NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #9

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New bombshell. This one might really be. Will have to put my thinking cap on again about this.


If msm picks up on this, I'll consider it. As it is, I'm already being lead far enough off track by reading non-msm sources and trying to sleuth cases that may not even be related to the GB4.

It's interesting, but for me personally, I'm gonna have to back-burner this for the time being.

Is there another story? I didn't see any mention of their ages or anything about Midtown.

According to yesterday's Irish Central, a desk job in Manhattan:

The policeman returned to the force but is now working a desk-job in the department in Manhattan. He no longer makes arrests or responds to emergencies.

The source said “They couldn't prove anything, but they didn't trust him.”

According to yesterday's Irish Central, a desk job in Manhattan:

The policeman returned to the force but is now working a desk-job in the department in Manhattan. He no longer makes arrests or responds to emergencies.

The source said “They couldn't prove anything, but they didn't trust him.”

Yes but that doesn't say anything about Midtown, just Manhattan. Which is why I was curious if there was another story that did mention Midtown specifically.
Yes but that doesn't say anything about Midtown, just Manhattan. Which is why I was curious if there was another story that did mention Midtown specifically.

Yes, I know that. As posted, only that he works a desk in Manhattan, but as you probably know, Manhattan is only about 13.5 miles long, and at its widest, about 2.3 miles.
I told you people I've lived my entire life here (Babylon area). There is a Surf Board Shop on Main Street in Babylon Village. They erected a "web cam" years ago at Gilgo Beach (on a telephone pole) so surfers on the mainland can see the status of the waves. The cam records all day but at night it is useless.

Now THAT is interesting. Where exactly is the camera? Do you know?
For all we know, this one may be a totally different NYPD officer from the other 2x:

It was also reported today that an unnamed NYPD officer was one of the last people to contact one of the victims before she died. Maureen Brainard-Barnes, a Connecticut call girl who disappeared from Manhattan in 2007, was contacted by a cop living on Staten Island. The details of their conversation are unknown.

"Perez was later the subject of an Internal Affairs Bureau investigation and was caught peeping into apartment windows and in the act of having sex with a prostitute, according to court filings. He resigned shortly afterward. He had been off-duty during all the Pattern #1/91 incidents." http://www.longislandpress.com/2011/04/28/ronald-bower-twenty-years-of-torture/7/

I'm not sure but that NYPD cop, Perez, per the Long Island Press, does seem like a good candidate. Let's say he kills the girls who fought back or maybe even those that bit or scratched him...I'm thinking of "Peaches"...the time line fits. He was said in that article to be 30 in 1991 so that puts him at 50 today...maybe a little too old, now, to be dismembering people.

If I read the article correctly it appears that Perez was initially reassigned to the "Evidence Room" but later, after being caught in the act of peeping, he "resigned." So, presumably by the time Peaches is murdered in 1997, this guy has been put out to pasture and was by then a FORMER NYPD officer. He probably held a good grudge against his former co-workers. It is possible that this would fit into a SK profile in that he may have escalated from his rape MO to other more vicious acts and by 1997 began killing his victims...initially feeling like he had to eliminate any identifying markers on the victims bodies. Another interesting fact about the "Silver Gun Rapist" is that he often attacked by twos; meaning two victims at a time. That shows that he was very confident in his ability to control his victims.

Interesting article.

If you read down to the comments section, you will discover the identity of the mysterious PeterF14. ;)
For all we know, this one may be a totally different NYPD officer from the other 2x:

It was also reported today that an unnamed NYPD officer was one of the last people to contact one of the victims before she died. Maureen Brainard-Barnes, a Connecticut call girl who disappeared from Manhattan in 2007, was contacted by a cop living on Staten Island. The details of their conversation are unknown.



When Brainard-Barnes disappeared in 2007, Connecticut detectives came to Manhattan and went through her computer.
What they discovered was that the officer, who lived on Staten Island, was one of the last people to contact her through Craigslist.
The details of their conversation were not immediately known.
PeterF14 and "Justed" are regular posters on Newsday regarding Gilgo Beach murders. No mystery there.

Interesting article.

If you read down to the comments section, you will discover the identity of the mysterious PeterF14. ;)
When Brainard-Barnes disappeared in 2007, Connecticut detectives came to Manhattan and went through her computer.
What they discovered was that the officer, who lived on Staten Island, was one of the last people to contact her through Craigslist.
The details of their conversation were not immediately known.


The following was posted in the comments section of the article above:

No wonder the police won't tell us anything....Elizabeth Meserve..aunt of Victim Megan Waterman
Elizabeth | May 16, 2011
PeterF14 and "Justed" are regular posters on Newsday regarding Gilgo Beach murders. No mystery there.

Yes, Marye, we are all aware of PeterF14's posts on Newsday. My point was that, for the first time, we have his actual name.

(Not that he has any relevance what so ever to this case. But several of us were curious. So mystery solved.)
I know this new information should indeed be " a bombshell." But I just go back to OB. My gut reaction is to reject the information. Of course, you will want to know, my gut reactions are always accurate. LOL.
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