of the following month.

Great minds think alike!
I wonder if there's anything in the photos of Kaiden taken on the 25th at the computer that look like the interior of the Abaroa's home. Raven could have been using a computer at a friend's house. In that case, it would have to have been he who emailed Janet's co-worker.

I want to see the pawn ticket!
JerseyGirl said:
True but if he got snagged mid-way through, wouldn't he realize that he'd have to put the rest of the plan on the back burner until he had more than $9,000?
Yes, if he was non-psychopathic and practical and rational.

Assume for the sake of discussion he did it; if that was the case, then he is likely antisocial and narcissistic.

That's not a personality type known for it's patience and foresight. Quite the opposite; such a personality would be very infantile compared to other adults. They would want what they want, any way they can get it, NOW. There'd be no "back-burner," only scrambling to make another plan to put things into effect. Remember the unknown factor here, too; insurance. Was there a policy on Janet? Don't know. I'd lay dollars to donuts there was, though.

That you would offer a rational argument speaks well of you, though, JerseyGirl -- and I'm totally serious. What it says to me is that you aren't able to really put yourself in the head of someone capable of these kinds of acts. I wish I couldn't, but it comes with a certain upbringing, exposure to certain personality types, being related to them by blood.

Raven, if he did any of this, was behaving with his own internal logic, and only through finding similar situations and personalities can one even begin to figure out what happened at all. His alleged actions were not practical in the sense that you or I know practical -- they can only be understood if you understand that his obsession with himself was paramount.

This is why cops will tell you the vast majority of criminals, no matter their IQs, are really kind of stupid. Their arrogance, lack of insight, and lack of foresight trip many of them up every time.
NCBanker said:
I mentioned that thought too in an earlier post. He mentions in his ramblings that the company tightened the expense budget, and miraculously, he was the only one to keep it in line. This is probably because he knew the game was up and he'd probably be under close scrutiny. As I mentioned earlier, padding the expense reports is definitely a form of embezzlement. If you notice the dates on the indictment, he's charged with embezzling on the 1st of the month for 4-5 months in a row, on the same date. In many companies, expense reports are due at the end of the month, i.e. the 1st of the following month.

Great minds think alike!
To continue on this thought, I highly doubt that he squirreled the money away, at least long term. He had been wanting that motorcycle for some time and probably used the money towards that, or one of his other toys. I really can't imagine a motive here, however. His wife was a saint.
misterallgood said:
That you would offer a rational argument speaks well of you, though, JerseyGirl -- and I'm totally serious. What it says to me is that you aren't able to really put yourself in the head of someone capable of these kinds of acts. I wish I couldn't, but it comes with a certain upbringing, exposure to certain personality types, being related to them by blood.
Very good post, misterallgood. Your points are well-taken.

Unfortunately, however, I understand well how the minds of some of these criminals work. I have a college background in psychology, and I lived a hell of a life with an abnormal personality in my immediate family until I was nearly a teen-ager. I'm certainly no expert but I do understand how certain personality types act & react much differently than us "normal" folks do. :crazy:

I guess that I'm still at the point where I don't have enough information to decide whether or not he's narcissistic or anti-social, etc. The research that you've all been doing, and the details that you've been providing are amazing, though. Thank you all for your research, and trying to help us get the details to put the pieces of this tragedy together. I agree with those of you that believe that LE already has a suspect but is waiting to build an air-tight case before charging anyone. Hopefully we are right, and there will be swift justice for Janet and for her baby as well.
FWIW, I don't think there was a motorcycle, ever. Just like the story told about them buying their first house ( photos and all associated links are gone from the Internet Archives- Raven erased them).. The Abaroas would have to have been 21 years old at the time of the purchase by the date on the archived journal entry. Janet took that year off from college, to be with her husband, according to her college..
I am also wondering if he ever had the 1999 Isuzu that he devotes a page to in his current website. " My XL".

I did a search of all active mission locations, and I did not find a past LDS missionary with either the first name of Raven or the last name of Abaroa matching his age and possible mission years. Another thing that makes me go " hmm".
There has been speculation about his name changing at some point because NO soccer records can be found for a " Raven Abaroa". I decided to search LDS records as best as I know how to... came up empty until Janet's murder.
PrayersForMaura said:
True he probably has his own, he just doesn't strike me as very smart. Especially in the email I saw that he wrote to a client of his... He's a wannabe smart one but it seems Janet graduated with some honors and I wonder if he graduated at all??
No, he didn't graduate from any kind of college. I don't know about HS, or whether he took a GED test. He had 1 year at a Jr. College, and 1 yr. at the college Janet went to. It's part of his archived " IT experience" resume".

would you be able to shed any light on the following statement for us? I'm curious as to why Raven would identify himself as a Lamanite. I've also found it interesting his obsession with tribes / teams / houses, as if he's desperate to find something to belong to and be a part of.

"I have just enough Native American and Hispanic blood to claim myself as Lamanite. Malfoy in the Harry Potter series would call me a Muggle or Mud-Blood. In any case, I am proud of my Native American grandfather and my Mexican grandfather. Both have overcome many obstacles to give their families the lifestyles we have now. It is what it is my friends! "
Thinkoflaura said:
No, he didn't graduate from any kind of college. I don't know about HS, or whether he took a GED test. He had 1 year at a Jr. College, and 1 yr. at the college Janet went to. It's part of his archived " IT experience" resume".

One thing I found odd in the press release from the college it mentioned that Janet took a year off from school to spend with Raven. Usually, once people leave school like that it takes a long time for them to get back to school (if they ever do). I think it says a lot about Janet that she returned to finish her education.
golfmom said:
One thing I found odd in the press release from the college it mentioned that Janet took a year off from school to spend with Raven. Usually, once people leave school like that it takes a long time for them to get back to school (if they ever do). I think it says a lot about Janet that she returned to finish her education.
Yes, I've been going back and adding everything offically said or known up and checking it against Raven's archived entries today.. Interesting.

She took the year 2001 off from college to be with her husband, returned for the years 2002 and 2003, when she graduated with honor.
Everything I have read about Janet says SO MUCH good about the pretty young woman. I'm in total agreement with you that SHE was a follow through, do it well type of person.
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