2009.04.20 Nancy Grace

Well, that's all for her show tonight. :( At least she got a few minutes in for Sandra.
Want to bet that Sandra's tox screen shows the same drug, and maybe a high quantity that could've killed her? MOO

Naw, I aint taken dat bet. I aint dat dum!!

I just found this forum. I hate saying this but does anyone think that possibly this woman may have been into some kind of child internet *advertiser censored*? The detective said last week that they were looking at her before her interview with that reporter anyway. This woman is strange.

It's been speculated before but not from any reliable source yet. I think if the cops were investigating that kind of thing they'd remain very tight lipped about it.
Want to bet that Sandra's tox screen shows the same drug, and maybe a high quantity that could've killed her? MOO

This just makes me sick. For all we know, she may have been molesting Sandra for months and this time something went wrong. I still think she might have been involved in child *advertiser censored*.
I just found this forum. I hate saying this but does anyone think that possibly this woman may have been into some kind of child internet *advertiser censored*? The detective said last week that they were looking at her before her interview with that reporter anyway. This woman is strange.
It wouldn't surprise me at all. I was thinking in that direction before she was arrested, mainly because of Sandra's beauty. MOO
This just makes me sick. For all we know, she may have been molesting Sandra for months and this time something went wrong. I still think she might have been involved in child *advertiser censored*.
That could be very possible. I have no idea though how long the effects of the drugs would last, or if Sandra was ever gone from home for very long ~ such as to return home without anyone noticing. Or, possibly, she could've been a "new recruit" by MH? MOO
:eek: wow you couldn't make this stuff up! This is so nuts. This woman is a predator! Do we know if she was dating Sinclair at the time of this first incident? Some people are speculating he was in on Sandra's kidnapping/rape and this might help clear that matter up.
:eek: wow you couldn't make this stuff up! This is so nuts. This woman is a predator! Do we know if she was dating Sinclair at the time of this first incident? Some people are speculating he was in on Sandra's kidnapping/rape and this might help clear that matter up.
Good question, imo!
[long the effects of the drugs would last, or if Sandra was ever gone from home for very long ~ such as to return home without anyone noticing. Or, possibly, she could've been a "new recruit" by MH? MOO[/QUOTE]

No clue. I know when I had to have an MRI recently I was given a drug so I wouldn't remember it. The drug lasted about 30 minutes, but I'm sure it depends on how much you are given.
I bet MH had a prescription for the drug as well. :furious:

Thank you for all the NG updates.
You just might be onto something with that ~ MH feigns mental problems to get the prescriptions which she gives to her victims? :waitasec: MOO

You're most welcome for the updates! :)
You just might be onto something with that ~ MH feigns mental problems to get the prescriptions which she gives to her victims? :waitasec: MOO

You're most welcome for the updates! :)

Panthera, I want to add to the thought you are having there with feigning problems for mental issues and receiving meds.

When my Husband deployed the first time, I had a hard time sleeping, I was a bit anxious but I functioned, I just had a hard time sleeping.

I go the clinic and see my Primary care provider, she prescribes me ...get this....all three....paxil, ambien, and klonpin (? spelling on that one).

This was a general practioner contracted by the Army. Good lord god almighty! I took one dose of each and freakin slept for 12 hours and then got up and was as looney as a cross-eyed hound dog. I did not continue the meds, they got disposed of and I took up yoga TYVM.

I just wanted to point out that psych meds are very easy to get these days. Very easy!
I'd like to know if M. supposedly lured the little girl into the car then took her home there at the trailer park or if the girl even knew the Lawless family beforehand. It's a good thing the mom and grandma started looking because the child may have never made it back home.
Hi, I didn't see a NG thread for today, but has anyone seen today's show? I guess Marc Klaas got upset by a number of emails sent to some organization and even mentioned Websleuths on the air :eek:

I'll delete this post if it has been discussed elsewhere ;}
Here is the transcript for Nancy Grace, April 24, 2009. I could not locate anything mentioned about ws.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: New details emerged in the case of 8-year-old Sandra Cantu who police believe was murdered by Sunday school teacher Melissa Huckaby.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There is a prior case of a child under the age of 10 that was drugged and there is an implication that Melissa Huckaby was involved.

KLAAS: I think they`re starting to peel back the onion that is Melissa Huckaby.

GRACE: Freak. That`s what you`re going to find at the core of the onion.

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I think that the juxtaposition of the imagery between the deposition and everything else, quite frankly, and the CBS interview shows you exactly what the CBS interview is. It`s -- it`s really an attempt to damage control.

The Anthonys have been very clear at this point. They are standing behind Casey come hell or high water and they`re doing that at the expense of justice for Caylee, and I`m afraid that it`s going to be up to the prosecutors and the public to be the advocates for Caylee during the course of the trial and then hopefully everything will play out as it should.

In a sense, I feel extremely badly for the Anthonys, they`re in such a difficult position, and I know that there`s a lot of bloggers out there, and I know that there have been e-mail campaigns and everything else, but people have to understand these folks have lost their granddaughter and they`re on the verge of losing their daughter possibly to a death sentence.

And you wouldn`t want anybody to be in that position, and you wouldn`t want -- you wouldn`t want to predict how you would react if you were in that position either. And I think people have to step back and at least consider that for a while.

And that`s not a justification of what they`re doing and that`s not any kind of a defense of what they`re doing, but I think it`s something that people have to consider as they move forward. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0904/23/ng.01.html
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police were called out at 5:17 on the afternoon of January 17th. A woman reports her 7-year-old daughter is missing, saying she hasn`t seen her for nearly four hours. Police are on scene within eight minutes.

At 5:31 police report that the girl is with a woman named Melissa Huckaby at a nearby park. By 5:39 the girl is back home at the mobile home park. At 5:44 police leave the park without making any arrests.

Later that very same night the girl was taken from the mobile home park to a nearby hospital, where doctors told police she had tested positive for a muscle relaxer. Immediately raising suspicions, did Melissa Huckaby drug the girl?

Sources say police couldn`t prove it because five hours had passed from the time she was dropped off to the time she was taken to the hospital. Allowing enough time for the girl to have gotten the pills from someone other than Huckaby.
MELISSA HUCKABY, SANDRA CANTU`S MURDER SUSPECT: I had taken my daughter and one of her friends to the park, which I had done for the third time that week. The mother was I guess at work, and the grandmother had told the little girl that she could go to the park, which she does all the time, and when the mother came home she didn`t know where she was.

I`d given the mother my phone number, my cell phone number, in case anything were to happen. She needed to get a hold of me. She claims to have lost the phone number. Everything was fine. I brought her back. Police were called out at the time, and I was then called by my grandparents to bring her home because her mother did not know that she was missing -- I mean that she was with me.

GRACE: That is Melissa Huckaby, the suspect, before her arrest for murder of an 8-year-old girl and the rape of an 8-year-old girl with a foreign object. She`s talking to KPIX about the disappearance of another little girl. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0904/20/ng.01.html

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