These are 'Facts' because William Gore said Jonah Shacknai said so

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Nov 9, 2011
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There are some assumed facts in this case that originated from statements that William Gore, SDSO Sherff, made about what Jonah Shacknai said happened in the Rebecca Zahau mystery.

To my knowledge verification that Jonah Shacknai's statements were true was not reported to have been verified by any method or source with the exception of one sighting of him on surveillance camera at Rady Children's Hospital on the night Rebecca was killed. No time for that sighting has been reported to my knowledge. Depite the lack of reported verification of Jonah's statements they have been used to prove that Rebecca committed suicide. No investigatory process has been shown to rule Jonah Shacknai out as POI except the single report of sighting him at the Ronald McDonald house. However, I am not aware of the actual date and time give for that sighting.

This thread is for listing various statements in MSM that Gore made that showed his reliance on Jonah Shachknai's statements to determine the suicide ruling in this case.

Below is a statement that Gore made in the MSM as to the reason that they did not analyse the woman's underwear found in the guest house trash can. The investigatory verification that this statement was a fact was never reported. It may be in the case files but we do not have verification of witness interviews that coroborrated Gore's statement.

"They didn't look at a pair of woman's underwear in a garbage can in the guest house," said Bremner. "The underwear was not analyzed."

Sheriff Gore said it was not necessary to test the underwear, based on his department's investigation and statements made by Jonah Shacknai.

"In the case of the underwear, it was determined through investigators that Jonah Shacknai's daughter, Gabby, and her girlfriends had stayed in the guest house up to a week before," Gore said. "It did not appear to be relevant to our investigation and not everything we seize in a crime scene is eventually submitted for forensic examination."

As far as we know there may have been a tenant family that lived in either the guest house or over the garage that were asked to leave after Max's tragic accident. There was never any further MSM mention of them after initial reports. SDSO investigators never mentioned them or that Gabby stayed in the guest house in any of the reports made public so it is not possible to evaluate whether Jonah's statement could be taken a valid reason not to test the woman's panties found.

Also, 'Grubb, the crime lab director, also was questioned about the underwear during the news conference.

"The underwear was collected but was not examined because of Jonah Shacknai's statement and the fact that we had better evidence as to whether Rebecca Zahau was sexually assaulted or not; and that was her body – and swabs recovered from her body – which showed no sexual assault," responded Grubb.'
According to this article Gore stated that Rebecca became distraught after recieving a phone call. Later he stated that the "evidence" lead him to the conclusion that she committed suicide. The only problem with this is that there was no evidence because there was no voice mail. The only evidence that Gore referred to here is that Jonah told him he called Rebecca and left her a voice mail. Gore assumed all the rest without any facts, logic or science.

'... Rebecca Zahau, was determined to be a suicide, Gore told reporters today. Shacknai was at the hospital where doctors were trying to keep his 6- year-old son alive after an accident when Zahau hung herself in July, Gore said.

It appears she became distraught after receiving a phone call reversing earlier, optimistic reports about Max Shacknai’s condition, the sheriff said.

Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp. Chief Executive Officer Jonah Shacknai won’t face charges related to the death of a woman at his home, San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said. Source: Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp. Via Bloomberg
“Given the totality of the evidence, there’s really no other logical explanation for what happened to her other than she took her own life,” Gore said.'
According to this article Gore has a history of inconsistent reporting of the facts. Also, the writer of this article mentioned that Gore became offended when he tried to clarify the inconsistencies in his stories.

'When Gore was asked about the incidents in question, he was combative and claimed to not remember specific dates and questioned this reporter as to why a fact check was even needed. However, numerous discrepancies contained in San Diego news articles made it clear fact checking was necessary.'
In this article Gore criticises and insults the attorneys involved in helping the victims of Rebecca's death and also the station manager who did the suicide re-enactment. However, the station manager refuted Gore's accusations.

'...He accused unscrupulous attorneys of manipulating grieving family members into pursuing questions about the cases and the media of drawing undue attention to the mansion deaths.

As an example, Gore cited, without naming the outlet, the television station that ran re-enactments of how Zahau might have bound and hung herself from a mansion balcony.

'Gore said the station's news director, whom he did not name, told him that he believed Zahau killed herself, but only ran the re-enactments and other Spreckels stories because they drew strong ratings.

“They knew it was all BS, but the ratings went up every time,” he said. “It's a shame.”

The station that offered the re-enactments was KFMB. Dean Elwood, Channel 8's news director, denied Gore’s allegation.

“If he's implying that I said this, that’s not accurate,” Elwood said, adding that he stands by his station’s reporting.'
Wow. Here's an article from August 2012 that shows how a woman was shot in the chest in her own bag yard by a SDSO and Gore tried to down play the incident by claiming she was only shot in the arm. Talk about bending the facts!!!

“At some point, while in the backyard of the residence, there was contact between the deputies, who had their weapons drawn, and a female resident of the home,” Nesbit said. “During that contact, one of the deputies fired from his service weapon. The female was struck in the arm by the round.”

Paramedics took the wounded woman, identified as Jennifer Orey, to an area hospital, where she was listed in good condition and expected to be released Monday, Nesbit said.

However, family members say the sheriff’s department is not telling the whole truth about the extent of Orey’s injuries.

“You know what, you guys need to get your story straight,” said Dennis Morgan, Orey’s father. “She wasn’t shot in the arm she was shot in the chest.”

Orey’s sister-in-law, Kristin Arzaga-Morgan, told 10News Orey made it through surgery early Monday to repair the wounds from the bullet that entered her chest, exited through her bicep and struck her pinky finger.

“Part of a bullet ricocheted off and hit her in the pinky, and they also had to do a little bit of repair to her pinky as well,” said Arzaga-Morgan.

San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said that is not true. Gore told 10News he has been monitoring the situation and said with assurance that Orey had been shot in the arm and that her pinky was “scratched.”'
'Because the amount of mixed DNA recovered was so minuscule, San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said it was unnecessary to collect DNA samples from Zahau's boyfriend, Arizona tycoon Jonah Shacknai, or Jonah's ex-wife, Dina Shacknai.'


If true, the above bolded statement shows Gore's direct involvement and supervision of this investigation. If it can be proven, and I believe it can, that Gore had a prior social relationship/friendship with Jonah Shacknai then his involvement in the the decision making of who gets fingerprinted or not is a direct conflict of interest, imo.
How miniscule is miniscule? I know that might seem silly- but I worked with plant DNA for a year, replicating it using PCR. Now, I don't know if the techniques they use for DNA for crime analysis is the same- but when I was working you could get a good amount of DNA out of one swab (or less than one drop if liquid). More than enough to replicate to do testing with.
So, my question is: was there really too little of an amount to be tested? That seems pretty fishy to me.
How miniscule is miniscule? I know that might seem silly- but I worked with plant DNA for a year, replicating it using PCR. Now, I don't know if the techniques they use for DNA for crime analysis is the same- but when I was working you could get a good amount of DNA out of one swab (or less than one drop if liquid). More than enough to replicate to do testing with.
So, my question is: was there really too little of an amount to be tested? That seems pretty fishy to me.

Phew! I'm glad there's another poster that knows about and has worked with PCR. I agree, with amplification and the latest biotech advancements, even the tiniest amount of DNA can be replicated for viable use.

I think Gore's team just didn't want to take any "extra" steps because Gore had already decided on the foregone conclusion that Rebecca committed suicide and instructed them to find results accordingly, and they didn't want to contradict Gore's decision. It's not a good career move for employees to poke the bear who's the boss.
According to this article, '...Initially, Gore said, Zahau believed that the boy could survive his injuries. But shortly before 1 a.m., she received a telephone call informing her that the boy was going to die.

I wonder who told that to Gore? How did he know this to make that statement? The article doesn't say.

Sure sounds like Gore is in cahoots with Jonah. What Jonah says, evidently Gore believed.
I don't know much about G. Was he experienced in handling murder investigations?
Sure sounds like Gore is in cahoots with Jonah. What Jonah says, evidently Gore believed.

Not according to that article:

Investigators said they spoke to someone who knew Zahau and that that person said she had been upset for months, was losing weight and not exercising. Authorities also said they found notes in Zahau's personal journal at the Coronado mansion indicating emotional distress.

The evidence is "all compelling and points persuasively" to suicide, Gore said.

Not according to that article:

Investigators said they spoke to someone who knew Zahau and that that person said she had been upset for months, was losing weight and not exercising. Authorities also said they found notes in Zahau's personal journal at the Coronado mansion indicating emotional distress.

The evidence is "all compelling and points persuasively" to suicide, Gore said.


Was that information ever validated? Did we ever find out who it was who gave that information to SDSO and when the last time was that they saw her? Was it Dina or her sister?

There were, however, a number of other witnesses, including her former trainer at the gym who said she was happy and healthy in the weeks before her death, her sister, who said she was not depressed or suicidal in the hours before her death, and the local Coronado police who said she was calm and focused when they spoke with her after Max's accident.

Former Trainer Remembers Woman Found Dead At Mansion
Not according to that article:

Investigators said they spoke to someone who knew Zahau and that that person said she had been upset for months, was losing weight and not exercising. Authorities also said they found notes in Zahau's personal journal at the Coronado mansion indicating emotional distress.

The evidence is "all compelling and points persuasively" to suicide, Gore said.


Sure, everyone that is upset commits suicide :banghead:
It does point in that direction but I hope that they used way more than that to base their determination on.
Was that information ever validated? Did we ever find out who it was who gave that information to SDSO and when the last time was that they saw her? Was it Dina or her sister?

There were, however, a number of other witnesses, including her former trainer at the gym who said she was happy and healthy in the weeks before her death, her sister, who said she was not depressed or suicidal in the hours before her death, and the local Coronado police who said she was calm and focused when they spoke with her after Max's accident.

Former Trainer Remembers Woman Found Dead At Mansion

I couldn't agree more. And, just because something is written in a magazine article/newspaper does not make it true........
Was that information ever validated? Did we ever find out who it was who gave that information to SDSO and when the last time was that they saw her? Was it Dina or her sister?

There were, however, a number of other witnesses, including her former trainer at the gym who said she was happy and healthy in the weeks before her death, her sister, who said she was not depressed or suicidal in the hours before her death, and the local Coronado police who said she was calm and focused when they spoke with her after Max's accident.

Former Trainer Remembers Woman Found Dead At Mansion

The Sheriff validated information. Sorry, but I don't have details they didn't release publicly such as names. I have no reason not to believe the Sheriff's investigative team.

Apparently they spoke to someone close to RZ they found credible with no hidden agenda.

Sure, everyone that is upset commits suicide :banghead:
It does point in that direction but I hope that they used way more than that to base their determination on.

RZ's death was investigated as a homicide but apparently there was no evidence to lead the ME to that conclusion. I think everyone who commits suicide is in some sort of emotional distress.
The Sheriff validated information. Sorry, but I don't have details they didn't release publicly such as names. I have no reason not to believe the Sheriff's investigative team.

Apparently they spoke to someone close to RZ they found credible with no hidden agenda.


Apparently, the "witness" they spoke to was wrong, since several other witnesses who had seen her very recently said she was fine, in good health. Again, its an inconsistency on behalf of SDSO's part - relying on bad evidence to justify a suicide ruling when more recent witness reports contradicted a suicide mentality.
Apparently, the "witness" they spoke to was wrong, since several other witnesses who had seen her very recently said she was fine, in good health. Again, its an inconsistency on behalf of SDSO's part - relying on bad evidence to justify a suicide ruling when more recent witness reports contradicted a suicide mentality.

Emotionally unstable people can appear outwardly to be in good health.

SDSO was in charge of the investigation and actually spoke to witnesses. I certainly have not. Other witnesses may not have been found credible or were deemed to have an agenda, such as wanting publicity or wanting to exploit the tragedies for profit such as writing a book. The ruling of suicide still stands more than a year later. Even if there were to be another investigation, I think the conclusion will be the same.

RZ's death was investigated as a homicide but apparently there was no evidence to lead the ME to that conclusion. I think everyone who commits suicide is in some sort of emotional distress.

Oh, come on, the weird thing is that they were floating the suicide theory almost immediately.

The bizarre context behind all this is that if they had conducted any vicitimology it would have all pointed back to two violent, out of control people, in Rebecca's life with one of them basically stalking her (not to any depression, guilt, etc). That doesn't exactly lead to a strong motive for suicide, but murder.
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