KY - Man shoots self outside Catholic Church


Verified Expert
Sep 22, 2009
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An Owensboro man who shot himself Thursday morning in the parking lot of Blessed Mother Catholic Church made a post on his Facebook page earlier in the day about the "pain and torment" he experienced because of sexual abuse in the Catholic church.

Jarboe wrote about sexual abuse in the Catholic church, writing "the abuse of the church is real. Let it be known. It doesn't make you a non believer. It doesn't jeopardize your fate. It's the right thing to do. ...

"However, never once will I ever agree with the molestation of children. And never once will I agree with an institution that chooses to not acknowledge it."

He wrote that he hopes "that this message will save at least one child from the pain and torment that I had to go through. ... Let this be hope to all those out there that have been abused by a Catholic Priest in any capacity. Perhaps your parents don't see, perhaps those you know don't see, know that God sees. And God never forgets."

In the note, he has messages for three priests. To the first one listed, Jarboe writes, "Thanks for proving to me what dedicating your life to Christ can be like. Thanks for your service to the Church."

To the second, "you get no thanks. You are an evil man. Period."

To the third, "I forgive you."

The Facebook posting was removed Thursday afternoon, according to a Facebook user who was friends with Jarboe.
I read his whole letter on fb before it was taken down. He named the priests. Wonder how long it will take for our diocese to brush this under the rug. RIP Dave you will be truly missed.

"So farewell. I have loved, I have lived, I have finally forgiven, I have no regrets. I am finally at peace." ~ David Jarboe
I hope, for the sake of his family, and for the sake of justice, that this is not swept under the rug, but fully investigated.
Poor guy, I hope he finally found some of the peace he was searching for

"As Bishop of the Diocese of Owensboro, I speak on behalf of the local Catholic Church that we are saddened by the untimely death of David Jarboe Jr. Our hearts and prayers are with his family and loved ones," Reverend William F. Medley, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Owensboro says.

"In light of the information that has surfaced in his Facebook posting, the Diocese has begun an investigation in accord with diocesan policy."
My heart goes out to David's family. Oh, how I know the heartache, from a mother's viewpoint. For some reason, men seem so drawn to ending their lives when they simply cannot heal from sexual abuse. I have to believe that it's because treatment was not started immediately and the wounds were allowed to fester. But sometimes, even when everything possible is done, they still choose to move on, where there is no pain.

I've posted this before but it bears repeating. There's a fabulous resource and community of healing men at this site:

If you or someone you love is a male survivor, I implore you to check out this site. You are not alone. Not at all. The community's affirmations:

1. Recovery is absolutely possible and achievable for me.
2. I will practice being disloyal to dysfunction and loyal to functionality.
3. I give myself permission to connect to loving, affirmative, strong, sensitive, accepting men and women in my community.
4. I release and forgive myself for any responsibility I have accepted in the past for my abuse.
5. The abuser (s) from the past chose to hurt me; I will stop repeating the lie that it just happened to me.
6. Offering myself daily compassion is necessary for my healing and growth.
7. I commit to connecting to the boy inside me today so we can play, laugh and experience joy together, even if just for a minute or two.
8. I believe deep inside me I possess the ability to face the truth of my abuse and to learn to use new tools for healing.
9. I have the right and the ability to speak the truth of my abuse and deserve to be heard, understood, believed and supported.
10. Feeling is healing; as I heal, I develop the ability to experience a wider range of emotions to enhance my health and connections to others.

Rest in peace, David.
Hi Padua,

Just want to let you know that your may paraphrase and provide a link for info on social networking sites. It is against policy to cut and paste.

Any questions, please just shoot me or fran a pm.


Hi Padua,

Just want to let you know that your may paraphrase and provide a link for info on social networking sites. It is against policy to cut and paste.

Any questions, please just shoot me or fran a pm.



provided links of everything except the last line of his letter. I'll delete it.

The "poor bedeviled young man, for him to mention (Baer) in the same context with whatever may have happened to him is so unfortunate and so unfair," McGrath said.

If they are so sure he was "bedeviled" why did they allow his funeral mass be held at the same church he shot himself outside of. They allowed him to be buried in a catholic cemetary. Also, I was in attendance at the funeral and there were 9 priests, the current bishop and past bishop all at the alter for the funeral mass. The funeral was standing room only with flow over being directed to the parish hall for a live feed. This is sad on so many levels. In his letter he only wanted 1 priest and 1 monseigner be at the alter.

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