2010.04.06 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

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2010.04.06 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***
Casey Anthony jail house letters to be released
"Snip" MyFoxOrlando.com http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/anthony_case/040610-casey-anthony

Updated: Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 6:45 AM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 5:49 AM EDT

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) - We're waiting to get some jail house letters that Casey Anthony wrote to other inmates.

Casey Anthony wrote roughly 50 letters to another inmate in the Orange County jail. The defense isn't fighting to keep the letters from becoming public.

There's no admissions," said Jose Baez.

But sources say there are harsh words.

Sources tell FOX 35 that Casey Anthony’s parents might not want to look at the letters. Apparently their daughter isn't very kind to them.

Casey Anthony remains in protective custody in a solitary cell. She’s only let out for minimal amounts of time and, according to jail policy, is not supposed to have communication with other inmates.
Anthony's Jail Letters To Be Released Defense Opts Not To Fight Release

POSTED: Tuesday, April 6, 2010
"Snip" http://www.clickorlando.com/news/23...lpn_12pm&tmi=orlpn_12pm_1_10550104062010&ts=H

State attorney's office is expected to release more than 250 pages of letters between Anthony and inmate Robyn Adams today.

Casey Anthony's attorneys were given a chance to fight their release, but announced Monday that they had chosen not to.

State prosecutors have said the letters contain information that is relevant to the murder case against Anthony, but do not contain a confession.

Anthony and Adams exchanged more than 50 notes while in protective custody at the jail.

The letters were possibly passed with the help of a corrections officer.

Adams is in federal prison serving a 10-year sentence for possession of marijuana.
UPDATED: Jail Letters: Casey Tells Inmate She Used Chloroform On Caylee
Posted: 12:07 pm EDT April 6,2010
Updated: 6:33 pm EDT April 6, 2010
Tuesday's newly-released documents give the most revealing look into Casey Anthony's life behind bars that the public has seen since she was first arrested nearly two years ago. Casey Anthony rambled in her letters and contradicts herself from sentence to sentence at times. All in all, she communicated less about Caylee and much more about her plans for her new life once she gets out of jail.

In the letters, Casey told inmate Robyn Adams that Caylee had trouble sleeping and she had to use chloroform to put her to sleep. Also, Casey Anthony implied to Robyn Adams that her mother, Cindy Anthony, brought chloroform home from the clinic where she worked.

Casey claimed in one of her letters that she had given Caylee to the nanny, while she prepared for the two of them to start a new life and wrote, "That's why I waited to report her missing. Because she was and wasn't."

However, Casey confided to Adams that there was no &#8220;Zenaida.&#8221; Adams believes that may have been written in one of the letters she sent to her friend, Tracey Nealley. Although Casey Anthony and Robyn Adams agreed to flush the letters after reading them, Adams kept them and mailed them to Nealley.

Adams also told investigators that, on the day Caylee was found and after the jail chaplain already told Casey that Caylee&#8217;s remains had been found, Casey told Adams that Caylee was found in a baby blanket in a black trash bag. However, the chaplain didn't know that at the time.

Casey also accused her brother Lee Anthony of sexually abusing her for three years, starting when she was 12 years old. She wrote to Adams that he stopped after she threatened to kill him if he came back into her room. Casey also claimed that she was molested by her father George when she was younger, but did not elaborate further. She said her mother accused her of lying and called her a *advertiser censored*.

Casey Anthony&#8217;s jail house friends also said Casey thought she was famous. In the letters, Casey wrote that she had to get pretty before she went to court and she laughed when her case got national attention. But she isn't a fan of WFTV or reporter Kathi Belich. &#8220;I&#8217;ve really started to dispise (sic) Channel 9, and Kathi Belich. No integrity. They don&#8217;t check facts anymore which is just plain wrong, and very sad,&#8221; Casey wrote in one of her letters.

Casey also talked about her fan mail. In one letter, she wrote that she got thousands of letters and cards from people across the country supporting her. She also wrote that at least two men had become obsessed with her and one even proposed to her on several occasions.

"Really? Is this what celebrities have to deal with? Yikes!" Casey wrote.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect is Casey thinks God communicates with her by making her sneeze to agree or disagree with what's she's thinking. The documents also reveal that she seems to look to attorney Jose Baez as her father, inmate Robyn Adams as her sister and Baez's assistant as her new crush.

Casey even jokes, calling herself a loser for having a crush on one of her own attorneys. She blames it on what she calls the lack of contact with intelligent, attractive males while behind bars. However, her so-called father-figure, Jose Baez, consoles her, saying he's sorry she hasn't met a man deserving of her, but he guaranteed it would happen someday.

Holloway said George confided in her that Caylee's death was an accident that went wrong, but George never told her what the accident was. He even relayed a story where he yelled at Casey, "I know you killed her! What did you do with her?" Then he allegedly choked Casey and Cindy had to pull him off.

Holloway said Cindy thought George was looking for a job when he was really spending time with her. She claims George said Cindy was a carbon copy of Casey. "'She's cold. She has battery acid running through her veins,'" Holloway said George told her of Cindy. In the reports, investigators saud a security guard at Holloway&#8217;s gated community said George would drive there and visit her regularly.

Prosecutors want the transcript from a hearing last year when a former member of Casey's defense team made a specific statement in court. &#8220;The body or remains of Caylee Anthony were placed there after Casey Anthony was locked up in the Orange County correctional facility. There is substantial evidence and that proves, your honor, her innocence,&#8221; attorney Todd Macaluso said in August. State prosecutors filed the motion Monday to get that transcript from the two-hour hearing, but the motion does not say why they want the information.

Later this month, more discovery documents are expected to be released. In May, the civil case brought against Casey by Zenaida Gonzalez will have a pre-trial hearing.

*Much more at link!

VIDEO REPORT: Casey Talks About "Celebrity" Status In Jail Letters 2:06

VIDEO REPORT: Casey's Letters Claim No Nanny, Molestation 5:53
In jailhouse letters, Casey admitted there is no nanny and that she used chloroform on Caylee. (04/06/10)

CASEY JAIL LETTERS (explicit): Read Them All

DOCUMENT: Sheriff's Report


TRANSCRIPT: 2010.02.10-2010.03.15~Robyn Adams Pages1-22

TRANSCRIPT: 2010.02.17~Krystal Holloway Pages 1-84

TRANSCRIPT: Investigation 2010.02.10-2010.03.15~Silvia Hernandez Pages1-22

TRANSCRIPT: 2010.02.26~Linda Tinelli Pages 1-16

TRANSCRIPT: 2008.09.11~Rozzie Franco Pages1-15

VIDEO REPORT: Casey Anthony Pen Pal Letters Expected To Be Released 1:15

RAW INTERVIEW: Jose Baez Talks To WFTV After Casey Records Hearing 4:10
WFTV spoke with Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, after her Monday hearing. (04/06/10)

UPDATED: Casey Anthony's jailhouse letters released
Updated: Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 6:03 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 5:49 AM EDT
The hundreds of pages of letters do not contain a confession, but Anthony frequently complained about her family in the letters she wrote to a female drug dealer she befriended at the Orange County Jail. Anthony also wrote of her profound dislike of her former boyfriend, Jesse Grund, indicating that she was relieved when he informed her that DNA tests proved he wasn't her daughter's father.

In one excerpt, Casey elaborates on a paternity test she had taken to determine the true father of Caylee Marie.

"Our 'exes' sure are winners aren't they! At least I know, well am 99 % sure, that Cays isn't Jesse's. We had a paternity test done when she was a couple weeks old, and it took forever to get the results back which I've been told shouldn't have been the case ... and according to the paper he brought to my house in late Sept. 05, Jesse wasn't the father. Joy to the world! The strange thing is, Baez asked for him to give a sample of his DNA, and he refused! We wanted to see whether or not the test results from 4 years ago were true. Drama. I despise that loser and I pity him and his self-righteous Christian family. His dad claim's to be the right hand of God. Hate to burst his bubble, but Jesus sits there. I totally know what you went through with Sam's dad. Same exact feelings J's dad had towards me. And no, they aren't Spanish. Something almost worst- Italian. I've always like Italian guys, but I've come to realize that I need to stick to my roots and go Irish. They may be drunks, but at least they cook and know how to properly treat a woman. Can I get an Amen?"

*Much more at link!


*Video Report Included In Article!

READ: Casey's Prison Letters Part One >>>

UPDATED: Inmate: Casey Anthony used drugs to &#8216;knock&#8217; out Caylee
Letters and new evidence give public insight into what Casey Anthony has been saying in jail.

7:49 p.m. EDT, April 6, 2010
Casey Anthony told one fellow jail inmate she used chloroform to put her daughter Caylee to sleep, and told another she used to "knock" out the toddler so she could go out at night, according to documents just released in the first-degree murder case against the 24-year-old mother. On Tuesday, jailhouse letters and other investigative documents give the first public insight into what Casey Anthony has been doing, who she's been talking to, and what she's been saying in conversations with fellow inmates. The topics range from Anthony's plans to take an RV trip when she gets out of jail, to complaints about her mother, to a crush on one of her attorneys.

Robyn Adams, another inmate who communicated with Casey Anthony verbally and through letters, told investigators Anthony told her Caylee had trouble sleeping and she used chloroform to put her to sleep. Anthony implied that her mother, Cindy Anthony, may have brought the chloroform home when she worked at a local clinic.

Adams told investigators Anthony also confided in her there was no babysitter named Zenaida. (Casey Anthony told law enforcement a babysitter named Zenaida took Caylee.) But in one letter to Adams, Anthony wrote about Zenaida.

Anthony wrote about how she had plans to move away with her daughter but her plans got "tangled." "Zany wouldn't tell me where she and Cays were. I had asked her to take Cays for a few days so I could put the rest of our stuff together, money I had saved, new clothes, new everything. That's why I waited to report her missing, because she was and wasn't. I would give anything to go back to that day and to not have let Caylee out of my sight."

Adams also said that on the day Caylee's remains were discovered in December 2008, Anthony told her law enforcement found the body of a small child with a baby blanket inside a black garbage bag. "As a note, the information regarding the baby blanket and black garbage bag was not made known to the jail chaplain so Casey Anthony had knowledge of items on the suspect, certain law enforcement personnel and the certain medical examiner's personnel knew," a Sheriff's Office report said.

In addition to the investigative documents, the State Attorney's Office also released more than 250 pages of handwritten letters between Anthony and Adams, and between Adams and a friend of hers, Tracy Nealley of Altamonte Springs. Adams struggled with what to do with the letters. She told her friend&#8212; who she sent the letters to so she would keep them safe&#8212; that the letters may help her get out of prison sooner. "I never really thought about how huge this case really is because I'm not on the outside," she wrote on Sept. 3, 2009. She didn't know if there may be valuable information in the notes Anthony sent her.

Other details revealed in Casey Anthony's letters
In letters to Adams, Casey Anthony claims that her attorney told her he was going to try and smuggle into the jail a few crossword or Soduko puzzles. She also wrote that her family emails letters to her attorney, he prints them and then brings them to the jail for her to read, according to the documents. She does not specify which attorney.

*Much more at link!
**7-Page article!

READ IT NOW: Casey Anthony letters (PDF)

READ IT NOW: Casey Anthony letters continued (PDF)

Video: Casey Anthony case video

Audio: Casey Anthony case audio clips

Multimedia: Casey Anthony in court: See comments from Monday's live chat

Stories: Complete coverage of the Casey Anthony case

Casey Anthony: Casey Anthony bashes parents in jailhouse letters, WESH says
posted by halboedeker on April, 6 2010 12:43 PM
We should know soon when her jailhouse letters are released this afternoon. WESH-Channel 2, WKMG-Channel 6 and WFTV-Channel 9 previewed the release on noon newscasts.

&#8220;It will be the first extensive look into her thoughts since she was arrested in October 2008 on the murder charge and put into protective custody at the Orange County Jail,&#8221; Pipitone said.

On WESH, Eryka Washington said, &#8220;This is the first time we&#8217;re getting a glimpse of Casey&#8217;s life behind bars.&#8221;

Washington added that defense attorney Jose Baez did not object to the letters&#8217; release because he says there&#8217;s nothing incriminating on them. &#8220;However, we are told Casey spends a lot of time bashing her parents, George and Cindy Anthony,&#8221; Washington said

UPDATED: Casey: 'I Would Give My Life To Have Caylee Back'
Defense Opts Not To Fight Release

POSTED: Tuesday, April 6, 2010
UPDATED: 5:10 pm EDT April 6, 2010
The state attorney's office released more than 500 pages of letters between Anthony and inmate Robyn Adams Tuesday. They also released a report from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement about interviews with Adams about the pair's relationship.

Adams told agents about how they began communicating, and details about what the pair discussed.

"Anthony would give Caylee 'stuff' to make her sleep. Anthony and Adams discussed chloroform and Anthony stated she used to give Caylee 'antihistamines or something,' to make her sleep. Caylee would have a hard time taking naps because she was afraid of 'missing out on something,' " the FDLE report said. "Caylee used the phrase 'knock her out' in reference to medicating Caylee to help her sleep. Anthony would always like to have her days free."

Allegations Of Abuse
"I know how it feels to be physically, mentally and emotionally abused," Anthony said. "The worst part is, when I tried to confide in someone before -- Jesse, my mom, they turned on me. I was to blame for my own brother walking into my room at night and feeling my breasts while I slept. I woke up night after night with my sports bra lifted up over my chest." "This went on for over three years before I finally stood up to Lee and told told him if he ever came in my room again, I'd kill him," Anthony wrote. "I was 15."

Anthony said she believed her dad also molested her when she was younger.

Casey's 'Crush' On An Attorney
"I haven't told the boys yet, Jose B. will be over-protective and will probably want to tell them to back off (but wouldn't because of the media). Gabe would laugh with me and I'm sure Jose G. would too. Gabe=big brother; Baez=my other papa/super close friend; Jose G.=my school girl crush (still). I'm a loser! I feel like a major one for crushing on one of my attorneys. I'll blame it on lack of contact with 1. attractive males and 2. intelligent, attractive, males," Anthony wrote.

Anthony, Adams' Relationship
Adams told Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents that she and Anthony began communicating through hand gestures, and eventually escalated into a friendship.

FDLE said Adams told them Anthony referenced the discovery of Caylee's remains on two occasions.

"Adams recalled seeing a story on the news in which it was being reported that divers had located a bag of bones in the river at Blanchard Park. That night, Adams went to Anthony to talk to her about it. Anthony told Adams that it was not her daughter. Adams recalled Anthony giggling about the story as if Anthony knew it wasn't her daughter," the FDLE report said.

Agents said Adams told them Anthony only ever seemed afraid on one occasion, when authorities found human remains in the woods by her mother's house.

Adams told FDLE agents that she and Anthony were allowed by a corrections officer named Silvia Hernandez to see each other regularly, sometimes for hours at a time. The pair appear to have exchanged notes by exchanging them through books that Anthony would tell Adams to read in the jail.

*Much more at link!








VIDEO: Anthony's Jail Letters To Be Released 2:24

UPDATED: Casey Anthony Jailhouse Letters Released
Anthony Claims Sexual Abuse By Brother, Possibly Father

POSTED: 5:57 am EDT April 6, 2010
UPDATED: 8:17 pm EDT April 6, 2010
In the letters, Anthony stated she's an emotional wreck and said she was sexually abused. "I woke up night after night with my sports bra lifted over my chest or if I had a regular bra, it would be unhooked," Anthony wrote. Anthony claimed her brother would walk into her room at night and feel her breasts. "This went on for over three years before I finally stood up to Lee and told him if he ever came in my room again, I'd kill him," Anthony wrote.

Anthony said she loved her daughter and believed she was a good mother in search of some freedom. "I don't know one single mom who doesn't try to get their freedom regardless of how old they are. That's one of the biggest things that truly cuts me when I hear them talk about me as a mother. I was a great mom. And I love my daughter with everything that I have. I would give my life to have her back even for five minutes," Anthony wrote.

Anthony indicated her desire to buy a recreational vehicle and take trips with Adams after they're released from jail. "As far as my plans for when I leave, besides trying to entertain your behind until I drag you out of wherever, I'm not sure. I'll start getting things together for our RV trips and such," Anthony wrote.

The letters also indicated Anthony suffered a miscarriage in 2007 and desires to adopt a child. "So many kids and teens are homeless, and that's something I want to target, and ... missing children as well. That sits close to my heart, and I wish there was something we could do to prevent it," Anthony wrote.

Anthony wrote that she continues to talk to Caylee, who she refers to in the letters as Cays, every day. "When I tell Cays how much I lover her, I've always ended it with 'forever and always.' I still do to this day. I talk to her throughout the day, as I do daddy, and it brings a sense of peace to my heart," Anthony wrote. "Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my face. I'm an emotional wreck."

On Tuesday night, Liz Brown, of the DePaul Center for Justice in Capital Cases, released the following statement as the defense response to Anthony's letters:

"The letters released today reflect the natural desire for companionship when isolated for 23 hours a day, and clearly demonstrate Casey's unconditional love for her daughter, Caylee. Despite these intentions, it is obvious in the letters authored by Robyn Adams that her sole purpose and only goal in corresponding with Casey Anthony was to create 'leverage to get out of prison early.' Furthermore, despite numerous inaccurate media reports, the letters written by Casey Anthony do not contain a single reference to chloroform or any admissions of guilt. Casey Anthony maintains her innocence and looks forward to her day in court."

*Much more at link!

Video: Casey Anthony Jailhouse Letters Released 3:49
Secret letters written by Casey Anthony to another inmate are released.



VIDEO: Casey Anthony Jailhouse Letters May Be Revealed 1:13
Secret letters written by Casey Anthony will come to light Tuesday.

Interactive: Where Is Caylee?

Images: Many Looks Of Casey Anthony

Special Section

UPDATED: Casey Alleges Family Abuse, Chloroform Use In Jail Letters
Tuesday, April 06, 2010 5:26:50 PM
Casey told fellow inmate Robyn Adams that Caylee had trouble sleeping and that she had to use chloroform to put her to sleep.

Adams told investigators Casey's mom, Cindy, may have brought the chloroform home when she worked at a local clinic. In the actual interview, Adams says Casey told her she would go out after Caylee went to sleep.

Some of the letters are also about her parents, George and Cindy Anthony, and contain disturbing details of Anthony&#8217;s family life.

In the letters, Anthony said she was abused by her brother, Lee Anthony, since she was a young child. She writes Lee Anthony sexually and mentally abused her just before she turned 12. Casey says for more than three years, Lee would come into her room and touch her breasts in the middle of the night. Casey said she told her mother, but Cindy said Lee was sleepwalking.

She also wrote that she "thinks her father did it to her when she was younger." "I can see him in my room exactly the way it was when I was in elementary school,&#8221; Casey wrote.

Casey Anthony jail letters released (4/6/10)
http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/Casey Anthony Letters Released 4-6-19.pdf

PDF: Witness Interviews
http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/casey anthony documents released 4-6-10.pdf

VIDEO: Jailhouse Letters Release Expected
http://www.cfnews13.com/MediaPlayer...LETTERSW_040620101206&cat=CAC&title=Jailhouse Letters Release Expected

In Depth: The Case Against Casey

See All Case Documents

Key Players








Casey Anthony jail letters released (4/6/10)
http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/Casey Anthony Letters Released 4-6-19.pdf
CASEY JAIL LETTERS (explicit): Read Them All

DOCUMENT: Sheriff's Report


TRANSCRIPT: 2010.02.10-2010.03.15~Robyn Adams Pages1-22

TRANSCRIPT: 2010.02.17~Krystal Holloway Pages 1-84

TRANSCRIPT: Investigation 2010.02.10-2010.03.15~Silvia Hernandez Pages1-22

TRANSCRIPT: 2010.02.26~Linda Tinelli Pages 1-16

TRANSCRIPT: 2008.09.11~Rozzie Franco Pages1-15
UPDATED: Casey Anthony: Casey Anthony talked about Caylee in jail letters; she confided there is no Zenaida Gonzalez
posted by halboedeker on April, 6 2010 4:27 PM
Later, Kealing reported that Anthony confided there was no Zenaida Gonzalez, the nanny who supposedly took care of Caylee. And Anthony wrote that she used chloroform to help Caylee sleep when the toddler had trouble nodding off, WESH reported.

Kealing highlighted these passages:

***&#8221;I&#8217;ve had to forgive what happened to my Caylee, but I&#8217;m still angry,&#8221; Anthony writes.

***&#8221;I was a great mom,&#8221; she wrote.

***&#8221;I loved my daughter with everything I have,&#8221; she wrote.

*** In one of the stranger passages, she talks about wanting to adopt a child from Ireland.

***Casey used the nickname &#8220;Cays&#8221; for her daughter and said talks to the child through the day.

WFTV highlighted that Casey said her mother, Cindy, called her a *advertiser censored* and accused her of lying.

Other documents released today provided insight into Krystal Holloway &#8212; who&#8217;s also known as River Cruz. Holloway said she befriended George Anthony and spent hours with her, but the relationship never turned sexual, WFTV&#8217;s Jeff Deal reported. Holloway says that George confided that Caylee&#8217;s death was an accident that snowballed out of control.

&#8220;But George never told her what the accident was,&#8221; Deal said. &#8220;He even relayed a story where he yelled at Casey, saying, &#8216;I know you killed her. What did you do with her?&#8217; Then he choked Casey and Cindy had to pull him off.&#8221;

A security guard at Holloway&#8217;s gated community supported her story that George regularly visited, Deal added.

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