NY - Boy, 12, charged with raping 3 girls, Victor, 2010

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A lot of people in our community say they're stunned about the arrest of a young boy for rape. The 12-year-ld boy -- a student in Victor -- is accused of raping at least three girls all under the age of 11. Ontario County Sheriff Phil Povero released the boy into the custody of his parents.

Parents Melissa and Greg O’Sullivan heard the news today -- a 12-year-old Victor student charged with rape.

Greg O'Sullivan said, “The first thing you hear about is 12, it's seems so young to engage in this type of behavior. It makes your stomach kind of turn.”

A lot of people in our community say they're stunned about the arrest of a young boy for rape. The 12-year-ld boy -- a student in Victor -- is accused of raping at least three girls all under the age of 11. Ontario County Sheriff Phil Povero released the boy into the custody of his parents.

Parents Melissa and Greg O’Sullivan heard the news today -- a 12-year-old Victor student charged with rape.

Greg O'Sullivan said, “The first thing you hear about is 12, it's seems so young to engage in this type of behavior. It makes your stomach kind of turn.”

It is not the first time I have heard of this. But I wish it was the last. I guess we have to wait for any info in this situation. Thanks!
I'm afraid it's as common as rain. Everything I've read about SOs says that they start even "before" puberty hits. How's that for proof that it's about far more than sex? It's all about control and inflicting pain and humiliation on the more vulnerable/younger/smaller child.

I can personally attest to a certain 14 year old found guilty of 12 sex crimes against a group of eight children. It's thought he started much much earlier. We know that the violation of animals started years earlier.

If our kids' rapist had been a few months older, he would have fallen under the Measure 11 sentencing regulations. Instead of 10 years, he could have gotten over 60 years.

So, yeah....it happens. Ask hundreds of thousands of survivors how old that brother, cousin, neighbor, classmate was "the first time".

Maybe, this little slimeball was caught early. I'd almost bet my lunch, though, that these weren't the first victims. Check out the missing kitties in the past few years, too.
You are absolutely correct, it is as common as rain. The only thing that's uncommon....that the public is hearing about it.

Children like this are in public schools all over the county. They are known but never convicted and sentenced to any sort of detention time, nor are they placed on a sex offender registry. The get to hide behind anonymity because of their young age. The victims parents, if they publically "out" the young monster will be charged and convicted! It never makes the newspaper, or tv news. That's the only rare thing about this case.

They MAY get some sort of minimal treatment IF the perp's legal guardian force the issue...and will all knw just how sucessful "treatment" is....and how often a perps parents will do that.......eyeroll....
I'm hear to bear witness, though, that the outcome can be favorable. Our case was brutal but the perp went to lock-up for ten years. Our kids got years of therapy. We changed the victims' protection laws and we are all living to tell the tale. The system can work but it always needs some prodding.
I'm hear to bear witness, though, that the outcome can be favorable. Our case was brutal but the perp went to lock-up for ten years. Our kids got years of therapy. We changed the victims' protection laws and we are all living to tell the tale. The system can work but it always needs some prodding.

Missizzy, in your case was the person who abused your childen found to have been abused by someone also? I've always thought that most YOUNG sex offenders were once victims too. I'm not sure if that's true.

I'm wondering if this 12 year old might not have been abused by someone in his family. It concerns me that he's been placed in the custody of his parents. It might not have ever happened to him, I don't know. I know some kids are just born with their wires crossed (for lack of a better word) in cases where they become pedophiles or murderers at a young age.
Lizzybeth--That's one of the great ironies of our case. Absolutely everything was subpoenaed and presented about our children--medical records, therapy case notes, family financial records, diaries, school records--over 1,500 documents were turned over. We had to do it for the trial in 1999 and for the Post Conviction Relief Trial (including all the same records for our family SINCE the trial) in 2007. Our family was heavily scrutinized and that's how we lost our privacy and confidentiality.

However, the rapist was totally protected from any investigation of this sort. There was a search warrant but no previous medical, school, or therapy records were allowed in. There was no questioning allowed concerning any abuse within his family. Nothing. That drove us crazy at the time. That's what caused us to work hard on changing the laws in Oregon concerning the compulsion of victim's testimony at PCR trials years later. I'd like to know why they asked for my personal diaries and all our family financial records for the decade after the case. Were they thinking we were working up for a reality TV show or something? I'm sorry but sometimes it still makes me feel snarky.

Thankfully, the Oregon Supreme Court issued a Writ of Mandamus and said that the request of records would not be allowed for the PCR trial. Well, it was too late. Our schools, doctors, and therapists knocked themselves out to comply with those subpoenas. They complied with what a Circuit Court Judge had ordered. It was too late and our personal records still sit in a law office somewhere. The Writ also was too late to stop the depositions of the kids nine years after the rapes. That's when we had the rash of suicide attempts and the time the rapist smirked at our children's pain. It was horribly hard.

The rapist was jailed for 10 years and never admitted his crimes. He was convicted on 12 counts. We suspect that there was some abuse in his background. The only other possibility is that he was "born evil" and I'm not sure I buy that idea. There was an adult also charged along with him (for rape of two of our kids and also noted by several of our kids to have abused the teen) but due to the fact that the teen refused to testify against this man, the charges were dropped. If anything changes, he can be tried, however.

So, yes, I'm almost positive that someone sexually harmed this teen. That's the $64,0000 question that's kept me up at night for the last 12 years. Who?
That's crazy that none of the offender's medical records, school records, diaries, or anything was asked for. It seems to me at least the defense would want these records to try and come up with an excuse for their client's behavior.

Missizzy, I know I've said it before,but you and your husband are rare. As more of your and your family's story comes out the more I admire you. Your children should be VERY proud of their parents and themselves.
how does everyone know about this!!!!

I don't understand your question. Are you asking about the thread title story? If so, it was in the newspaper. If you were asking about how the media knew, I often wonder myself.
Our case was certainly covered in the media and it involved primarily minors (and one adult). Our family's name was well known due to our unique make-up. The rapist, however, was not named (except by one news source) until he turned 18. His appeal wasn't hard to find on the internet, though, and he and his crimes were well known throughout the southern part of our state.

I would assume that the article above was reported following all confidentiality laws. News has a way of getting out. We welcomed the coverage and suffered the indignities as we hoped it would bring more victims forward. Indeed, it did.

Thank you guys, for the kind words. But what's any parent going to do when they're backed into a corner facing this garbage? You put one foot in front of the other and you fight like he** to protect your kids. You know, many of our kids have grown into wonderful adults. A handful are struggling mightily. It doesn't surprise me but it does hurt.

And lizzybeth, I exaggerated not one whit. I was overwhelmingly shocked that NOTHING damaging was allowed in as evidence concerning the rapist's history. NOTHING.
Just reading the headline made me nauseous...:sick:

Those poor little girls...I hope they get the therapy they need. :hug:

Deleted my thoughts on the boy as they are inappropriate in this forum.
I do not believe people are "born evil" this is a 12 year old child. This boy had to have learned this behavior from somewhere either he was a victim himself or was has seen this behavior. I hope this child gets help. I know this is a controversial subject but my goodness this boy is just that a boy a child, I hope he gets the help he needs and I pray his family is investigated.
Missizzy, I never thought you were exaggerating. :0)
Hearing For 12-Year-Old Rape Suspect Adjourned

By: Wendy Mills
02/22/2010 11:14 AM

A hearing for the 12-year-old Victor boy accused of raping three girls under the age of 11 has been adjourned until March.

The hearing Monday was to decide whether the family court case will be open to the public.

Assistant Ontario County Attorney Barry McFadden asked the family court judge to keep the case private. McFadden said he does not want the public allowed in the courtroom because the media would be disruptive and could identify the victims and suspect.

more here

Thanks TM, for keeping us posted on this case. Since this story broke, I've watched Oprah's "Conversation with Child Molesters". Probably one of the most intriguing and eye-opening parts of that interview for me involved the disclosures of the larger man with the long brown hair.

He spoke of how he began molesting at the age of 8. His victim was 5. He denied that he was previously abused. Being that this therapist was sitting in the room and that he's been polygraphed on sexual disclosures, I'm prone to believe him.

I know 8 year old boys as I've raised nine of them. I do not know them to be sexually driven at that age. They can certainly be inquisitive and exploratory but not driven through the lust that we see set in at puberty. This tells me that some children do molest and rape purely out of a need for power and control and to inflict pain.

This gives credence to the argument that rape is strictly an act of power with sex as the weapon.

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