What time was Ronald and Misty's fight on Feb 9th?

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Not much of a "Bomb-Shell" here, but definitely somethings that caught my attention.
LE has not shared "anything" regarding phone records/text messages to the public. But did they share anything with TJ Hart? A while back TJ Hart did state a tid bit of info on JVM that made me go:waitasec:

The way TJ made it sound the fight happen before Ron went to work, yet we heard that the fight happen over the phone around 8:30PM. So which is it I wonder?

Also, has it not been said that GGMS and an aunt E(?), had came to the MH around 7PM that night.

But take a look at what TJ said on JVM. It could of been a mix up with the time, or maybe it wasn't? If true the fight happen around 7PM that night how could Ron of been at work? Was he at work and Misty went to his Job? This just throws another loop in the story.

Also note what Ron says about Misty from behind bars...why would he be so concerned over whether she understands the laws or not? Stating that she is not going to serve much time in Jail that LE is just trying to scare her?

Haleigh Cummings Mystery
Aired February 10, 2010
"Snip" http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1002/10/ijvm.01.html

RON CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: And I told Misty not to split (ph) them. I said he`s the police, but she didn`t listen to me either. I mean, she might not even go to prison. They`re just scaring her. She ain`t got no record at all.


R CUMMINGS: She ain`t even got a misdemeanor on her record. They`re just scaring her. Someone needs to explain that to her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t know why her lawyer hasn`t.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK, T.J. Hart, you know so much about this case. You have some new information and I`m also very curious. Do we know if Misty had access to a vehicle that night? Because if not, if there`s something fishy going on, somebody else would have had to have been involved. They searched the area around that trailer, completely and thoroughly. And also, why was Ron son frantic to reach Misty on that night that he called 20 times? I mean, this was before he supposedly knew that the child was missing. So, why is he calling -- who calls 20 times to your girlfriend?

HART: Well, first things first. Vehicle? Yes, she had access to a vehicle and people who could have driven her. Her family was only about 100 yards away. Her vehicle is there. Also friends of hers who had been partying with her had vehicles. An old beat up car that "Nay Nay" Prevatt had. So, she had access to a ride or a vehicle or transpiration from someone that night. She certainly did.

Now with Ron Cummings, what had happened was that night before the -- before Ron went to work, an argument had broken out because Misty wanted to babysit some other kids and Ronald said no, you won`t you`ll be looking after my kids and the argument kept escalating as he went to work and also throughout the -- about 7:00 or so at night, and I think that`s when she turned off her telephone, if I recall from the records and also from other interviews, and interviews that I conducted, Ron tried text messaging, calling her and trying to reach her.
Here the fight is being mentioned as happening over the phone. Ron's attorney reply to the call to Tommy is also a bit confusing. He first says that Ron did not ask Hank to go check up on Misty, then said Ron only called Tommy to see if Misty was there. Same thing IMO. I agree with what BRENDA WADE is thinking. That fight is what triggered whatever went on next. IMO, What ever happen to Haleigh, happen after the fight. I now question where the fight took place, that could be the area that Haleigh is at. :cow:


Does Haleigh`s Stepmom Know More than She Says
Aired September 23, 2009
"snip" http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0909/23/ijvm.01.html

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. You have to wonder why did she leave? The timeline of the night that Haleigh vanished doesn`t make any sense, people. Haleigh`s great grandmother, Annette Sykes, says she saw Haleigh at about 7:30 that night. Misty claims she put Haleigh to bed at about 8 p.m. that night.

Misty`s brother, Hank Croslin is telling cops that Ron Cummings asked him to go by the house where Misty was and check on Misty, Haleigh and little Ron Jr. that night. Hank says he did that at 9:45 p.m. and nobody was home.

Law enforcement sources say phone records show that Ron tried unsuccessfully to reach Misty 20 times over the course of the evening. But Ron`s lawyer says that Ron did not ask Hank to go check up on Misty. Ron`s lawyer claims Ron and Misty had been in touch during the evening. The lawyer says Ron called Hank`s house at around 9 p.m. just to see if Misty was there.

Well, here`s what I don`t understand, Art Harris. If Ron had been in touch with Misty, why was he calling around looking for her? Why do records show, reportedly, he tried unsuccessfully to call her 20 times? It just doesn`t make sense. What do you know?

HARRIS: I don`t have any -- any information that he was talking to her. In fact, my sources say that he did not speak with her after 8:30. They had a fight on the phone. He did not speak with her until 3 a.m., when he came home.

So you have all those phone calls. You have cell phone towers that put him at work, and you have other towers that are now being investigated along with Misty`s telephone to see if, in fact, hers was off or if, in fact, she made other calls.

BRENDA WADE, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: What I do know is that it`s very likely that Misty was acting out and punishing Ron, because they had a fight on the phone. Whether she shut off the phone or whether she left the house, that fight is what triggered whatever went on next.
Since we have GGMS saying she was there at the MH sometime between 7:00 and 8:00 pm that night, (closer to 8:00 pm last I heard her say). I'm going with whatever happened occurred before 7:00 pm or during the 7:00 pm fight... IF there was a BIG fight at 7:00 pm instead of 8:30 pm.. JMHO
Not much of a "Bomb-Shell" here, but definitely somethings that caught my attention.
LE has not shared "anything" regarding phone records/text messages to the public. But did they share anything with TJ Hart? A while back TJ Hart did state a tid bit of info on JVM that made me go:waitasec:

The way TJ made it sound the fight happen before Ron went to work, yet we heard that the fight happen over the phone around 8:30PM. So which is it I wonder?

Also, has it not been said that GGMS and an aunt E(?), had came to the MH around 7PM that night.

But take a look at what TJ said on JVM. It could of been a mix up with the time, or maybe it wasn't? If true the fight happen around 7PM that night how could Ron of been at work? Was he at work and Misty went to his Job? This just throws another loop in the story.

Also note what Ron says about Misty from behind bars...why would he be so concerned over whether she understands the laws or not? Stating that she is not going to serve much time in Jail that LE is just trying to scare her?
I seem to remember those words about Misty & jail coming out of Tommy's mouth? I don't know which one, but I think a jail tape.
Here's another transcript where it's H croslin and Lindsy

H. CROSLIN: I told Misty not to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) with them. I said it`s the police. But she didn`t listen to me either. She might not even go to prison. They`re just scaring her. She ain`t got no record at all. She ain`t even got a misdemeanor on her record. They`re just scaring her. Someone needs to explain that to her.

LINDSAY CROSLIN: I don`t know why your lawyer hasn`t


Does Haleigh`s Stepmom Know More than She Says
Aired September 23, 2009
"snip" http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIP...3/ijvm.01.html

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. You have to wonder why did she leave? The timeline of the night that Haleigh vanished doesn`t make any sense, people. Haleigh`s great grandmother, Annette Sykes, says she saw Haleigh at about 7:30 that night. Misty claims she put Haleigh to bed at about 8 p.m. that night.

Misty`s brother, Hank Croslin is telling cops that Ron Cummings asked him to go by the house where Misty was and check on Misty, Haleigh and little Ron Jr. that night. Hank says he did that at 9:45 p.m. and nobody was home.

Law enforcement sources say phone records show that Ron tried unsuccessfully to reach Misty 20 times over the course of the evening. But Ron`s lawyer says that Ron did not ask Hank to go check up on Misty. Ron`s lawyer claims Ron and Misty had been in touch during the evening. The lawyer says Ron called Hank`s house at around 9 p.m. just to see if Misty was there.

Well, here`s what I don`t understand, Art Harris. If Ron had been in touch with Misty, why was he calling around looking for her? Why do records show, reportedly, he tried unsuccessfully to call her 20 times? It just doesn`t make sense. What do you know?

HARRIS: I don`t have any -- any information that he was talking to her. In fact, my sources say that he did not speak with her after 8:30. They had a fight on the phone. He did not speak with her until 3 a.m., when he came home.

So you have all those phone calls. You have cell phone towers that put him at work, and you have other towers that are now being investigated along with Misty`s telephone to see if, in fact, hers was off or if, in fact, she made other calls.

BRENDA WADE, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: What I do know is that it`s very likely that Misty was acting out and punishing Ron, because they had a fight on the phone. Whether she shut off the phone or whether she left the house, that fight is what triggered whatever went on next.
underlined by me..

I have a several questions as to the comments I underlined...

Ron's attorney is saying Ron called Hank's house at around 9...Is this Hank Sr.'s house??
Is Tommy placing himself at Magnolia... his parents house???..when he talked to Ron???Tommy's parents were not home and were at the hospital...There was a statement made...I believe by AH..(sorry no link)that the phone records showed that Ron called Tommy at the Magnolia residence on their land line phone...There was some speculation Misty was staying over there after her 3 day binge..If true......Why was Tommy at his parents house...and them not home???...Why not call Tommy at his OWN home...???

Then Tommy is saying that Ron asked him to go by the house where Misty WAS.....
So I am going to assume....MISTY was at the Magnolia residence..and Ron KNEW that was where Misty WAS....and not AT Ron's house....Tommy may have gone to Ron's house and it was dark and no one home...because Misty was at the Magnolia residence...
Tommy perhaps did go over to his parents house looking for Misty and he answered the phone there...maybe Misty did not want to answer her parents phone and talk to Ron..She had probably turned her own phone off as well....so Tommy answered the phone there..

These stories are hard to figure out, to me, due to there could have been several residences that are being spoken about...and Ron perhaps had Tommy check out BOTH residences...and Misty could have been at both during that day....OR... only at her parents Magnolia residence....until...Ron's MH was staged and she went over and made the 911 call...

I hope I have explained this clearly..and made some clarity out of these confusing statements...and again ...all in my own opinion...
I thought I remember reading that Ron did not call Tommy specifically. He called the Croslin phone (Hank Sr.?) and I guess Tommy picked up.

I also thought I read that the call to Misty around 8:30 pm only lasted 20 seconds.

But I may be mistaken since this case has gone on so long now it is hard for me to keep everything straight.

I would think they may have had an arguement before Ron went to work about her being out all weekend with some other guys.

IMO, their fight started the week before and continued by phone even after Misty left for her "weekend binge." Also IMO, they continued the fight in person Sunday night or Monday, if not both. And IMO, they had a knock-down drag-out battle that Monday before Ron left for work--and Haleigh could have been injured in the line of fire between the two of them. I believe Misty stormed out of the house, Ron called TN to babysit because Misty had left...and TN either went to the MH to allow Ron to leave for work or he left the kids alone because he believed TN was on her way. Then TN got Misty by phone and begged her to go to the MH to sit with the kids, even offering to pay her. I believe that's when Misty told TN she would babysit if it was OK with Ron.

The fight continued by phone so Misty just quit answering her phone. Then later on when things went south for Haleigh, Ron refused to answer his phone.

All JMO.

ETA: GMS stated she was mad at Misty for leaving Ron without a babysitter. It was easy to assume she was referring to the prior weekend, and maybe she was. But -- possibly she was referring to Monday, February 9.
IMO, their fight started the week before and continued by phone even after Misty left for her "weekend binge." Also IMO, they continued the fight in person Sunday night or Monday, if not both. And IMO, they had a knock-down drag-out battle that Monday before Ron left for work--and Haleigh could have been injured in the line of fire between the two of them. I believe Misty stormed out of the house, Ron called TN to babysit because Misty had left...and TN either went to the MH to allow Ron to leave for work or he left the kids alone knowing TN was on her way. Then TN got Misty by phone and begged her to go to the MH to sit with the kids, even offering to pay her. I believe that's when Misty told TN she would babysit if it was OK with Ron.

The fight continued by phone so Misty just quit answering her phone. Then later on when things went south for Haleigh, Ron refused to answer his phone.

All JMO.

I think you may be right which makes it very weird IMO that they progressed to this happy event in a few short weeks after she had lost his daughter.
I think you may be right which makes it very weird IMO that they progressed to this happy event in a few short weeks after she had lost his daughter.

Oy...that whole proposal/wedding is one of the most disgusting displays of all their carp!
IMO, their fight started the week before and continued by phone even after Misty left for her "weekend binge." Also IMO, they continued the fight in person Sunday night or Monday, if not both. And IMO, they had a knock-down drag-out battle that Monday before Ron left for work--and Haleigh could have been injured in the line of fire between the two of them. I believe Misty stormed out of the house, Ron called TN to babysit because Misty had left...and TN either went to the MH to allow Ron to leave for work or he left the kids alone because he believed TN was on her way. Then TN got Misty by phone and begged her to go to the MH to sit with the kids, even offering to pay her. I believe that's when Misty told TN she would babysit if it was OK with Ron.

The fight continued by phone so Misty just quit answering her phone. Then later on when things went south for Haleigh, Ron refused to answer his phone.

All JMO.

bolded by me..

I like your theory....Sounds very very possible...

If true, I have a feeling Ron has made Misty take responsibilty for Haleigh's demise.....likely accusing her of "causing the argument/fight...and her responsible for making it escalate and bringing the harm to Haleigh..(whatever that was)...so Misty is afraid to tell the truth..as she feels involved in Haleigh's death....

IMO...Ron WOULD shift the blame...to someone else...and make them take the fall....

I thought I remember reading that Ron did not call Tommy specifically. He called the Croslin phone (Hank Sr.?) and I guess Tommy picked up.

I also thought I read that the call to Misty around 8:30 pm only lasted 20 seconds.

But I may be mistaken since this case has gone on so long now it is hard for me to keep everything straight.

I would think they may have had an arguement before Ron went to work about her being out all weekend with some other guys.


Hey OBE, I think that the phone call that lasted about 20 seconds was the call between Ron and Tommy, iirc.
Hey OBE, I think that the phone call that lasted about 20 seconds was the call between Ron and Tommy, iirc.

Oh thank you.

Now that seems like a quick "Misty over there?" "Nope" and then a hangup.

IMO, their fight started the week before and continued by phone even after Misty left for her "weekend binge." Also IMO, they continued the fight in person Sunday night or Monday, if not both. And IMO, they had a knock-down drag-out battle that Monday before Ron left for work--and Haleigh could have been injured in the line of fire between the two of them. I believe Misty stormed out of the house, Ron called TN to babysit because Misty had left...and TN either went to the MH to allow Ron to leave for work or he left the kids alone because he believed TN was on her way. Then TN got Misty by phone and begged her to go to the MH to sit with the kids, even offering to pay her. I believe that's when Misty told TN she would babysit if it was OK with Ron.

The fight continued by phone so Misty just quit answering her phone. Then later on when things went south for Haleigh, Ron refused to answer his phone.

All JMO.

ETA: GMS stated she was mad at Misty for leaving Ron without a babysitter. It was easy to assume she was referring to the prior weekend, and maybe she was. But -- possibly she was referring to Monday, February 9.

So far out of all the theories/possibilities yours is by far the most plausible! It would make sense that Misty was staying at the Magnolia address, at least to me. I have been thinking about this statement made by Art for a long time. When the river search was done and LE said Haleigh most likely died in that area it made me think about it even more. I even emailed him about it to see if he could go into more details and explain the scenario a bit better. But no reply for what ever reason.
Ok I just thought of something.:waitasec:

Did Ron ever say he TOLD Tommy to go to his house?

Because if Tommy knew that Ron was at work and Tommy thought Misty wasn't at home it would be a perfect time for maybe him and Joe to go and look for the gun.

Ok I just thought of something.:waitasec:

Did Ron ever say he TOLD Tommy to go to his house?

Because if Tommy knew that Ron was at work and Tommy thought Misty wasn't at home it would be a perfect time for maybe him and Joe to go and look for the gun.


IIRC RC emphasized very specifically that he did not ask Tommy to go check on Misty. I remember thinking he made quite a point of it and wondering why it mattered.
IIRC RC emphasized very specifically that he did not ask Tommy to go check on Misty. I remember thinking he made quite a point of it and wondering why it mattered.
I'm pretty sure that through his lawyer, Ron stated that he did not ask Tommy to go to the trailer, but did ask Tommy if Misty was there with him. I can't figure out the significance, unless Ron just didn't want his name mixed up in that lie. Unless Ron is lying...but I don't think Tommy ever accused him of lying, & as a matter of fact, he changed his own story regarding that call. Since it looks like it was taken from a landline, (Art), then my guess is that that call, (which Tommy is bound to, because of phone records), didn't mesh with the Joe story. Maybe he claimed to have been at the trailer with a knife to his throat, at the same time as that call? Since Tommy is now trying to change the time of that call, something's up with the original time. But alas, that's information, we're not privy to.
IIRC RC emphasized very specifically that he did not ask Tommy to go check on Misty. I remember thinking he made quite a point of it and wondering why it mattered.

Now I think I understand why he was so adamant about it and bet he told LE that too. Ron did not tell Tommy to go there but Tommy did go anyway.

So know I question the real reason why Tommy went there all the while knowing that Ron was at work.

Imo, it wasn't to see if Misty was there and it makes sense why there are no further calls to Tommy from Ron.

If he really went there to check up on Misty then why didn't Tommy try to call Ron back or Ron call him back?

The entire thing about Tommy supposedly going there for Ron makes no sense.

Now I think I understand why he was so adamant about it and bet he told LE that too. Ron did not tell Tommy to go there but Tommy did go anyway.

So know I question the real reason why Tommy went there all the while knowing that Ron was at work.

Imo, it wasn't to see if Misty was there and it makes sense why there are no further calls to Tommy from Ron.

If he really went there to check up on Misty then why didn't Tommy try to call Ron back or Ron call him back?

The entire thing about Tommy supposedly going there for Ron makes no sense.

But...Tommy is now backing away from that story & is changing it. with no eplanation of why. But cops have said, (I think), that just because he is now changing his story, doesn't mean they are going to disregard his original time.
But...Tommy is now backing away from that story & is changing it. with no explanation of why. But cops have said, (I think), that just because he is now changing his story, doesn't mean they are going to disregard his original time.

I think you are right and they have long had those phone records.

It makes no sense that in a 20 second call he would tell Tommy to go to his house to see if Misty was there.

And if he did go there for Ron he would call Ron back telling him he couldn't find her and either talk to Ron or leave a voice mail. I just cant see Tommy doing Ron a favor. Or Ron would have called him back to see if she was there.

Tommy's story stinks to high heaven and I think LE knew it instantly when the phone records didn't back up why he said he went there.

I think he only confessed to being there because he was afraid that someone had seen him.


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