Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #15

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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #14
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #13
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #12
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #11
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #9
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2
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Post # 409 from 1/23/11 - referencing GEORGE A.
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Things CAN Get Worse: red alert!

Speaking of jewelers' zodiac Signs, Friday 18 February is a glaring departure. The Sun moves into Pisces that day and thus begins George's annual trough. The Sun's opposition is always heavy for this Virgo because he was born with Mercury, Venus, south lunar node and the Sun under the Sign of the virgin. Now his progressed Mars is there too filling in an ample collection.

Transit Pluto and the node have long been squaring George's Saturn and we talked about coercion to do and say what he would never have chosen of his own free will. In March, Uranus and Jupiter move into opposition with that natal Saturn, Uranus settling firmly into Aries on Friday, March 11.
This blows his doors off, a major invasion of privacy and crossing of all personal boundaries. Meanwhile, transit Saturn comes from his Neptune to oppose his Jupiter and square his Uranus, a par none legal attack aiming to pull down all of his objections and defenses. If I were George, I would set these people by the ears (& yes, I mean The Team and the prisoner) at the end of this month when Mars opposes my Mars and on into February as Mars opposes my Pluto the first week and a half. It is bare, baseline self-preservation to do this and he must. George is blessed with a powerful Leo Mars and Pluto and his dignity is being offended; he has to ready his retort, in order to save himself. If he has gone along to get along due to pressures even beyond what The Team presents, it is overdue to bring this "cooperation" (submission) to a halt.

Tuba- I don't post much but read constantly here. I am amazed at the insight you have brought here (seen through the charts)! I just wanted to give a special thanks for all you do.

Let's hope that GA does stand up for himself and not just roll over and allow this defense theory to be put in front of jurors.
Two Things from the Main News Thread.....

1. George's lawyer released a statement saying he did not kill Caylee.

2. CA will be back in court on Thursday, 3/31 at 10AM to discuss the Defense's right to add 6 new witnesses to the witness list.

So CA will be in court at least Thursday and Friday and possibly Saturday!
Two Things from the Main News Thread.....

1. George's lawyer released a statement saying he did not kill Caylee.

2. CA will be back in court on Thursday, 3/31 at 10AM to discuss the Defense's right to add 6 new witnesses to the witness list.

So CA will be in court at least Thursday and Friday and possibly Saturday!

The MOTION regarding these NEW Witnesses is in the TimeStamped thread with date of 3/22/11 and time recorded @ 2:24PM in Clerk's office.


In addition, DEFENSE has filed 2 new MOTIONS today 3/29 trying to disqualify State Expert Witnesses Dr. Hall/chloroform and Karen Lowe/FBI hair banding.

The story is in the TimeStamped Thread but we need copies of those motions; hoping there are times either transmitted or recorded in the Clerk's office.
The Defense has filed Amended Motions on the plant/root growth and the post-mortem hair banding. Copies of the Motions are in the Astro Time Stamp Thread.

Amended Motion in Limine for Hearing on the Unreliability of Scientific Testimony by Karen Lowe on Post-Mortem Hair Banding - Filed with the Clerk's Office 3/29 at 11:14AM

Amended Motion for Hearing on the Unreliability of Expert Opinion Testimony of Dr. Hall - Filed with the Clerk's Office 3/29 at 11:20AM

Whenever a planet, like the Moon here, is in its FALL, there has been a fresh down tick in its stock. The entity is held in lesser regard, the reputation diminished. As prospects dim, The Team gets pushy and will live to rue it.

So Tuba, is this the big surprise? Money spent by the PI to find these two witnesses from the protesting in front of the A's?

This is the article where GA's attorney denies his involvement but late this afternoon it was updated with the following:

Lippman said, facts aside, that the defense could still use the theory that his client killed Caylee at trial.

"If there's a reasonable scenario that could cater to how the circumstances then turned out later, certainly you present it, it's absolutely necessary if you're going to represent your client zealously," Lippman said.

Lippman said he met last Friday with defense attorney Jose Baez and Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, but he cannot say what they discussed.

Tuba - Thoughts, comments, do the charts tell us anything about this meeting? I have no idea about the time when this supposed meeting could have taken place.

This is the article where GA's attorney denies his involvement but late this afternoon it was updated with the following:

Lippman said, facts aside, that the defense could still use the theory that his client killed Caylee at trial.

"If there's a reasonable scenario that could cater to how the circumstances then turned out later, certainly you present it, it's absolutely necessary if you're going to represent your client zealously," Lippman said.

Lippman said he met last Friday with defense attorney Jose Baez and Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, but he cannot say what they discussed.

Tuba - Thoughts, comments, do the charts tell us anything about this meeting? I have no idea about the time when this supposed meeting could have taken place.

And did this meeting have anything to do with the DC deposition on Monday? Funny GA was not there?

In the final boiling, this motion, in concert with the events of the past week, damages the defense of this prisoner. We will also see an outside hand reaching in, stirring with a long handle. Just when we thought her position could not look worse.

In the final boiling, this motion, in concert with the events of the past week, damages the defense of this prisoner. We will also see an outside hand reaching in, stirring with a long handle. Just when we thought her position could not look worse.

Would this "long handle" by any chance be GA with his denials about killing Caylee?

In the final boiling, this motion, in concert with the events of the past week, damages the defense of this prisoner. We will also see an outside hand reaching in, stirring with a long handle. Just when we thought her position could not look worse.

I'm going to weigh in on this and say, that the defense will try to say that the prosecution is making the prisoner re-experience /re-live the PTSD as a way to enter the emotional detachment as well as the dissociation she has into the picture, to explain the emotionally flat, "preoccupied" display shes been doing alot of .
The long handle, I think will be DC telling the truth about what the Anthonys' asked of him, which turns on alot of lights !
What a day of things revealed. (Court filings/etc). Things get more bazaar by the minute. I guess we best fasten out seat belts before trial because of all that we will be hearing and seeing.

Tuba, I am wondering, is the DT gonna try and go for a Mental Verdict (if jury finds her guilty) so that she is institutionalized instead of spending out her days in the Big House? I don't ask this to put you on the spot as I know that you don't predict the future. But, has anything that your charts shown thus far, pointed to something like this? TIA
The rising Sign for the inspiration to bring in a slate of state of mind doctors is Cancer. In other horoscopes, also in cases other than Anthony, this has been seen to mean intention, motive and desire to protect. Sometimes it was the integrity of the case itself, sometimes it was a given individual, or assets. Here, it is an effort to protect the prisoner and to affect the outcome of her prosecution. That is clear from the ruling Moon's position in the House belonging to Cancer in the natural zodiac, House 4.

The motion is the Tenth House Mercury, which seems well situated in an angle and applying to the sextile with Venus. Mercury, however, is slowing toward a station when it will retrograde and even at the time of the motion, is moving at a rate slower than the planet Venus. What this means is that the sextile will not perfect before that contemptible Moon in fall squares Neptune of case law and common law. Thus the motion rouses the prosecution to take arms against this roiling sea of pollution. Defense is attempting to draw a disguise over the nature of this crime and its elements, the better to confuse those.

The Cancer Ascendant that we are studying also alerts us to family matters, which the Scorpio Moon is determined to protect but in a manner that is destructive in its slogan "Protect at all costs!" Therefore, the intrusion into the legal strategies, maneuvers and decisions originates within Prisoner's family. The long handled stirring spoon is not at all unfamiliar, reliably misused.
I can't say I'm shocked because nothing really shocks me anymore when it comes to this family but he will be the 4th? person they tried to pin this on. Is Judge Perry following all the pinning prior to him taking over this case? Do they realize that the general population is reading these theories over the last three years. I think the defense is poisoning their own ability to have an unbias jury.....excuse me for saying this but SHUT UP already! The desperation is pathetic.

I pray that George will find the strength to break free from this toxidity and do the right thing.
Tuba -

I have no idea if this will be helpful or not but I will add the info here just in case.

Here is a link to official statement put out by the Anthony's attorney yesterday.

It was put out through a PR company. I went to that PR Company's website and found the old press release of when Lippman announced that he would be representing the Anthony's on matters more than just their foreclosure.

If for any reason that time and date could be helpful....that one is time stamped. It was posted, Mon Aug 30, 2010 at 14:37:22 PM EDT.
The chart does show that the couple is on the ragged edge as to what a jury will see and then what this jury will decide, as well as what the case law will dictate. That's because Mercury rules the jury and Mars rules the precedents and the couple, Pisces Sun at 10°59' is stuck in the middle. Would they join in some design to produce a mistrial? That sort of churning is in the heavenly bodies of the horoscope but they do not appear to be the source. Due to the reigning Caput Algol, they may turn the courtroom or the case itself upside down because they go berzerk, at least in terms of court standards, which are fairly STRICT. When Caput Algol is in charge, you go off like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.

Coming up I believe in court on Friday or Saturday they will be addressing the motion regarding the stain in the trunk. It is possible if SA puts up the pictures of the trunk stain with highlighted area as we have seen here on our very own thread that would surely put them over the edge. The more we look at that stain here on WS's, the more we see. There is too much there to be a mere coincidence and is certainly not pizza.

Is that spoon Cindy? God knows she shows exceptional talent at pot stirring competitions!

ETA: Is the "protect at all costs" mentality because she didn't protect at all costs when she should have, or is this pathology deeper or a pre-existing condition, in your opinion?

Is that spoon Cindy? God knows she shows exceptional talent at pot stirring competitions!

ETA: Is the "protect at all costs" mentality because she didn't protect at all costs when she should have, or is this pathology deeper or a pre-existing condition, in your opinion?

My thoughts exactly Frigga, it seems (if I can see it correctly) that the handle is in Gemini, South Node? I could be way off on that Gemini guess though.
Good discussion everybody! Thank you for contributing. We're looking at Thursday & time is pressing me to look at tomorrow's chart. If it is a simple confirmation of the one done for to motion to introduce a slate of state of mind doctors, we will leave it at that. Otherwise, I will post a new chart for March 31, 10:00 a.m. EDST. Thanks again! (Nobody is off on anything.)
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