Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #15

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I don't think he will do that clicking at trial. It is distracting and I imagine a juror will probably complain to the judge, if the judge even lets it get that far. JB does his client no favors. He needs to get a little check off list like LDB has. She just makes little notes and checks things off. Very organized.

Tuba have you already done a chart for May 9th, when they start to pick a jury? I do not remember seeing one. Twenty people are a lot to have to seat. Let's hope there aren't any problems with selecting this jury.
And I think that Dr. Vass and his methods of interpretation and analysis are more sophisticated than Sniff realises, who did not recognise a peak that stood out like Aetna or so he testified. The time and order in which certain chemicals and compounds register may also be important, as are concentration registrations and presence.
No time for May 9 and thus, no chart.
Four pages back, 31, we looked at the testimony of Dr. Vass. Now we have seen the defense counterpoint. You will remember from the June 4 Science Fair at Skyline that H. 11 is the House given to science. Pisces is the Sign given to chemistry and we have three planets there at Friday's hearing, all intercepted. One of them is Mars, the trouble foreshadowed in Dr. Vass's testimony as charted.

Rest well. The image of chemistry is suffering at the moment as the public sees it. Mars rules public reaction to the conflict and competition glimpsed yesterday but rife in that community. Nor is the public in love with "Better Living Through Chemistry", although the litter from prescription tablets would fill 12,000 sink holes overnight. Again, rest well because Mars made his exit from the Sign of chemistry at the witching hour, April 1 (at 11:51 standard time on the East Coast).

Of course, we will have sorrier things to worry about but not this. And we can also enjoy that promised entrance of Neptune into Pisces during breakfast on Monday.
Tuba, what can you say about the 'exchange' between ICA and CA as she left the stand. I thought that ICA said 'thank you' as I was watching, but they say that KB is reporting that she said I Love You.

Do the charts say that CA is giving JB ideas that she dreams up or agrees to go along with his ideas to move in a certain direction? And what are the charts referencing between CA and ICA presently? TIA
I saw what you saw, TakingALook. Each time that clip was shown on t.v. or on-line, it appeared Prisoner said, "Thank you." It looked to be clearly that to me. I am not a lip reader, however. The TH sound was made for starters--pretty obvious. You have to push your upper lip forward to make that sound. Also, the facial expression was perfunctory, as in I wouldn't expect anything less from you but I appreciate it it.
Can we assume CA lied about the dryer sheets and KC was thanking her for doing so? Or has JB told KC to acknowledge her parents on the stand because everyone on the blogs are saying how cold she is with her family. KC did refuse to look her mother's way on the way out of court on Friday so it was short-lived. I don't see her bending too much as far as her family is concerned.
I saw what you saw, TakingALook. Each time that clip was shown on t.v. or on-line, it appeared Prisoner said, "Thank you." It looked to be clearly that to me. I am not a lip reader, however. The TH sound was made for starters--pretty obvious. You have to push your upper lip forward to make that sound. Also, the facial expression was perfunctory, as in I wouldn't expect anything less from you but I appreciate it it.

I thought it was TY too. I am sure CA said I love you. ICA hates all of them. I am sure ICA feels they got her into this mess they better get her out of it. :maddening:
I saw what you saw, TakingALook. Each time that clip was shown on t.v. or on-line, it appeared Prisoner said, "Thank you." It looked to be clearly that to me. I am not a lip reader, however. The TH sound was made for starters--pretty obvious. You have to push your upper lip forward to make that sound. Also, the facial expression was perfunctory, as in I wouldn't expect anything less from you but I appreciate it it.

TYVM, Exactly~~~ My reaction, as I saw that as it happened, was 'I can't believe this' -- at this late date, they have got CA adding more memory for another one of their crazy ideas. And ICA's 'pleased' reaction to her mother confirmed this. MHO
I also was quite frustrated while watching the testimony of Dr. Furton. He readily answered JB’s questions and gave what seemed like good responses. But when it came to cross, he stammered, fumbled with his notes (some that he didn’t even have) and was contradictory. He danced around the questions numerous times – seeming to know exactly what was being ask, but he didn’t want to give an direct answer for FEAR he might ‘give away’ too much or the wrong thing. I quit watching and only listened. JA never gave up trying to get him to give the info that he was looking for and did find out that the ‘EXPERT’- Dr. F had a lot of his work done by his students…..
How much more of such testimony are we going to be subjected to like this Tuba? Lord, help us all to have the patience to stay the long haul so that we will see” Justice for Caylee”. And God Bless all those fighting for her. TY
Obviously CA knew she was going to be on the stand on this past Friday. I wonder if when she met with JB in his office the Friday before if CA asked for KC to acknowledge her while she was on the stand? It's just too bad we don't have a time of the visit.
I saw what you saw, TakingALook. Each time that clip was shown on t.v. or on-line, it appeared Prisoner said, "Thank you." It looked to be clearly that to me. I am not a lip reader, however. The TH sound was made for starters--pretty obvious. You have to push your upper lip forward to make that sound. Also, the facial expression was perfunctory, as in I wouldn't expect anything less from you but I appreciate it it.

I saw thank you too, but I'm not a lip reader either. It was such a strange exchange between ICA & CA. PattyG's video of it is here:
[ame=""]What was the smirk between CA & ICA at the hearing? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

(Around 10:09 mark is the smirk exchange, then 10:28, the mouthing of the words.)
Delusional meet crazy
:doh:You know how it is when you have a meet-up with someone and there you are, and there they're not. After twenty minutes, you are leaving and they bump into you, hard, on your way out. "You can't leave! I've brought alll kinds of stuff but I do have to go back to the car."

One more time, we are faced with it Wednesday. Saturn is dragging but relies on the law. We face further interruption in the timeline leading to May trial.

Also in the mix, funding--the money issue. Judge Perry was able to obtain the needful. As you can see in the chart below, there is much in the way of good news, despite further delay and hindrance. Negativity, anxiety and anguish are creating health concerns, now a source of interference in pre-trial hearings.

Snipped respectfully,

The other thing I noticed which surprised me was the omission by Dr. Furton that he spoke with defense many, many times so that he knew what answers to give and what not to give. I do not think that sat well with the judge. Dr. Furton's answer regarding the date he gave his student's paper to defense was so obviously one of the area's he was not suppose to answer correctly. Big red flag there. Something so significant he had to give to defense before this meeting but he does not remember an approximate date. You could see his wheels turning in his head.
ITA, Dr. Furton appeared to be in cover up mode which, to me, implied Dr. Furton was very aware of Baez's strategy of disobeying Judge Perry's instructions.

JA did a good job of recovery and LDB did great with the dogs. The doctor struck me as a little aloof with his nose pointed slightly in the air (on guard). Interesting, my impression was that of of "how dare you question my authority" The jury will notice that for sure. Dr. Logan, however, presented very well and seemed honest but the judge said he cannot be used as an expert in front of a jury.

The judge is at the end of his tether with JB, as we all are. And I think HHJP went home yesterday and crossed CM off his Christmas card list. I actually like DS. I think her appearance is very professional along with her manner, regardless of what she says about her hair. I have grandchildren with wild hair and I know how hard it is to tame it. DS and AF help to bring some balance to the team.......not equal but they are softer than AL and LKB. Easier on the jury.

As for my perception of ICA, IMO she comes across as cold, evil and cares for no one and I mean NO ONE. She has no remorse for murdering her own child. Yet, she flirts with her attorney, her eyes follow him everywhere. ICA's body language reflects her interest in Baez. When Baez leaned across ICA to speak to CM his arm rests against her breast and she leans into his arm. Neither adjust their body position and this screams a form of intimacy they're both comfortable with.

I also started noticing that the role she is playing of that of a co-counsel is for Baez only. I've observed her skimming a book about canines that was submitted in evidence by Baez, feverishly scribbling notes that only Baez reviews. I notice the only attorney who shares his notes, letters, photos and so forth with ICA is Baez. I've also caught DS looking at ICA with a sense of contempt, IMO of course.

Having someone babysit ICA everytime there is a side bar comes across to me as someone using that time to socialize.

While I watch ICA I compare how I would be acting if it was my child they are talking about when the experts are describing the horrible odor in the car, the VOC's that were present while my daughter was decomposing along with the cadaver dogs hitting on the smell of my child while her body was rotting AND I see Ted Bundy as he sat in that court room as the attorneys described the horrific murders he had done.

Novice Seeker
You know how it is when you have a meet-up with someone and there you are, and there they're not. After twenty minutes, you are leaving and they bump into you, hard, on your way out. "You can't leave! I've brought alll kinds of stuff but I do have to go back to the car."

I think this just about sums up the entire defense....always late, never on time, and never prepared.
We have a Withdrawal of Counsel Folks!!!!!!

04/01/2011 Notice
of Objection to Proposed Juror Television Channels
04/01/2011 Court Minutes
04/04/2011 Motion
Defendant's; for Withdrawal of Appointed Counsel
04/04/2011 Brief
in Support of Defendant's Motion for Withdrawal of Appointed Counsel

04/04/2011 Affidavit
of Curtis Jackson
04/04/2011 Request
for Endorsement and Production of Witness
04/04/2011 Correspondence
from Curtis Jackson
04/04/2011 Justice Administrative Commission's Response
to Defendant's Motion for Transcription Services
04/04/2011 Notice
of Providing Appendix A for Purposes of Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence Pursuant to FRYE, or in the Alternative, Motion in Limine to Exclude (Chloroform) & Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence (Decompositional Chemical)(FRYE)
Quoted from Tuba - Facing Up to It - January 16, 2011


"If any inmate moved toward calendar dates when a life or death determination were to be made on his head, that defendent would expect significant transits occurring to reflect the fatality of it all. The transits do not disappoint in this prosecution.

You may remember at the indictment, Pluto stared back from the jurors' sector at 28°. The Aries Moon would eventually trine that Sagittarian Pluto from her House, The Future. We are about to see a major shift in the canopy above as the lunar node regresses backward into Sagittarius. By Prisoner's birthday, the returning Sun will square the node in Sagittarius precisely. Her native faulty judgment will reach new levels of error and at least by the end of March when Mercury stations to retrograde, she will engage in a re-evaluation of her circumstance. Outer conditions force a change but there is an urge to come on too strong, to take a conspicuous place at the table, to push your luck, to seek the spotlight, to go over the top & way out beyond. There is discord in working with The Team and its chosen associates; some ties terminate. Due to her own nodal positions, Moderation never heard from her and she cannot accept that people are what they seem to be, always suspecting hidden motives. There is in her a burning intensity that runs on electric current and when this finds no release, it transmutes into rage. She senses defection in others but does not imagine nor consider that she might be the cause.

Come April, we know what happens. Neptune enters her own Sign, which is also Neptune's own Sign, for the first time in a century and a half. This occurs while Mars & Uranus are conjunct on her Decision Point. Smoke is rising from Cell F, DORML-12.

Found this one while I was looking for a post from Tuba that said, I believe, something about JB and a betrayal by an older woman. I do not think it would be AF as she said she would be there until the end. But DS seems to be frustrated and in particular with the behavior of the whole team last Friday. I think Ms. Simms is acustomed to her clients and co-counsel having a somewhat higher maturity level.

We don't know who left yet but it would not surprise me if it were DS.
Quoted from Tuba - Facing Up to It - January 16, 2011


"If any inmate moved toward calendar dates when a life or death determination were to be made on his head, that defendent would expect significant transits occurring to reflect the fatality of it all. The transits do not disappoint in this prosecution.

You may remember at the indictment, Pluto stared back from the jurors' sector at 28°. The Aries Moon would eventually trine that Sagittarian Pluto from her House, The Future. We are about to see a major shift in the canopy above as the lunar node regresses backward into Sagittarius. By Prisoner's birthday, the returning Sun will square the node in Sagittarius precisely. Her native faulty judgment will reach new levels of error and at least by the end of March when Mercury stations to retrograde, she will engage in a re-evaluation of her circumstance. Outer conditions force a change but there is an urge to come on too strong, to take a conspicuous place at the table, to push your luck, to seek the spotlight, to go over the top & way out beyond. There is discord in working with The Team and its chosen associates; some ties terminate. Due to her own nodal positions, Moderation never heard from her and she cannot accept that people are what they seem to be, always suspecting hidden motives. There is in her a burning intensity that runs on electric current and when this finds no release, it transmutes into rage. She senses defection in others but does not imagine nor consider that she might be the cause.

Come April, we know what happens. Neptune enters her own Sign, which is also Neptune's own Sign, for the first time in a century and a half. This occurs while Mars & Uranus are conjunct on her Decision Point. Smoke is rising from Cell F, DORML-12.

Found this one while I was looking for a post from Tuba that said, I believe, something about JB and a betrayal by an older woman. I do not think it would be AF as she said she would be there until the end. But DS seems to be frustrated and in particular with the behavior of the whole team last Friday. I think Ms. Simms is acustomed to her clients and co-counsel having a somewhat higher maturity level.

We don't know who left yet but it would not surprise me if it were DS.

I think you are right...I don't see AF leaving...but I could see CM if he has health problems.
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