2011.06.11 Sidebar (Trial Day Sixteen)

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Has anyone heard anything regarding the Gatorade Bottle with a syringe inside that was found either close by or with Caylee's remains. Don't remember seeing anything thus far and from the second I heard about it I figured it was most definately something that would tie in.
Caylee wasn't "missing"; they just refused to acknowledge that, so they could protect their murdering daughter. Everyone else could see it.

But what did they lie about? Maybe they just thought they remembered things that they did not? Also, KC lied to them about things they believed to be true. These were not things they were lying about but just had heard from KC. I don't see why they lied intentionally. Maybe subconsciously after they realized KC was going to be charged, they tried to make things look better for her.
I never said the shovel was to carry Caylee. I think it was used as a lever. She never smelled of decomposition per TL.
How else did. she move Caylee? The bags were leaking all over the trunk at the end

Something made that depression in the matting of the carpet/trunk liner. Caylee wasn't that heavy, but a frozen item placed in a hot trunk would...
Guess we shall see soon.

Didn't the A's buy a NEW freezer in July Aug 08? - wonder why

There was a lot of discussion on this site, with photos of the interior of the garage wondering if they had replaced the freezer at the time. I wonder if that was ever proved/disproved?
Has anyone heard anything regarding the Gatorade Bottle with a syringe inside that was found either close by or with Caylee's remains. Don't remember seeing anything thus far and from the second I heard about it I figured it was most definately something that would tie in.

I don't believe this was ever mentioned yet, but I have not listened intently.
The date that Casey drove her friends to the restaurant was June 4th, long before Caylee's death.

Then why was MK questioned on the stand about if ICA told her Caylee was missing and if she seemed upset?
I thought it was Thurs June 19 the day before "hot body"
I think I'm losing my mind now ...
Then why was MK questioned on the stand about if ICA told her Caylee was missing and if she seemed upset?
I thought it was Thurs June 19 the day before "hot body"
I think I'm losing my mind now ...

Who is MK?
But what did they lie about? Maybe they just thought they remembered things that they did not? Also, KC lied to them about things they believed to be true. These were not things they were lying about but just had heard from KC. I don't see why they lied intentionally. Maybe subconsciously after they realized KC was going to be charged, they tried to make things look better for her.

There are literally hundreds of deliberate lies, you could spend the weekend reading them, but here is just one,from the earliest time. I can provide you with one a day,like vitamins, :innocent: if you want,but you will tear your hair out by the time you get through a few dozen. She is as malignant a liar as her daughter, but so many people want to excuse what she does because she is the grieving grandma...


If you listen to the jail visit tape it is very obvious what she is doing... warning ICA...
I never heard, from court testimony, that cadaver dogs ever hit on the sandbox. I would think if that were a fact, the state would have brought that out in court. :waitasec:

By then the A's had done yardwork - extensive yardwork. They probably emptied the sand, bleached cleaned the plastic box and replaced the sand by the time the 31 days were up. GA used lyme on the grass (don't ask me all about that, just search for 'lyme' and it should come up). There's a lot more peeps don't know if they are new to reading about the case. The jury will never know these things I'm sure.
I can't fathom her leaving the baby's body in the backyard while she was at TL's watching the two videos. GA/CA could have gone into the yard with their dogs during this time.

MK said there was no odour in the car when the four of them drove to restaurant/club? I don't remember what date that was, so the baby's body must have been hidden somewhere.

Wasn't that AFTER her car was abandoned? Wasn't she in Tony's car?
There are literally hundreds of deliberate lies, you could spend the weekend reading them, but here is just one,from the earliest time. I can provide you with one a day,like vitamins, :innocent: if you want,but you will tear your hair out by the time you get through a few dozen. She is as malignant a liar as her daughter, but so many people want to excuse what she does because she is the grieving grandma...


If you listen to the jail visit tape it is very obvious what she is doing... warning ICA...

Just read that article. Thanks. So you believe that CA did not believe KC from the start about Zani the Nanny but decided to go along with it?
One of TL's roommates girlfriends. She came in from out of town and went to Fusion that Fri. June 20th Michelle?
very pretty girl glasses....
She visited Troy in July. The car episode was July 3rd.
Who outs Lyme all over the yard in the summer when you have a pool and a toddler there who loves to swim.
odd timing... exactly when they. were chasing ICA down and CA writes the missing poem.
I'm pretty sure they did, but it's been a long time so I could very well be mistaken. I'm going to try to search for where the dogs alerted at or by the sandox. Anyone else remember this?

Both dog handlers put a circle in front of the sandbox.........sorta between the playhouse and sandbox.
One of TL's roommates girlfriends. She came in from out of town and went to Fusion that Fri. June 20th Michelle?
very pretty girl glasses....

It thought the girlfriend from out of town is the one who testified KC saying omg, I'm such a good liar.

MK is Maria.
Every time I see a green sweater I remember CA and her deposition with Attorney Morgan in the ZFG case...........she was like a rabid dog on attack....I will never ever forget that and GA as well...that poor woman(the wrong Zenaida) had her identity and her life pretty much taken from her because of ICA....if no one has seen that video it would be worth your time...but be warned it is not pretty.
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