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Dissent thanks for your posts. He was extradited overly quickly and yes he should have been on a commercial plane. Need to hear the experts on that I mean critical ones before I change my mind. And I don't see any particular reason for barring media. Lots of criminals love the limelight and it is galling but right of the public and the media trumps that. And now he is in solitary suicide watch to me predictable.

Most on this site think LM killed this one person (I don't want to say only) so I am not sure what differentiates his crimes from many others others than the video and the indignity to a corpse a separate charge. For example some sleuthers have suggested that S. Varaschin's body was moved so the killer could "visit" her and someone earlier brought up someone having sex with a three day old corpse. Who knows what these maniacs all do. What is different about LM? That is what I trying to find out and figure out. To me there are odd aspects of this that make him seem almost like a political prisoner - now it may be that the threats to the PM have upgraded him and they are treating him differently. We don't know what those threats said completely or exactly.

E. Dramatica: I was just documenting the fact that a link to the necro page which had info I had found important appears to have been scrubbed without the May update date being changed and that the paragraph which did suggest "conspiracy" (which here which just mean it wasn't LM alone) is also missing.

Many posters have talked about that site indirectly in relation to the IQ because that where the low figure came from I think. I argued against the EB info on his IQ and I am not a devotee of that site. But now that the MSM is becoming more and more controlled in Canada and less investigative we need to walk a tightrope of using accepted sources but being alive to info and buried truths elsewhere - we don't have to believe them just keep them in mind.

Psychopath: he is that and more I agree. China: I was thinking about that later and think China will go along with Canada closing this thing up very quickly for the reasons that have been discussed.

I appreciate your excellent post though I have to say when I got home I found the news about him being put into solitary etc.
Oh dear.... I was going to say something ugly about him having seen the horrid sketch of him yesterday, or really any of the REAL-LIFE pictures of him that have been taken without him having a chance to put on make-up and a hair piece. I will refrain from those statements. Maybe he is just missing the internet. I truly find it difficult to fathom an individual who can make multiple films of himself torturing kittens and then a film of him doing things beyond description to JL and FILMING it, but after arrest decides he feels bad enough to kill himself? NO WAY!!!! Just another act in the LM show.... an act that is NEVER, EVER, EVER going to be a sold-out show. :twocents:

imo, he's done nothing particular to make anyone think he's likely to off himself. This is sop in high-profile/high-risk cases, if not others. I wouldn't let the label stop you. jmo
Dissent thanks for your posts. He was extradited overly quickly and yes he should have been on a commercial plane. Need to hear the experts on that I mean critical ones before I change my mind. And I don't see any particular reason for barring media. Lots of criminals love the limelight and it is galling but right of the public and the media trumps that. And now he is in solitary suicide watch to me predictable.

Most on this site think LM killed this one person (I don't want to say only) so I am not sure what differentiates his crimes from many others others than the video and the indignity to a corpse a separate charge. For example some sleuthers have suggested that S. Varaschin's body was moved so the killer could "visit" her and someone earlier brought up someone having sex with a three day old corpse. Who knows what these maniacs all do. What is different about LM? That is what I trying to find out and figure out. To me there are odd aspects of this that make him seem almost like a political prisoner - now it may be that the threats to the PM have upgraded him and they are treating him differently. We don't know what those threats said completely or exactly.

E. Dramatica: I was just documenting the fact that a link to the necro page which had info I had found important appears to have been scrubbed without the May update date being changed and that the paragraph which did suggest "conspiracy" (which here which just mean it wasn't LM alone) is also missing.

Many posters have talked about that site indirectly in relation to the IQ because that where the low figure came from I think. I argued against the EB info on his IQ and I am not a devotee of that site. But now that the MSM is becoming more and more controlled in Canada and less investigative we need to walk a tightrope of using accepted sources but being alive to info and buried truths elsewhere - we don't have to believe them just keep them in mind.

Psychopath: he is that and more I agree. China: I was thinking about that later and think China will go along with Canada closing this thing up very quickly for the reasons that have been discussed.

I appreciate your excellent post though I have to say when I got home I found the news about him being put into solitary etc.

Imo, this is way off base. He agreed to extradition so it was done, pronto, as it should be. While many prisoners are transported on commercial airlines, I have no doubt that it was best to avoid that debacle in this case. For real?...they're gonna put him on the next random Air Canada flight?. I don't freakin think so! The 24 hour hold is typical, imo. Nothing at all to do with him being special. To do with liability issues only. I really don't know what the point is. A high level canadian official special ordered a necrophilia snuff film and is now protecting himself with quick extradition, gov't aircraft and a suicide hold? Seriously? They would have just let him get away. He has no credibility. We've seen his posts, pics and blogs on the internet, right?
I am having such mixed emotions after I read about LM on suicide watch. I went to the Corrections Canada site to get what the policy is on this being invoked. I have to admit my first reaction was here we go with the theatrics and manipulation. He is going before the judge tomorrow and his lawyer will be asking the judge to allow his client to undergo psychiatric assessment. Since we know that they spoke on the phone last night, I am afraid that my reaction to this news and LM's history, and based on his past behaviours online, that he was going to stage this to ensure the judge has no other choice but to allow the 30 day assessment. Then I calmed down and thought it is better to err on the side of caution, real or not, to ensure that he does stand trial eventually. Perhaps, as others have said, it is precautionary and has nothing to do with his behaviour that has raised the flag to put him on this watch.
I am having such mixed emotions after I read about LM on suicide watch. I went to the Corrections Canada site to get what the policy is on this being invoked. I have to admit my first reaction was here we go with the theatrics and manipulation. He is going before the judge tomorrow and his lawyer will be asking the judge to allow his client to undergo psychiatric assessment. Since we know that they spoke on the phone last night, I am afraid that my reaction to this news and LM's history, and based on his past behaviours online, that he was going to stage this to ensure the judge has no other choice but to allow the 30 day assessment. Then I calmed down and thought it is better to err on the side of caution, real or not, to ensure that he does stand trial eventually. Perhaps, as others have said, it is precautionary and has nothing to do with his behaviour that has raised the flag to put him on this watch.

I would bet a million dollars that his status has nothing to do with anything he has said or done while in custody. jmo
Imo, this is way off base. He agreed to extradition so it was done, pronto, as it should be. While many prisoners are transported on commercial airlines, I have no doubt that it was best to avoid that debacle in this case. For real?...they're gonna put him on the next random Air Canada flight?. I don't freakin think so! The 24 hour hold is typical, imo. Nothing at all to do with him being special. To do with liability issues only. I really don't know what the point is. A high level canadian official special ordered a necrophilia snuff film and is now protecting himself with quick extradition, gov't aircraft and a suicide hold? Seriously? They would have just let him get away. He has no credibility. We've seen his posts, pics and blogs on the internet, right?

They didn't come close to following former legal protocol. I am not saying I am worried on his behalf or that it is going to keep up at night worried about poor Luka. I am interested in what it means that's all. Just because I would not be sorry if many of these killers were run over by a car doesn't mean I think they should be. I still like the idea of a trial by judge or jury not trial by WS as much as I like this site and then the requisite punishment. If it is not guilty due to his mental health then I think that should be respected. I have argued there may be an agreement among all parties to go that route - it is not as though he will be at Shopper's Drug Mart anytime soon he'll still be facing hell on earth. It won't match what he has done it never does.

Didn't watch the video: however I was impressed that sleuthers were able to get a discussion going about multiple bodies, multiple Lukas coughing dogs and coughing Manny's (my addition), disappearing wounds (on the film) elements that paradoxically seem to suggest he is hiding his identity then leaving a deliberate trail, typing up notes on how disappear without a trace then leaving a bloody apartment building in his own name and a suitcase with part of the body just outside.

His posts pics blogs etc. those are the very things that have been critiqued here as being fake and he has called them fake so his lawyer may be able to create mayhem there, confuse everything and everybody. If he tries, I am not sure he will get a vigorous defense.
E. Dramatica: I was just documenting the fact that a link to the necro page which had info I had found important appears to have been scrubbed without the May update date being changed and that the paragraph which did suggest "conspiracy" (which here which just mean it wasn't LM alone) is also missing.

Please dont take this the wrong way, but why anyone would put any "importance" on anything written on Encyclopedia Dramatica clearly does not know what that site is about. Its right up there with The Onion.

Without revealing much more than I can, Ive said this before, but due to my affiliation with another website, I have been mentioned on ED in a complete fabricated tale of fiction - for entertainment purposes. I have even shared this with a well known member here.....

ED is entertainment.....nothing more.
They didn't come close to following former legal protocol. I am not saying I am worried on his behalf or that it is going to keep up at night worried about poor Luka. I am interested in what it means that's all. Just because I would not be sorry if many of these killers were run over by a car doesn't mean I think they should be. I still like the idea of a trial by judge or jury not trial by WS as much as I like this site and then the requisite punishment. If it is not guilty due to his mental health then I think that should be respected. I have argued there may be an agreement among all parties to go that route - it is not as though he will be at Shopper's Drug Mart anytime soon he'll still be facing hell on earth. It won't match what he has done it never does.

Didn't watch the video: however I was impressed that sleuthers were able to get a discussion going about multiple bodies, multiple Lukas coughing dogs and coughing Manny's (my addition), disappearing wounds (on the film) elements that paradoxically seem to suggest he is hiding his identity then leaving a deliberate trail, typing up notes on how disappear without a trace then leaving a bloody apartment building in his own name and a suitcase with part of the body just outside.

His posts pics blogs etc. those are the very things that have been critiqued here as being fake and he has called them fake so his lawyer may be able to create mayhem there, confuse everything and everybody. If he tries, I am not sure he will get a vigorous defense.

Can you please articulate what you believe to be form[al] legal protocol that was not followed in this case? The treaties are in place, and lm agreed to extradition, which is usually not the case in those where we hear about extradition. We have an extradition treaty with Germany; he's not facing capitol punishment; and he's not a war criminal. I don't see the controversy whatsoever.. jmo
This is really great having topic-specific threads for this case now! Since I'm nothing but an armchair sleuth here, I only have some potential insights to add--no major information or links to articles though I have really gleaned a lot from the articles (links) people posted both today and beforehand.

The general consensus seems to be that Luka has always been dirt poor and could never come up with the money to travel or have plastic surgery done. As an ex sex industry worker, I can tell you that he'd have no trouble if he put his mind to it, making the necessary money. He might very well have avoided storing funds in a bank account so that he could evade taxes. Filing for bankruptcy might have no reflection on how much income he truly had at the time. As a general rule in the sex industry, the lower you're willing to go the more you make and he didn't seem to have any boundaries at all. It doesn't take model looks, self-esteem, or much else to do that kind of work. There's a clientele for every sort of fetish or desire, and Luka would simply feed off of the thrill of juicing people that way. Personally, I was shy and nerdy so I attracted clients (I was a dancer) who did not want endless lap dances but rather would pay me to talk with them for hours and maybe request one very coy lap dance.

Secondly, for those who think that narcissism and being psychotic are mutually exclusive--narcissists experience regular mini psychotic breaks. It's part and parcel of their illness. As someone else mentioned already here, personality disorders allow for comorbidity.

Thirdly, I haven't heard much of a response back about this, but does anyone else have the sense that Luka might have killed two people for the making of the video; that it might indeed be two videos spliced together? I don't mean to get caught up on this point but perhaps it would explain quite a few inconsistencies in the video. The moment when I really started to wonder was when I realized that it would explain him posting two weeks in advance about the video. Maybe he made one video and was unable to sell it. Maybe the buyer wanted the head as proof and Luka had already done away with the first body. ...He wouldn't have to have disposed of the first body in the same way as he did Lin's body.

Fourth, Ted Bundy was ashamed of his necrophilia. What if Luka is driven by a necrophiliac urge more than anything else and feels he has to cover how much he's engrossed in it by seeming to be interested more in violence for the sake of violence? And maybe that necrophilia is about low self-esteem, the lack of intimate relations in his life that he has wanted to have, and an incredible loneliness eating away at him. But maybe it would be too impossible for his pride to bear, if people discovered that he was just this lonely man who had been bullied his whole life and discarded by people...who cuddled with corpses because he couldn't believe a live person could want him.

disclaimer: these are just my opinions and could change very swiftly as more details emerge about the case, or as i realize i was having a daft moment on zee internets

I would bet a million dollars that his status has nothing to do with anything he has said or done while in custody. jmo
You are correct. This is quite common and standard procedure when dealing with something of this magnitude and the fact that he is clearly unstable, whether it is outwardly visible or not.
Please dont take this the wrong way, but why anyone would put any "importance" on anything written on Encyclopedia Dramatica clearly does not know what that site is about. Its right up there with The Onion.

Without revealing much more than I can, Ive said this before, but due to my affiliation with another website, I have been mentioned on ED in a complete fabricated tale of fiction - for entertainment purposes. I have even shared this with a well known member here.....

ED is entertainment.....nothing more.

I was just documenting the fact that some info and a link I found useful had come down from the site without the last edit date being changed just mentioning it. The link was to L.M. necro blog which I found useful for reasons I posted on couple of days ago. Sorry for not being clearer I had never heard of E.D. still this week and of course I could see it was satirical, kind of mean etc. Sorry about what happened if it hurt you the article I mean on yourself.

In my opinion some sign that that extradition was not normal can be found in the myriad defenses put forward here:

The problem with us from here deciding on his mental health (though we can try) is that we know very very little about him. Very little knew is emerging. Does anyone find that strange? I keep seeing the same old 10 day old facts being brought forward in media.
This is really great having topic-specific threads for this case now! Since I'm nothing but an armchair sleuth here, I only have some potential insights to add--no major information or links to articles though I have really gleaned a lot from the articles (links) people posted both today and beforehand.

The general consensus seems to be that Luka has always been dirt poor and could never come up with the money to travel or have plastic surgery done. As an ex sex industry worker, I can tell you that he'd have no trouble if he put his mind to it, making the necessary money. He might very well have avoided storing funds in a bank account so that he could evade taxes. Filing for bankruptcy might have no reflection on how much income he truly had at the time. As a general rule in the sex industry, the lower you're willing to go the more you make and he didn't seem to have any boundaries at all. It doesn't take model looks, self-esteem, or much else to do that kind of work. There's a clientele for every sort of fetish or desire, and Luka would simply feed off of the thrill of juicing people that way. Personally, I was shy and nerdy so I attracted clients (I was a dancer) who did not want endless lap dances but rather would pay me to talk with them for hours and maybe request one very coy lap dance.

Secondly, for those who think that narcissism and being psychotic are mutually exclusive--narcissists experience regular mini psychotic breaks. It's part and parcel of their illness. As someone else mentioned already here, personality disorders allow for comorbidity.

Thirdly, I haven't heard much of a response back about this, but does anyone else have the sense that Luka might have killed two people for the making of the video; that it might indeed be two videos spliced together? I don't mean to get caught up on this point but perhaps it would explain quite a few inconsistencies in the video. The moment when I really started to wonder was when I realized that it would explain him posting two weeks in advance about the video. Maybe he made one video and was unable to sell it. Maybe the buyer wanted the head as proof and Luka had already done away with the first body. ...He wouldn't have to have disposed of the first body in the same way as he did Lin's body.

Fourth, Ted Bundy was ashamed of his necrophilia. What if Luka is driven by a necrophiliac urge more than anything else and feels he has to cover how much he's engrossed in it by seeming to be interested more in violence for the sake of violence? And maybe that necrophilia is about low self-esteem, the lack of intimate relations in his life that he has wanted to have, and an incredible loneliness eating away at him. But maybe it would be too impossible for his pride to bear, if people discovered that he was just this lonely man who had been bullied his whole life and discarded by people.

disclaimer: these are just my opinions and could change very swiftly as more details emerge about the case, or as i realize i was having a daft moment on zee internets

Great thoughts as usual, Scientific! Personally, I do not feel that the inconsistencies in the video indicate much of anything other than the fact that he was a really crappy editor. As I have stated previously, I feel that all of his actions in the video were obligatory. I feel he is too much of an emotional flatliner to be too fetishy.
A few things I've noted: Lm seems to have a consistent droop on the left side of his mouth; he blinks very inconsistently and at a much lower rate than average; he was described by a friend in an article as having a facial tic and by another friend as being very shaky (I read these a while ago but do not have sources, my apologies). I can't find any diagnosis that mirrors all these affects, so perhaps either a neuro disorder or medication side effects?

Well, on top of everything else ...
Great thoughts as usual, Scientific! Personally, I do not feel that the inconsistencies in the video indicate much of anything other than the fact that he was a really crappy editor. As I have stated previously, I feel that all of his actions in the video were obligatory. I feel he is too much of an emotional flatliner to be too fetishy.

Agree! Fetishy on the outside only, imo.
A few things I've noted: Lm seems to have a consistent droop on the left side of his mouth; he blinks very inconsistently and at a much lower rate than average; he was described by a friend in an article as having a facial tic and by another friend as being very shaky (I read these a while ago but do not have sources, my apologies). I can't find any diagnosis that mirrors all these affects, so perhaps either a neuro disorder or medication side effects?

Well, on top of everything else ...
I've watched at least a dozen interviews and videos of him and didn't notice any tics or shakiness. I did notice that he doesn't blink much, and he smiles partially and infrequently as if uncomfortable with it for some reason.
I've watched at least a dozen interviews and videos of him and didn't notice any tics or shakiness. I did notice that he doesn't blink much, and he smiles partially and infrequently as if uncomfortable with it for some reason.

Watch the mouth/tongue movements in the cover guy interview. It seemed to me that he was VERY uncomfortable.
Edit: If he indeed does have a facial droop, etc:

Maybe he had a stroke while doing a speedy drug like meth. Or his facial droop might be caused by Bell's Palsy, other brain damage, or neuro disorders... Early Parkinson's could explain everything at once though that usually doesn't set in until at least age 30. Schizophrenia can cause flattening of affect which might address some of what you've described here. I think I remember someone posting already about the statistical significance of blinking among psychopaths; they blink less.

Or it could be a combination of/partly mundane factors such as coffee addiction for the shakes, a naturally crooked face, and a genetic anomaly for the blinking.

Still, that's astute of you to notice and you may very well be on to something there.

A few things I've noted: Lm seems to have a consistent droop on the left side of his mouth; he blinks very inconsistently and at a much lower rate than average; he was described by a friend in an article as having a facial tic and by another friend as being very shaky (I read these a while ago but do not have sources, my apologies). I can't find any diagnosis that mirrors all these affects, so perhaps either a neuro disorder or medication side effects?

Well, on top of everything else ...
There are outward neurological indications that something is unbalanced... blunted affect, alogia are two prime examples we can clearly see in video footage.

Now whether those are the result of medication or lack of medication it could go either way or even be a combination... mesolimbic pathway (dopamine) which also effects fine motor function.

I really have more digging to do and I am stoked about the research! Ready to get my geek on!!!
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