Misty, why won't she just talk?

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When CS was on Geraldo, she said Jr said Misty was asleep, when Haleigh was taken. Was Misty there and told the truth for the most part? Was she there, and faking sleep? Was she gone, and for some reason, she and whoever convinced Jr, she was there? I try to take what's at face value in this case, but this particular detail's a toughy...because cops said they had reason to believe Misty wasn't there, and they also took Tommy's word that she was gone. Jr knows what he saw, that's for sure, but Misty being asleep, is the kind of detail he might not have focused in on. If she was there, did he wake her up? then what? According to CS, (if I'm remembering correctly), the guy who took Haleigh, was a black man in black. Surely Jr would know the difference between a white and black man, but maybe his story, got mixed up in the telling? If what Jr said, is taken at face value, there's not much room for Tommy, JO, loud fights and rages over guns, etc...If Jr heard squeaky shoes, then there was no screaming. If Misty got home to a dead Haleigh, and called Tommy for help, why didn't one or both of them, just admit it? Jr said the man took Haleigh. He didn't say he left her on the couch. If Misty got home to a gone Haleigh, why all the lies? to simply cover her being gone? Now, that seems pointless. I'm still inclined to think that Misty was probably gone, they convinced Jr she was there, and she got home to a dead Haleigh...which would explain her screaming. Omg, I'm back to square 1.

Hi dodie!

You crack me up! This is what happens every single time i try come up with a theory that makes sense all the way around, involving all those currently in jail. :banghead: i keep going back to square one, to the same players, and IMO, JMO but that is for a reason. They have not been cleared for a reason. kwim? JMO :)
Except this is not an abduction but I can see Ron putting on black and snatching his daughter.
I put more stock in the statement by an actual police officer on camera saying Ron was at work and there's video than I do what I consider (from the context of the statements) the musings of the former attorney for Crystal Sheffield.

As far as Ron leaving work in the past, for me this is still rumor, however, even if it is true, apparently it did not go unnoticed, or people wouldn't be able to report it.

I'm with you Lanie. and ITA it's rumor. LE also said Ronald picked HaLeigh up. I tend to go with what LE states. JMO
Well when Shoemaker or PCSO produces the video that shows Ron C can be accounted for the entire night then I might possibly believe he was there the entire night, however bottom line for me IS.... Whatever happened to Haleigh occurred before Ron C high tailed into work in order to have an alibi...JMHO..

I also believe whatever happened to Haleigh probably happened before Ron left for work. It was said that a neighbor had seen Haleigh playing in the yard early evening but we never heard that directly from said neighbor so until it is confirmed it really is no more than a rumor that was latched onto as truth. Also--we've never seen or heard from the alleged AC man and he has never been named, so his existence isn't even confirmed, or at least his visit to the home on that particular evening is not confirmed. And even if an AC person was there we don't know who it was or if they actually saw Haleigh or if they would have known who she was even if they did report having seen kids playing anywhere in the vicinity.

For me there are too many rumors floating around this case and IMO the ones that have been accepted with fewest questions center around neighbors or others supposed statements...statements that we have not seen come directly from their mouths. IMO the reason certain things were fairly easily accepted as fact is because they came from LE or it was believed they came from LE.

Whether people want to believe it or not LE is not always on the up and up with information on a case. They put out info that they think might help the case without harming it, and sometimes that is something with no foundation, something that is no more than bait for whoever they might be looking at. So I do not buy into the idea that because LE said something it is fact.

ETA: I think Misty has talked but because of all her initial lies (yes, they all have lied and lied) whatever she claimed required proof and she cannot prove anything. Even with a passed polygraph I believe some sort of proof or evidence of the crime would be needed. And unfortunately there is no evidence anymore. I believe even if someone were to CONFESS today, no charges would be brought because there would be no evidence to take to trial, and no way to prove their confession.
I also believe whatever happened to Haleigh probably happened before Ron left for work. It was said that a neighbor had seen Haleigh playing in the yard early evening but we never heard that directly from said neighbor so until it is confirmed it really is no more than a rumor that was latched onto as truth. Also--we've never seen or heard from the alleged AC man and he has never been named, so his existence isn't even confirmed, or at least his visit to the home on that particular evening is not confirmed. And even if an AC person was there we don't know who it was or if they actually saw Haleigh or if they would have known who she was even if they did report having seen kids playing anywhere in the vicinity.

For me there are too many rumors floating around this case and IMO the ones that have been accepted with fewest questions center around neighbors or others supposed statements...statements that we have not seen come directly from their mouths. IMO the reason certain things were fairly easily accepted as fact is because they came from LE or it was believed they came from LE.

Whether people want to believe it or not LE is not always on the up and up with information on a case. They put out info that they think might help the case without harming it, and sometimes that is something with no foundation, something that is no more than bait for whoever they might be looking at. So I do not buy into the idea that because LE said something it is fact.

ETA: I think Misty has talked but because of all her initial lies (yes, they all have lied and lied) whatever she claimed required proof and she cannot prove anything. Even with a passed polygraph I believe some sort of proof or evidence of the crime would be needed. And unfortunately there is no evidence anymore. I believe even if someone were to CONFESS today, no charges would be brought because there would be no evidence to take to trial, and no way to prove their confession.

There may be some way to prove a confession. If they can find a body with tell-tale evidence as to how she died. Something only a perp or a witness would know.
Ron never would have stayed with Misty if she had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance and he was completely innocent. I believe she either harmed her under Ron's direction, wasn't home or is completely covering for Ron. The reason I believe she doesn't tell what she knows is that Ron has convinced her that she is primarily responsible for Haleigh's disappearance and will be sent to prison for life is she talks. At the time they got married, I was convinced that he promised to marry her if she kept her mouth shut. Now I think he has promised to turn witness against her if she talks, telling her that he has an airtight alibi and that no one will believe her because of all the lies she's told. She is too scared. Really, she hasn't got much to lose at this point in her life. I think she is clinging to the fact that at least she is not labeled a child murderer.
Misty didn't receive her long prison sentence because she did not speak. She got her sentence because that was the minimum for the trafficking more than 28 grams but less than 30 KG of the specific drug she trafficked which was pills correct?

She actually got the max(30 years), but as a split sentence (25 yrs in prison followed by 5 yrs probation).
What could she say if she wasn't there? Except that she wasn't there that night!

Misty insists she was there, though. She has said that and gone to prison for it too.

She has every opportunity in the world to explain her part. We have to assume since she isn't talking that she really likes it in there or she knows what happened to Haleigh. Since she was there and did nothing (if she isn't the perp) then she is exactly where she belongs because she did not share that info with LE when it was necessary.
Well when Shoemaker or PCSO produces the video that shows Ron C can be accounted for the entire night then I might possibly believe he was there the entire night, however bottom line for me IS.... Whatever happened to Haleigh occurred before Ron C high tailed into work in order to have an alibi...JMHO..

I had not heard a word about video of Ron munching on a lunchable or whatever he carried to work being on video until I read this.

I find it very interesting that there is alledged video of Ronald eating lunch but the camera that covered the time clock was diverted so that it didn't get images of those using that clock.

I have eaten lunch many times and left work without clocking out. Many times I remembered I hadn't and called back or even instructed a co-worker to clock me out. It is not unheard of.

As a former supervisor for a large corporation, I am aware of the laws of 'playing the clock'. It is a firing offense period. It is easy enough to do and it is a big 'no no' with companies. Anyone willing to punch their card or enter thier ID into the is able to clock in or clock out anyone they wish. JMO

Just for the sake of argument or more appropriately perhaps, lets assume I needed to sneak out of work early. It would be smart of me to make myself visible to as many people and every camera I could. If I were to omit any in my nefarious attempt to sneak away, it would be the camera at the time clock.

My question is if, as I believe, Ron played that time clock that night, who clocked him out or did he sneak back in and do it himself? JMO

Whoever did the deed for Ron (if that is what happened) had little regard for their job and probably was caught and fired shortly after when LE started asking the company for records and time cards. Just saying. IMO
I had not heard a word about video of Ron munching on a lunchable or whatever he carried to work being on video until I read this.

I find it very interesting that there is alledged video of Ronald eating lunch but the camera that covered the time clock was diverted so that it didn't get images of those using that clock.

I have eaten lunch many times and left work without clocking out. Many times I remembered I hadn't and called back or even instructed a co-worker to clock me out. It is not unheard of.

As a former supervisor for a large corporation, I am aware of the laws of 'playing the clock'. It is a firing offense period. It is easy enough to do and it is a big 'no no' with companies. Anyone willing to punch their card or enter thier ID into the is able to clock in or clock out anyone they wish. JMO

Just for the sake of argument or more appropriately perhaps, lets assume I needed to sneak out of work early. It would be smart of me to make myself visible to as many people and every camera I could. If I were to omit any in my nefarious attempt to sneak away, it would be the camera at the time clock.

My question is if, as I believe, Ron played that time clock that night, who clocked him out or did he sneak back in and do it himself? JMO

Whoever did the deed for Ron (if that is what happened) had little regard for their job and probably was caught and fired shortly after when LE started asking the company for records and time cards. Just saying. IMO

I have said this before and I will say it again: I saw Ronald Cummings' attorney on NG one evening and NG asked him (paraphrasing), "Is there confirmation of Ron being at the job site his entire shift?" Shoemaker responded that yes, Ron was accounted for during his work shift but no, not every minute of every hour of his entire shift. He then tried to clarify that Ron had been confirmed as being at work at times throughout his shift (times that co-workers confirmed having seen him) but that there were times when he was not confirmed as being there (times that co-workers could not confirm having seen him)...but NG cut him off before he could really explain.

I do not remember when that show aired and I have no link to the transcript. But I heard it from Shoemaker's mouth and I saw him say the words.

I believe RC was probably at work but just want to point out that unless he either appears on camera or was in the company of another employee every minute of every hour...there is no way for anyone to say for certain that he was there for his entire shift, plus overtime if any.

Again, I'm not saying he was not there...only trying to point out that this is another thing that has been accepted by some as fact with absolutely no proof that it is actually fact.
I have said this before and I will say it again: I saw Ronald Cummings' attorney on NG one evening and NG asked him (paraphrasing), "Is there confirmation of Ron being at the job site his entire shift?" Shoemaker responded that yes, Ron was accounted for during his work shift but no, not every minute of every hour of his entire shift. He then tried to clarify that Ron had been confirmed as being at work at times throughout his shift (times that co-workers confirmed having seen him) but that there were times when he was not confirmed as being there (times that co-workers could not confirm having seen him)...but NG cut him off before he could really explain.

I do not remember when that show aired and I have no link to the transcript. But I heard it from Shoemaker's mouth and I saw him say the words.

I believe RC was probably at work but just want to point out that unless he either appears on camera or was in the company of another employee every minute of every hour...there is no way for anyone to say for certain that he was there for his entire shift, plus overtime if any.

Again, I'm not saying he was not there...only trying to point out that this is another thing that has been accepted by some as fact with absolutely no proof that it is actually fact.

Ron was working that night in the "back 40" a dark, isolated area at the back of the plant. He was working as a "Picker", someone who picks up material at a laydown area and moves it to a staging area. This area does not have surveilance cameras and at night no one usually would go back there except for the "picker". Ronald could have easily left the plant for a while and no one would be the wiser. People in Ron's job did not have a structured lunch break. Also, shen Ron's attorney was discussing Ron's hours he stated that Ron arrives early for work. He DID NOT say that Ron arrived early for work that Monday night. He was playing with word tense and purposefully avoided using "Arrived". Ron was seen eating his lunch and at random times (when? we don't know) on security cameras. There is a camera at the guardgate upon entering and leaving and of course we have learned of the cockeyed camera at the time clock (yes, a punch clock that was being used at that time, the hand scan timeclock was installed after Haleigh disappeared). Ron's attorney stated that "hand scans are used for personnel to clock in" only he did not mention that the hand scan equipment was installed after Haleigh's disappearance and was not there the night that she disappeared. Again, he was playing with words, purposefully. If he is ever called out on this, he will merely say that he did not say that this actually happened on that night, on that shift and he would be totally accurate. That is how word games are played by attorneys. There are witnesses who have given statements that Ronald Cummings was not at work that evening at around 6 PM. These men have no reason to lie. Ronald does have a reason.
Ron was working that night in the "back 40" a dark, isolated area at the back of the plant. He was working as a "Picker", someone who picks up material at a laydown area and moves it to a staging area. This area does not have surveilance cameras and at night no one usually would go back there except for the "picker". Ronald could have easily left the plant for a while and no one would be the wiser. People in Ron's job did not have a structured lunch break. Also, shen Ron's attorney was discussing Ron's hours he stated that Ron arrives early for work. He DID NOT say that Ron arrived early for work that Monday night. He was playing with word tense and purposefully avoided using "Arrived". Ron was seen eating his lunch and at random times (when? we don't know) on security cameras. There is a camera at the guardgate upon entering and leaving and of course we have learned of the cockeyed camera at the time clock (yes, a punch clock that was being used at that time, the hand scan timeclock was installed after Haleigh disappeared). Ron's attorney stated that "hand scans are used for personnel to clock in" only he did not mention that the hand scan equipment was installed after Haleigh's disappearance and was not there the night that she disappeared. Again, he was playing with words, purposefully. If he is ever called out on this, he will merely say that he did not say that this actually happened on that night, on that shift and he would be totally accurate. That is how word games are played by attorneys. There are witnesses who have given statements that Ronald Cummings was not at work that evening at around 6 PM. These men have no reason to lie. Ronald does have a reason.
He also used word games when he said, (paraphrased), 'We still have people putting Ron at the bus stop'. I assumed the people were RC, Misty, CC, and TN. They ARE people, and they are putting him at the bus stop, so....but, his statement kind of left the impression that there were credible witnesses saying it. MOO
About that b us. What I never heard was that Haleigh was actually on it. If she got off of it did something happen before they even got any further? Who outside of the family saw her and I just do not believe, given he had never ever surfaced - and what would he have to hide by not coming forward? Who apart from family on one side or another ever said they saw Haleigh? Did Haleigh actually disapear earlier? Not sure what Junior might have said but it is easy to plant things in the mind of a child?

Ron being at work and his subsequent behaviour actually does not tie up with the loss of his child. If Haleigh was safe somewhere - maybe she was hurt and they did remove her but to cover up some injury that would have got Junior taken into care? An outside chance that the van was used to transport a live Haleigh to an unknown destination ? Alabama - who did they know there and where did Haleigh's Grandma get that from?

This is a bit disjointed, but last night I went through all the youtube I could find on Haleigh and have followed the case a lot. These are my unravelling thoughts and just my opinion.

Having seen the pictures Chelsea Croslin produced of Ron after Haleigh went missing I am not convinced he is innocent. A man whose daughter has disapeared does NOT play the fool like that. How did Chelsea get those pictures? I do think she is right that Ron has played Misty for the fool she probably is but at 17 most kids are not able to reason sensibly.

Why were NO charges of child endangerment and no charges of acting unlawfully with Misty ever filed? Even if he married her he still committed the crime before that point so it would still be a crime?

I do think Misty has been played. I still think she was the one who left the door open and probably did it for someone else and probably Ron.

I was also a bit less sure about Crystal Sheffield after watching one of the initial interviews. I actually think that somehow all 3 are involved and that it makes no sense at all for Tommy to be confessing to being present. I actually think they are ALL possibly involved.

Too easy to answer to little junior "Where's Haleigh?" " A black man took her, did you hear how the couch was bouncing." That part I do not believe.

Misty is not innocent IMO but not are Haleigh's Mother and Father. Nor is Tommy IMO.

Misty might be stupid enough to be lying to protect Junior from losing everyone? I do not think she is so in love with Ron any more, but back then she was desperate to have a better life than the one she had and did not see Ron in the same light.

What I have never heard is that HALEIGH was seen at that bus stop. Ron was seen? Misty was seen? Where better to put yourself if you want to give yourself an alibi and why would someone TALK so people can hear about drugs?

The back door was open as if someone inside was allowing something to happen and Ron is not credible to me.

Tommy and Misty have created stories that are clearly untrue. I still never heard if they fingerprinted that bolt. Why NOT fingeprint a bolt?????

Both Tommy and Misty do seem to have a not great but loving disposition towards children. So did something happen to Haleigh that Tommy and Misty are helping cover for because they think that Junior will be removed from his mum and it will be worse for him in care out of a sort of 'looking after a child mentality that does exist?.'

Is Haleigh actually safe but out of state and did Ron have some other hold over both Misty and Tommy - maybe knowledge of another crime?

Why does Haleigh's grandma say she feels there is a connection to Alabama? Why say that? What does she know. You would say that if you knew, or you would say it if you wanted to throw people off the scent?

I think Ron knows the whole story, but IMO he has some hold over Misty and Tommy that makes them lie like crazy. They know but they are scared that Ron can reach them even in prison. I don't think Ron was at work all night or if he was he was there making sure he had an alibi for that time frame. If your daughter is missing you do NOT stop off and buy stuff on the way home, you get there FAST. I read Ron bought beer? If you actually knew already what might have happened you would.

Any idiot coulc figure marrying a woman of any kind just after your daughter goes missing would put a spotlight on you and end up in the papers. Now why would they WANT a spotlight as if to say that Misty is innocent and Ron believes her unless they wanted to throw all off the scent? Then they divorce making more drama which again creates more diversion??? Surely even and idiot would have worked out they would end up with media attention if they married under such circumstances.

Ron became a Nazi in prison. That makes me wonder. Haleigh might have been white and blond, but did she not have some difficulties........? .Might Haleigh not have been seen as the perfect child. I also read somewhere that Ron has been in solitary because the Nazi group itself that he joined began to suspect he was involved in whatever happened to Haleigh. I do not know a lot about Nazi's but in the war did they not exterminate those not perfect in their eyes??? I might be way off track of course, but somehow that all does not tie up for me.

What I also find wierd is that Nazi sympathisers do not usually peddle drugs. So are we back to Ron being an informer for LE on that?

How can a bunch of hill billies with very little education run rings around LE for so long? How can they even play the game behind prison bars?

EVERYONE involved is playing word games and so I think is that lawyer for Ron. Why play word games unless you know your client is guilty?
I agree Shoemaker was playing word games. Attorneys are notorious for that. However, there was no reason for him to imply that there were times during RC's work shift that he could not be accounted for at the work site. It's a no-brainer to assume employees in that kind of work environment are not going to be on camera every minute of their shift. And...since no one at the company was leaking any information, all the more reason to just say yes, he was accounted for or, yes, his alibi was thoroughly checked out..and leave it at that.

I have no reason to believe RC left work that night. But by the same token, I have no reason to believe he did not. I just don't know. WE just don't know. Because we have never seen his time card or any documentation of his hours worked, nor has a company representative come forth to say they can vouch for the fact that he was there his entire shift plus any overtime claimed.

The work hours are are irrelevant in the sense that LE has no clue as to what time Haleigh met her demise. How can one have an airtight alibi for the time of a crime when the authorities do not even know the time of the crime?

The work hours are, to me, no more than just one example of info that was fed to the public without any proof. Same goes for the AC man. Maybe he was there that night, maybe he wasn't there that night. Maybe he saw Haleigh, maybe he didn't. For all we know, he doesn't even know who Haleigh is even if he does exist, and was at Green Lane that evening.

There is way too much info that has not been proven in this case or at least corroborated by a reliable source. I still read this forum often but rarely post anymore because there was so much rumor being taken as fact. The only fact we have is that Haleigh Cummings has disappeared without a trace. We do not know when. And because we do not know when, we cannot know for A FACT where any of the players, friends, relatives, etc., were when the tragedy occurred.

The only ones who know the facts are not talking--not truthfully anyway--because they know they have nothing to gain and much to lose if the truth comes out.
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