Fox Orlando Mobile Web Cam #3

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OMG, we are already on thread #3? We need to form a chapter for addicted webcam viewers and come up with our own 12 step program.
We do, and it's really been only a few handfuls of us.......makes it worse.
ya know what I just realized?

If I were George, I'd be irritable too ... livin in a pink house
I'm addicted to this cam. Shouldn't Casey be coming home soon or did I miss her?


I could have sworn that when Judge Dude said 'you are forbidden any contact with minors' he was talking to Casey...

I think you're right. Anyone under 17. Wouldn't that be a violation of bail????
OMG, we are already on thread #3? We need to form a chapter for addicted webcam viewers and come up with our own 12 step program.
I think we need a 12 CHANNEL program...but first we need 11 more webcams!
I think we need a 12 CHANNEL program...but first we need 11 more webcams!

Hello, My name is tech and I'm a webcam junkie. It's eating my life up. I can no longer clean, cook, pee or sleep because of my addiction to webcams. I'm hurting my family by forcing them to feed themselves and do their own laundry. They've been forced to do the cleaning I am no longer capable of doing because of my addiction....Money is now spent on diapers instead of makeup or computers or phones. I yelll more. I am no longer the sweet kind and caring human being I once was.
I was on a low carb diet but that went out the window with the introduction of the anthony webcam. Now I sit at the computer eating, frenchfries, bagels, potato chips, and for lunch today left over garlic bread.
ugh......I will miss you all.......I am being tugged away......I will be back. Keep the cam manned at all times......I'll cover for you later.
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