Exactly WHAT about Phoebe could set them "free?"

Whadduup YO??? :)

I mean it literally in this instance.

To you and or SK:

'I am confused by the confusion.

Michelle has stated her belief that Phoebe brought it on herself. Michelle has further stated that she was on the Anti-Bullying Task Force. Recently its come to light that a teacher on this task force expressed a viewpoint which was, at best, ignorant. This viewpoint correlated comPLETELY with what Michelle has said all along....in attacking Phoebe for "inciting them".

So why the bewilderment on ya'lls part about which teacher on the task force made the comment?'

Why does SK act as though this is a mystery?

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I wonder if they will try them as a group or as individuals. What would "set them free" IMO is pointing the finger at others. "I didn't do it. It was him. I said to stop, but she wouldn't."
LOL, that is a good one!
Has anyone read the articles posted by Slate yet? I believe that the author here is blaming Phoebe entirely & is probably trying not to:

What really Happened to Phoebe Prince? By Slate. That one was posted 9 days ago.

Also, Phoebe's father also speaks out (This was posted today):

Talking to Phoebe Prince's father, by Slate.

I thought that the article with the info from Phoebe's Dad might deserve it's own thread for discussion and came in to see if it was posted.
Jeremy Prince gave a telephone interview to a journalist. Short snip.


snip~This is a much more temperate position than the one taken by people who say that "Justice for Phoebe" means sending all the kids to prison. Jeremy Prince lost the real Phoebe, not an idea of her, but he is not ready to subscribe to the view that such harsh punishment is necessarily warranted, though he said he will wait to see what the court decides. What he wants, he said, is an apology from the kids he believes hurt his daughter. "I'd dearly like to see admission and contrition, so that I could forgive," Prince said at the end of our conversation.* "If they confessed to the court and said they were sorry, I'd appeal to the court for total leniency. You can go two ways. You can look to the court for revenge or you can look for leniency. The latter path is mine." ~ end snip.

The article really is a great read.
Has anyone read the articles posted by Slate yet? I believe that the author here is blaming Phoebe entirely & is probably trying not to:

What really Happened to Phoebe Prince? By Slate. That one was posted 9 days ago.

Also, Phoebe's father also speaks out (This was posted today):

Talking to Phoebe Prince's father, by Slate.

I did read the article on slate and I pretty much agree with the author of the article.
Apparently violation of civil rights with bodily injury resulting is because of her suicide. I have a problem with blaming other people for someone's suicide, unless it's really convincing evidence that somebody was driven to suicide and that's what the goal was, and I don't see this kind of thing in this case.
I personally do not understand how these kind of charges apply to this particular case. How is her suicide considered a bodily injury resulting from violation of her civil rights? She did commit the suicide herself.
I also don't understand statutory rape charges in a case where the boy denies they had sex and since she committed suicide she can not testify otherwise.
I did read the article on slate and I pretty much agree with the author of the article.
Apparently violation of civil rights with bodily injury resulting is because of her suicide. I have a problem with blaming other people for someone's suicide, unless it's really convincing evidence that somebody was driven to suicide and that's what the goal was, and I don't see this kind of thing in this case.
I personally do not understand how these kind of charges apply to this particular case. How is her suicide considered a bodily injury resulting from violation of her civil rights? She did commit the suicide herself.
I also don't understand statutory rape charges in a case where the boy denies they had sex and since she committed suicide she can not testify otherwise.

Probably most of the charges were made to punish the kids involved. I don't think that there are reasonable grounds to convict any of them, but the charges in themselves will punish them even if they aren't convicted. The prosecutor may be throwing the book at them on all possibilities in anticipation of eventually intimidating them into a plea-deal on a lesser charge. Sort of legal bullying.

They will never be able to go to that town again without people pointing fingers at them, and the damage to their reputations will last a long time. Plus, because of the way people think, being accused like that will make them social pariahs and valid targets for bullying themselves in many people's minds (they will consider it socially acceptable to act that way). So, even if they are not convicted of anything, these kids are going to pay a heavy price.
Jeremy Prince gave a telephone interview to a journalist. Short snip.


snip~This is a much more temperate position than the one taken by people who say that "Justice for Phoebe" means sending all the kids to prison. Jeremy Prince lost the real Phoebe, not an idea of her, but he is not ready to subscribe to the view that such harsh punishment is necessarily warranted, though he said he will wait to see what the court decides. What he wants, he said, is an apology from the kids he believes hurt his daughter. "I'd dearly like to see admission and contrition, so that I could forgive," Prince said at the end of our conversation.* "If they confessed to the court and said they were sorry, I'd appeal to the court for total leniency. You can go two ways. You can look to the court for revenge or you can look for leniency. The latter path is mine." ~ end snip.

The article really is a great read.

They would be idiots if they confessed and relied on unofficial appeals from someone else for leniency. Not going to happen IMO.
Well the statutory rape charge has been dropped. Anyone surprised? How can someone be prosecuted for statutory rape when an alleged victim is dead?
So, why were these charges of statutory rape ever brought?

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