GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #4

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Col. Russell Williams sits in front of a screen showing an image of himself in women's underwear during his court appearance in Belleville, Ont. Monday.

Photograph by: Alex Tavshunsky, Postmedia News

Read more:
The facts of the Williams case, said Crown Attorney Lee Burgess, are “extremely disturbing.”

“Both murders were planned by him and were deliberate. Both murders were committed in the course of committing a sexual assault on the victims and both murders were committed while he forcibly confined his victims,” he said.

“While it is necessary for us to provide a full account we are mindful of the profound emotional turmoil that the victims, family and friends of his victims have already endured

Well thats enough for one day, with his crimes escalating I hate to see what tomorrow brings. Ugh Im going to have nightmares about green lingerie!
Well, Paintr, I think the frolicking part comes from the various poses, gestures, and activities described in venemous detail today by the various reporters.

Thankfully, the Judge has not allowed the frolicking pictures to be released.

I guess I didn't explain very well. I just thought that, since he was making a record of something that he worked hard to accomplish, that he would appear to be elated, mentally excited, enjoying his power and the secret. Instead he looks as if he is facing the firing squad. Maybe deep down, he always knew it would come to this. Maybe that's why he kept such careful records. Not only so he would know, but also so the world would know. I wonder if they will ever release his confession. I wonder what he said about all this. I wonder if he realized just how sick he was. :waitasec:
Thankyou to A.G, W.G.,N.B.G. and everyone else, for keeping us all updated,you must be exhausted and feeling even more sick to your stomach than I feel now.I bet there is going to be alot of bleary-eyed people tomorow and alot of checking and rechecking of locked doors tonight.
Not that it makes any difference, but I'm curious about something. Of the photographs displayed in court today as evidence, were they all taken by RW, or were some of them taken by LE of the lingerie they found hidden in his home? Obviously, the ones of RW himself wearing the items were shot by him and probably many of the others where the garments were displayed, but all of them? I'm particularly thinking of ones like this:


For LE to match up the clothing with their original owners via RW's computer records, they would have had to sort and look at each one individually. Likely they would have taken their own photographs, too, no? The ones of RW wearing underclothing had date/time stamps. Do they all have them? Either way, the photos would be considered evidence.

What do you think?
When a photo is taken with a digital camera there is data that is created behind the scenes. This data will include things like the camera brand/model, exposure settings, etc. If the camera has been set up with the time and date, this will also be included. Some cameras are even capable of including the GPS coordinates. This is called EXIF data. Sometimes it can even remain intact after being uploaded or shared via the internet. There are extensions available for Firefox and Chrome browsers which make retrieving EXIF data quite simple.
I guess I didn't explain very well. I just thought that, since he was making a record of something that he worked hard to accomplish, that he would appear to be elated, mentally excited, enjoying his power and the secret. Instead he looks as if he is facing the firing squad. Maybe deep down, he always knew it would come to this. Maybe that's why he kept such careful records. Not only so he would know, but also so the world would know. I wonder if they will ever release his confession. I wonder what he said about all this. I wonder if he realized just how sick he was. :waitasec:

I have this odd feeling, that when r.w is posing in the under garments, he does not perceive himself as a large hairy man,but rather as a young attractive female, whose very essence he wishes to inhabit.
for someone who was in such a high position he seems to have had a lot of free time on his hands... not sure how someone could use "jogging" as a cover while carrying a camera and yet MEH seems not to have noticed anything when he came back from his nightly activities..not once???
I have this odd feeling, that when r.w is posing in the under garments, he does not perceive himself as a large hairy man,but rather as a young attractive female, whose very essence he wishes to inhabit.

Oh. Just when I thought this couldn't get more disturbing.:couch:
for someone who was in such a high position he seems to have had a lot of free time on his hands... not sure how someone could use "jogging" as a cover while carrying a camera and yet MEH seems not to have noticed anything when he came back from his nightly activities..not once???

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
Mark Twain
BELLEVILLE, Ontario – He was a square-jawed Canadian Air Force officer with a brilliant future, a man entrusted with flying prime ministers and Queen Elizabeth II. On Monday, he was exposed as a serial killer with a shocking fetish for girls' panties that he documented in a trove of twisted photos of himself.

At a hearing that reduced victims' relatives to tears, the lurid photos were shown one by one in court as Col. Russell Williams, 47, pleaded guilty to murdering two women, sexually assaulting two others and committing dozens of break-ins in which he stole underwear from the bedrooms of girls as young as 11.
Thanks to all the members who worked so hard in keeping the thread up-to-date with today's coverage. I had workmen at the house today, and this afternoon they had to UNPLUG MY 'PUTER :( I fought them bravely off, but they won ... so your efforts have been especially appreciated today by Yours Truly

Words pretty much fail me when it comes to RW ... sad, sick, perverted, depraved to say the least. I saw Mayor Williams interviewed today and he said to the effect that LE told him there certainly would have been more victims had RW not been caught when he was. Due to the escalation in RW's behaviour, i took that to mean more murders. Thank God for small mercies.

My heart goes out to all the victims, their families, and especially to the families of Marie-France and Jessica who are having to endure the details regarding their dearly loved family members. There truly has to be a special place in Hell reserved for the likes of Russell Williams.
for someone who was in such a high position he seems to have had a lot of free time on his hands... not sure how someone could use "jogging" as a cover while carrying a camera and yet MEH seems not to have noticed anything when he came back from his nightly activities..not once???

He used "jogging" as a cover, but according to the maps, he didn't jog very far. You are right, jogging with a camera (which could hide in his pocket), but then jogging home with a load of undergarments, how did he hide this???
His escapades took over 2hrs per home, then all his cataloguing and home modelling, I am thinking MEH must have been at work ALOT, how else could she miss this.
Was he really gone for his usual 2hr+ break in on Valentines Day and New Years (days that you want to spend with your loved ones), was MEH not concerned on these days. I guessing they were not the loving couple that the media has commented on, you never know what goes on behind closed doors....wait....on second thought I do not want to know!
He used "jogging" as a cover, but according to the maps, he didn't jog very far. You are right, jogging with a camera (which could hide in his pocket), but then jogging home with a load of undergarments, how did he hide this???
His escapades took over 2hrs per home, then all his cataloguing and home modelling, I am thinking MEH must have been at work ALOT, how else could she miss this.
Was he really gone for his usual 2hr+ break in on Valentines Day and New Years (days that you want to spend with your loved ones), was MEH not concerned on these days. I guessing they were not the loving couple that the media has commented on, you never know what goes on behind closed doors....wait....on second thought I do not want to know!
Most of those B&Es happened at night, so unless she worked nights or was away on conferences VERY often, then how about this:


Found the video clip re the "Tuesday".

Reporter said: "It is not clear yet at what point Williams killed Lloyd"

Andy said "... he dumped her body on Tuesday or whatever it was"

I didn't see that segment included on yesterday's "Connect" interview

Here is the link, segment is very brief, following lots of commercials though:

(click white arrow to play video)
What is the purpose of this new thread "Canadian military officer exposed as serial killer"????

Just wondering what should be posted on it as opposed to this one that we are using?
What is the purpose of this new thread "Canadian military officer exposed as serial killer"????

Just wondering what should be posted on it as opposed to this one that we are using?
Hmmmm, I don't know Flip, only noticed it after you mentioned it. IMO, we don't need that thread, perhaps the person that started that thread just found out about RW in today's news, and didn't know he had all these threads going for a long time?

We also have Jessica's threads.

ETA: Just posted the link to this thread on that new thread, and also PMed mods.
Col. Russell Williams has already his own thread.

Mods, perhaps you could change the Title of Russell Williams ongoing thread, to include his complete name, so people will recognize his name?

Currently his thread title reads: "OPP charge Col. Williams, 82 add'l charges - PLEADS GUILTY #3 "

Here is the link to RW's thread:

Thank you!
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