Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 3 - 2nd Day of Testimony, Tuesday, Sept 25

Hello . . . Hello . . . Hello . . . . Echo . . Echo. . . Echo . . . I can see we have 30 members and 34 guests in here but it appears I am the only one willing to post? What's up Buttercup? I promise to play nice with others! Would love to hear all of your thoughts on today's proceedings.

Sorry- I ran to get the candles. lol
Sorry, wenwe ... I actually posted today on the wrong thread (yesterday's) but my little one had a surgical procedure today, and all I can do is pop in and out.
Sorry, wenwe ... I actually posted today on the wrong thread (yesterday's) but my little one had a surgical procedure today, and all I can do is pop in and out.

Ohhhh . . . I hope your little one is snuggled up next to you and comfy. Glad to know you are popping in and out as you can. Give big hugs and lots of snuggles to your little sweetie. Sending warm beams of healing light your way!
All I have is WS. TV has no coverage. No web tv and cant ever get tweets. Darn
the twits aren't tweeting either. wasn't ej staying with sorin s at the time of the first court hearing? her plans were already set while she made nice with the judge.
the twits aren't tweeting either. wasn't ej staying with sorin s at the time of the first court hearing? her plans were already set while she made nice with the judge.

That's what broke my heart. She sat there, getting digs in at Logan and she knew that visitation would never take place.

I don't blame the judge. He knew they were having problems, but he lacked the ability to hear it all during that hearing. Without the parenting conference, it would have been he said/she said.

It's a pity that Logan didn't get the opportunity to explain what EJ had done.
Per NV at BHGJ- In Session will pull feed every day at 4 AZ time.
Per NV at BHGJ- In Session will pull feed every day at 4 AZ time.
Thanks to everyone who is keeping us updated with info from the trial. Was able to catch a bit of it today and I can't believe how EJ is coming across. Strange behaviours, crying outbursts for no apparent reason, laughing at the "more on" reference and repeating it a few times as if it's the first time she's made the connection (she was there in the courtroom the first time wasn't she?), changing hair styles after each break (including moving part from side to side?:waitasec:). Does she think she's trying out for a part in a television show? She seems to be very aware of the camera and wants to look her best? I guess her lawyers have no control over her appearance, I assume she runs the show in that regard especially.

She appears to be very cunning and manipulative, with shades of CA in the lying dept (how do they just tell those bold faced lies to LE and have no care nor concept that it will come back to bite them?) and I'm beginning to believe that while the idea of going out of state to prevent Logan from gaining custody of Gabriel was all TPS's idea in the first place, EJ was the one who was pulling the strings once she left. Which had TPS scrambling and back pedalling. But it was EJ who was using TPS to keep Gabriel away from Logan as well. I do think maybe there was a plan for EJ to meet someone connected to the Smiths in the park but TPS (or whomever was assisting her with that) pulled the plug on that when the heat got turned up with Logan and LE back in AZ. So EJ just decided to tell LE the story of the original plan.

I really do think that TPS started to panic at some point that she was going to be outed for her part in it all, pulled the plug on the original plan and tried to get EJ to come back. EJ on the other hand had already decided she wasn't going back and Logan wasn't going to see his son again. But of course she didn't want him with her either in her new life in Florida. CA didn't want her child around to mess with her life anymore either. And she didn't want her mother having custody. We know what her decision was. Was EJ's the same? Sure looks that way to me. :(

I can't believe that she may walk out of jail with time served at the end of all this and the whole San Antonio story will never be told. I wish they would press charges and let a jury of her peers decide what they believe she really did with Gabriel. Obviously not a death penalty trial, they'd never get a conviction without a body, but I think she deserves life for what she did to Gabriel, whatever it was.


9/20/2012 MINUTE ENTRY

The Court previously considered the State’s Motion to Admit Other Acts Under Rule 404(b). The Court indicated that it would admit some of the requested“other acts” if the State were to provide the requisite proof by clear and convincing evidence that the acts did occur. The State subsequently submitted transcripts containing the trial testimony of Detective Frank
Aguilera, Logan McQuery and Frank McQuery from the State v. Tammi Smith trial.

The Court has now reviewed the transcripts and the arguments previously made, and finds that the State has made the required showing.

Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that the State may present evidence of the other acts as set forth in numbers 2, 4, 5 and 6 at page 7 of the State’s July 31, 2012 Reply. The Court previously denied the State’s Motion as to numbers 1 and 3 in the Reply. See August 6, 2012 Minute Entry.
Thanks to everyone who is keeping us updated with info from the trial. Was able to catch a bit of it today and I can't believe how EJ is coming across. Strange behaviours, crying outbursts for no apparent reason, laughing at the "more on" reference and repeating it a few times as if it's the first time she's made the connection (she was there in the courtroom the first time wasn't she?), changing hair styles after each break (including moving part from side to side?:waitasec:). Does she think she's trying out for a part in a television show? She seems to be very aware of the camera and wants to look her best? I guess her lawyers have no control over her appearance, I assume she runs the show in that regard especially.

She appears to be very cunning and manipulative, with shades of CA in the lying dept (how do they just tell those bold faced lies to LE and have no care nor concept that it will come back to bite them?) and I'm beginning to believe that while the idea of going out of state to prevent Logan from gaining custody of Gabriel was all TPS's idea in the first place, EJ was the one who was pulling the strings once she left. Which had TPS scrambling and back pedalling. But it was EJ who was using TPS to keep Gabriel away from Logan as well. I do think maybe there was a plan for EJ to meet someone connected to the Smiths in the park but TPS (or whomever was assisting her with that) pulled the plug on that when the heat got turned up with Logan and LE back in AZ. So EJ just decided to tell LE the story of the original plan.

I really do think that TPS started to panic at some point that she was going to be outed for her part in it all, pulled the plug on the original plan and tried to get EJ to come back. EJ on the other hand had already decided she wasn't going back and Logan wasn't going to see his son again. But of course she didn't want him with her either in her new life in Florida. CA didn't want her child around to mess with her life anymore either. And she didn't want her mother having custody. We know what her decision was. Was EJ's the same? Sure looks that way to me. :(

I can't believe that she may walk out of jail with time served at the end of all this and the whole San Antonio story will never be told. I wish they would press charges and let a jury of her peers decide what they believe she really did with Gabriel. Obviously not a death penalty trial, they'd never get a conviction without a body, but I think she deserves life for what she did to Gabriel, whatever it was.


Thank you for this great comment.

BBM--I so hope that this does not happen! :noooo:
Thread for today's trial:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=185787"]Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 4 - Wednesday, Sept 26 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

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