TX - Crystal Seratte McDowell, 38, Baytown, 25 Aug 2017 #4

I don't think people wish it on him, so much so much as question why it wasn't applicable. I was surprised since I often hear about how Texas executes its killers. But in this case I don't think it is appropriate whether it met the rules for it or not. I think if I felt it was premeditated I might think it should qualify but with his kids so young, I just think that would make it even worse on them.

I'm still torn on how I feel about he was the one who told them, but I guess the family has to do what they think is best at the time. There really is no guidebook for these sorts of things.

He didn't tell the kids why he was in jail or that their mom was dead or that he killed her.

Crystal's aunt (Cindy) has been on Primetime Justice the past couple of nights. Cindy told the kids their mom "is with Jesus". She said they don't know why their dad is in jail.
We're both just speculating, obviously, but I disagree. If it was a new house and they had separate bedrooms, that makes me think the only reason they were even in that room together was to talk away from the kids (probably at his beckoning). I think he got very upset/angry and she decided that she needed to leave. But before she could make it to the door he put her in a choke hold. She may have expressed fear of him on several occasions, but I can't imagine her entering that room with him if she feared for her life at that moment.

Sure, that's possible. I just think there would have been more of a struggle and noise if he had grabbed her as she tried to get away. From the layout of the house posted in thread 3 there does not seem to be extra bedrooms on the main level. There is only a master suite downstairs with bathroom and walk-in closet. The kids bedrooms were upstairs. I'm not sure what their sleeping arrangements were while they lived there or why she would agree to go into the bedroom with him. But if she had clothes in the closet she might have gone in there to get something or gone in there to use the master bath. She had just come from her boyfriend's house and she was walking outside in barefeet on the video. She might have wanted a shower or to freshen up. We are both only guessing, of course. I learn towards this being premeditated so perhaps that colors my perception of things. :moo:
It seems like SM has engendered sympathy or empathy. LE seems to feel for him in ways I haven't seen with other cases.
Even some of CM's family and friends are expressing empathy for him. That just never happens with these cases. It is very strange and I'm not sure what to make of it.

What makes SM different?? Is it Texas and the underlying male dominance in the culture? Is it that SM was a good father? All three of his kids seem amazing, and he had a very large role in all of their lives. CM was gone a lot with her airline job, and SM was the primary parent often. Or is it that people only see the presentation on the outside, not knowing the hidden underside that only CM knew about?

I do hold LE responsible for their lead in how SM is being treated...

Interested in knowing what others think.
The sheriff is really creeping me out with the way he speaks about SM and the way he touched him in the video of when SM is arriving to court yesterday. It was really off putting how he gently touched his shoulders several times. I thought maybe he was guiding him a bit as to where to go when he got out of the car but there was only one door there and others were going in it. The sheriff did it again once inside the building. It really gave me a strange feeling.
Wow, conversation with the Aunt from last night's show:


I just don't understand why she would stay in his home or allow her kids to stay with someone who made threats to her or threats against the kids! I just don't understand. My ex was abusive and the one he put his hands around my neck, I moved out the same day. My one regret is not calling the police because I felt bad that he would lose his job. But if I had, I wouldn't be fighting still, almost 7 years later, to keep my daughter safe. He wouldn't have unsupervised visits with her.

I just don't get why she would stay. If she was afraid of him finding out, WHY did she let him put her ad up? Why date publicly and sleep over while living with her ex, if she was afraid of her ex killing her over it? I'm not blaming her, it is his fault. But her actions don't make sense to me.

Maybe it wouldn't have made a difference anyway, though. I'm not sure he wouldn't have lost is marbles another time. I hope he hates himself.
We're both just speculating, obviously, but I disagree. If it was a new house and they had separate bedrooms, that makes me think the only reason they were even in that room together was to talk away from the kids (probably at his beckoning). I think he got very upset/angry and she decided that she needed to leave. But before she could make it to the door he put her in a choke hold. She may have expressed fear of him on several occasions, but I can't imagine her entering that room with him if she feared for her life at that moment.

Has it been said they had separate bedrooms? When she moved house with him, maybe they were giving it one more chance, but then she met someone else and realized that things couldn't be saved. My impression from the sheriff was that she was also having relations with her ex, but of course that would be based off of what the ex said and however the sheriff twisted it.
He didn't tell the kids why he was in jail or that their mom was dead or that he killed her.

Crystal's aunt (Cindy) has been on Primetime Justice the past couple of nights. Cindy told the kids their mom "is with Jesus". She said they don't know why their dad is in jail.

Some posters may have gotten the wrong impression from my mistake/misunderstanding from when I watched the show live and was live posting it here. When I was watching it live, I thought Aunt Cindy was saying they were going to let Steve tell the kids their mother had died. But Liltexans is correct that he did NOT tell them anything about their mom and Aunt Cindy had to tell them later in the park. According to what she said he just held them and cried while they asked what was going on. Here is part of the video of Aunt Cindy: https://www.facebook.com/AshleighBanfield/videos/vb.134954519756/10155650288829757/?type=3&theater

And here is the transcript for anyone who wants to read the actual words (the fb clip cuts off the telling them in the park part): http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1709/11/ptab.01.html

There was a lot of emotion in that interview and I was crying at the time I live posted it so apologies if anything I posted previously was incorrect.
"I think he knew the storm was coming in and this would help cover his tracks," her beau Paul Hargrave told ABC 13. "I think I had a lot to do with his decision to do this and I can't help but feel responsible for that."


I do think that he acted without thinking, in the initial infatuation phase of their relationship. Small town, putting up that billboard, accepting her invitation on the cruise. These were all things that someone on the outside would see as potentially agrivating an already tense situation. Not that he is responsible for SM's actions AT ALL. I just wish people would think a little bit, and take things slow. As in "I am really interested in dating you. Let me know when you have fully separated from your ex, and we can get together." That's the adult thing to do, which respects everyone involved. Instead of getting inserted into the drama and adding fuel to the flames. So often the relationships that start right after a split are doomed anyway. Why not take it slow? I know, it's asking a lot. I just wish. Hindsight being 20/20 and all that.....
It seems like SM has engendered sympathy or empathy. LE seems to feel for him in ways I haven't seen with other cases.
Even some of CM's family and friends are expressing empathy for him. That just never happens with these cases. It is very strange and I'm not sure what to make of it.

What makes SM different?? Is it Texas and the underlying male dominance in the culture? Is it that SM was a good father? All three of his kids seem amazing, and he had a very large role in all of their lives. CM was gone a lot with her airline job, and SM was the primary parent often. Or is it that people only see the presentation on the outside, not knowing the hidden underside that only CM knew about?

I do hold LE responsible for their lead in how SM is being treated...

Interested in knowing what others think.

Perhaps they are just taking the lead from the family. Crystal's aunt is showing a lot of sympathy and seems capable of forgiveness. I've lived in the Houston area since 2001, having moved here from a very liberal part of the northeast, and I can't say that this area is any more male-dominated than anywhere else. Houston is a very progressive city (for Texas, anyway), and Baytown is considered part of the greater Houston area (as is where I live). The major difference, to me, is how much of a role religion plays in some people's lives. I think people are just more willing to forgive because of it, which is certainly confusing to people who think Texas is a no-nonsense, death penalty-loving state.
He didn't tell the kids why he was in jail or that their mom was dead or that he killed her.

Crystal's aunt (Cindy) has been on Primetime Justice the past couple of nights. Cindy told the kids their mom "is with Jesus". She said they don't know why their dad is in jail.

It sounded to me the first time it was discussed that SM told them she was deceased and then cried with them... and then the aunt told them that their mom was with Jesus but would always be with them and all of that. Let me see if I can find it.
Has it been said they had separate bedrooms? When she moved house with him, maybe they were giving it one more chance, but then she met someone else and realized that things couldn't be saved. My impression from the sheriff was that she was also having relations with her ex, but of course that would be based off of what the ex said and however the sheriff twisted it.

What?!? I never got this impression at all. Wow. What made you think that?
It sounded to me the first time it was discussed that SM told them she was deceased and then cried with them... and then the aunt told them that their mom was with Jesus but would always be with them and all of that. Let me see if I can find it.

I think what I read must have been someone's summarization that made it sound like SM told them. But reading the transcript again makes me see it seems that the aunt did.
What?!? I never got this impression at all. Wow. What made you think that?

Probably the part where he said she was in multiple relationships. I don't recall the exact wording. No way to know for sure either way though.
Regarding the separate bedrooms: I literally read that just today, but I can't remember where. If it's hearsay, feel free to ignore it. It may be one of those things where someone else said it and I just took it as fact.

I just don't get why she would stay. If she was afraid of him finding out, WHY did she let him put her ad up?

We don't know if he knew exactly who Paul was, where he worked, or if he even saw the ad. Real estate agents advertise themselves all over the place, so even if he did see it in the very small window of time that it was up, I imagine he'd just think she bought ad space there.
Probably the part where he said she was in multiple relationships. I don't recall the exact wording. No way to know for sure either way though.

She had multiple PAST relationships that the sheriff looked into. That doesn't mean she had multiple relationships at the same time. She was 38 years old and had only been married to Steve for 10 years. That means she was 28 when she married him. I doubt very much that she had no boyfriends up until Steve came into her life in her late 20's. The sheriff said that when talking about who they were investigating as possible suspects and what their motive may have been. He wasn't trying to say anything bad about her dating history. JMO.
Seems like sheriff is in love with SM...

-I AGREE!!! Second to how bizarre Steve is, is the Sheriff! I don't understand why he is not being challenged by AB or anyone else on his way out of line answers. BECAUSE HAS ANYONE HEARD HIM SAY 'In my opinion only'?!?!

Its awful that Crystal is gone, and it's awful that a complete stranger is writing a story for her.
It seems like SM has engendered sympathy or empathy. LE seems to feel for him in ways I haven't seen with other cases.
Even some of CM's family and friends are expressing empathy for him. That just never happens with these cases. It is very strange and I'm not sure what to make of it.

What makes SM different?? Is it Texas and the underlying male dominance in the culture? Is it that SM was a good father? All three of his kids seem amazing, and he had a very large role in all of their lives. CM was gone a lot with her airline job, and SM was the primary parent often. Or is it that people only see the presentation on the outside, not knowing the hidden underside that only CM knew about?

I do hold LE responsible for their lead in how SM is being treated...

Interested in knowing what others think.

I do wonder why they would be sympathetic. I got the vibe the aunt was saying that she still loves him and we all make mistakes. Sorry, but no. I accidentally grabbed the wrong jug and put pineapple juice on my Raisin Bran this morning. That is a mistake. Strangling someone = not a mistake. Why would anyone minimize that or sympathize with a killer. Especially her family or friends.

If he bails out would he be allowed to see the kids or go to her funeral?
-I AGREE!!! Second to how bizarre Steve is, is the Sheriff! I don't understand why he is not being challenged by AB or anyone else on his way out of line answers. BECAUSE HAS ANYONE HEARD HIM SAY 'In my opinion only'?!?!

Its awful that Crystal is gone, and it's awful that a complete stranger is writing a story for her.

My jaw is on the floor each time he opens his mouth. I cant even watch him anymore. No matter what his personal feelings or bro code he has with SM, its called PRODFESSIONALISM.
Some posters may have gotten the wrong impression from my mistake/misunderstanding from when I watched the show live and was live posting it here. When I was watching it live, I thought Aunt Cindy was saying they were going to let Steve tell the kids their mother had died. But Liltexans is correct that he did NOT tell them anything about their mom and Aunt Cindy had to tell them later in the park. According to what she said he just held them and cried while they asked what was going on. Here is part of the video of Aunt Cindy: https://www.facebook.com/AshleighBanfield/videos/vb.134954519756/10155650288829757/?type=3&theater

And here is the transcript for anyone who wants to read the actual words (the fb clip cuts off the telling them in the park part): http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1709/11/ptab.01.html

There was a lot of emotion in that interview and I was crying at the time I live posted it so apologies if anything I posted previously was incorrect.

Thanks for clarifying this!
She had multiple PAST relationships that the sheriff looked into. That doesn't mean she had multiple relationships at the same time. She was 38 years old and had only been married to Steve for 10 years. That means she was 28 when she married him. I doubt very much that she had no boyfriends up until Steve came into her life in her late 20's. The sheriff said that when talking about who they were investigating as possible suspects and what their motive may have been. He wasn't trying to say anything bad about her dating history. JMO.

Either way, we don't know what went on in their home. They seemed very much entwined, to an unhealthy point. Lots of people sleep with their exes when they DONT live together. Clearly there were some serious boundary issues in this relationship, so I can't rule out that they still slept in the same room together. If he is as controlling as it sounds and he didn't want his family to know they were divorced, maybe they didn't even tell the kids yet, and at his insistence, shared a room to maintain the status quo and not make the kids think something was wrong. We don't know. We speculate here, and I have no reason to think she didn't share a room with him.

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