Identified! OR - Fort Stevens, remains washed ashore, Apr'11 - Dustin Weber


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2009
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Shantina Smiley... there is no way that is here.... this body has been BADLY decomposed... to the point that the body was in the water for quite some time...

Shantina has been missing for over a year. Definitely qualifies as "quite some time". But I don't think the location fits. Don't think it's Kyron, though, either. Astoria is a 2 hour drive from Portland.

Not knowing male or female makes it more difficult, too.
It could be Lindsey. Last summer there was local talk about her being put in the ocean at Westport. It is a stretch as Westport is on the bay side of a stretch of land. So the body would have to wash out and around the tip of that land mass and into the ocean and then travel down to the Columbia River, cross it and then end up at Fort Stevens.

We'll see. Here's a map of Westport:
I think that's the wrong Westport. It seems to be pointing to Pennsylvania.

Wait, now it's showing the right map. This is weird. Either that or I've been on line too long today....
Any updates on the description? It would help if we at least knew the age range.
I haven't seen anything new on this; seems odd that they did not report the find as remains of an adult, for example, right away, as they have been doing that all year, with all of the bodies found. I guess it is possible they could not tell the age, but surely they could tell a child from an adult?

Stephen Fox (first link) appears to still be missing. I can't find any info either way (that confirms he's still missing, or that he's been found).

Gary Hulstrom (second link) was found on August 18th -

I couldn't get the third link to work. :(

Daniel Fletcher (fourth link) has been found. -
Wow. I hadn't realized there were any victims of the tsunami here in the states. 22 days and more than 300 miles away. Terribly saddened by the loss but glad he has been recovered, id'd and can be properly buried.

Perhaps that is an indication of hope for other victims believed to be lost at sea to be recovered.
Wow. I hadn't realized there were any victims of the tsunami here in the states. 22 days and more than 300 miles away. Terribly saddened by the loss but glad he has been recovered, id'd and can be properly buried.

Perhaps that is an indication of hope for other victims believed to be lost at sea to be covered.

This article doesn't have his name but it describes the incident. He was washed to sea while trying to take photos:

Another article with pretty much the same information:,0,1080814.story

And this is a new article with his name and photo:

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