MI - Teddius Patterson for raping 19yo woman, Muskegon, 22 June 2009

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D.J. Hilson, the Muskegon County Sr. Assistant Prosecutor says the sentence sends a clear message to the community. "We cannot tolerate that kind of conduct here in Muskegon County, regardless of age. When you break into someone's home and you violate-- not only the security of their home, but also their body, in the way that he did, you deserve to go to prison for a very long time."
I hope he's not put into general population of the adult prison since he is still a kid. His poor victim is barely an adult herself. What a shame.
I hope he's not put into general population of the adult prison since he is still a kid. His poor victim is barely an adult herself. What a shame.

A kid? Please, with a history like his, society is lucky they're locking him up before he kills someone! He'll probably kill someone in prison. He obviously can't conform to society rules of any kind, he's right where he belongs.
Where should they put him? Juvie? So he can rape some little kid who shoplifts or smokes?

Perfect. Then he could train even more young criminals. Oh, and get out when he's 18 and "rehabilitated."

It is awful to think of a 14yo being that lost, but if he's breaking into homes and raping already then I don't think he has a chance.
Yes, MI lawmakers...you were right...we certainly don't need any more money allocated to preventative programs throughout the community. Makes perfect sense...those that would need them and don't get them, can't really tell anyone what would have helped. They're all in jail, and no one is listening.
Thank you Jennifer Granholm, it surely seems you made the right decision. Addressing and allocating money for "Beautification of urban areas" seems to be doing so much better than the community centers and shelters and latchkey programs we had about 10 years ago.
I guess we really never needed them.
Teddius did, but what's one person, right, Jennifer?
Yes, MI lawmakers...you were right...we certainly don't need any more money allocated to preventative programs throughout the community. Makes perfect sense...those that would need them and don't get them, can't really tell anyone what would have helped. They're all in jail, and no one is listening.
Thank you Jennifer Granholm, it surely seems you made the right decision. Addressing and allocating money for "Beautification of urban areas" seems to be doing so much better than the community centers and shelters and latchkey programs we had about 10 years ago.
I guess we really never needed them.
Teddius did, but what's one person, right, Jennifer?

I'm gonna go you one better, nmk, put aside the beautification projects, etc., and take a good look at TELEVISION. Have any of you seen the half-naked women gyrating in fake sexual ectasy? Have any of you seen the BIG condom ad, exploding during prime time with pleasure? Have any of you really paid attention to the language and innuendoes of the sit coms? If not, why not - too low-class and disgusting? Let's face it, what kids see plays a large part in what they do. I'm not saying television is totally to blame, but I believe it plays a BIG part. Sure, there are plenty of other factors in this, but we need to start somewhere and TELEVISION is one GOOD place to start.
I can understand that the current system doesn't work. I understand that there are no services for children when they first start to offend.

What I would like to know is what his role model(s) are like. Do they have drug issues also? Do they think breaking into houses is alright? Was he taught this from infancy?

One reason I have NEVER been able to be a pediatric nurse was due to my peds rotation and high risk peds rotation in school. There were drug addicted babies in the NICU, that HAD to be given back to their parents, when they were stable. Abused children were given back to their parents, because abuse could not be proven.

No way could I have ever done that. Now things are different, to a point. We still get abused children, but law enforcement is swifter in acting, thank God. Would I want to work in ER or peds, no, couldn't do it, but admire those who can!

So, bottom line, what was this boys beginning? Should a parent who didn't take action with his first offences (which I'm sure he didn't get caught at) be in charge of a young man, addicted to drugs? A society can only do so much. Where does a parents responsibility end and a societies responsibility start?

I am not trying to condemn or justify anyone in this situation. I have no idea of what the parental figure did or didn't do in this situation. I am glad that this young man will not be able to harm, kill someone, but at 14, he could be released young enough to be a stronger, smarter criminal. Not what will keep society safe in the least.

So where do the true answers lie? Sorry, feeling philosophical today and tired of parents not taking their responsibility. Again, not sure if this is the case here.
This is wrong on so many levels. This is a child, regardless of the crimes he has committed, he is a child and the State of MI is responsible for his safety because they now have custody of him. I think it's totally irresponsible for a judge to sentence him to adult prison, period.

Yes, he is a criminal and yes, he has committed a horrific crime but in sending him to adult prison the State of MI is also acting in a reckless and criminal manner. The big boys on the inside are going to eat this boy alive and the State of MI knows it!
There are other options such as a lock down juvenile facility until the age of 18 at which time he could be transferred to an adult facility...as an adult, not a child.

I can't begin to imagine what this boys home life and childhood must have been like but it surly can't be good. Where was the State of MI when they probably could have made a difference in this boys life as a young child? Shame on the State of MI, shame on the judge, and shame on this boys attorney of allowing the sacrifice of yet another child. Shame on everyone involved in this boys life who failed him.

I agree that his crimes deserve punishment but he's a child and with the right treatment and intervention there is a chance he could grow up to be a contributing member of society. In prison he will grow up to be nothing more than a statistic.
This is so sad on so many levels. This boy has learned this behavior. He wasn't born bad. I'm thinking his parents, or parent, never taught him how to live by the rules of society. Unfortunately, many parents teach their children quite the opposite.

I hate to say it, but some children are broken and cannot be fixed. That statement goes against everything I hold dear to my heart and it hurts me to even think such a thing. But it is true. Some of these kids are born into a life that is destined to fail.

This boy was lost before he ever had a chance.
This is wrong on so many levels. This is a child, regardless of the crimes he has committed, he is a child and the State of MI is responsible for his safety because they now have custody of him. I think it's totally irresponsible for a judge to sentence him to adult prison, period.

Yes, he is a criminal and yes, he has committed a horrific crime but in sending him to adult prison the State of MI is also acting in a reckless and criminal manner. The big boys on the inside are going to eat this boy alive and the State of MI knows it!
There are other options such as a lock down juvenile facility until the age of 18 at which time he could be transferred to an adult facility...as an adult, not a child.

I can't begin to imagine what this boys home life and childhood must have been like but it surly can't be good. Where was the State of MI when they probably could have made a difference in this boys life as a young child? Shame on the State of MI, shame on the judge, and shame on this boys attorney of allowing the sacrifice of yet another child. Shame on everyone involved in this boys life who failed him.

I agree that his crimes deserve punishment but he's a child and with the right treatment and intervention there is a chance he could grow up to be a contributing member of society. In prison he will grow up to be nothing more than a statistic.

Hey! Hold up....you want to hold his parents responsible? That may be a good place to start. They probably failed him first. I don't want the state held responsible for raising children, do you? Really?

I suggest more good people step up, become foster parents, CASA, Big Brothers/Sisters, YAP, neighbors start mentoring children you know that need one.

You're very optimistic, the chance he can be rehabilitated is slim to none.

If you think he's really worth it, and can change I'd start writing him letters and visiting him regularly....he'll need a good place to go when and IF he is ever released.
From the link in the opening post:

"Patterson has a previous record which includes breaking and entering, arson and cocaine possession."

I wish I knew the answers to solve this type of situation, but if these previous charges are correct, he was a danger before this incident. It's really sad.
I;m thinking the other charges stem from gang activity. Could be wrong, would be lovely if I am, but the gangs are snapping up members from the elementary schools these days.
Muskegon isn't really a hotbed of gang activity, but the ones that are there are no less dangerous for it.
Hey! Hold up....you want to hold his parents responsible? That may be a good place to start. They probably failed him first. I don't want the state held responsible for raising children, do you? Really?

I suggest more good people step up, become foster parents, CASA, Big Brothers/Sisters, YAP, neighbors start mentoring children you know that need one.

You're very optimistic, the chance he can be rehabilitated is slim to none.

If you think he's really worth it, and can change I'd start writing him letters and visiting him regularly....he'll need a good place to go when and IF he is ever released.

Oh My! You are so right, I need to step up! I know at least one young boy that I could be a big sister to. Maybe I would make a difference and maybe not, but it is always worth my time to try!
I;m thinking the other charges stem from gang activity. Could be wrong, would be lovely if I am, but the gangs are snapping up members from the elementary schools these days.
Muskegon isn't really a hotbed of gang activity, but the ones that are there are no less dangerous for it.

not_my_kids it breaks my heart to know that these little kids (even at 14 they're still kids imo) are subject to such activities. I really wish I knew the answers to the problems. At this point, all I know to do is raise my kids and hope they are not subject to this type of lifestyle and pray like heck that their peers are raised much the same way.
Hey! Hold up....you want to hold his parents responsible? That may be a good place to start. They probably failed him first. I don't want the state held responsible for raising children, do you? Really?

I suggest more good people step up, become foster parents, CASA, Big Brothers/Sisters, YAP, neighbors start mentoring children you know that need one.

You're very optimistic, the chance he can be rehabilitated is slim to none.

If you think he's really worth it, and can change I'd start writing him letters and visiting him regularly....he'll need a good place to go when and IF he is ever released.

Definitely, I should have mentioned his parents, they above everyone else failed him first. All I'm saying is this kid was not born a criminal, he is a product of his environment and to send a child,any child to an adult prison is not only wrong, it's irresponsible.

As for stepping up...I have! For the last 21 years now I've cared for more than 150 children as a foster parent. I've adopted 9. I've done my part...have you?
I've seen kids that no one thought would ever change come a very long way. One was a habitual criminal and had been to juvi 3 times. She now works for the Pentagon. I've had kids that were so detached you couldn't even touch them...within a year they were wallowing all over us. I've brought 4lb crack babies home from the hospital on apnea monitors and oxygen and was told that they were profoundly mentally disabled...they went on to be honor roll students...one graduated Valedictorian in High School and will graduate with her Nursing degree this Spring.
I know that given the right environment, a lot of love, patience, and stability that children can and do change. Now I don't know if this kid is a lost cause or not but it does sadden me that the majority believe he is. What I do know is, adult prison is not for kids and this boy is a 14 year old kid.
As far as writing to him, I won't and most likely neither will anyone else. He's nothing more than human waste to the justice system and that does sadden me considering grown men and women torture and kill their children and they get less time than this 14 year old boy.
For the last 21 years now I've cared for more than 150 children as a foster parent. I've adopted 9. I've done my part...have you?
I've seen kids that no one thought would ever change come a very long way. One was a habitual criminal and had been to juvi 3 times. She now works for the Pentagon. I've had kids that were so detached you couldn't even touch them...within a year they were wallowing all over us. I've brought 4lb crack babies home from the hospital on apnea monitors and oxygen and was told that they were profoundly mentally disabled...they went on to be honor roll students...one graduated Valedictorian in High School and will graduate with her Nursing degree this Spring.
I know that given the right environment, a lot of love, patience, and stability that children can and do change.

[snipped & bbm]

that's amazing
thank you for healing troubled kids and being a positive force in our world!
Definitely, I should have mentioned his parents, they above everyone else failed him first. All I'm saying is this kid was not born a criminal, he is a product of his environment and to send a child,any child to an adult prison is not only wrong, it's irresponsible.

As for stepping up...I have! For the last 21 years now I've cared for more than 150 children as a foster parent. I've adopted 9. I've done my part...have you?
I've seen kids that no one thought would ever change come a very long way. One was a habitual criminal and had been to juvie 3 times. She now works for the Pentagon. I've had kids that were so detached you couldn't even touch them...within a year they were wallowing all over us. I've brought 4lb crack babies home from the hospital on apnea monitors and oxygen and was told that they were profoundly mentally disabled...they went on to be honor roll students...one graduated Valedictorian in High School and will graduate with her Nursing degree this Spring.
I know that given the right environment, a lot of love, patience, and stability that children can and do change. Now I don't know if this kid is a lost cause or not but it does sadden me that the majority believe he is. What I do know is, adult prison is not for kids and this boy is a 14 year old kid.
As far as writing to him, I won't and most likely neither will anyone else. He's nothing more than human waste to the justice system and that does sadden me considering grown men and women torture and kill their children and they get less time than this 14 year old boy.

Yes, I've done my part and will continue to do so. I really don't want to get into a pissing contest. I too was a foster parent, and I also have adopted and while I'd like to say that I made a HUGE difference in these teens lives...the truth is.... I did the best I could. Some succeeded in life and are doing very well for themselves...they actually did all the hard work. I can't and won't take the credit for turning their lives around. I simply cared, encouraged and supported them. There were also quite a few that simply could not be reached, the damage was already done and sometimes love just isn't enough....they are not doing well.
Linda7NJ and momtective, I applaud both of your efforts to make a difference in these children's lives. I admire both of you. Even if the foster children all don't turn out completely perfect, they had the good fortune of having you all in their lives. Bless you both and all the others who try to make a difference.

dnrslucky1, I also applaud you. You realized a person you could mentor. That's awesome and I pray that it all works out, for you and him.

All of you here are so kind and caring and I would like to say "thank you for being you". I feel fortunate to share this earth with all of you.

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