SC - Michael, 3, & Alexander Smith, 14 mos, drowned in lake, Union, 25 Oct 1994

Hello WS :)

That was fifteen years ago? Wow. She was one of the very first "mother kills child" cases that I was aware of in my life. I admit I only know what I saw in the media(for what that's worth) and I know nothing more of this case.

Wait a second! This woman confessed to letting her sons - strapped in their car seats - roll with her car down a lake ramp and drown and she wants a new trial?! Give me a break! She should be thankful she only got life in prison and not the death penalty.
Yep, 15 years. I was pregnant with my oldest child when that happened.

Ironically, I was also reading Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule at the time, and immediately knew she did it. Back then I wasn't so cynical or suspicious, so it was out of character for me to even suggest it.

I wonder what legal options there would have been for a jury in 1994. I can't imagine a jury finding her "not guilty" no matter what mitigating circumstances. And a smart prosecutor with a confession in his pocket (and such a high profile case!) would not add lesser included charges.

Could the judge have taken her excuses into consideration or was there a mandatory sentence?

My point is, I wonder if it would have mattered at all.
Yep, 15 years. I was pregnant with my oldest child when that happened.

Ironically, I was also reading Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule at the time, and immediately knew she did it. Back then I wasn't so cynical or suspicious, so it was out of character for me to even suggest it.

I wonder what legal options there would have been for a jury in 1994. I can't imagine a jury finding her "not guilty" no matter what mitigating circumstances. And a smart prosecutor with a confession in his pocket (and such a high profile case!) would not add lesser included charges.

Could the judge have taken her excuses into consideration or was there a mandatory sentence?

My point is, I wonder if it would have mattered at all.
She was spared the DP and given a life sentence with eligibility for parole in 2024. She's already been given enough consideration, imo.
This case really hit close to home for me....I went to school with the boys' cousin. It was a very sad time for everyone around.

Susan Smith is a nutcase. She's exactly where she belongs.
I knew she was guilty as sin first time I saw her on tv. My daughter was just talking about her because that was the first time I ever did not give a parent the benefit of doubt.She is pure evil and should have been given the death penalty.IMO she lost her rights when she killed those 2 beautiful boys. And for what because the man she wanted did not want a ready made family.
"Solicitor Kevin Brackett said Smith claims her attorney failed to adequately represent her when she was on trial 15 years ago. In a handwritten petition filed in Union County, Smith also claimed the trial was "unfair."

OMG, she is outrageous to even ask. Just pitiful. As if a woman who did this to her children can expect a new trial makes me ill to even think about it.

What nerve.

I remember this like it was yesterday.

Let her suffer in prison where she so belongs.:banghead::banghead:

What a disgusting, delusional, waste of air she is. :furious:
i was fairly young when this crime happened. it was the first time i had heard of a mother killing her own child. i was absolutely dumbfounded by the concept!

i hope this monster stays where she belongs. those sweet little boys never had a chance to grow and enjoy life. all because mommy decided her new love interest was more important :furious:
Go ahead-give her a new trial-and this time attach the DP!:furious:
I'm sick and tired of spending taxpayers money keeping these monsters alive!:banghead:
Oh, this is just beyond belief! Susan Smith is a lying murderer of those two beautiful boys. She murdered those boys because she was goofy over a guy that did not want children. He wrote her a letter trying to let her down gently, and what does she do? Murders her sons because she thinks the guy will be with her if she doesn't have children!

Susan Smith had two beautiful little boys and a great husband that she evidently did not want. She is guilty and should spend the rest of her natural life in prison, IMO. She is lucky she was not up for the death penalty.

Didn't the article state that she could be released in 2024? She is lucky to have that, IMO, because she should never get out. She is guilty and should not have the tax dollars spent for an appeal. Those boys had no options and neither should she.

I simply cannot bear her. I say no appeal for you, Susan Smith!
"Solicitor Kevin Brackett said Smith claims her attorney failed to adequately represent her when she was on trial 15 years ago. In a handwritten petition filed in Union County, Smith also claimed the trial was "unfair."

Give me a friggin' break would ya?

This is your life Susan - grin and bear it! At least you still have a life.
I was 11 when this happened. My friends mom was bawling on the couch and when we asked what's wrong she told us of the story that S Smith originally said...then she cried harder and said she somehow knew she was lying...and she was crying for the kids...and she held us ALLLLLLL night...wouldn't let us at 11 this isn't typical, at any other time we would have been saying things like "ewww get away" and laughing and walking to the other room...but we all cried that night...I say she got off easy...a lot easier than those children...
~respectfully snipped and bolded by me~
Susan Smith had two beautiful little boys and a great husband that she evidently did not want. She is guilty and should spend the rest of her natural life in prison, IMO. She is lucky she was not up for the death penalty.

I simply cannot bear her. I say no appeal for you, Susan Smith!

In her brief, SS now says she was a "battered woman" and her crimes should have been mitigated because she did not want her sons subjected to sexual abuse by their father. :eek::eek:

If she was a battered woman - I'm pretty sure she would not have had a boyfriend. Most battered women are too afraid to leave their homes, let alone have an affair. JMO

I say....I would be all for a new trial...IF she was death penalty eligible this time around!

Then let's just see how anxious she would be to roll the dice;)
~respectfully snipped and bolded by me~

In her brief, SS now says she was a "battered woman" and her crimes should have been mitigated because she did not want her sons subjected to sexual abuse by their father. :eek::eek:

If she was a battered woman - I'm pretty sure she would not have had a boyfriend. Most battered women are too afraid to leave their homes, let alone have an affair. JMO


OMG!! As if Michael and Alex's father hasn't suffered enough and will for the rest of his life on this earth!!! Poor man stood by her during the early days until her confession! Now, she's trying to re-victimize him again!!
She is evil beyond words!!:furious:
this battered woman thing is just pathetic sickening and vomit inducing....
this is the same woman, who during the penalty phase, told her lawyer to back off on cross examinin her husband, saying 'he's been thru enough.
what a crock of you know what............

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